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Nuclear War Simulator - Meyer Update Out Now!

Published on January 15, 2025

The Meyer update is out now for Nuclear War Simulator. You can Download the update here.

Last week we revealed the major features in Dev Log #6 The Meyer Update.

With this major update a Campaign mode has been added. These missions introduce new mechanics that increase in complexity – making them a great tutorial for new players.

This update also features a wizard that will help create your own new scenarios.

Updates to the fallout model and improvements to long-term casualty modeling improve the accuracy and realism of the simulation.

We have also improved the presentation of Nuclear War Simulator with new music and better visuals to your attack plans and missile trajectories.

Nuclear War Simulator is also 35% off on the Matrix store. With the new tutorials included in this update, its never been easier to wage atomic warfare.


Build 409
Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- fixed: error when loading non-campaign scenarios

Build 408
Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- fixed: country selection is not saved with the scenario
- much larger area can now be viewed in the high-resolution map mode

Build 407
Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- fixed: unit selection panel being closed when setting targets
- fixed: GPU compatibility warning appearing when nuking areas without any population
- corrected description of MIRV: Single warhead scenario to "75% of all military bases"
- fixed: countries under control not updated when loading a core or user-made scenario
- fixed: alliances not updated on loading a new scenario
- fixed: gravity bombs won't detonate if the max. range value is too small
- The next scenario is selected upon completion

Build 406
Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- switched the mouse button to drag the campaign scenario tree to the right mouse button
- reduced the objective for the "Trident II (D5)" scenario from 5% to 4%
- reduced the objective for the "Minuteman III with MIRVs" scenario from 3% to 2%
- unit selection panel now stays open after clocking the "Target" button
- fixed bug with scenario description going over the right screen edge
- corrected tooltip of the "Save New Scenario Settings" checkbox
- fixed bug leading to warhead placement when hitting LeftCtrl

Build 405
New features and changes:
- campaign mode added to the Load Scenario menu
- added a wizard for new scenario creation
- fatalities from long-term radiation exposure added
- unified exposure duration settings for HYSPLIT and WSEG-10 models
- visualization of trajectories during targeting
- improved visualization of attack plans
- added new background music
- swapped left and right mouse buttons for object selection and map manipulation to be more familiar to strategy games

Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- fallout no longer leaves the atmosphere for big detonations
- fixed wrong color rendering of population and fatalities density on Vulkan
- fixed bug leading to drag selection during map manipulation
- fixed bugs in automated way-point creation for aircraft
- trajectory line width now constant with camera zoom
- added a button to select all units of a country

Build 400
Bug fixes:
- loading and processing HYSPLIT cdump files larges than 2 GB is now possible

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