Two Weeks In Normandy

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Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Two Weeks In Normandy

Thought I would try a game I’ve never played before and write an AAR in the process. Didn’t have to look too far to find Brett Turner’s scenario Two Weeks In Normandy. Brett is widely acknowledged as a premier designer and I fully expect that this scenario will prove to be as challenging as it is enjoyable. For this game I am playing the Allied force.

Allied objectives are straight forward. There are four major Allied objectives (Cherbourg, St. Lo, Torigni, and Bourguebus Ridge) and three major Axis objectives (Carentan, Foret de Cerisy and Pegasus Bridge). Sprinkled around the countryside are a bounty of low value objectives. The seven main objectives are shown on the screen shot.

The Allied player gets +30 VPs for controlling each of the following locations:
Cherbourg (hex 18,4)
St. Lo (hex 45,44)
Torigni (hex 49,49)
Bourguebus Ridge (within two hexes of 81,46)

The German player gets +30 VPs for controlling each of the following locations:

Carentan (hex 36,30)
Foret de Cerisy (hex 55,38)
Pegasus Bridge (hex 83,35)

Six additional objectives, shown as pentagons, provide a boost in Allied supply when captured. Most of them are located on route to the major objectives.

My personal measure of scenario complexity is dependent on the total number of formations/units and theater options available to the players. For this scenario complexity is:

Allies start with: 49 Formations/146 Units
Maximum Allied deployments: 99 Formations/404 Units

Axis starts with: 33 Formations/172 Units
Maximum Axis deployments: 81 Formations/349 Units

There are no player-controlled events/theater options

In addition to graphical changes, I have made a few functional changes to suit my preferences. Significant changes for version RBv01 include:

1. Company units (plus the few Section units) made indivisible.
2. Active Disengagement turned OFF, compensated by increasing ZOC costs
3. Event changes:
3.1. Add event 139, Allied Rail Destruction 5%
3.2. Add event 140, Axis Rail Destruction 20% on turn 3
3.3. Add event 141, Allied ZOC Cost 200 on turn 1
3.4. Add event 142, Allied ZOC Cost 150 on turn 2
3.5. Add event 143, Axis ZOC Cost 150 on turn 1
4. Global settings changed from default to:
4.1. Max Rounds Per Battle – 4
4.2. Supply Cost of Movement – 50
4.3. Readiness Cost of Movement - 50

The initial Allied positions are shown in the overview screen shot. This includes the primary objectives and Allied supply depots. All screen shots were made prior to Turn 01 movement.

The two large maps show unit positions on the morning of D-Day with detail of Allied divisional units deployed.
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T00 - Utah Omaha.jpg
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T00 - Gold Juno Sword.jpg
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 1 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 1 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Screen shots used in this AAR will show unit positions at the conclusion of the Axis player’s turn but prior to the Allied player’s next turn. This will result in some Allied reinforcements seemingly to appear one turn early. These reinforcements will be available to the Allied player on the following turn.

Allied Victory Level, -129 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Defeat

Utah Beach: 4th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
4th Infantry quickly eliminates the fortified beach defenses and moves inland, connecting with both 82nd and 101st Airborne.
The 82nd is partially reorganizing. Division HQ tries to rally dispersed battalions to form a westward facing defense in the hedgerows. They are opposed by the German 91st Infantry Division.
The 101st moves south toward their objective of Carentan and immediately run into the German paratroopers of the 6 FJ Regiment. The plan is to consolidate the 101st with units landed to the north and disembarked reinforcements, before assaulting the objective.
Reinforcements for the 4th and 101st arrive for deployment next turn.

Omaha Beach: 1st Inf Div, 29th Inf Div
1st and 29th Infantry Divisions of V Corps overcome beach fortifications manned by the German 352nd Infantry Division and move inland. Two battalions move west along the coast to relieve Rangers who assaulted Pointe du Hoc. Initial resistance is light but additional infantry companies and battalions are observed in defensive positions behind the beach.
Reinforcements for 1st and 29th Infantry Divisions and V Corps attachments disembark and will be put into action next turn.

Gold Beach: XXX Corps, 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 8th Armored Bde
Elements of XXX Corps, 50th Infantry Division, 5th Infantry Brigade and 8th Armored Brigade overrun beach fortifications and make substantial gains moving inland. This force intends to move south and then follow the R/R line into Caen.
XXX Corps commando battalions landed parceled out along Gold, Juno and Sword beaches. Corps plans to consolidate commando battalions in the area of Juno Beach and move inland from there. They are not designed as regular infantry battalions and useful primarily as support units.

XXX Corps and 50th division units arrive on the beach, ready for deployment.

Juno Beach: I Corps, 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 4th Special Service Bde (Commando)
Canadians and special forces land, and assault beach fortifications. The 3rd Canadians are able to reduce most beach fortifications, but the defenders in the Douvres fortification dig in and refuse to retreat.
Special forces secure entry ports and supply points.
3rd Infantry Divisions reinforcements arrive ready to engage in combat operations.

Sword Beach: I Corps, 3rd Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando)
I Corps support units, 3rd Infantry Division, 27th Armored Brigade and 1st Special Service Brigade assault and quickly overrun beach fortifications. Their initial advance takes them all the way to Pegasus Bridge where they link up with the 6th Airborne Division. After link up the enemy moves 21 Pz division units to confront the Brits, blocking the route to Caen.
6th Airborne hits their drop zone to the east of Pegasus Bridge and immediately captures the bridge intact. When contact is made with 3rd division the critical supply route is established. Germans respond to the paratroops and move in troops to the north, east and south of 6th AB. The defense includes elements of 21 Pz.

I Corps and 3rd Infantry Division reinforcements arrive. They will move to support the assault of Caen.

TAC Air Units. All TAC squadrons are set to support combat operations. They’ll continue support until all beaches are secure before switching to interdiction.
Heavy Bombers. Drop two R/R bridges in the southeast near Bourguebus Ridge. The strike is intended to disrupt German supply; however, engineer units are observed on scene to effect repairs.

Substantial German reinforcements seen moving from the Cherbourg area southward. Germans build a substantial defense above Caen.

The reality of impending supply problems is evident on the first turn. One railroad line connects Allied supply points to inland formations. This R/R runs through Caen and puts a premium on clearing roads, capturing bridges intact and clearing Caen of defenders. Engineers should stay out of combat and be available for repair and river crossing operations.
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T01 - Gold Juno Sword.jpg (347.77 KiB) Viewed 923 times
Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Re: Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by Magpius »

Clear and comprehensive.

"I don't believe in reincarnation because I refuse to come back as a bug or as a rabbit".
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Turn 2 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 2 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, -127 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Defeat

Utah Beach: VII Corps, 4th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
4th Division makes an assault to clear the route to Cherbourg and are opposed by elements of the German 91st and 709th Infantry Divisions. Attacks are bloody for both sides but the Ami are able to drive the Germans out of two fortifications and secure additional supply.
82nd Airborne sets up defenses in the hedgerows to defend the beach from elements of the German 91st and assorted infantry units, including some Ost battalions. German attacks are mostly artillery strikes with little effect.
101st Airborne consolidates with units dropped further north and begins the assault on Carentan. German units are defending the Taute River crossings and repel the 101st attacks. Defenders appear to be Fallschirmjäger.
VII Corps HQ and artillery, 90th HQ and infantry, and 4th division armored anti-tank unit arrive on the beach.

Omaha Beach: V Corps, 1st Inf Div, 29th Inf Div
The 29th and 1st charge through the hedgerows with some making it as far as the Aure River. Resistance is light as the defenders appear to be mostly AA units, some of which are subdivided, probably by assault and possibly in reorganization. To the south there appears to be an infantry formation establishing a defensive line.
On the beach V Corps HQ, infantry and artillery land as reinforcements. A bridging battalion missed Omaha and landed instead on Utah Beach. They’ll need a day or two to hook up with V Corps.

Gold Beach: XXX Corps, 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 8th Armored Bde
XXX Corps’ 50th Infantry and armored brigade meet little opposition and rapidly move inland. Their original plan was to move as far as the east-west R/R line (their present location) then march east into Caen. The opportunity is now presented to advance westward and envelope the German units facing Ami’s V Corps and Omaha Beach. This change of plan will also put XXX Corps close to Foret de Cerisy which is a German objective.
In the process of moving, they occupy another location for increasing supply.

Juno Beach: I Corps, 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 4th Special Service Bde (Commando)
Canadian infantry and armor clear the beach obstacles, then advance toward Caen. In the hills in front of them they can see units of Pz 21 and a second Pz division which appears to be SS. The defenders of Caen have the high ground.

Sword Beach: I Corps, 3rd Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando)
On the west side of the Orne River all units from the beach move south toward Caen and engage 21 Pz Division. Pz 21 stops the Brits and counter attacks causing heavy casualties. This road to Caen is blocked.
To the east of the river 6th Airborne holds Pegasus Bridge and establishes a defensive perimeter. They also face elements of 21 Pz for which the lightly armed paratroops are no match. The 6th calls for heavy equipment to match the enemy.
Brits are working on a plan to move along the Dives River left bank, skirt Caen and take the objective Bourguebus Ridge. Except for units of 21 Pz, the enemy in front of 6th Airborne doesn’t look too intimidating.

Over all the Germans seem to be pulling back from Omaha and Gold fronts, setting up line of defense at Caen and responding mostly with artillery attacks.
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 3 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 3 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, -97 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Defeat

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
4th and 90th infantry pound away on German 243rd and 7th Army units but make little headway. Both sides take moderate casualties. Germans respond primarily with artillery attacks.
In the hedgerows the 82nd is in a standoff against the enemy 91st. Neither side is able to gain an advantage. A regiment moves south to secure the Douve River crossing and river crossing to Carentan.
Downstream from Carentan 101st battalions cross the Taute River and assault Carentan defenders from the east side. This maneuver out flanks most of the defenders and enables the 101st to take Carentan. These battalions entrench and look for an opportunity to envelope the German units (identified as 6 FJ) still defending the bridges north of Carentan.
First units of the 9th Infantry Division arrive on Utah beach.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 29th Inf Div
29th division and V Corps support units move to secure the western flank. They make contact with units from the 101st.
Armor and infantry assault across the Aure River and drive back the defenders. Three battalions attack around the German right flank and begin to make an envelopment. XXX Corps infantry and armor make an attack further south which positions them to make an even deeper envelopment.
V Corps armored artillery mistakenly lands on Utah Beach.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 8th Armored Bde
The Corps shifts most of its’ units away from Caen and directs them toward the Foret de Cerisy objective. This has the added benefit of helping V Corps bag German combat units and making the capture of objectives St. Lo and Torigni possible. The 50th engages multiple battalions and inflicts heavy losses. Other units establish a screen extending to the Canadian divisions and manage to catch a 12 Pz mechanized infantry unit attempting to flank the Caen attack force.

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 3rd Inf Div, 4th Special Service Bde (Commando)
3rd Brit and 3rd Canadian divisions attack south and are beaten back by the 21 and 12 Pz. No meaningful progress is made toward Caen. Germans counterattack and inflict more damage on the allied divisions.
Southwest of Caen recon aircraft spot armored units. These are either elements of 12 Pz or possibly a new division. More recon flights are planned.
I Corps support units land on Sword Beach.

I Corps (Pegasus): 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando)
Brits face elements of 21 Pz and an assortment of infantry battalions. The 6th is holding but the long term plan is to skirt Caen and take the Bourguebus Ridge by moving along the Dives River left bank. With German reinforcements deploying next to 21 Pz, reinforcements will be needed before this can be accomplished.
On the north front, weak German defenders are slowly being pushed back. The objective here is the supply resource located at Houlgate.
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T03 - Sword Juno Gold.jpg (396.08 KiB) Viewed 883 times
Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 4 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 4 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, -94 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Defeat

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
4th and 90th continue to struggle in their efforts to break through the German 243rd division. Attacks are costly to the Ami and little ground is captured. For the most part, the 709th entrenched in the hills is ignored while attention is centered on the relatively flat area defended by the 243rd.
82nd holds their blocking position and trade minor actions with the enemy.
The 101st moves a few more battalions into Carentan. The immediate goal is to trap the remaining defenders in the flooded marsh and completely eliminate them.
Most the 9th Infantry Division enters on Utah Beach.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div
1st and 29th division units force a crossing of the Aure River and assault the defenders. German units fall back with some divided into companies. On the west flank, units of the 29th move around the German flank with the goal of enveloping units stationed along the river.
1st division, along with units from XXX Corps 50th division, surround two pockets of defenders. One pocket is totally eliminated while further south a second pocket is surrounded.
Other units of XXX Corps move within a few kilometers of the Foret de Cerisy objective.
Three 2nd Infantry Division regiments along with divisional support units land on Omaha Beach.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde
While most of the Corps is operating with V Corps clearing Omaha Beach, a regimental sized task force is still supporting the assault on Caen. A heavy mobile battalion from 12 Pz has been isolated and destine to be eliminated.
On Gold Beach XXX Corps support units and six battalions of the 7th Armored Division make land.

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando)
Canadians, joined by a mix of British units, attack toward Caen, trade casualties and gain little ground. This has become a battle of attrition which the allies are not winning against the heavier German armored divisions.
Commandos complete mop up operations and consolidate as a brigade size unit. Compared to an average German infantry unit they are severely lacking in heavy equipment which limits their ability to conduct combat operations. Probably best used as support units or blocking during an envelopment.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
21 Pz troops attack toward Pegasus Bridge, force the Brits to pull back and cut the supply line to 6th Airborne. Paratroopers are no match for panzers. On the north side of the perimeter, airborne gains ground but are hampered by lack of supply.

TAC Air Units. All TAC squadrons are set to support combat operations.
Heavy Bombers. Conduct bridge attacks but fail to destroy their targets.
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T04 - Gold Juno Sword.jpg (359.87 KiB) Viewed 868 times
Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 5 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 5 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, -92 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Defeat

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
The 4th, 90th and 9th concentrate their assaults against the 243rd in the effort to break through. German units are defending in open territory which is expected to be a weak point of the defense. V Corps tries to rotate fresher units into the battle and rest/supply exhausted troops.
82nd repels multiple attacks and digs in against bombardments. The pressure on this front does not seem to be sever.
101st traps German units in the Douve River marshes and proceeds to demolish each battalion. As they attack in the marshland Carentan is left undefended. From the south the 17th Panzer Grenadiers arrive on scene and threaten to retake Carentan. The 101st needs to quickly finish in the marsh and deploy back to Carentan.
9th division’s 60th RCT and support units land on Utah Beach.
An errant artillery unit lands and is ordered to report to V Corps’ area of operations.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div
Battalions from the 29th and Corps support finish off the defenders trapped along the Aure River. Most of these units have expended their readiness and need to resupply before joining the march south. Armored recon units which did not participate in the envelopment are free to move south and clear the way for encirclement of the remaining 352nd division units.
1st division continues the push south and envelopment of the defenders. German 352nd is putting up a stiff resistance, but with help from XXX Corps their envelopment and destruction is assured.
Elements of the 2nd Armored Division and 2nd Infantry Division land on Omaha Beach. 2nd armor is planned to secure the western flank and drive toward St. Lo. 2nd infantry ordered to join the 1st and 29th in the center.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde
Brits finish off the pocket isolated last turn and join the march toward Foret de Cerisy. Their objective is to bag the remains of the enemy 352nd division.
Units screening east toward Caen are engaged by forward battalions of the Panzer Lehr Division. This is an unexpected development and immediate action is needed to ensure panzers do not cut the Allied force from beach supply depots. An additional formation of units, probably from Pz Lehr, are observed a bit further south.
7th Armored Division begins to arrive on Gold Beach. These units will be used to fill the gap between XXX Corps and Caen.

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando)
1st Special Service Bde transfers operations to I Corps (Caen) then joins with the 4th as a brigade. Their task will be to fill the gap between I Corps and XXX Corps.
Canadians, Brit 3rd division and 27th armor units assault toward Caen and are repulsed. In turn German armored units counter attack and drive the Canadians back with heavy casualties.
British 51st Infantry Division begins landing on Sword Beach. They have orders to move to the east side (Pegasus side) for the drive around Caen.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 51st Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
3rd division and 27th armored units reinforce 6th airborne and are able to drive 21 Pz away from Pegasus Bridge. Supply now flows to all units east of the bridge.
On the perimeter north side a mixed British force attacks and pushes back defenders. German reserves are seen moving to reinforce their positions however, most of the units are only company strength and of questionable quality.
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T05 - Omaha Gold.jpg
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T05 - Gold Juno Sword.jpg
T05 - Gold Juno Sword.jpg (383.2 KiB) Viewed 848 times
Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
. . . no-one needs apologize for douchebags acting like douchebags
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Turn 6 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 6 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, -58 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Defeat

Almost all Allied regimental formations are operating on Internal Support, which means cooperation between regiments is not optimal. Until now the supreme Allied commander has not taken cooperation into account and as a result the battlefield is littered with mixed regiments attacking and defending with limited cooperation. Fortunately Corps level support battalions operate with Force Support so all combat effectiveness has not been lost. As of D+6 all regiments are being organized back into cooperative formations. This comes at a cost that Allies will not be able to attack aggressively on this turn but should have increased effectiveness going forward.

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
VII Corps continues to bang away on the German defense with little effect. Attrition has noticeably reduced defenders’ strength, yet they hold their positions.
82nd is keeping most of the 91st occupied while holding their blocking positions. A few minor attacks are traded but nothing serious is happening.
101st redeploys to defend Carentan and now faces battalions of 17 PzG and 6 FJ. Units from the 29th arrive on their left flank and become engaged with a mix of 17 PzG and infantry units. Carentan is no longer in danger, but the fight is on for control of the roads leading south toward St. Lo.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div, 2nd Armored CCA/CCB
1st, 2nd and 29th infantry divisions concentrate their efforts by performing a double envelopment against the remains of the German 352nd. The goal is to bag at least two regiments of Wehrmacht infantry.
V Corps’ battle is being made much easier by the actions of Brits XXX Corps.
Most of the remaining battalions of 2nd Armored Division arrive on Omaha Beach. Mixed in are a few VII and XIX Corps units.

XIX Corps: 30th Inf Div
The lead battalions of the 120th RCT, 30th Infantry Division land on Omaha Beach. Over the next few days XIX Corps will be filled in as a functional fighting force.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde
7th armor and 50th infantry assault and take the Foret de Cerisy objective. Casualties are minimal as the German 352nd is rapidly dissolving as a coherent infantry formation. Foret de Cerisy will be handed off to V Corps which allows XXX Corps to begin redeployment to the east. Before they leave they area, two battalions from 7th armor plan to conduct a reconnaissance south, through the hills, to determine whether the objective at Torigni is defended.
The fight to capture Caen means XXX Corps must hold off the Pz Lehr armor and attack through Pz 12 to clear the objective. Every unit which can be pulled out of the V Corps area will be needed against Caen. On the German side, a large armored formation has been spotted southwest of Caen. Corps expects that these units will soon deploy and become active defending the approaches to Caen.
A pair of Corps level support units arrive on Gold Beach.

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando)
I Corps reports no good news regarding the attack on Caen. Brits and Canadians attack with the panzer formations counterattacking in greater force. Allied losses are heavy. Germans hold the high ground and expertly use it to their advantage.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 51st Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
The plan to bypass Caen by moving along the left bank of the Dives River has been thwarted by the enemy. Infantry, supported by units from 21 Pz, have succeeded in blocking all Allied attempts to break through. It has become just another battle of attrition.
The mixed British force north of Pegasus Bridge are progressing in their march toward the fortress at Houlgate. Houlgate is not a port, but it is an objective for increasing Allied supply flow. The last defenders are trapped against the river Dives before the fortress can be taken.
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T06 - Gold Juno Sword.jpg
T06 - Gold Juno Sword.jpg (414.79 KiB) Viewed 825 times
Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
. . . no-one needs apologize for douchebags acting like douchebags
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Turn 7 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 7 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level -71 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Defeat

Allied supply distribution to the VII Corps area is limited to supply arriving on Utah Beach. By the time this supply reaches the front line it is, of course, partially depleted by the logistics trail. There is, however, a supply point on Juno Beach connected to a R/R which extends all the way to VII Corps and beyond. He problem is that the R/R runs through enemy controlled Caen. This makes it imperative that the combined efforts of I Corps and XXX Corps drive the Germans out of Caen and make it possible for the full volume of supply reach VII Corps.
Reorganization of regiments into coherent, cooperative formations begun on D+6 is completed on D+7. This makes attack planning and rotating regiments a bit trickier, but formations are now attacking using their full potential.

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
VII Corps attacks with intent to break through on route to Cherbourg. They plan to bypass 709th defenders entrenched in the coastal hills located on right flank. The 709th will be delt with as the opportunity occurs. The primary thrust is against the German 243rd and opening the R/R to Cherbourg. The Germans have other ideas and counterattack.
82nd holds and trades some minor skirmishes with the 91st.
The 101st teams up with V Corps units and attack south against the German 6 FJ and 17 PzG divisions. Not much ground is gained but the enemy is noticeably weakened by their losses.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div, 2nd Armored CCA/CCB
While pushing south V Corps is also busy cleaning up isolated pockets of defenders. In addition to the German 352nd, Corps becomes engaged with 3 FJ units blocking the route to St. Lo. The multiple cleanup operations have spread out V Corps from the front lines back to the beach. It may be a day or two before V Corps can consolidate and make a concentrated assault southward.
2nd Armored Division units that landed on D+6 are able to marry up with their advanced regiment. The division will now be able to operate as a complete formation in the drive south.

XIX Corps: 30th Infantry Division
30th HQ, Corps units, artillery brigade and the 119th RCT arrive on Omaha Beach. It is planned that XIX Corps will fill the gap between V Corps and XXX Corps.

XXX Corps: 49th Inf Div, 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde
In the Foret de Cerisy area elements of 7th armor and 50th infantry prepare to disengage and redeploy to attack Caen. However, a German armored recon unit is able to work around the flank and retake Foret de Cerisy. XXX Corps will need to resolve the situation before all units can be moved eastward.
The two armored battalions performing the recon mission south into the hills meets no opposition. The decision is made to continue south until contact is made with the defense.
The bulk of XXX Corps is fighting eastward to open the R/R and secure Caen. They become fully engaged with the Pz Lehr division who counterattack, cause heavy British casualties and force Corps support units into reorganization.
Units of XXX Corps’ 49th Infantry Division begin landing on Gold Beach

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando)
Canadians, I Corps support units and the commando brigade continue their assault against 12 Pz and 21 Pz defenses. Commando battalions work their way around the flank attempting to isolate a 12 Pz motorized battalion. Germans counterattack with deadly effect against the Allies.
Infantry and AA reinforcements land on Sword Beach.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 51st Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
The way south is still firmly blocked by the defenders. The Brits attack but are able to only make localized advances for few kilometers.
On the north flank the Brits are much more successful. Several German battalions are isolated, assaulted and destroyed. Bridging engineers provide the means to cross the Dives River and I Corps is able to approach the Houlgate objective.
51st Div reinforcements arrive on Sword Beach.
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

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Turn 8 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 8 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, -83 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Defeat

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
Attacks in the center are effective in gaining ground and reducing enemy combat strength. Defending battalions are observed to have subdivided into component companies, attack/defense values appear to be low, they may be low on supply and possibly in re-organization. VII Corps believes that a breakthrough will soon be accomplished. Germans effectively counterattack, inflict casualties but are unable to push back VII Corps.
82nd continues its’ sparring match with the 91st and holds the flank. With the 82nd not taking aggressive action, the 91st commander relocates about a regiment from his front to join the 243rd facing VII Corps.
101st consolidates the division south of Carentan and gathers strength. Orders will soon be issued to attack south against the 6 FJ.
First Army artillery units land on Utah Beach.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div, 2nd Armored CCA/CCB
Corps isolates and eliminates three pockets of German troops. 1st, 29th and 2nd Armor consolidate their positions and prepare for the push to St. Lo and Torigni.
German counter attacks are mostly ineffective. Several enemy units facing 2nd Armor are observed pulling back, maybe to protect Torigni and St. Lo
2nd Infantry holds the western flank and is engaged with 17 PzG. This is one of the stronger German divisions; they hold their ground against 2nd Infantry attacks.
2nd Infantry’s AT battalion arrives on Omaha.

XIX Corps: 30th Infantry Division
Divisional HQ and the 120 RCT move south to join up with the advanced RCT units.
XIX Corps HQ and 30th Infantry’s 117th RCT land on Omaha Beach.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde, 49th Inf Div
Redeployment of XXX Corps units from the V Corps area has been interrupted by 2 Pz and their attack into Foret de Cerisy. The Brits need to find a way to push back 2 Pz before joining up with XXX Corps at Caen.
The rest of XXX Corps is now engaged with Pz Lehr and 12 Pz. Brits conduct mass attacks against both German divisions and suffer heavy losses. XXX Corps digs-in and are themselves assaulted by the panzer units. Brits hold, but at a heavy cost.
Units from 7th Armor diverted to perform recon toward Torigni have found no evidence of the German defensive activity. With no enemy in sight, the armor will continue to Torigni and hold until V Corps arrives.
49th Division HQ and the 147 Bde enter on Gold Beach.

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando)
Commandos, Canadians and I Corps assault the defender’s positions and once again take heavy casualties for little gain. The panzer divisions are seen to be wearing down but are still strong enough to block the route to Caen.
South of Caen another panzer HQ is observed moving north toward XXX and I Corps. They appear to be deploying to positions mostly west of Caen in the junction between I and XXX Corps. Enemy counter attacks in this area cause moderate casualties.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 51st Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
Brits continue the assaults against 21 Pz and 346th. Casualties are moderate and the Germans are pushed back. Progress is slow but it is becoming effective.
On the north side the 3rd division and 6th AB capture the supply resource located in Houlgate. A perimeter is quickly formed and recon advances south looking for an open path to exploit. This may be the opportunity I Corps needs to skirt Caen and take the Bourguebus Ridge objective.
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 9 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 9 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, -41 of 79 VPs, Significant Defeat

Time is starting to become a factor. The major objectives are expected to be under Allied control within the next five days. St. Lo and Torigni are in sight, but Cherbourg and Bourguebus Ridge are proving difficult to secure.

USAF and RAF heavy bombers drop two bridges in the southeast, disrupting supply to the Caen area. German engineers are quick to react.

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
4th and 9th divisions are close to a breakout. Their attacks are reducing enemy strength; however, the defenders continue to shovel additional units to the front lines. Some of these units are draining the 709th defensive positions and a few more have come from the 91st.
Germans facing the 82nd are being depleted which opens an opportunity for the 82nd to attack. An assault is made driving the defenders back. The airborne objective is to pin the Germans against the Douve River and cut the north/south R/R supply link to Cherbourg.
The 101st has been fully consolidated and now has the strength to attack southward. There are several battalions blocking their path but their strength seems to be diminished.
90th division AA Bn arrives on Utah Beach.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div, 2nd Armored CCA/CCB
Southwest of Carentan 2nd infantry makes a frontal attack against elements of 17 PzG. Losses are about even but during the counterattack 17 PzG motorized units work around the flank threatening to cut the R/R linking the 2nd to V Corps.
1st, 29th and 2nd armor attack to the south and are close to opening the way to St. Lo. German units facing V Corps appear to be disorganized remnants of divisional formations.
2nd armor Combat Command B employs a Corps bridging unit to cross the Vire River. The objective is to trap and destroy 17 PzG units against 2nd infantry. Their initial contact is with the 17 PzG HQ.
First units of the 79th Infantry Division, 313rd RCT come ashore on Utah Beach. They will be deployed to support the 2nd armored.

XIX Corps: 30th Inf Div
HQ XIX Corps lands at Omaha along with a second 30th infantry regiment. XIX Corps will move into the gap between V and XXX Corps while units of XXX Corps move out of V Corps’ area of operations. XIX Corps will need another day or two before it is full formed and combat ready.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde, 49th Inf Div
A mixed force drives German Pz 2 units out of Foret de Cerisy. As these units disengage they will rotate and be replaced by V Corps regiments. The battles raging at Caen are in need of their support.
At Caen XXX Corps is facing defenders on two fronts. Assaults are performed against Pz Lehr to the south and Pz 12 defending Caen. Their attacks gain no ground and the Brits get the dirty end of the stick. Armored counterattacks force the Brits back and inflict more casualties.
7th armored units reconnoitering in the south reach the outskirts of objective Torigni, no defenders are encountered. Unless the German defenders have forces in hiding, 7th armor plans to liberate Torigni tomorrow.
The 49th infantry’s 146th Infantry Brigade and several support units land on Gold Beach.

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando), I Corps HQ formation
The battle of attrition to secure Caen continues with heavy Allied casualties. Canadians have managed to push 21 Pz out of their entrenched positions and now hold the high ground. I Corps is still struggling to drive the defenders out of their hill side positions. Rain and mud add to I Corps problems.
21 Pz counter attacks the Brits and Canadians. Additional panzer units can be seen south of Caen moving to join the battle.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 51st Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
Engineers from 3rd infantry construct assault bridges across the Dives River enabling 3rd and 51st battalions to make a crossing. There is little resistance as the Germans seem to be caught off guard. I Corps can now seize the initiative to cut behind 12 Pz units engaged in front of Pegasus Bridge. The plan is to open a route to Bourguebus Ridge. 6th AB is in reserve and resupplying in preparation to cross Dives River and support the advance.
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 10 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 10 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, 6 of 79 VPs, This is a Draw

German engineers have repaired one of the two bridges southeast of Caen. Heavy bombers are sent to blow it up again, but their attacks are unsuccessful.
Lack of supply to forward units is affecting combat capability. The leading elements of V Corps are down to single digit supply.

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
Corps attacks against the German northern flank are inflicting serious casualties. Almost all of the defending units are bleeding strength and down to company size. Still, the defenders maintain a defensive line preventing VII Corps from advancing to Cherbourg.
The 82nd has opened a hole in the depleted 91st defensive line. German units have been pushed against the Douve River and the R/R supply lifeline to Cherbourg cut at St. Saveur. This is also the line that supplies the 243rd and 709th.
The 101st attacks south against the remnants of the 6 FJ and some units from 17 PzG. The German units appear to pull back to start forming a defensive line further south.
A Corps level armored reconnaissance battalion lands on Utah Beach.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div, 2nd Armored CCA/CCB
Across the front German units are pulling back, attempting to consolidate and form new defensive lines. 2nd armor attacks along, and over, the Vire River with the goal of trapping as many 17 PzG units as possible. 2nd infantry is pushing against PzG 17 on the north side.
1st and 29th mop up behind the front and begin the drive toward St. Lo. Opposing them is a mix of 3 FJ and Corps level units. As units of XXX Corps move eastward V Corps units are filling taking place and preparing to advance southward.
79th Infantry RCT lands on Utah and will move to join V Corps 2nd Armor

XIX Corps: 30th Inf Div
Consolidates forces and moves into the gap between V Corps and XXX Corps. Their task is to engage the 2 Pz division.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde, 49th Inf Div
7th Armor units take the Torigni objective and move to secure the German supply depot located to the southeast.
Reinforced by units arriving from the Foret de Cerisy area, XXX Corps is able to go on the offensive against Pz Lehr. Armor and mechanized assault the weakened German units and open a large hole in the defense. Additional units are available to exploit the breach.
Attacks against 12 Pz are not nearly as successful. Panzer troops hold firm and conduct their own counterattacks. British casualties are heavier than German losses.
49th Infantry Brigade lands on Gold Beach, moves to join parent division.

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando), I Corps HQ formation
Canadians and Commandos support XXX Corps in attacks against 12 and 21 Pz divisions. Small gains are made against 21 Pz which push the Germans completely out of their high ground entrenchments. There is also the possibility that some German units will be isolated against I Corps.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 51st Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
The push directly toward Caen continues to be a battle of attrition. The mixed German force is defending but is seen to be weakening.
On the east side reinforcements cross the Dives River and begin the move to the rear of the 21 Pz and infantry force. Germans seem to respond to I Corps by drawing a few units back. Reconnaissance in the direction of the Bourguebus Ridge objective reveals only a few soft units of artillery and engineers.
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 11 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 11 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, 55 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Victory

Germans defending Caen conducted substantially more attacks this turn inflecting heavy casualties and causing Allied units to split and reorganize. Think there may be a late-stage event which triggers a more aggressive Axis response.

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
German 243rd and 709th divisions are beaten and mixed with units from 7th Army and 77th infantry. VII Corps attacks and forces defenders off the coastal hills and trenches in the center. German counter attacks are weak and cause minimal Ami casualties.
82nd and 101st are driving back defenders, but these are now side shows when compared to action around Allied objectives.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div, 2nd Armored CCA/CCB
2nd armor has made a second crossing of the Vire River and performs an envelopment of 17 PzG units. The remaining units are being quickly squeezed between 2nd armor, 2nd infantry and 101st AB.
In the front’s center RCTs of the 1st and 29th infantry battle elements of 3 FJ and quickly clear the way. St. Lo is occupied by armored recon with no opposition. There are not enough defenders nearby capable of retaking the objective.
79th infantry’s 315th RCT and a divisional armored battalion make landfall on Utah Beach.

XIX Corps: 30th Inf Div
30th infantry now has two RCTs and most of the divisional support units engaged with 2 Pz. They attempt an attack but are unable to inflict much damage on the enemy.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde, 49th Inf Div
Almost all Corps units have redeployed from Foret de Cerisy and are now integrated with XXX Corps.
Attacks have busted Pz Lehr and enabled units to split the defense. Progress is good; however, this action does nothing to help secure Caen or the Bourguebus Ridge objective. Behind Pz Lehr another panzer HQ has appeared. The HQ has not been fully identified but its presence means that the road to Caen will be more difficult.
Assaults against 12 Pz are not nearly successful as against Pz Lehr. No ground is gained as the enemy mounts heavy counter attacks and inflicts significant British casualties.
7th armor units continue to hold Torigni (off the south edge of map).

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando), I Corps HQ formation
Canadian attacks are more successful in that elements of 12 and 21 Pz are pushed back and the Canadians enter the outskirts of Caen. Counterattacks are severe, but Canadians and I Corps hold their ground.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 51st Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
All available units cross the Dives River and support the move behind the defenders facing Pegasus Bridge. The Germans are able to muster a few soft units for defense but the route to Bourguebus Ridge is open for exploitation. The envelopment has caught a regiment worth of German battalions which are close to being eliminated.
21 Pz and supporting infantry counterattack, inflict heavy casualties and force the British 154th Bde into reorganization. As devastating as the counterattacks are, they do nothing to prevent envelopment.

Heavy bombers successfully attack and destroy a R/R bridge in the southwest. The R/R connects one of two German supply points to Cherbourg and should have been destroyed much sooner.
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 12 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 12 - Two Weeks In Normandy

Allied Victory Level, 71 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Victory

VII Corps: 4th Inf Div, 9th Inf Div, 90th Inf Div, 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne
243rd and 709th defensive positions collapse in the face of VII Corps assaults. Taking out the fortress at Valognes (25,14) is the last big obstacle preventing a run to Cherbourg. German units in the coastal hills have lost cohesion as a fighting force as VII Corps’ 4th infantry make a clean break in their lines.
82nd succeeds in clearing all German units from the Douve River left bank and is firmly in control of the R/R line feeding Cherbourg.
101st with support from 2nd infantry is pushing elements of 17PzG southward. The paratroopers do not have the heavy weapons necessary to combat panzer grenadier troops and suffer significant casualties in their attacks.

V Corps: 1st Inf Div, 2nd Inf Div, 29th Inf Div, 79th Inf Div, 2nd Armored CCA/CCB
2nd and 79th infantry attack 17 PzG from the north while 2nd armor completes an envelopment from the south. 17 PzG is quickly becoming an ineffective fighting force. Reinforces reach St. Lo and in the process start to turn the flank of 3 FJ. The remaining battalions of V Corps form a united front and engage 3 FJ and its supporting infantry.

XIX Corps: 30th Inf Div
The Corps performs spoiling attacks against 2 Pz. Little forward ground is gained and XIX Corps gets the worst of the casualty count.

XXX Corps: 50th Inf Div, 56th Inf Bde, 7th Armored Div, 8th Armored Bde, 49th Inf Div
The Corps is fully engaged with Pz Lehr and 12 Pz. Pz Lehr is beginning to fall apart but 12 Pz is still defending, and counterattacking, fiercely. Attacks against Pz Lehr have been much more effective. Brits have broken the Pz Lehr defensive line and have the force necessary to envelope isolated units. A new German division spotted the previous day has been identified as 1 Pz. As of today, only the HQ and a heavy artillery battalion have been spotted, but the arrival of a fresh armored division is bad news for XXX Corps.

I Corps (Caen): 2nd Canadian Armored Bde, 3rd Canadian Inf Div, 1st Special Service Bde (Commando), 4th Special Service Bde (Commando), I Corps HQ formation
Canadian assaults have driven 21 Pz into North Caen and isolated an armored reconnaissance battalion. 21 Pz is putting up stiff resistance, but the Canadians are proving that they are equal to the task.

I Corps (Pegasus): 3rd Inf Div, 51st Inf Div, 27th Armored Bde, 6th Airborne Div
Armor, infantry and airborne have surrounded Germans fortified positions along the Dives River and are chasing down the infantry blocking the way to Caen. Defense on the east side of the Orne River is quickly deteriorating with only light units left to defend Caen and the Bourguebus Ridge. Brits need to move quickly if they are to meet the invasion schedule.
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
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Turn 13 – Victory and Postmortem

Post by rhinobones »

Turn 13 – Victory and Postmortem

Allied Victory Level, 71 of 79 VPs, Overwhelming Victory
Allied Loss Penalty 2
Axis Loss Penalty 4

At the beginning of turn 13 TOAW evaluated the victory criteria and awarded victory to the Allies. Nice to know I can still win against a TOAW computer; too bad I’m still frustrated when it comes to beating a chess computer.


Following are a few observations and comments I compiled along the way. They are not in any particular order.

Given that the Allies have a big edge in military assets, beating the computer is no big accomplishment. However, as a PBM game, I can see where the Allies would be hard pressed to get a victory. Allied players would be happy with a draw.

Early in the game I didn’t notice that most regimental formations are set at Internal Support. Until around turn 6 many attacks and defenses were performed by mixed, minimally cooperative, units. I don’t have numbers to back this up, but I suspect that my troops would have had more success if the regiments had acted as consolidated formations. Except for a few XXX Corps units, which were spread out, I managed to get my regiments together in a turn or two. Lost some valuable time which should have been used more productively.

The second screen shot tabulates casualties sorted by total units assigned. Two things are striking; 1) being a truck driver is not a good MOS and 2) being on a German 81mm Mortar Team or in a SMG AT Squad is an even worse MOS. I suspect that a fair number of the German casualties are from isolated units surrendering and reflected as KIAs rather than POWs.

For most of the scenario I had the Allied TAC aircraft on Combat Support as opposed to Interdiction. If I play again, think I’ll split them 50/50. Heavy Bombers were used exclusively to destroy bridges in an attempt to disrupt German supply. Bomber missions failed quite often and the Germans subsequently parked bridge repair engineers on the targets, this bombing strategy produced disappointing results.

In my opinion most scenarios suffer from a lack of playability. By that I mean the scenario objectives and forces are fixed which after a couple of plays becomes repetitive. Although this scenario is in the same category, the attack routes can be variable and two objectives (Cherbourg and Bourguebus Ridge) are very difficult to capture greatly which greatly increases the replay value.

Unit stacks easily exceed density thresholds. Suggest playing with “New Density Rules” set to ON.

The German PO is very well programmed and puts up a good fight.

Supply to Cherbourg and the formations opposing VII Corps are fed by a tenuous single R/R line. I should have bombed those bridges early in the game and made VII Corps job a lot easier.

The last two screen shots show the final positions of VII and I Corps. The resistance in front of VII Corps was crumbling, many of the units were company remnants and supply was fading. At Caen I Corps barely got into the suburbs and had to circle to the east in order to make a way south. The scenario designer made an accurate simulation of the battle the British and Canadians fought to enter Caen.

The scenario I played was customized for my personal preferences. Players of the original scenario should be aware that this AAR does not necessarily reflect the Advanced Game Settings or graphics of the designer’s scenario.

I enjoyed playing Two Weeks In Normandy and I highly recommend it for solo games, or, better yet, as a PBM game.

Regards, RhinoBones
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Colin Wright:
Pre Combat Air Strikes # 64 . . . I need have no concern about keeping it civil

Post by broccolini » Sun Nov 06, 2022
. . . no-one needs apologize for douchebags acting like douchebags
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