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Patch v1.1 for "Titans of Steel - Warring Suns™" released

Published on November 21, 2003

Titans of Steel: Warring Suns v1.1.0


The patch will break saved battles compatibility. Players will have to finish battles first before installing the patch ! In network games you have to use same versions for host and clients to connect !
(IP port number for v1.1.0 is 42110)

A. Fixes
1. Fixed ambient3 sound file for battle module.
2. Fixed bug after drawn battles.
3. Fixed computer titan picking for random teams.
4. Fixed small bug in healing code during battles.
5. Destroyed plasma guns won't add heat if located in destroyed bodypart.
6. Fixed map background texture problem while loading game with F8.
7. Map selection display will be sorted by difficulty, then name.
8. Fixed timing queue problem when loading an autosave game.
9. Fixed CTD while trying to access deserted titans in reward screen.
10. Fixed skill check display problem while big map window is active.
11. No status info display for unconscious jocks allowed.
12. Fixed mission event bug were move on hex with building would also trigger event with 'trigger on destruction' flag.
13. Fixed mouse pointer problem during automove selection.
14. Fixed called hit range modifier calculation.
15. Fixed various small display bugs.
16. Fixed 'black square' display bug in network games.
17. 'Accept' in HQ modules titan selection will open jock, not titan window.
18. Jocks can't allocate own titan in HQ module.
19. Tweaked formula in factory module which does modify BMT by weight.
20. Factory titan printouts won't produce smileys in forum :-(
21. Text corrections in command center.
22. Fixed small details in various premade maps.

B. Additions/Changes

1. Added small 5 map campaign for real absolute beginners.
2. Added 'pick titan' option in battle module.
3. Added second 'set balance' option screen.
4. Added option to break automove but complete current move with F3.
5. Added visual display for call move/attack buttons as well as F3. Pending actions will cause the buttons to be blue, causing a skillcheck with call move will show yellow button.
6. Shortcut 'x' will also work with open attack window.
7. Game will use IP in clipboard when launched with tos_ws.exe /N. This will support BATTLE HQ.
8. Number of titans requested for random teams set from 1 to random.
9. Improved missile splash hit calculation.
10. Only annihilated titans will be removed from victorious team.
11. Ranks for random teams in netgames won't deviate from setup.
12. Only Half combat XPs for hitting shutdown titans.
13. Prolonged flare duration on successful defensive skill check calculated by skill/10 + max. flare duration/3.
14. Maintenance for unallocated titans reduced by 50%.
15. Improved 'set map option' and 'set team size' handling.
16. Leg mounted weapons have speed/5 penalty while firing on the move.
17. Leg mounted weapons can't fire while titan is in any liquid.
18. Only CBT weapons can fire on the hex the attacker is leaving.
19. Jocks allocated to a titan and left behind during a battle will gain +5 development points in each category.
20. Recycle time for short range missiles and vibra claw reduced by 1 sec.
21. Recycle time for flamer increased by 1 sec.
22. Breaking jump up/down will cause skill check.
23. Wind will modify jump skill checks if wind power is greater than 3.
24. Loosing the link partner will break 'wait on new foe' in attack mode.
25. Added new sound setting with F4 and added test sound for effects.
26. Random jocks with SRMs will improve on indirect fire skill.
27. Added team action mode display with '9' key.
28. Added rare (1%) random jock rank deviation for +-2 ranks.
29. 'F2' will also display info for allied human teams in hotseat games.
30. Clicking on red crosshair during called hits will take you back to unmodified weapon selection. Firing all possible weapons during called hits will take you back to unmodified weapon selection.
31. Destroyed gyro will disable most move options.
32. IP port number is changed from 42118 to 42110.
33. Added range and damage display in HQ module.
34. Added jock printout option in HQ module.
35. Added power unit (PU) display for weapons in factory module.
36. New buttons for squad repair in factory.
37. New weight text format in squad screen.
38. New event in tutorial after destroying the building which will describe the deactivation of the attack mode.

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