Arnhem: A Bridge too Many, or maybe not?

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Arnhem: A Bridge too Many, or maybe not?

Post by Widell »

Air Landing Assault AAR (3.7 MB)

Please let me know what you think, both regarding the AAR as such as well as the way the fighting played out

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RE: Arnhem: A Bridge too Many, or maybe not?

Post by Arjuna »


Very nice. I liked the presentation.
Dave "Arjuna" O'Connor
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RE: Arnhem: A Bridge too Many, or maybe not?

Post by MadScot »

Doesn't "Favour Allies" for axis reinf REDUCE German reinf? I think you wanted "Favour Allies" for ALLIED reinfs?

Nicely presented, how long did the write-up take? Do you do it as you play, or afterwards?
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RE: Arnhem: A Bridge too Many, or maybe not?

Post by Widell »

Thanks for the feedback. I write as I play, mainly because I found it makes me a much better player. If I don´t take notes and screenshots I tend to point and click rather than actually creating a plan and trying to execute that as good as possible

As for the reinforcements in this case, I think I just made a mistake when I set the game up...

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RE: Arnhem: A Bridge too Many, or maybe not?

Post by Anecdotes »

Widell wrote: "Thanks for the feedback. I write as I play, mainly because I found it makes me a much better player. If I don´t take notes and screenshots I tend to point and click rather than actually creating a plan and trying to execute that as good as possible. As for the reinforcements in this case, I think I just made a mistake when I set the game up..."

Writing is good to stay organized. Write a battle plan out instead of commiting it to memory helps. Also screenshot it into *.jpg (or save as then upload as a JPEG file), *.bmp are space/bandwidth consuming for online posting. All Windows computers come with MS Paint: anyone can learn it easily.

Which reminds me of a funny anecdote on the Eastern/Russian front. There were many Russian radio operators, more operators than radios of course which meant long, contested battles as the "comrades" fought to gain access to electronic long distance communication. Since everyone was an "equal" under the system of "comrades"... it was a first come first served system. Fortunately no political commisars around for that to perhaps shoot some bungling operators and make space. Its a miracle how these Soviets do their logistics...

One more ambitious radio duo tried to circumvent this equipment shortage by "requesting" more new mobile systems (perhaps the equivalent of today's mobile computers) but was told they would be over in about another 10 days from Siberia. Unfortunately the new mobile system would not include cables/wiring... so these aspiring operators would have to order another set of mobile communications (remember they didn't have cellular phones back then!) which would probably take another 1-2 weeks by (reluctant) donkey-back from Siberia. As for a secured stable communication system (think of broadband internet), well that would be another 1-2 weeks according to their logistics comrade. Its comrade everything, progress very slow.

Now if you're up against the Allies on the Western Front and all their logistics... you need planning and luck: don't count on them bungling up support/logistics. Hope ya had a good laugh.
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RE: Arnhem: A Bridge too Many, or maybe not?

Post by karto »

ORIGINAL: Anecdotes
Unfortunately the new mobile system would not include cables/wiring...
Yea sure... they got radios without cables - and their soldiers got weapons without ammunition [:D]
You gotta admire an army with unusable weapons and radios that is still able to destroy the wehrmacht.
Critical thinking is allowed you know...
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