1.12 "Three Bridges" (WP versus the AI)

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RE: 1.12 "Three Bridges" (WP versus the AI)

Post by themattcurtis »

Those Challengers are back in sight!

They're pushing SE of the woods occupied by 2nd battalion's frontline troops. I anticipated as much, and I've taken a gamble by ordering my T-72 battalion to transfer to the southern bridge (using my own internal N-S roads). I just don't think I have enough in place to stop the Brits with what I have down there. My AT reserve nails a couple of the ATGM platforms supporting the enemy armor, but now IT's ducking for cover as the tanks respond. No one's died yet, but that will change soon.

Just after the turn starts up, I see my Fencers wallop a stretch of woods 500m away from where I called down the airstrike (you gotta love the discretionary thing), and no fewer than four APCs and engineering vehicles are reported as going up in balls of flame. Hurray for the successful application of airpower!

But that's where the good news ends, because I have made a HUGE mistake in transferring my tanks.

I tweaked everyone's waypoints so that I could avoid traffic jams, and the armor indeed rolls out of its positions beautifully, but the other side has eyes on me and over the next 30 minutes sheaths of chemical rounds and improved munitions just f---ing CRUSH my tanks, killing 6 T-72Bs, my HQ BMP-2, and a BTR.

I've never seen the AI shift its attention like that before in Flashpoint Germany, and not only am I awed by my stupidity, I'm equally dumb struck by how quickly things turned around.

And there's the quandry. My kids got dropped off by their mom while I was playing, so I turned off the game without thinking. I don't have a save file that picks up where this left off, and I don't feel honest continuing WITHOUT that development. I was still ahead of the other side by a 1.5 margin, but I think my back was close to broken (defense wise) by those artillery strikes.

So I'm going to leave it here. I hope folks at least enjoyed what I was able to post, and I have to say the patched 1.12 version of FPG is leaps and bounds ahead of the game that first came out. Well done, folks. [:)]

"You men cheer when the battle is successful. When it isn't, you threaten hari-kari. You're acting like hysterical women."

Vice Admiral Ryunosuke Kusaka
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RE: 1.12 "Three Bridges" (WP versus the AI)

Post by z1812 »

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the AAR. I hope you enjoyed the scenario.

Regards John
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