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Post by lancer »

Satisfaction or Why is my CIC so Angry with me?


As you’ve probably figured out by now, Satisfaction is a measure of your CIC’s opinion of your good self.

Lots of different things can influence this. Shown above. What we’ll discuss here are the mechanics behind Satisfaction.

A newly arrived CIC has no particular views on your abilities and ancestry. His Satisfaction level commences at ‘0’, Non Committal.

Things happen. His view changes. His Satisfaction level goes up and down the scale of +5 to -5. It can’t exceed these limits. The higher up the scale into positive territory your CIC’s Satisfaction level rises the better he will perform his duties. There is a chance, each turn, that one of his bonus skills will increase. A CIC pleased with his boss can be expected to do better than one who has a dimmer view of his superior.

Very important to remember that if your CIC’s Satisfaction level drops in negative numbers then bad things happen. Each turn there is the possibility of one of his bonus skills decreasing in value. Getting worse.

When his Satisfaction drops to the bottom of the scale (-5, Contemptful), there is an additional test made to determine whether you CIC tosses his teddy out of the cot and resigns in disgust.

Resigning, if you recall, causes the maximum chaos level possible. In fact your CIC, once he has slammed the door and stomped out, will leave you with a -30% production penalty which will stay in place until you have hired a replacement. Which you can do the next turn but, because of the chaos level, it will be difficult to find a good candidate and you may have to settle for the first available. Come on down, General Wally.

Resignations are to be avoided at all costs. If it has all gone pear shaped with your CIC then you’d be better to fire them (-20% production penalty and a greater chance of a good candidate) than wait for them to resign.

Luckily you have at your disposal various management tools that can turn a cranky CIC’s attitude around. Reprimand him (wave the big stick), Decorate him (dangle the carrot), Promote him or send him on Leave. Whatever options you use it is vital that you keep a close eye on your CIC’s Satisfaction levels.

The Mod will at all times let you know if anything is affecting his Satisfaction and the reasons why.


The above diagram is self explanatory but I’ll highlight a couple of features that aren’t immediately obvious.

Each turn a Universal test is made to determine the effect of your CIC’s Satisfaction levels. If it’s positive then there is a chance (if he passes the test) for an increase of the Relevant bonus skill. Likewise a negative Satisfaction will risk a drop in the Relevant bonus skill.

The ‘Relevant’ bonus skill being the whatever skill is currently in use depending on the CIC’s location. If your CIC is at your SHQ then his Production bonus is ‘in use’. This would be the relevant skill. If he is at a Field HQ then the mod randomly determines whether his Morale or Readiness skill is the relevant one.

The relevant skill will increase or decrease by 1%. No skill can go below 0% or above the rank cap (eg. For a 1-star CIC all bonus skills are capped at 4%). If it turns out that the relevant skill can’t be adjusted due to it already being at its maximum or minimum value then the mod will apply the 1% to the next most relevant bonus skill and so on.


No Universal test is made if your CIC’s Satisfaction level is at ‘0’ (Non Committal).

The Universal test uses as a modifier the level of your CIC’s Satisfaction. So if he had a value of +1 (Happy) or -1 (Reserved) then +1 (the sign is ignored for reasons of programming) gets added to the die roll. If he was +4 (Thrilled) or -4 (Despairing) then +4 gets added to the die roll. Higher up or down the scale they are, the greater the odds of your CIC passing the test and getting a 1% adjustment to the relevant bonus skill.

Finally in the instance a positive Satisfaction level a further modifier is made according to the CIC’s rank. This is done to bring the Satisfaction effects into line with bonus skill advancements. Without the rank modifier players would be able to artificially increase their CIC’s bonus skills via Satisfaction, thus avoiding the increased difficulty in doing so that come with higher ranks.

Final point of note is whenever your CIC’s Satisfaction is at rock bottom (-5) then an additional test is made to determine if he resigns. A 1d100 (one to one hundred) is rolled and if it is less than (or equal to) the current chance of resignation then it’s stern words and slammed doors.

The base chance of resignation starts at 5% ( 1 in 20 chance of occurring ) but increased +5% with every unsuccessful resignation test (eg. Each turn that your CIC’s Satisfaction is at the -5 level). After four turns at -5, Contemptful, your CIC has a chance of resigning of 20% ( 1 in 5 ). The longer he is unhappy the more likely he is to resign.

His resentment towards you accumulates in the same way that Arsenic slowly builds up in your system over time as your, soon to be, ex-wife tries to circumvent divorce proceedings by poisoning you. It builds up and up. The only way to lower it is to send him on leave in which case every turn spent in the flesh pots and gin palaces will lower his resignation chance by -5%.


The following are a couple of screen shots of a CIC at the end of his tether. He is willing to put up with your erratic, muddle-headed ways for a short while but it soon becomes too much for even him - he whom is possessed with the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of Job - to bear. Try and do better next time.



Modding Satisfaction

CIC_factor_resign_base (gamevar #210)
Base value for your CIC resigning on Satisfaction levels of -5. Set at 5%

CIC_factor_resign_increment (gamevar #211)
Base value increments by this amount each turn that your CIC’s Satisfaction level is at -5 and he fails his resignation test. Set at 5%
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Post by lancer »

The Medical System

This encompasses both Injury and Illness. While they occur in different places, they have identical mechanics.

Here, below, is an involved reference diagram that won’t mean much to anyone until they have read the short and pithy saga below.

Injury and Illness represent the risks inherent in any war zone. There are the obvious risks such as being shot through the head which can certainly happen if you put your CIC in harms way. There are also travel risks inherent in moving from one HQ to another. Finally there are political risks that can occur when your CIC suffers a momentary loss of self control while at your SHQ / Capital.

Illness is an all purpose term to cover both infections that your CIC can contract and assorted insidious health problems lurking inside him. Illness can only occur if he is located at your SHQ.

Injuries represent all manner of interesting things that only occur when your CIC is visiting a Field HQ. You can see from the diagram below that the risk of Illness is lower than the risk of Injury. Having your CIC loaf around your SHQ is always going to be a lower risk proposition than sending him off into the field. Note that his injury risk, once at a Field HQ, depends on the Field Policy you have in place. ‘HQ Inspection’ has a base 5% risk. ‘Inspire the Troops’ doubles this to 10%. As a comparison, the chances of developing an illness back at SHQ is only 3%.

Note that these are the base chances. Both Injury and Illness base risks are modified by your CIC’s Age trait. Let’s have a quick look at the extreme cases. A CIC staggering around on his Zimmerframe (Age -2) is going to have an adjusted risk of developing an illness of 3% + 2% (the trait signs are reversed, programming reasons), or a net 5% per turn. Send him out into the field, order him to ‘Inspire the Troops’ and his injury risk jumps to 12% per turn.

Alternatively take a CIC in the prime of his life (Age +2). His illness risk back at SHQ is only 1% per turn (3% - 2%). Negligible. Send him out and about on a troop inspection and he has only an 8% risk (10% - 2%) of injury. All risks are tested by rolling a percentile dice (1 to 100) each turn and it’s bingo if the roll is less than or equal to the risk.

Once again you don’t need to remember any of the details as the mod will keep you informed but you need to have a rough idea of how it works.


The Saga of Patton’s Bedpan

To illustrate how it all works we’ll follow a CIC through an illness. Say hello to George Patton Junior, newly arrived at our SHQ in Boston, our Capital.


There’s not a lot we can say about George at this point as he has just stepped through the door of our SHQ. Except that he didn’t step, he kind of shuffled. In slippers.

George, as we can see under ‘Traits’, is no spring chicken. As has already been explained, the Age and Health traits have a significant effect on all things medical. George, unbeknownst to himself, is destined to fall ill.

How do I know this? Well being old doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to get crook. What’s probably more relevant is that I’ve deliberately tweaked the chance of an illness sky high to facilitate this little epistle into the medical system. Sorry George.


A short while later, week 3, George, defying the rigged medical deck I’ve dealt him, is still, annoyingly, in robust good health. I’ve had a number of discussions with George and as a result certain aspects about him have become apparent (traits are revealed over time) which you can see next to the arrow above. George, I find, is a God fearing man of stout morals who is flabby (Health -1) and old (Age -1). Peering at George on the map I see that he also smokes.

I’ve phoned up the Boston General hospital and reserved a bed in advance for him. He can say as many prayers as he wants but he won’t be able to avoid the looming medical crisis. Fat, old, chain smoking, George is doomed to be carted off to hospital. It is his destiny.

(Having read a bit about Patton I know that in reality he wasn’t as portrayed above. Unfortunately for die hard Patton fans the mod hasn’t read the same book and instead randomly determined George’s traits. The next time Mr Patton reported for duty he would be different again due to the same random methodology. Old Chinese proverb - ‘May you never see the same George twice’.)


Sure enough, one week later, George goes down with Cholera. I was expecting a Heart Attack or worse but, no, George has to slurp up dirty water from puddles in the latrine. Note that just because George has some depressing personal habits and was exposed to the Cholera bug it doesn’t mean he will develop the condition. There is a health check and George, flabby old man that he is, flubbed it. Hello Cholera.

Looking at the report above I note that Cholera is bad news. In the pantheon of possible illnesses and diseases that could have inflicted George, he scored one of the more serious outcomes. That’s what happens if you attempt to get your liquid refreshment from the floor of the latrines.

There is a -10% chance that George will recover. Any recovery is liable to be a slow painful process. Worse, there is a +7% expiry chance. This means that there is a reasonable chance that George will die before his body can fight off the disease.

So the Ambulance arrives at SHQ and carts George off to the Boston General. Which we can see on next turns Weekly Status report.


The mod removes George’s SFT from the map. Bye George. Indisposed as he is at hospital he is unable to influence events. There are no benefits or bonuses that accrue while George is away. Likewise there are no penalties. A neutral state.

Being the Supreme Authority of the land I receive, each turn, a private report from the hospital on George’s progress.


It’s not good. George has a base recovery chance of 20%. Hospitals normally work on a 30% standard recovery rate (per turn) but the Cholera, being nasty, drops this -10% to a base of 20%. If George had arrived in Hospital with a case of something milder, let’s say Malaria, he would have thrashed around in bed with a scary high fever for a week or so but likely recovered soon after as Malaria has a +10% modifier to the base recovery chance (making it 40% per turn).

Personal factors also play a part. George’s overall poor level of health (’that’s padding’, insists George, ‘not fat’) drops his recovery rate by another percent (it is +/- Health) bringing it down to 19%. One chance in five. George isn’t coming home anytime soon.

If at all. Looking at Expiry chances we see that the hospital’s standard fatality rate of 10% has been pumped up to 17% by the effects of the Cholera (+7% Expiry). Lots of people die from Cholera. In fact Cholera is one of the more unpleasant ways to go. You basically sh*t yourself to death. Unless they can rehydrate and pump some electrolytes into your system quickly then you’re in a lot of trouble.

Back to George. Whose lack of exercise and weakness for donuts has increased his expiry rate even higher to 18% (+/- Health).

Luckily the Recovery roll is made first. Only if it fails (which it did) does the mod make the Expiry roll. Which also missed (rolled a 73 on a 1d100 and needed 18 or less for George to croak).

Finally I can see that George has rallied. Marginally. His condition has improved +1% bringing his recovery rate up by a similar amount. The Condition improvement roll is, as mentioned, a ten sided dice roll less five. Provided it is still positive then that’s the amount that George’s condition improves this turn. So we probably rolled a six on the dice, less five, giving a +1% improvement.

Ahhh, but the roll has a couple of modifiers. Age and Health being two. George doesn’t score well here. He would lose -1 for his Health and another -1 for his Age. It’s going to take a while…

There is one further modifier and that is for the medical facility treating George. He isn’t back at SHQ having the sweat mopped off his brow by his worried batman. No, George is in a Hospital. That should count for something. It does. The Boston General (or any Capital city Hospital that your CIC attends) gives a +1 modifier.

It helps but it’s not a lot. Don’t get sick in Boston.

Now I, as the man in charge, have a difficult decision to make. My CIC is filling up bed pans as fast as he can in hospital and in the meantime there is nobody to help me fight the war. I have three options. The first is to do nothing and let nature take it’s course. On current trends there is a roughly equal chance that George will recover or die. Any recovery is likely to be slow. Given that it’s early days in the war perhaps I should just sit it out and wait.

Good plan except for the fact that if George dies from Cholera then I’ll get hit with a -30% penalty to all production due to the level of Chaos that ensues. Youch!

What I could do is bite the bullet and Replace him. This is a more orderly process and I’d suffer only a -10% penalty as the Chaos would be minimised. I’d also have a higher likelihood of getting a better quality CIC as a replacement than if George keeled over on me.


As a small bonus the political cost of Replacing George is half that of Firing him. People understand that George can’t do his job if he has pants full of poo. Note that, like all other variable cost action cards, the cost and the breakdown of such are dynamically updated on the fly whenever something affects them. Which, in George’s case, won’t be much as he is currently indisposed.

So we can hang in there or give George the polite flick. There is a third option. The Swiss.

ATG is set in WW2. Lots of countries going at each other’s throats. The Swiss maintained their neutrality throughout.

The mod will allow you, no matter how heinous you are and no matter what the reputation of your country, to ask the Swiss for a favour, from time to time.


Yes, send George off to an exclusive Swiss Clinic! Surely they know how to fix him.

Off you go George.


It’s worth remembering that the Swiss were happy to help but that it cost me 10 PP for the favour. Next time I request the same favour it will cost 15 PP, an increase of +5 PP per time. While I can afford this at present I need to keep in mind that the Swiss will ratchet up the cost throughout the game. It’s not specific to your CIC. They don’t care who it is I’m sending them as long as they get quid pro quo in return. They are a race of watchmakers and bankers after all.

If George had a condition that was fairly mild, with a low chance of expiring then I’d be hesitant to burn up a favour unnecessarily with the Swiss. I may need them later.

What is an exclusive Swiss Clinic going to do for George?

Well remember how George’s condition improved by a lowly +1%? It was a ten sided dice roll, less five, modified by Georges Health and Age traits. It also had a positive modifier for the level of medical treatment that he was receiving. Boston General gave him a +1 modifier. The fancy Swiss Clinic will give him +10.

In short, the Swiss will ensure that George has the best possible opportunity to improve his condition and pass his recovery roll. They can’t do anything for his expiry chance. If George has gotta go then he’s gotta go. They did promise to bury him for free, though.

Luckily the Recovery roll is made before the Expiry roll.

So what can we expect from George in the clinic? The best roll we could get on a ten sided dice is, unsurprisingly, a ‘10’. Take away the obligatory -5 and we are left with five. Adjust for George’s poor health (-1) and old age (-1) and we are down to +3. But then we factor in all that high quality Swiss care, only available at Clinic’s shrouded in snow, and add +10 to gives us a final improvement to his condition of +13%. Not too shabby. That would make his next turns recovery roll 33% (21% base - 1% health + 13% Clinic).

George, all of a sudden, is looking like he might be back on the job sooner than we expect. Hope they don’t feed him too many chocolates and turn flab into flop.

How did he go?


Well he didn’t die. Nor did he improve. Much. +2%. Pathetic. What the heck has he been doing? Aren’t those kinds of places full of pretty Swiss nurses dedicated to your recovery?

George, it seems, is still busy overflowing bed pans with mucus and faeces.

Our Weekly Status report duly notes the whereabouts of our ailing CIC.


We’ll give it another week. Fingers crossed. Come on George!


Whatever magic the Swiss have it isn’t working on George. He is stubbornly refusing to heal. Or die. I’m seriously contemplating contacting the Clinic and telling them to pass on a message to George, when he has a free moment, informing him that he has been replaced. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

I’ve invested a precious 10 PP to get George to the Clinic. Gritting my teeth I reluctantly decide to give it one more turn.


Lo and behold George makes a miraculous recovery! I bet his nurses have had enough of inspecting his bedpans.

Go George. Time to get back to work.


Here’s the following turns Status report above. Note that George is back at SHQ. Where we can now see him, on the map. Smoking.

Lucky for us George didn’t pick up any special traits. Like weakened health due to past illnesses. There is a standard Universal test made at the time George recovered. As you’d expect it is modified by George’s existing poor health and the severity of the disease (Cholera is considered serious and comes with a +1 modifier). George failed that test so he doesn’t gain a special trait. It’s feasible that if he keeps going in and out of hospital his health will deteriorate.

If we looked at George’s Personnel Dossier (I forgot to take a screen shot) there would be appropriate entries detailing his illness, his transfer to the Swiss clinic and his eventual recovery. Although I suspect that George won’t be telling his kids about the time he almost died from Cholera. Some things are best forgotten.

Modding Medical Matters

CIC_factor_disease_chance (gamevar #153)
Base chance for illness / disease while at SHQ. Set at 3%

CIC_factor_injury_chance (gamevar #154)
Base chance for injury while at a Field HQ. Set at 5%

CIC_factor_recovery_chance (gamevar #155)
Base chance for recovery while at hospital. Set at 30%

CIC_factor_expiry_chance (gamevar #156)
Base chance for expiry while at hospital. Set at 10%

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Post by lancer »

Last but not Least

From here on it’s all common sense and follow your nose. Read the messages and the Action Card texts and you’ll be fine.

A few quick notes.


Send your CIC on leave and various good things will happen, all of which are noted in your Weekly status report. Your CIC’s satisfaction will improve one level per week of leave. His improvement will be capped at his current rank, so a 2 Star CIC will only ever raise his satisfaction to +2 by being on leave. Happiness only goes so far.

Decorations and Reprimands

One being the carrot and the other the stick. How your CIC reacts to both is heavily dependant on his Vanity. The more vain, the more he will appreciate the shiny bling you pin on his chest but also the greater his chance of getting upset if he is reprimanded. Vanity does double duty as your CIC’s ego. Those with a high self-importance don’t take kindly to being pulled into line by the little people.

Medals will grant various benefits but the main reason is to improve your CIC’s satisfaction. There is a limit of five medals you can award him and the cost in PP’s increases with each medal.

Reprimands work a little differently. A successful reprimand will bring your CIC’s satisfaction back to ‘0’, Non-Committal. It is something that you’d consider when he has a negative rating and you don’t want to spend PP’s giving him a medal or waste time sending him on leave. There exists the possibility that a reprimand will go pear shaped and have the opposite effect. In general the more reprimands you dish out the greater the odds of blow back. Vanity be thy name.

Firing your CIC

There is a variable cost to do so reflecting a number of factors, all of which are explained on the relevant Action Card. One that may not be immediately obvious is ‘VP’. Victory points gained or lost during your CIC’s tenure. Firing General Wally who presided over the loss of three key cities isn’t going to cost you much in the way of political skin. Firing Douglas MacArthur who singlehandedly captured half the map will hurt.

The level of chaos that results (drop in your production until you hire a new CIC) from various causes is as follows…
CIC Replaced while in Hospital (Low Chaos, -10% production)
CIC Fired (Medium Chaos. -20% production)
CIC Resigns (High Chaos, -30% production)
CIC MIA (High Chaos, -30% production)
Keeping Track of Events

There are two Action Cards that enable you to keep tabs on your CIC.

‘Personnel Dossier’ gives a detailed breakdown of all key events in your CIC’s life.

‘Past and Present’ allows you to flip through your current and past CIC’s and see an overview of their tenure.

Both cards can be freely accessed at any time and dynamically update to reflect recent events.

The in-game calendar has been changed from monthly turns to weekly to better reflect CIC activity. You will have to stretch your imagination if you play with seasons (’Winter lasted how long?’) but the original monthly turns involved some pretty big leaps of faith regarding time and distance so it should all come out in the wash. The start date is always the 1st January with a randomly, WW2 era, determined year. All events are dated.


Any computer good enough to run ATG will handle the mod with ease as it treads lightly through the winding corridors of memory.

Final Comments

Although there is a lot of detail it isn’t need to know information. The mod does a good job of keeping you on the straight and narrow.

A lot of the time your CIC will unobtrusively just ‘be there’ in the background. You can carry on with your plans for world conquest and figure him out as you go.

Other times he’ll be in your face demanding your attention.

Best way to deal with him is to treat him as a person. People vary from being boring drones all the way up to unpredictable psychopaths.

Figuring out how to get the best out of them is a big part of being a leader.

There’s only one leader in the game.


Have fun and Merry Xmas.

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Post by lancer »

Ready for Download at the ATG Community Website


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Post by lancer »


Uploaded a new version this morning.

No changes to the mod or bug fixes however I previously toggled a few debug screens on to get screenshots for the manual and forgot to disable them before packaging the scenario.

Doesn't affect gameplay but the new version gets rid of the annoying 'debug' screens that pop-up whenever you hire a new CIC (beyond the first).

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Post by Rosseau »

I barely understand the workings of vanilla, but am installing this one now. Thanks!
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Post by budd »

thx, i can just imagine the work that went into this, thank you. downloading.
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Post by Tac2i »

I've noticed when playing this mod that the AI does not build any factories. In the two games I've completed vs 3 AI I've not noticed that they have built any planes either--not a single one. Come to think of it, I'm not sure the AI built any armor other than armored cars. Probably not related to the mod, but the AI doesn't seem to know how to man up his HQs. Often they will have 0 staff and also often are too close to the front line. The AI also does not appear to know how to take down a surrounded city with artillery. I use heavy artillery and strategic bombers to waste the AI cities and the AI, in this mod without any air power and little use of flak, is helpless.

Also noted in the two games I've played that all three AI went to war with me and never vs another AI. It makes of a tough challenge in the first few turns which is probably a good thing given its lack of building any factories or air force.
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Post by Jeffrey H. »

Were your games against the "AI-" option ?
History began July 4th, 1776. Anything before that was a mistake.

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Post by lancer »


I've been using the mod extensively (main reason I made it was for my own use) and I normally play against AI+.

The AI regimes regularly build factories, make extensive use of Flak, Armour and do use some air. They also go to war with me sooner rather than later.

Of course the AI has significant limitations but I can get a tough game out of it by tweaking the settings such as 'costly research', 'no roads', 'one town start', 'stone age'. 'Depleted Resources' really cranks it up (less RAW and OIL on the map).

The mod doesn't have any impact or effect on the ATG AI in any way whatsoever. Nor does it affect the base ATG gameplay.

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Post by Tac2i »

I played using standard AI (not - or +) with the leaders, connected resources and the bean & bullets options selected: two games and no AI factories built at all on a large map, full weather, dry world, map loop, shroud, 4 players.
ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.

Were your games against the "AI-" option ?
Tac2i (formerly webizen)
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Post by henri51 »

ly means of finding out. You can

Nice mod, but a minor quibble:

For the hundredth time on these forums (well, at least for the second or third time...), the expression is not "free reign" but "free rein", as letting your horse run loose before you rein him in. [;)]

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Post by Rosseau »

I reign over my household until my wife reins me in.
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Post by lancer »


I played using standard AI (not - or +) with the leaders, connected resources and the bean & bullets options selected: two games and no AI factories built at all on a large map, full weather, dry world, map loop, shroud, 4 players.

All I can suggest is that there is something else affecting your game. Tangled patch upgrade? Residual bits and pieces left over from another mod?

Neither the Resource or Leader Mod go within cooee of the ATG AI. The Mod's and the AI are strangers who live in the same building. They aren't on speaking terms. Not once have the Mods knocked on the AI's door and asked to borrow a cup of sugar.

Perhaps if the AI was better looking and open to invasions...

I'll have to rein in my comments.


Out of interest I've gone back and looked at save game files for three random, large map, games I've played over the summer break with the 2.10 patch and the mods.

The first had the AI building two factories for everyone that I manage. As it should if it was AI+.

The remaining two had no AI factories at all. Zip. Both these games were played with the 'Depleted resources' option (less RAW and OIL on the map) whereas the first one wasn't.

Perhaps the AI routines aren't optimised for low resource situations?


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Post by Jeffrey H. »


I played using standard AI (not - or +) with the leaders, connected resources and the bean & bullets options selected: two games and no AI factories built at all on a large map, full weather, dry world, map loop, shroud, 4 players.
ORIGINAL: Jeffrey H.

Were your games against the "AI-" option ?

Well that shoots holes in my theory about AI- not making planes, guess I'll hand the reins over to Vic and or Lancer on this one.
History began July 4th, 1776. Anything before that was a mistake.

Ron Swanson
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Post by lancer »


I have to eat some humble pie here. Webizen was indeed correct, the AI is reluctant to build factories with the mod.

While it's true that the mod doesn't influence the AI in anyway it turns out that there are a few obscure settings in the editor that I wasn't aware off.

During the last patch upgrade I must have inadvertently done, or not done, something that toggled them off. Thanks to Vic for his help in resolving this.

Problem sorted, updated versions available on the ATG community website. (Download and install as normal, should overwrite the previous version).

I've tested it with as many different starting options as I could think off and the AI happily does it's best Bob the Builder imitation in all cases.

My days of taking on 3 or 4 AI+'s and beating them are, I suspect, over.

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Post by FirstPappy »

Just thought I'd bump this up so it doesn't get lost next year. Very nice mod.
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Post by lancer »

Hi Pappy,

Thanks for the compliment.

I'll shortly be releasing a new, improved, version of the Resource Mod (which will also, touch wood, be multiplayer.

The Leader mod will have to be put to one side until I see what Vic has done with his new Officers feature that, by all accounts, is due out around Xmas. The existing Leader/Resource combined mod will remain in the file repositry but won't be compatible with the new ATG features that Vic will be releasing.

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Post by Vic »

V2.12 with the first scenario version of the new commanders is scheduled to be posted early next week.

Maybe the mod could still be compatible with a little rewriting and calling the "lancer-mod-commander" the commander in chief or the high commander or something (compared to the normal commanders in v2.12).

In a way i feel a bit bad moving in the same direction as a modder and maybe making a bit of his work (the leader mod) obsolete, but it is something i wanted to add for ATG already for a long time, and also i think it would still be fun to play the leader mod on its own as well.

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Post by Jafele »

ORIGINAL: lancer I'll shortly be releasing a new, improved, version of the Resource Mod (which will also, touch wood, be multiplayer.

Lancer, those are excellent news!!! [&o] You made my day [:D]
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