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Step back to the age of Napoleon and travel in the footsteps of this military genius! Napoleon in Italy is a hex based strategy game that includes both the strategic level of movement and logistics combined with playable tactical battles.
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Joined: Fri Feb 27, 2004 1:06 am

RE: What's new?

Post by jeffreysutro@jeffreysutro.com »

For Liberty has two seven year campaigns, this game has a one year campaign? No doubt it's going to be pretty good, but if you play most battles, FL is a long game. What gives here, you play one year and your done?

For Liberty is an excellent game, one of my favorites. I love the full seven year campaign, but it takes a very long time to play, especially if (like me) you use only tactical battles in order to avoid "unrealistic" outcomes. Even though most games are decided well before the full seven years is up, the full campaigh is still a major undertaking. Therefore it seems to me that the one year full campaign will be about right. I'm also quite excited to have the shorter scenerios available for quick exciting games. They should also be excellent for those who play by e-mail.

That said, it would be nice to have Napoleon's second Italian Campaign included also. Perhaps that can be added as an expansion pack, or some ambitious modder can produce it using the editor (though I'm not sure if the map would be exactly the same).

In any case I'm very much looking forward to getting this game (it's certainly going on my Christmas list).
All My Best,

Jeff Sutro
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