A Mod Cauldron...

This forum is intended for questions on scenario and campaign design, including the random scenario and campaign systems. This is also the location to upload and post your latest new scenarios and campaigns.
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A Mod Cauldron...

Post by spellir74 »

"Kessel 44!"

All infantry units used.

All of my vehicles that are models; Ie instead of just XML's. All, except my 223 funk wagon which didn't fit scenario date. And when there are multiple varieties of a model (eg my 221-MG version, 221-ATR version and 221-PzBuk version) only one verison is used (for game play and date reasons).

Some units arrive as reinforcements after first turn. Some units are alone (eg only one 'PzBuk41'); some show up many times (eg 'rifle 1', 'rifle 2', 'rifle 3') so as to make the _scenario /game_ more interesting.

This scenario Needs (you must install) the following:

250 Halb Ketten Pack __spl
INF PACK ___spl
+INF PacK _update [06/09]_
221 Recon Pack ___spl
'Sherman 75mm' M4A3 __spl (from Mraah 76mm orig)

You don't need my...

223 Recon ___spl
German Livery Pack __spl

Scenario Kessel 44.zip
(4.04 KiB) Downloaded 17 times

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