Elevators in the 1st mission

Star Sentinel Tactics is a turn-based tactical game that puts you in command of a squad of elite United Alliance marines - the Star Sentinels - as they battle to stop a race of bloodthirsty reptilians launching a devastating attack on our Galaxy! Along the way you'll have to use sharp thinking and effective tactics as you encounter giant mechs, rotting zombies, mutants and a host of other foes - all intent on your destruction!
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Elevators in the 1st mission

Post by Eldiora »

I am probably simply stupid and overseeing something. In the first mission I look to be stuck. I have spoken to the Nurse and she told me to destroy a conduit and pick up a Keycard. I killed the Lobserboys, shot the circuit and then got to the lab assisant with the key card.

However now the mission objective told me to go back to the elevators to descend. I placed my whole squad in front of the elevators but they will not open. Is there anything I am missing?

Also right at the beginning i could for the love of god not see any crates with equipment except 1 can in the back which had only 2 guns, is that design?
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RE: Elevators in the 1st mission

Post by PhilSST »

You've actually got bits of the first and second missions in there. The crates in mission 1 are literally right by your team where you start.

I cannot reproduce any problems doing the mission the way you describe, but I have just had an email from someone saying that he too could not finish the mission when he destroyed the circuit before finding the keycard. He said that finding the keycard before destroying the circuit resolved the problem for him, and that would seem to be the best workaround for your situation at the moment. I'm still working on reproducing the problem, but fixing it should be very easy once that is done.

EDIT: Scratch that. I have now found the problem. Expect a fix very shortly.
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RE: Elevators in the 1st mission

Post by PhilSST »

I've already contacted MG to find out what we can do about getting this patched officially, but in the meantime, if this is giving you problems, I've uploaded a patched file to the official site. Be careful, you'll need to install this manually and you'll need to overwrite a file.

http://www.starsentineltactics.com/down ... Fix101.zip

Extract the file from the zip anywhere you like and then copy the file Level2.pak into <your gamefolder>/Levels/   (so if you installed to the default directory it will be something like C:\Matrix Games\Star Sentinel Tactics\Levels\ )
If you're prompted to overwrite the existing file, you put it in the right place, so say yes.

Please let me know if that resolves the problem. I'm sorry, but this won't automatically patch saved games which are past the point, but if you have a saved game just before you found the keycard (even if it's after destroying the circuit box) this should fix it.

EDIT: This fix will work on copies of the game bought anywhere. (Not that we endorse that kind of thing, but it was released on other sites first, so some may not have realized it would be released here later.)
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RE: Elevators in the 1st mission

Post by Eldiora »

Thanks for the information.


I tried the file, the problem still remains that if I shoot the conduit before I get the Keycard the mission wont progress. However for this time I have simply gotten the Keycard first and then the Conduit.

Also is it intended that the G-99 Pistol cost 0 AP when firing in the Snapshot mode? It feels to me a bit overpowered if I pack one of my men with the highest Pistol skill and give all ammo to him. He can easily make mincemeat out of 4-6 enemies per round.
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RE: Elevators in the 1st mission

Post by Terl »

...Also right at the beginning i could for the love of god not see any crates with equipment except 1 can in the back which had only 2 guns, is that design?

I had that issue too. But, after starting it again I see them. I overlooked them the first time as I had a different crate picture in my head. They are right next to you when you start and look more like very low footlockers.
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RE: Elevators in the 1st mission

Post by PhilSST »

I'm sorry the fix didn't work. That fixed the issue for me, but there must be more to it than that. I'll have to play through that level some more to see if I can reproduce the problem you're still getting. Sorry about that.
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RE: Elevators in the 1st mission

Post by Eldiora »

Its fine, maybe a little hint about this in the mission description wouldnt hurt. Sometimes I seem to not be able to find the right trigger but after some while of trying I can figure it out.

For example in the 3rd mission when I took the elevator down. The Doctor told me to look for the Energy Cells in the South West lab, i ran around all the labs 5 times until I moved out 1 of my men into the normal corridor towards the elevator that triggered the next event :)

All in all I am really enjoying this game so far, reminds me alot of UFO Terror from the Deep which i still regard as one of the best squad tactic games of its genre.
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RE: Elevators in the 1st mission

Post by mishamoose »

I cannot for the life of me find the key card. Perhaps I am just blind but after getting the cut scene at the elevator I have been over every inch of the first level looking for things I can us .. have checked ll the bodies multiple times and NOTHING. This has the potential to be a great game but if there are going to these kinds of puzzles and so little tactical activity I am very disappointed.

Also where is the editor?

Some hints would be wonderful.

I really wan to like this game but I am VERY frustrated

--- Edit OK did a complete restart I manage to stumble my way through into the next level. Now not so frustrated.
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