Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

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Peter Why
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Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Peter Why »

The Encounters of the Bloody Fist.

I decided to follow Sleeping Dragon's lead. Equal opponents, in random arena except the
first, which is terran.
One slight advantage, in that I chose the titans for my rooky team, so I would only
have one combat skill to worry about for each jock.
Three titans bought: Duellist (2 Chain Saws); Shadow (4 Light Meson Guns);
Pest (2 Medium Lasers).

Three jocks hired to handle them: Leader Eliza Peng, Human Female, speciality Energy
Weapons, with slight Close Combat skill; Businessman Rainor Zeal, Replicant D Female,
speciality Cannon, with slight Close Combat skill; Maximillian One, Cyborg Male,
speciality Close Combat.

First battle was in a small terran arena.
Max and Liz started in the north-eastern corner, surrounded by hills; the way west was
blocked by a lake; they climbed over the hills to the south-west.
Rainie, on the Shadow, started in a clearing just south of the hills; there were
more hills ahead, with more water in the distance between the hills to the south-west.
The two coming over the hills spotted Rainie and climbed down to meet her.
They decided to move along the north edge, staying low, aiming to climb into
the hills in the middle of the northern edge of the arena.

Max and Liz, coming down from the hills, momentarily spotted an enemy;
Princess on a light titan in the far south-west corner. So, with a river apparently
crossing the arena east-to-west, the team decided to move to the hills overlooking it
and wait for the enemy to try to cross. As the enemy has over twice as far to travel as
they do, they'll have to try not to sit around exposed for too long.

As they moved into position, Liz spotted Joe on a recon Wasp on the north side (their side)
of the river, heading east towards them. The team retargetted and moved to attack
him (Max and Rainie couldn't see Joe yet). Liz tried a laser shot (8 hexes away, 11%
chance) and hit Joe in the arm. She didn't manage to hit him again and was hit in the
leg by his Auto 12 and fell to the ground.
Rainie (on a Shadow .. armed with Light Meson Guns) now arrived on a low hill two hexes
from Joe, but missed nearly every shot (only one hit out of eight). Liz's lasers were
doing more damage, now that she had got up again.
Meanwhile, Max was only now approaching the battle (somehow, he slipped into a doze
earlier and stopped moving .. I must have put his Move on Wait on Enemy by accident).

The enemy light titan had now reached the south bank of the river: it was an Axeman.

Now that the enemy, Joe, was one hex away from Rainie, at the bottom of her hill, Rainie
was doing more damage with her light mesons. Liz had to pause occasionally to cool
her lasers down; Max arrived in Joe's hex. He made one successful Chain Saw attack
on Joe's right torso, but it was the solid kick on Joe's leg that brought him down.
He soon got up and was hit by Liz's laser and Max's Chain Saw ... but it was another kick
in the leg that brought him down again. Liz decided to move to the hex next to Joe,
to improve her accuracy.

The Axeman took to the air to cross the river! The team had to finish Joe off
quickly .. so Max put his Chain Saw straight into Jo's engine, hidden most unfairly
in the right torso: EXPLOSION! Rainie took 25 damage .. her lower torso gyro was badly hit, and she couldn't stand; Max took 39 hits and started bleeding; Liz took 12 hits to the
left arm, and was overheating.

After a very long pause, Max's bleeding stopped. Rainie could now just about bring two
meson guns to bear on the approaching Axeman but only at low accuracy, so she decided to use her scanner instead.
Liz and Max waited in the same hex for the Axeman to come into close combat;
when he did, Max hit both torsos with his Chain Saws, and kicked his opponent's leg, too;
Liz hit with both lasers. The Axeman was attacking Max, who went down after a Power Axe hit to the leg. A couple of Liz's laser shots bounced off the Axeman's shields.
Max managed to get up and hit the Axeman with his Chain Saw and with another kick.
Rainie, lying on the hill-top, having failed two scan attempts, tried her meson guns
.. she could use two out of the four at 34%, but missed. However, a couple of laser hits
from Liz, followed by a Chain Saw hit from the now very badly damaged Max, and the
Axeman fell, disabling its right torso. Success is in sight!
... and off came his left leg with a good Chain Saw hit!

Salvage $4,324 + bounty $12,000 + payment $125,000 - upkeep $18,402 = balance $122,922
Repair costs $52862

Liz and Rainie .. very few points gained, but Max, with his first kill, got Pilot 18/
Combat 25/Other 21, and improved his Jump to 34, (he didn't use the combat points), and brought his Medical skill to 26.

I was surprised that they survived, after taking all that damage in the explosion. More
battles to come.
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by aquietfrog »

Just gotta love those chainsaws...[:D]
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Sleeping_Dragon »

.. so Max put his Chain Saw straight into Jo's engine, hidden most unfairly
in the right torso: EXPLOSION!

hehehe... Let's play the "Where'd they hide the engine" game [X(]

Nice AAR, sounds like your squad could have very easlily gotten off to a rather 'unfortunate' start, but it's the close ones that make the best games[:)] Good thing CSs can level up the field in a hurry!... except when they're agianst you... then... well... we won't talk about how I bravely charge away from the enemy

Looking forward to more!
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Peter Why
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Peter Why »

Battle Two: Random small map - Terran.

The team started in the middle of the west side. Cover was thin and scattered, with a
band of hills to Max and Rainie's immediate east obscuring the rest of the arena.
Liz, further south, could see eastwards past the hills to a lumpy plain with a few lakes in it.
Rainie, crossing the hills to meet Liz, spotted two titans in the far south-east corner; Shania on a light, Tormentor on a recon.

As Liz and Max hadn't been spotted yet, they were going to move south then east, staying
behind hills, to be in a good position to catch the leading enemy titan, which should be
the recon, which they had now identified as a Club. Max was seen by the enemy recon, so he turned towards it.

As the enemy Club ran towards Rainie, it came into view of Liz, behind her hill; Max (on the Duellist) was by then only two hexes from it. Rainie ran down from her hill to get into a better position, managing a yellow scan as she went. Liz missed a few times with her
medium lasers.

Rainie and Liz were now one hex from the enemy; Rainie was getting only one hit in four
shots with her light mesons (with a 46% chance), and Liz was managing the same sort of
hit ratio with her medium lasers. Max ran into the enemy hex and twice managed to deliver a Chain Saw strike and a kick; the enemy stayed on its feet and returned two punches and an autocannon hit (4 damage).

After a few more hits on the enemy, Rainie's scan showed the Club's left leg, centre torso
and head as red ... but the second enemy, (Shania on a Poltergeist) had just come over the hills a couple of hexes away! Rainie missed four more shots at the Club .. but it had taken too much damage and its jock ejected. All titans retargetted on the Poltergeist.

The Poltergeist failed to hit Liz with missiles or laser. Liz dodged to a better attack
position, one hex from the enemy. Rainie hit the Poltergeist with 3/4 light meson shots
(at 27% chance!), damaging a hand and a foot actuator; and did it again, damaging the cockpit and the heat regulator in a leg. The Poltergeist ran to the top of the 55 m hill in the next hex. Max (Duellist) and Liz (Pest - medium lasers) followed. They chased the Poltergeist three times between the hill-tops, damaging it at every stop.
Finally, the Poltergeist stayed where it was .. and Max Chain Sawed an arm and a leg,
and it fell down. In his next two attacks, Max knocked the Poltergeist back down as it was
trying to get up. Rainie now had a yellow scan on the Poltergeist: both arms, right torso
and right leg were red; she put a few more light meson shots into him.
With one more Chain Saw attack from Max, the right leg came off! And with a final Chain
Saw to the lower torso, the jock ejects, and the team wins again ... as much a surprise to
me as it would have been to them.

A salvagable titan was found, so the team has acquired a Poltergeist (3 GMEs, 2 GMH 2s,
medium laser), but they will probably need to employ a new jock to use it.

Salvage $21421 + Bounty $12,000 + Payment $125,000 - Upkeep $21,490 = Balance $136,931
Repairs: $85,591

Rainie and Max did best for experience in this battle, but for all three jocks, the points
are mostly spent on improving electronics, medical, jumping and secondary combat skills.
Peter Why
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Peter Why »

This next battle is more my normal reality ...

Battle 3 - small Polar arena.

The team started in the mid-east, facing across a clear area towards wooded low hills in the centre. North and south were obscured by high hills. They decided to head to the central hills. A better view of the landscape would help, but Liz and Max's jump skills were both only 37%.

As they approached the woods, the first sound was heard from the enemy. Rainie and Liz started to climb nearby hills while Max (in the Duellist) moved into the woods.

An enemy came in sight of Max and Liz, about 10 hexes to the south-east (it was Joanna on a recon), with much scan-dead ground in between; she dropped out of sight almost immediately. When Rainie reached the top of her hill, a narrow clear strip of land opened up to the south-east; she saw both enemy titans: Joanna on a Wombat, now about six hexes away, and Gaia on an Icelord (a light titan). The team wanted to attack Joanna out of sight of the Icelord, so Rainie ran westwards off her hill, to try to tempt Joanna that way (and towards Liz and Max). As they moved into position in the hills to the west of the central woods, all three had occasional scanner contact with the enemy titans. The Icelord was unfortunately staying only one or two hexes behind the recon Wombat.

The team formed up around the far end of a narrow bottleneck between fairly high hills.
Liz and Rainie settled into cover, while Max headed up a small hill to scan before coming down with his Chain Saws .. as he ran, he spotted the Icelord and Wombat across a patch of water to the south-west (on *their* side of the bottle neck!). The team decided to try to tempt the enemy to cross the water, where they might be able to knock them down. The Icelord hit Max in the arm with its Cold Light Gun as Max was running up the hill ... then it started to cross the water on its jump jets. Max turned and started back down the hill; Liz and Rainie were still running into position and only saw the Icelord as he took to the air.

The Wombat started to wade across the water.

Liz got three or four laser hits on the Icelord, which crashed on landing in the hex
next to her and Rainie. Max was running fast, but didn't manage to reach the Icelord
before it got to its feet. It hit Liz in the arm with its Cold Light Gun.

The Icelord now started to run into Liz and Rainie's hex; Max reached it before it left its
hex. Max chanced a charge, as the Icelord had taken some damage, and the team feared the Cold Light Guns: he succeeded, with 22 damage to the Icelord, 13 to Max's Duellist. The Duellist fell, but the Icelord stayed on its feet. (Hopefully, he was still targetting Liz, as Max would now be very vulnerable.) Max got up before the Icelord left the hex and got one Chain Saw strike. It turned out that the Icelord had stopped its run, staying with Max; the enemy got two succssful punches and two successful CLG strikes on Max (to left torso and head!). The cockpit was hit: Max lost 31 Hit Points.

If he could, he would run away to break contact and to allow a little healing. No chance .. the Icelord kicked him in the lower torso and he fell again; and was hit with the CLG again. Centre Torso and head were red now. Liz and Rainie were getting lots of laser and meson gun hits on the Icelord, but it hadn't fallen or shown any damage yet; no one had a good scan on it. Max was still trying for one.

The other enemy titan, Joanna on the Wombat, arrived in Max's hex and delivered a full attack: a kick, two Flame Throwers and one Vibra Claw. Max fell again. After another CLG attack, Max's right arm came off; he decided to eject before he got killed. ... unfortunately, the next CLG hit was to the titan's head, removing it and killing Max. The chance of the other two winning seemed low, but they decided to continue attacking the Icelord until they got badly damaged.

Liz received CLG hits in arm and leg, and fell to the ground; the Wombat hit her with a couple of Flame Throwers and her heat (already in the yellow from firing her laser) moved well into the red. The Wombat moved into Liz (and Rainie's) hex and hit Liz again with Flame Thrower and Vibra Claw; a couple more Cold Light Gun hits and she lost a leg. Rainie did get some more meson gun hits on the Icelord, but Liz decided to eject and Rainie to run for the border. Liz ejected successfully (17/33), and Rainie started running .. her direct route was blocked by patches of ice, so she turned into the hills instead. The Icelord hit her three times as she ran; she lost her right arm, her right torso was disabled, and she fell twice. She tried to eject .. but died during the ejection (91/26).

One team member, Liz, survives to carry on the Bloody Fist.

Payment $125000 - Upkeep $6820 = Balance $118,180
All three titans were lost in the battle.


Liz will buy a new titan and will fight some solo battles before trying to build the
squad up again. Only a summary will follow, unless anything interesting happens and until new squad members are hired.
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by LarkinVB »


The Encounters of the Bloody Fist.

Liz and Rainie .. very few points gained, but Max, with his first kill, got Pilot 18/
Combat 25/Other 21, and improved his Jump to 34, (he didn't use the combat points), and brought his Medical skill to 26.

Note that I think survival is much more important to rookies than medical. Its one of the most vital 'other' skills if you decide to play games without cheating.
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Sleeping_Dragon »

Ouch! [:(]

An Icelord and a Wombat are two mean opponents! I wouldn't want to have to run into that pair! Well at least you have an excuse to recruit a jock for that Poltergeist now. Can't wait to see what the 'reinforced' squad looks like.
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Peter Why
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Peter Why »

Larkin, thanks for the note about Survival; Liz will be spending points on that. Also .. I've included a veryodd solo battle .. a possibly stupid AI tactic. Do you want the saves?

Sleeping Dragon, I want to get Liz's Leadership a bit higher before she recruits a pilot for the Poltergeist.


Liz has 55% Energy Weapon skill, 44% Close Combat, so she bought a Mincer (my design), with Medium laser, Small laser and a Chain saw.
Battle 4. Random: small Terran arena; against a Wasp. Liz ejected.

Liz bought a Quantum (Cold Light Gun and Small Laser)
Battle 5. Random: small Terran arena; against a Rapier. Liz ejected.

Liz bought another Mincer (Medium laser, Small laser, Chain Saw)
Battle 6. Random: small Core arena ... which is going to give Liz some problems with her lasers. Against a Pest (who's going to have even more problems). The enemy ejected.

Battle 7. Random: small Biochem arena. Against a Hammer. Liz ejected.
Liz was raised to Green. Experience points were used to give Reaction and Dexterity boosts.

Liz bought a Pest (2 Medium Lasers)
Battle 8. Random: small Terran arena. Green opponent.

Liz started in the mid-east at the end of a very narrow strip of plain running three quarters of the way across the arena. She was in a heavily wooded area, with most of the map obscured by hills. As she moved forward, she realized that the arena was not as hilly as it looked; it opened out to north and south; she was looking for a patch of wooded hills in a commanding position.

Kane, also on a Pest, appeared in the hills to the west, across a ten-hex stretch of plain. There was no cover on the hill that Liz was heading for, so she turned and ran for some trees on the plain and crouched there. The enemy had dropped out of scan during her move, and reappeared about three hexes away. He was only in light wood, Liz in dense wood.

Liz fired first, hitting him in the lower torso; fired again, and hit his arm. He hadn't fired yet, and was standing still .. perhaps he was trying to get a scan? Liz got more hits on centre torso and head; the woods in the enemy's hex were now alight. Because of the poor visibility, Liz tried for a scan instead of firing, but failed. The enemy titan still hadn't fired, and wasn't moving. (Game was saved at this point .. stupid AI report for Larkin?) Liz got a green scan after two more attempts. Her chance to hit was now 34%, despite the burning woods, so she started firing again, hitting his left arm on the fourth shot (his head and arm were now yellow).

The fire in the enemy's hex went out. He was still not moving and still hadn't fired. Liz kept firing away, with time to let her temperature come down to green occasionally, and he still hadn't fired or moved. He has red damage to CT, left arm, lower torso, yellow to head and right torso (Saved again here)
Liz was now confident enough of her opponent's behaviour to wait for her temperature to drop to green every time she fired her lasers. (Any move by the other titan would become obvious when her chance of hitting suddenly drops.) Eventually Kane's left arm comes off, but he stays on his feet.
After a lot more damage, Liz noticed that he's started to run towards her .. does this mean that she may have to pay for some repairs after all? (Saved again here) .. no, he ejects!

[This is the first battle I've been in where a titan has taken absolutely no damage]

Salvage $18,258 + Payment $125,000 - Upkeep $14,815 = Balance $128,443

Liz spent her points on Scouting, her combat skills (now at Energy 60%, Close Combat 50%) and Survival.
Peter Why
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Peter Why »

Liz started in the extreme south-east corner. She could see very little, as there was a barrier of wooded hills around her. She decided to climb the 39m hill three hexes in front of her to survey the landscape.
From the top of the hill, the ground was fairly flat in a strip about 4 hexes wide all the way to the western border. A barrier of bare hills, medium to high, lay to her north and along the near edge of the clear strip.
She worked her way north, east and down through the centre to the south-west corner ..

At last, at 1203 seconds, she spotted her enemy; a Dagger was crouching in woods near the south-west corner of the arena.
Liz decides to try for an active scan, for the to-hit advantage against a similar titan, and dodged successfully down the hill. The enemy was now two hexes away. She didn't get a good scan. They run past each other, firing when they turn, exchanging medium laser hits. They end up in adjacent hexes in heavy cover; Arthos charges at Liz. It's time for fisticuffs; his second punch hits Liz's titan in the head, where an earlier shot had already done some damage. Liz takes 15 damage! She started to run out of the hex to get some healing if she can, but another punch to the head and a small laser hit .. and Liz dies .. and the hopes of the financial backers of the Bloody Fist team die with her.

A bit sudden .. a lesson to learn, keep at least a three-jock squad, to give you a survivor to carry on with. I enjoyed that; will start another series soon.
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Sleeping_Dragon »


but I'll live as long as there's another series [;)]
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by LarkinVB »


Larkin, thanks for the note about Survival; Liz will be spending points on that. Also .. I've included a veryodd solo battle .. a possibly stupid AI tactic. Do you want the saves?

I fixed a similar problem for v1.2.0 but you can send me the save nevertheless.
Peter Why
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RE: Bloody Fist - Rookie AAR

Post by Peter Why »

Larkin, save is on its way as a PM.
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