Playing SC17 - some thoughts

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Playing SC17 - some thoughts

Post by a1981stingray »

Playing SC17 on historical settings - both sides as a player - also against the Allied AI
Started IJN on Day 1 and within the first month consolidated everything available and invaded Port Moresby. Done, but at a high cost. But what does that mean latter in the game? IS it worth it? Does the gain in map position outweigh the losses incurred? Ships/Troops/Aircraft. Does the balance of power shift, leaving The Solomon Islands severely weakened and open to easy invasion? Historically, It was the IJ plan but it didn't quite work out the way they had hoped. But what if it did? How would it have played out? Most players I know conceded the game after Port Moresby was lost...

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RE: Playing SC17 - some thoughts

Post by Kingfisher »

within the first month consolidated everything available and invaded Port Moresby. Done, but at a high cost. But what does that mean latter in the game? IS it worth it? Does the gain in map position outweigh the losses incurred?

That depends on what you plan on doing with PM and other forward outposts.

If you consider them as a tripwire to your main line of defense further back, surrounded by mines and garrisoned by a force you deem expendable, then *maybe* you'll dish out a bit more than you get back.

Of course, that depends on whether the allies feel it necessary to recapture these places. The map has plenty of locations where bases can be built, and the Japanese simply do not have the resources to garrison (and maintain) each one in reasonable strength.

If the allies choose a 'bypass and isolate' strategy (like they did with Rabaul) then your efforts will be for naught.

"splendid was their tactic of diving upon our force from the direction of the sun, taking advantage of intermittent clouds"

-Captain Takahisa Amagai, KAGA, June 4th 1942
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