Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

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Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

Post by MikeB »

Spring 40
The players have been announced and the game finally begins version 1.040

Justin = germany
JanSorensen = japan
jagular = russia/chi
MikeB = WA (as the dummy)

Unfortunately, i miss Justin's first email of superiority and all around nastiness. Jagular warns Mike B(WA) that Justin likes to go for Scotland ...then CANADA?? The handy Brit sub confirms the possibility. Unfortunately, there appears little the Brits can do to forestall the attempt. The Germans took Yugoslavia...but curiously left Denmark alone. The Swedish resource/production was left to be gathered by Russia - i suppose - as there was no G transport in the Baltic sea.

Contrary to most WWII games, i perceive there is no outright rule about garrisoning the G-R border during the effort against the French. It is uncertain if the loss of 4 G MIL in the attack against Yugoslavia will have consequences.

The brits managed to do 3 damage efforts against the infrastructure buildup in W France(Paris). Pitiful, I know...but one must start clarifying the situation sometime. The dearth of Brit INF at start of the scenario is a real bummer to Brit startup. The Brits will NEVER be this vulnerable again!

Mike B...Sept 12/05.
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RE: Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

Post by MikeB »

Brit Su 40 ...Sept 13 05
keen bunch of guys. day 2, turn 2.
As a worried British sovereign was advised of the Brit sea fleet in the Red Sea...it was being trashed by the adventurous I-tees. Soon -whispered the admiral at his ear. Concern had been expressed to the Ruskies to encourage the tribesmen to sabotage the locks at Suez....apparently to no effect.

Nary a noise maker out of British guns this turn. and this is war - wonder the populace?
Mike B
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RE: Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

Post by MikeB »

Germany Fall40...Onward ho
In a surprise move Germany invades Spain. The Spanish fleet nearly escapes to the Med but an Italian battleship greedily sends it to the bottom. In other news Hitler decides to give up politics and establishes an art community near Greece.

As Italian forces expand out of Egypt, the head of Italian forces in the area was overheard saying "Rommel? Who needs Rommel"

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RE: Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

Post by MikeB »

Winter 41 :
England and Scotland have survived without attack. It is noted that German ftr are now at range 2...so that may change. In addition to 2 ftr, 2 FLAK also are available to inflict casualties on any errant misguided enthusiastic German pilots.

Due to the inefficient work of our TAC in Arabian Sea, the Italian sub has gone AWOL. This unprecedented event has led to caution on the part of British transports. A DD was sent from England to investigate.

Discussion with Stalin led to uncertainty about the German movement toward Persia. While assistance with this potential southern Russia menace was requested, Allied forces could only claim that their own sovereign defence was priority. As to additional supplies to Russia...this was to be further considered should the war enlarge to include Russia. It appears the Germans have little interest in Russia as most land forces are otherwise occupied in partisan suppression throughout Europe. Supplies to such are becoming more difficult. The underground wireless reports that German fighters appear more frequently and for longer duration.

The British people are indignant that nothing is being done. North Africa has been over-run and what news comes from Egypt is frightful. A humanitarian mission through the Med to recover family members is being planned. Negotiation with Italians is believed to have commenced.

Mike B
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RE: Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

Post by MikeB »

Winter 41 end of Brit turn :
Remind me NOT to bait the Huns again.
2 killed Brit fighters, a damaged BB and a sunk BB and numerous factory facilities damaged or outright destroyed vs 2 damaged G ftr. Does this spell catastrophre to you?

Remind me NOT to bait the Huns again.
Mike B
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RE: Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

Post by MikeB »

Not certain of game date time : Sept 25, 2005

News from the German - Russian Borders are somewhat confusing.
Germany Invades Russia! Stalin spits Vodka!

Poland overrun. Persia under the axis boot. Caucasus oil refineries
by bombers and paratroopers. Celebration in the Reichstag... until
reconaissance discovers over 13 Russian tank groups ... Not fun!

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RE: Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

Post by MikeB »

Summer 42....yes, there has been little good to talk about in interim[:(] and I see my opponents have been lax to add to this thread.[:-]

The Axis forces were very enthused about the gift of the Middle East. The number of troops at the Arabia Peninsula gave them pause.[8|] Moving Eastward into Persia was an easier task. [;)] In addition, it was time to attack Russia. [:'(][:'(]

The south door of Russia proves to be a fruitful environment for German unification. The WA bomber from Arabia was quickly discouraged from attacking Italian Transports ferrying supplies and troops through the Western Med by the simple expedient of aptly stationing a FLAK unit in each of the 2 provinces adjoining the Red Sea. So much for harrassment.[:-] Onward to Russia! [:)]

Yes, many good German boys are happily now ensconced in the hinterland. Older men spend their evenings teaching German to the local peasants who do not seem all that perturbed by new masters. Our good friends the Japs have set up shop next door. Their training methods for the local inhabitants are somewhat more brutal.[:D]

Spring 42 saw a half-hearted attempt by WA Indian troops to enter S Persia. A measily INF + FLAK. The high command is focused upon Russia and makes light of such pests. [>:][>:]

Summer 42 - Continued operations in Russia expand another territory for German unification.

German Fall 42...HUH! The WA have slithered into N Persia. The German bomber and fighter forces retreated? INTO ...Russia. BUT there is NO supply in Russia![&:] Local commanders are flying(with what amounts to the remainder of available air fuel) a senior officer to Berlin to impress upon the General Staff the necessity for support. TOO MANY German patriots are now dependent upon local inhabitants for food. AND FUEL you ask. What fuel? We are hording it for cooking purposes!

Redirection of priority to this "measly" WA incursion into N Persia is now a HIGH priority.

Commentary from the Western Press is making public the concept of "Give a man enough rope...and he will hang himself for you". Our spies report the more ominous concept from an author called Tom Clancy. Something about get inside the decision cycle of your opponent and victory follows easily. Our philosophers and teachers are being tasked to examine and explain this latter concept.

Mike B

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RE: Jus_Jan_Jag_Mike Sept 05 start

Post by MikeB »

Sadness reigns as Russina fails to make bail. The Japan-Germany punch was decided as killers and the game ended shortly before USA arrived to fight. The US canNOT do it alone. Russia MUST exist!

A risky AGGRESSIVE WA player is a must ...for Russian survival. A new game is being considered. Mike B would like to be WA with China having a bonus 2 supply per turn...so as to keep Japan honest!

Mike B
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