What?! "Cannot Target Allied Task Force"?

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What?! "Cannot Target Allied Task Force"?

Post by jopower »

I've just finished my 1st game of UV ver 1 (no serial #, bar code # 1_00930_18850_9) as the IJN player vs American AI in Coral Sea and was beat soundly due to the following problem: Whenever I had found the Yanks by air search or extended CAP and tried to send my planes to attack them the following message appeared: "Cannot Target Allied Task Force" (or "Cannot Attack Allied Task Force"). Land or Carrier made no diff. The range varied from 26 down to 4 hexes and contact had been maintained over many continuous turns.

I know I still have several games to go to get the basics down, but that's just plain wrong! My subs did find and attack the Yank TF's, so I am trying.

Secondly, I was a bit surprised there was no Pearl Harbor scenario for the game since UV seems to cover most all but the Aleutians.

Lastly, I'm trying to find the updates to UV 2.4 or 2.5. I did see the info that Ver 1 owners didn't need a SN for the update. I read the update notices on the forum and the Matrix UV page. I was signed in at both places but there are no links to go to or make a download immediately evident. Seemed a pretty odd thing to leave out of the obvious places, yet some of you have found them somewhere. [&:]

Enjoyed UV generally nonetheless. Thanks!
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RE: What?! "Cannot Target Allied Task Force"?

Post by borner »

That has to be a bug, I have never seenthat error before. As for the upgrades, they are on the matrix site, but every time i have used it, I have been requiredf to put in a Serial #.
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RE: What?! "Cannot Target Allied Task Force"?

Post by a1981stingray »

this is the page I went to. it shows all the patches for UV
http://www.matrixgames.com/products/216 ... mmon.Valor

just right mouse click on the Download link for each patch and chose Save Target As... it will show as a zip file saving to your desktop. It never prompted me for a password or serial number. And I have not logged into the forums either - no cookies saved in google chrome.

As far as the CVs not being attacked that is a bug. Have you tried switches sides for that turn and see what settings the Allied player has for the Task Force?
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RE: What?! "Cannot Target Allied Task Force"?

Post by jopower »

Thank you for the right download page! Don't know where I was the 1st attempts (looks different too). Ver 2.5 now acquired OK. I'll get back about the bug if it isn't fixed. Appreciate you getting me outta the Twilight Zone![8D]
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