Campaign Log

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Campaign Log

Post by Mark Breed »

Mike West and myself are playing a campaign of For Liberty! He is the British and I am the Rebel. I started initially keeping a log of all of my actions and those of his that I could observe; however, it has rapidly come to my attention that this is taking too much of my valuable time. So instead, I have changed it to a log of the skirmishes, battles and occupations of towns.

I am going to post this log in the hopes that more interest pops up on this board and that maybe the support will materialize for the game in the future. I believe that this is a fun game with a lot of potential provided the game is allowed to mature.

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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 06

Post by Mark Breed »

1775 – 06 – I

British forces under Colonel Prevost capture Portsmouth.
1775 – 06 – II

British forces under Colonel Prevost capture Portland.
1775 – 06 – III

No engagements reported.
1775 – 06 – IV

General Arnold’s command (680 men) engages Indian Chief Blackfish (280 braves) north of Kingston and wins the skirmish; however, no losses were inflicted or received.

Hostiles capture and burn Kingston.
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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 07

Post by Mark Breed »

1775 – 07 – I

General Arnold’s command (680 men) pursues Chief Blackfish (280 braves) and engages in combat again. Another skirmish victory with no casualties inflicted or received.

British forces land at Norfolk capturing the town and marches out toward Yorktown reaching the outskirts.
1775 – 07 – II

Battle of Yorktown – The British commander Norton with 300 cavalry, 1200 regulars, and 6 cannon attack rebel forces under Colonel Smallwood (1000 regulars and 6 cannon). The British suffer losses of 2 cavalry troopers and 10 regulars, while the Rebels lose 143 regulars to include the surrender of one regular regiment. A battle lost by the Americans.

British Colonel Prevost with 300 regulars skirmish with Colonel Elbert’s militia regiment (300 men). British losses equal 6 regulars with American losses of 18 militiamen. The British take Springfield.


Indian Chief Forgeron with 350 braves captures New Brunswick.
1775 – 07 – III

General Ward’s command (1750 regulars and 12 cannon) attacks British forces under the command of British Colonel Prevost (294 regulars) in Springfield. He retakes the city inflicting 61 casualties on the British without any losses to the American forces. He does not pursue.

Indian Chief Forgeron with 280 braves burns New Brunswick.

Indian Chief Pacane with 140 braves bypasses Colonel Davidson’s militia regiment (300 men) and captures Augusta.
1775 – 07 – IV

Colonel Huntington’s regiment of regulars (500 men) retakes New Brunswick and pursues Indian Chief Forgeron’s 280 braves engaging them east of Trenton. Chief Forgeron force suffers 10 casualties to Colonel Huntington’s 12 men. The skirmish is a draw.

Colonel Smith’s command retakes Portland.

Colonel H. Lee’s dragoon regiment (500 men) conducts a follow-up attack on Indian Chief Fergeron’s 270 braves killing 7 and loses of 6 dragoons. Colonel Lee wins the skirmish.

Colonel Davidson’s militia regiment (300 men) counter-marches and attacks Indian Chief Pacane’s 140 braves in Augusta retaking the town. Chief Pacane lost 3 braves. Chief Pacane’s 137 remaining braves flee across the Savannah River northeast of Augusta.

Indian Chief Blackfish with 280 braves attacks Hartford defended by Colonel Clarke’s militia regiment of 300 men. Chief Blackfish loses 10 braves versus Clarke losing 12 men. The skirmish is a draw.

Indian Chief Cornplanter with 280 braves attacks Beaufort defended by Colonel Marion’s regiment of 300 regulars. Chief Cornplanter loses 15 braves versus Marion’s loss of 9 men. The skirmish is an American victory.

The British Commander Norton’s force (298 cavalry, 1190 regulars, and 6 cannon) captures Richmond.
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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 08 Week 1

Post by Mark Breed »

Colonel Elbert’s militia regiment (300 men) launches a counter-attack on Indian Chief Blackfish’s force (270 braves) from just north of Hartford. Col. Clarke's militia regiment (288 men) joins in the attack from Hartford. Chief Blackfish loses 17 braves versus Colonel Clarke's loss of 6 men. The skirmish results in an American victory.

Colonel Williams’ militia regiment (300 men) launches an attack on Indian Chief Cornstalk’s 280 braves outside of Lancaster. Chief Cornstalk’s braves evade the militiamen retiring to the southeast.

British Colonel Erskine, commanding cavalry detached from Colonel Norton’s command, takes Fredericksburg.
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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 08 Week 2

Post by Mark Breed »

Colonel Gansevoort’s militia regiment (300 men) retakes Kingston chasing the Tory administrators out of town.

Colonel Douglas’ militia regiment (300 men) attacks Indian Chief Forgeron’s force (263 braves) from the rear on the eastern shores of the Delaware River southeast of Philadelphia. Colonel Lee’s dragoon regiment (494 men) joins in with a charge on the hostiles’ front. Chief Forgeron loses 9 braves with Colonel Douglas suffering a loss of 3 militiamen. The Americans are victorious in their skirmish and rout the hostiles.

British Colonel Norton’s force of 1190 regulars and 6 cannon attacks Brigadier Smallwood’s force of 464 regulars and 6 cannons west of Richmond. Brigadier Smallwood’s force is routed with 201 casualties and 2 cannons lost. The balance of the American infantry never rallies. British Colonel Norton loses 10 men and 1 cannon. The British win the skirmish.
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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 08 Week 3

Post by Mark Breed »

Colonel Sumner’s militia regiment of 340 men attacks Indian Chief Blackfish’s 260 braves east of Albany. The Americans lose 6 and the Indians lose 7 braves. The Americans win the skirmish.

Colonel Douglas’ militia regiment of 297 men attacks Indian Chief Forgeron’s 254 braves southeast of Philadelphia. The Americans lose 9 and the Indians lose 11 braves. The Americans win the skirmish.

Colonel Williamson’s militia regiment of 300 men attacks the combined Indian force under Chief Forgeron (243 braves) and Chief Cornstalk (280 braves) south of Philadelphia. The Americans lose 4 and the Indians lose 11 (5 and 6 respectively) The Americans win the skirmish.

Later, Indian Chief Forgeron captures Dover.

Unknown British force captures Newport.

Unknown Indian force captures Beaufort.

British Colonel Erskine’s cavalry regiment (298 men), with bugles blaring, charges into Annapolis attacking Colonel Pickens’ militia regiment (300 men) and takes the town. The British lose 5 troopers and the Americans lose 35 men.

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RE: Campaign Log - 1775 Month 08 Week 3

Post by kool_kat »

British Dispatch from the Rebel Colonies

1775 August Week IV

Washington abandons his seige of Boston and retreats south along the coast road. Gage follows up eager to engage and destroy the main rebel army! (Aside - Gage will not be recalled to England this time! [;)] )

I'm going to limit my British Dispatches to observations and musings on our game... so as not to confuse players who are trying to read and follow Mark's excellent campaign log! [&o]
Regards, - Mike

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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 08 Week 4

Post by Mark Breed »

Things start poorly for the Americans with four militia regiments disbanding. Two of the regiments were in the process of conducting planned movements that effectively ended their operations.

Colonel Lamb’s militia regiment (300 men) attacks Chief Pacane and his 137 braves in the swamps east of Georgetown. The Americans suffer 2 casualties and inflict 6 on the braves winning the skirmish.

Colonel Davidson’s militia regiment (300 men) attacks the Cherokee Village deep in Georgia defended by Chief Thayendaga and his 284 braves. The Americans capture the village sustaining 13 losses and inflicting 17 on the braves.

Indian Chief Thayendaga with 267 braves attempts to recapture the Cherokee Village by attacking Colonel Davidson’s militia regiment (287 men). Chief Thayendaga loses 6 braves versus Colonel Davidson’s loss of 15 men. The skirmish ends in a draw with the militia holding the village.

Indian Chief Cornplanter’s braves burn Beaufort.

British Colonel(?) Turnball marches out from Boston taking Plymouth and rejoins British General Gage’s forces south of Boston in the former American earthworks.

British Colonel Erskine’s cavalry regiment of 293 troopers again attacks Colonel Picken’s militia regiment (265 men); this time in Baltimore. The British take Baltimore inflicting another severe beating on the colonials (29 militiamen lost versus 3 troopers).
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RE: Campaign Log - 1775 Month 08 Week 4

Post by kool_kat »

British Dispatch from the Rebel Colonies

1775 September Week I

So far, the summer of 1775 has shown "favor" upon the British forces in the rebellious colonies. Perhaps, this will be a short lived revolt? [&:]

Interesting side bar: I just learned that General Gage's wife Margaret Kemble Gage was a "well-known beauty" of the Brunswick area and the granddaughter of the New York mayor! Some contemporaries also suspected her of having "sympathies" toward the rebels. Interesting stuff! [X(]

I would have never "looked up" the above information on Gage's wife if I had not been playing For Liberty.
Regards, - Mike

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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 09 Week 1

Post by Mark Breed »

Colonel Davidson’s militia regiment (272 men) burns the Cherokee Village.

Colonel Marion’s militia regiment (291 men) attacks Indian Chief Cornplanter’s braves (265) in Beaufort. The American’s recapture the town with a loss of 4 men, while killing 7 braves.

Colonels Douglas and Williamson (288 and 296 men respectively) attack the combined Indian war parties of Chiefs Forgeron and Cornstalk (398 braves combined). Dover is recaptured by the Americans while suffering 5 losses and killing 10 braves.

Colonel Elbert’s militia regiment (269 men) attacks Indian Chief Blackfish’s 125 braves northeast of Albany. Colonel Elbert loses 6 men, kills 9 braves and disperses the war party.

Colonel Hamilton’s militia regiment (290 men) attacks Norfolk and is surprised to find British Brigadier O’Hara there with 710 Torries. Fortunately, Colonel Hamilton’s bravery and daring was able to prevent a disaster. The skirmish was a draw with the British losing 8 men to the American loss of 18.

British Brigadier O’Hara’s brigade (702 men) launches a counter-attack on Colonel Hamilton’s militia regiment (272 men) south of Norfolk defeating them. The British lose 10 men and the Americans lose 16.

British Colonel Prevost conducts an amphibious operation in Connecticut capturing New Haven.

Indian Chief White Eyes (280 braves) infiltrates into Trenton and burns it.

Total American losses = 6 cav / 1234 inf / 2 arty versus total British losses = 10 cav / 611 inf / 1 arty.

Note: I know that I am now double posting Mike's info, but I want to keep the turn record complete. If anyone finds these posts interesting, it would be nice to hear from you as we are trying to drum up more support for this game. I will try to post a consolidated list of American towns occupied in the near future.

Long live the rebellion!

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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 09 Week 2

Post by Mark Breed »

Colonel Gist’s militia regiment (300 men) attacks Chief White Eyes’ braves (280) in Trenton and drives them out inflicting 16 casualties while suffering 7.

British Colonel Rawdon with a brigade of Tories (730 men) attacks Colonel Marion’s militia regiment (287 men) defending Beaufort. Colonel Marion executes a brilliant defense fighting the superior forces to a draw losing 13 militiamen while inflicting 15 Tory casualties.


Colonel Marion’s 274 militiamen then have to deal with an Indian assault on their flank. Chief Cornplanter with 258 braves attacks Beaufort. Colonel Marion’s regiment wins the skirmish inflicting 8 casualties on the Indian braves while suffering an additional 7 losses.

Indian Chief Cornstalk’s war party, combined with Chief Forgeron’s (388 braves) turn and attack Colonel Williamson’s pursuing regiment (284 militiamen) south of Dover. Colonel Williamson’s men suffer 12 casualties and only inflict 6 losses on the braves, but they win the skirmish.

Brigadier O’Hara’s brigade (692 men) pursues the withdrawing militia regiment (256 men) commanded by Colonel Hamilton to Edenton and engages them there. The militiamen lose another 20 casualties, while the British only suffer 4. The Americans are kicked out of Edenton.

General Washington, after having been lulled into complacency by the British inaction, detaches a significant portion of his army to secure his rear. However, this appears to have played right into General Gage’s plan. The British rapidly move the short distance to Providence and attack. The American army consists of 5,682 regulars and riflemen, as well as 36 cannon. The British army has 6,815 well-trained regulars, grenadiers, and riflemen, as well as 58 cannon. The losses are heavy for the Americans: 738 casualties and the loss of 3 heavy cannon. While the British come off with relatively light losses: 285 men. The Americans withdraw to the south of Providence.

British General Gage, however, is not done with the Americans. He launches another attack the next day. His 6,815 regulars, grenadiers, and riflemen with 52 cannon attack General Washington’s 5,682 regulars and riflemen with 33 cannon. The Americans are beat up again. This time the losses are 569 men and 2 heavy cannon versus the British 229 casualties. The Americans withdraw again.
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RE: Campaign Log - 1775 Month 09 Week 2

Post by kool_kat »

British Dispatch from the Rebel Colonies

1775 September Week II

General Gage achieves a significant victory over Washington's forces! [:)]

If the British can continue to hunt down, engage, and defeat the rebel's main field army... this "revolution" will be short lived!

Our Indian allies harrass and keep many rebel units occupied with hunting them down, instead of training and engaging the British "professional" army.

And our loyal Tory forces play a valuable role in this conflict too!

Regards, - Mike

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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 09 Week 2

Post by Mark Breed »

As of Week 2, Month 9, Year 1775, the British occupy 13 colonial towns and cities:
Savannah (a Tory stronghold)
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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 09 Week 3

Post by Mark Breed »

1775 – 09 – III

Colonel Williamson’s militia regiment (284 men) skirmishing with the combined war parties of Chief Cornstalk and Chief Forgeron (372 braves) south of Dover. The Americans defeat the Indians inflicting 10 casualties; however, due to the large size of the Indian forces, the Americans suffer 20 casualties.

British General Gage occupies Norwich.

British Colonel Prevost’s brigade of 1053 regulars and 233 riflemen attacks General Sullivan’s force defending New York (500 regulars and 6 cannon). Colonel Prevost takes the city inflicting a loss of 6 men and 2 cannon, while sustaining 7 casualties of his own.

British Colonel Rawdon with a brigade of Tories (715 men) combines forces with Indian Chief Cornplanter’s war party of 250 braves and attacks Colonel Marion’s militia regiment (242 men) defending Beaufort. Colonel Marion’s force outnumbered and exhausted from several days of fighting is expelled from Beaufort with 25 casualties. The British lose 7 men and 3 braves.

British Colonel Rawdon’s brigade (708 men) pursue the Americans under Colonel Marion (242 men) inflicting an additional 18 men lost to only 1 Tory.

British Colonel Erskine’s cavalry regiment (290) attacks York, which is garrisoned by Colonel Williams’ regiment with 290 militiamen and Colonel Picken’s exhausted regiment of 236 militiamen. The British take York with just the loss of 2 troopers and inflict 18 losses on the Americans.

British Colonel Erskine’s cavalry regiment (288) pursue the retreating Americans (508 militia) and dispatch 18 more militiamen; however, this time the troopers have 14 fallen in the skirmish. The Americans withdraw into Lancaster.


British Colonel Erskine smells blood and continues his pursuit toward Lancaster. This time his regiment (274) is surprised to find American dragoons (472) commanded by Colonel Henry Lee opposing it in addition to the exhausted militiamen. The British are stopped with the loss of 23 troopers to the American loss of 22 dragoons.

British Brigadier O’Hara with 342 regulars attacks Colonel Hamilton’s militia regiment (236) in the swamps south of Edenton. The British sustain 6 casualties driving the Americans, who lose 11, further south of Edenton.

All in all, a very bad week for the Americans with a series of defeats and four more cities lost to the British.
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RE: Campaign Log - 1775 Month 09 Week 3

Post by kool_kat »

British Dispatch from the Rebel Colonies

1775 September Week IV

The IV week in September 1775 was a quiet time for the British. The steady rains washed out the main roads throughout the colonies, making army movement difficult and combat impossible. General Gage spent the time plotting a new offense while dreaming of the pleasures of social balls and the company of his wife, who he left in Boston. [8D]

Once the weather breaks, the British are ready and eager to resume their hunt for the rebel colonists!

Long live the king!
Regards, - Mike

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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 09 Week 4

Post by Mark Breed »

One engagement to report: Colonel H. Lee's dragoons (472) attack British Colonel Erskine's cavalry (251) southwest of Lancaster. The result was a draw with 16 American casualties and only 7 British.
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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 10 Week 1

Post by Mark Breed »

British Colonel Erskine's cavalry withdraws from York after observing two American dragoon regiments appear on the outskirts; one to the northwest and the other on the northeast of York.

The Connecticut River continues to divide to the two main opposing armies: General Washington's on the southwest bank and General Gage's on the northeast bank.

British forces are reported as advancing on Springfield, Massachusetts.

The British appear to have reinforced their units holding New York. So, the Americans station forces to contain the threat that the British are posing there.
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RE: Campaign Log - 1775 Month 10 Week 1

Post by kool_kat »

British Dispatch from the Rebel Colonies

1775 October Week II

General Gage, despite the steady rain and horrid weather conditions... forces a crossing of the swollen Connecticut River and attacks Washington on the southwest bank. After a furious battle... with both sides losing roughly the same number of troops... Gage is victorious and gains a foothold on the far bank!

The British conquest of the rebellious colonies continues!
Regards, - Mike

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Campaign Log - 1775 Month 10 Week 2

Post by Mark Breed »

Brigadier Warner (500 militiamen with 24 heavy cannon) lays siege to Fort Oswego and, then, with the support of General Arnold’s riflemen (1000) assaults. The British garrison of 500 Tories and 156 braves fight valiantly, but is overwhelmed losing 59 Tories and 51 braves. The Tory regiment surrenders and the braves disperse into the woods. The Americans lose 54 militiamen, 70 riflemen, and 2 heavy cannon taking the fort.

Colonel Tallmadge’s dragoons retake York.

As the British have reported, British General Gage with 6586 men and 64 cannon assaulted General Washington’s 6069 men and 43 cannon across the Connecticut River. After many hours of back and forth fighting, General Gage secured the battlefield with a loss of 686 men and 3 cannon versus the American loss of 687 men and 4 cannon.


British Brigadier Haldiman with 1560 Tories attacks Springfield defended by Colonel Elbert’s 1026 militiamen. The Americans lose Springfield with a loss of 52 militiamen and inflict only 18 casualties on the British.

British forces, under Maitland, captures Portland.
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RE: Campaign Log - 1775 Month 10 Week 2

Post by sapper32 »

Enjoying the read guys keep up the good work and god save the King[:D]
The battle of Medjerda is almost forgotten,but was fought against highly disciplined German troops and blasted a route straight to Tunis it was a perfect infiltration battle and should be remembered as the best fought British battle of the war.
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