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Strategic Command WWII: War in the Pacific - Update v1.01.03

Published on January 14, 2025

We’re excited to share the latest update for Strategic Command WWII: War in the Pacific. This release brings several significant enhancements, including Steam Deck compatibility, making it easier than ever to take your strategic battles on the go. We’ve also improved the Linux experience, ensuring smoother gameplay for all players.

In addition, the game is now localized in Simplified Chinese, opening the battlefield to an even wider audience. Alongside these changes, you’ll find various balancing adjustments and bug fixes to refine and enhance your experience.

Here below the full changelog:


  • Fixed an available resolutions display error in the SETTINGS screen.
  • Fixed an Anti-Aircraft return fire error for campaigns like Iwo Jima that have Anti-Air with zero action points (Tanaka).
  • Fixed a sleep tool CTD when combined with selecting next/previous units (John C).
  • Fixed a unit supply value error for when supply sources are > 12.
  • Fixed a naval zone of control display error (CptOdin).
  • PBEM++ Lobby will have its Tournament button shown in Green when there are turns to be played, and in Red when your opponent must play out their turns first.
  • Improved AI naval combat logic, e.g. improved FLEET and combat movements and the prioritizations of attacks on enemy Carriers where applicable.
  • Optimized the display of the supply values map for improved scrolling speed (TheGameSquid).


  • Airfields can now be set to either a Primary or Secondary supply center.

All Campaigns

  • German translation of British Empire updated (HvS).

1939 Campaign

  • German language victory text corrected (DamagePoint).

1941 Day Of Infamy Campaign

  • Chengdu in China is now an Industrial Center (BigJohn).
  • Some extra fortifications added in China (BigJohn; LongVin).
  • China now starts with a chit invested in Command and Control research (BigJohn).
  • Communist China’s income has been increased (LongVin).
  • China’s starting National Morale values increased (BigJohn).
  • Corrected the spelling of San Francisco (Machiavelli).
  • Tannu Tuva has been added, though providing both it and the USSR are neutral, it will be annexed by the USSR on the 1st November 1944 (Easter80).
  • Mongolia will now start mobilizing at any time once the USSR has joined the Allies.
  • Two Oil Wells moved to California from the map’s eastern edge (Platoonist).
  • Corrected the spelling of Lanzhou in the script texts (Michael Buerger).
  • Corrected the text relating to the cost of DE 815 to deploy Subhas Chandra Bose (General Matty).
  • Chiang Mai is no longer an alternate Thai capital as its being so was preventing Thailand from switching sides without often surrendering (Deez_Noots; Mithrilotter).
  • DE 100 amended so now the fall in US National Morale will be spread over 10 turns rather than all at once.
  • Increased Nanjing’s Corps Build Limit by 1 (Dark Fearless).
  • The Australian Heavy Cruiser Australia now arrives via the Production Queue at the start of February 1942 (Nowhereman).
  • POP UP message added to advise when the British Empire’s convoy via Tibet to China becomes active.
  • AI Research scrpts improved (Mithrilotter).
  • At Intermediate level and above, the US AI may now deploy an HQ and Fighter on Hawaii if Oahu is invaded (Mithrilotter).
  • The Japanese AI may now attempt a sortie into the Bay of Bengal (Mithrilotter).
  • Amended the Japanese Guard script Chinese Garrison - Yichang Defensive Line so it is cancelled if the Axis capture Yichang (David Stoeckl).
  • Increased the chance of the US having an HQ in India from 1st January 1943 if there are troops there but no HQ.
  • Added 2 US AI FLEET scripts to send naval forces to help defend Hawaii and Oahu if the Japanese invade (Mithrilotter).
  • More coordinates added to the Strategy Guide (Moonchild; Majpalmer).
  • If Japan invades Oahu then its ports will now suffer a reduction in strength (Mithrilotter).
  • Corrected the terrain in hex 54,60 (ziploc01).
  • Added back in the US's Tactical and Medium Bomber names (Mithrilotter).
  • Aduk (136,27)is now spelled as Adak. It has also been changed to a sea hex (ATCSMike).
  • Hokkaido is now more rugged (Tendraline; Platoonist).
  • Hex 68,86 and converted to a sea hex
  • Hex 102,92 converted to a land/sea hex (Coaltar).
  • Besieging events added for Majuro in the Marshalls, Port Blair on the Andamans, Makassar, Manado and Ambon in the Dutch East Indies, Pelelieu, San Jose, Hickham airfield in Hawaiion and Kochi in Japan, while Shumushu’s has been removed as it is unnecessary (Livadeia).
  • Axis AI Supply script removed (Livadeia).
  • American Samoa will now also transfer to Japan should the USA withdraw from the war (Tendraline).
  • Dummy DE 390 amended so that the US convoys to Australia or India will flow unless the US convoy is going to China (Livadeia).
  • Bismarck Archipelago text shifted to the east slightly.
  • Japan will now receive 25 National Morale points per turn, rising to +50 from 1943; +75 from 1944; +100 from 1945 for holding each of Hong Kong, Kukum, Midway, Port Moresby, Rangoon and Singapore.
  • The cost for Japan of investing in Production Technology has been reduced from 150 to 125 MPPs per chit.
  • Axis AI Unit scripts tweaked to improve their performance in China and Burma, and one added to assist it in New Guinea (Kurrestan).
  • USA's starting MPPs increased from 60 to 100.
  • Corrected the scripts reducing unit morale for Axis naval units east of Hawaii, and also increased their minimum impact from 15 to 20% (Nginear).
  • Bathurst Island near Darwin in Australia has been redrawn (mdsmall).

1942 Solomons Campaign

  • Enabled reinforcement visibility through the Production tab->Purchase window (OCB).
  • Replaced Coast Watcher Bitmap with Australian infantry.
  • Fixed the US National Anthem (Iron Eagle).

1944 The Marianas Campaign

  • Corrected the spelling of Saipan in the weather layer.

1945 Iwo Jima

  • Fixed the US National Anthem (Iron Eagle).

Update your game today and dive into the improved Strategic Command WWII: War in the Pacific experience.

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