herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »

Captain Hara is awakened well before Dawn. For a moment he struggles to drag himself from the face of his sweet wife -and then the reality crashes in.

The flimsy is thick with orders, instructions
It takes some time to digest its contents..........

he groans to himself 'my engineer is really, really going to hate me"
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »

Juni passes the paper to Miyazuki , currently it is slightly more useful to read it before using it for better purposes
The Propoganda is toned down now -now its all about "hard roads, indomitable spirits, 100 million for the Emperor"

The news speaks of yet another allied CVE sunk near Aitape, of a war continuing in China , and invincible line in Thailand.
Much space is devoted to the allied rejection of the peace feelers -and angry rejection in turn of American arrogance.

There is a new page in the paper though -in fact, a whole new trend.
'economy ideas" Economy drives" 'making do without..............

Iwaya is long gone.
Most in japan do not even know his name, or what he did.
'But they are now suffering from the lack of his presence
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »

cantona -no read status again -which means big things about to happen obviously!

it is a sweet moment, yet bitter too.
But a moment that both would cherish -for as long as they remained alive

Miyazuki brings his fighter down low over the anchorage, 500 feet, if that. He leads a flight of 6, the waters rushing below him.
The great grey shapes are in a line, a great line, and they race down them, each looming up, then passing under his right wing.
The engine fills his world -yet he hears it not.
The last of the battlewagons is looming large -and fate has been very, very kind.

Amongst the several figures crowding the lookout platform one is bouncing and waving exciteably -and there is no mistaking him
He waves back at his brother -and then exuburantly he inverts his plane, rolls her right around, and then leads his men straight up into the low clouds.

The great battlewagons were not idle -even airmen can spot anchors being raised, and foam kicking at stems.
The enemy are landing at Iwo

'Give em hell little brother.'

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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


from Iwo Jima
Southern command

Following forces identified ashore
3rd marine div
93rd div
364 reg
2 tank units unidentified
many engineer units
1st marine Amph battalion

Only 1 BB -New mexico off beaches
many transports
many LSTs sunk on beaches
main battle not yet begun
Confident that we can hold!
may the empire remain a thousand years!
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


Battleship Yamato - south east of Sendai
Speed 15 knots
course, SSE

Enemy invasion fleets due east of Iwo -120 miles, further fleets, AO's -further east again.

A letter preserved from the war, apparently posted immediately prior to Yamato's sailing.

To Nagumo

Well, old friend -we may have our differences -but on this, I think we must agree.
This invasion is both a grave threat -and an opportunity
I believe the enemy may not be able to quickly grab the airfield -if they do not -another majuro may be in the offering!
I agree with your assessment -the enemies week point is his tankers -get them, and everything falls into a heap for him.
I am currently planning to work to his east -and come in from behind -he has a history of having his tankers close up behind his invasions............

I plan to send Umeya's Task force north from Siapan at the same time -I hope he drags the enemy CV's south!

The big question is, of course -Mobile fleet. I agree. Only one fleet CV -and NO fast Battleships.
90 transports once in Colombo - now gone. I agree. he has been waiting for Combined fleet to race to the pacific. I have ordered combined fleet to sail from Singapore -he must have gotten that by now.
I will depend on the enemy attacking in the east within the week - Mobile fleet is ordered to do -or die -take him out there -and we gain the long awaited victory.

I do not actually fear Iwo falling - if it does -I intend to hit, and run his supply lines.

We must be patient, we must hold our nerve. My guts tell me -this is a gigantic, desperate gamble. Patience will prevail!
Finally, if i die this week -spare no time for ceremony -hold my death a secret for as long as you can..........

If it all goes teribly wrong -Yamato will go down all guns firing.
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »

Miyazuki, sailor, again scans the oceans.
The LT of the watch completes the long climb from below.
"News men. The enemy barely match Iwo's 1 to 1. the Ichi Chima invasion appears a farce - a raid"
He takes a breath, grins " Tanaka is being detached!. And we are moving into carrier attack range. Tomorrow will be a busy, busy day." The grin grows "With luck - our rifles may once again see the enemy"

And not a few men growl back, Miyazuki amongst them " And not before time too"
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »

The battle for Iwo

Day two

Miyazuki begins his watch, the sky changing rapidly from darkness to a brilliant dawn red, then into a grey, gloomy overcast.
Scattered showers. Even a couple of heavy thunderstorms fill the horizon, and Yamato’s decks glimmer from the nightly rain
The sea reveals itself in the morning light, oily smooth, dark, malevolent
For the hundredth time, he nervously checks his equipment, his personal gear.

The great director hums, and conditions are terrible –less than 10000 yards visibility in any direction.
Things are busy, one after another, Yamato launches her little chickens, and the director team becomes very busy indeed as communications with the Petes is established.
Should the rifles be needed, they will become critical if Yamato is to take the advantage of her long long reach.

The airwaves are full of chatter, and the picture takes considerable effort to follow.
So many ships east of Iwo.
How can they fight them all.?
Yamato enters a heavy rain storm – and visibility becomes almost zero – a blessing, yet a curse.
Wrapped in grey –she presses south.

‘Enemy carriers -270 miles –south west’
Yamamoto has three small CVE’s with him, supposedly to provide CAP.
Today is no day to be anything but bold
Their decks hold just 9 dive bombers, 18 torpedo bombers, and the rest elderly fighters.
By 10 am, the decks are clear – attack!
And now every eye is keenly looking upwards –and blessing the rain now.
Many carriers – Fleet included – are now in range

Time crawls, the radio chatter increases.
The lieutenant grins – “somebody on Iwo has done well, a CVE has been sunk”
The men do not smile. A single CVE is nothing –not with the Essex out there……
The lieutenant nods as he listens into his headset. The grin IS infectious “ That will make em mad. Apparently the ALF floatplane is once again a ship killer!”
This, thinks Miyazuki, is more like it.

He wonders aloud “Where is Tanaka sir?
‘In the rain –like us? –and praying it does not clear –he missed the intercept apparently.
If it clears ………..”

And the rain, suddenly, almost as if a tap has turned, clears.
And Tanaka on Ibuku, breaks into bright sunshine

Tanaka stands, wind whipping his uniform in the 30 knot breeze.
It is good to be alive on such a day……….
Behind him -3 other light cruisers, nearly a dozen destroyers –and there –on the horizon –his target, hunted so elusively all night – the low fat silhouettes of fleet oilers –the fat tubby CVEs , and the sleeker escorts.

35000 yards.
A long, long way.
‘Signal Yamato- enemy in sight!
“hard to port, full ahead Flank!, all ships, follow me!”

“Enemy aircraft! –directly overhead!”

Damn , to die so close, so damn close!

Yet his voice remains calm. A rock in the coming storm.

60 torpedo bombers, 30 odd dive bombers………..

‘Steady helmsman – steady –OK, hard to starboard, full astern Stbd engine!
The first dive bombers begin to stream down, and the guns begin to bark

And so it begins………………………….

Extract from Shattering the sword, A cantona production.

……….and there is little doubt this first attack from Yamato’s taskforce –coming in from the WEST –was mistaken as allied aircraft by the radars, the CAP patrol

It had easily penetrated the screen well before anyone reacted, and the Hellcats had time for only one desperate intercept pass –matched by the zekes frantic determination to protect the few bombers ……….

A great number of zekes fell –and flak –what was bought to bear –pitifully few guns, tore 4 torpedo bombers out of the sky right under her bows –but for CVL Belluea wood – it was all too late.

3 500 lb bombs, 2 60 lb bombs find there way deep into her guts……..
The carnage of Iwo had begun………………

“Where is the enemy sir?’
“Steady Miyazuki. Be glad. From what I can gather, Tanaka is taking the heat.
All the enemy are concentrating on him, and not us………..”

The LT is correct. The sun shines. Yamato’s little hens re gather their remaining chicks, and for the rest of the day, they remain undisturbed.
As night falls, her great bulk eases gently over –and works to full speed……….

“From Yamamoto
To Nagumo

Enemy fleet CV’s spotted.
Still remain convinced that plan is still good –especially in light shipping sighted port blair.
1 enemy CVL crippled.
My planes exhausted
Enemy task force coming south from Attu
Intend to return full speed to sendai –please provide aircover –reception committee for any pursuit

Fate of Tanaka unknown –
Direct CVL Junyo to attack from south west
Remain convinced that a patient approach will give victory……….

Ibuku steams hard still.
Where once a AA mount sat on the port side –now a ugly gash burns.
But he lives still

Tanaka has lost the other CLs, and a DD
Yet now night falls, and the fat Tankers are still only 30000 yards away
Himself, and 6 DD’s –undamaged

And 80 long lance torpedo’s.

He is alive still
Weary, tired, but every nerve alive!
He has brought his ship through.

Overhead, in the fading light, the aero engines are fading away
Over there –the sleek destroyers are turning towards him….
He is Japanese
The enemy are there

What other order is there to give?

‘Port ten
Remain at flank speed.
Standby all ships –Long lance attack”

(The game mechanics)
Tanaka TF spent entire day in same hex as massed allied TF’s –mainly tankers –but one reports three CV’s. Am phase –clouded in. PM phase –all allied planes, including belluea woods-attacked him.
After PM phase, was a bit annoyed that 7 warships did not engage anyone!
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


intercepted message from cantona to the President of the United States “if this last throw of dice fails –I fear this war lost’………………..

At Sendai, there is only one word to describe the field

In addition to Nakamura’s many fighters, Japan is flying in group after group of Naval attack bombers. A task force is heading south west from Attu – and there is every possibility that it may pass into range.
If not – Yamamoto is calling for cover –dashing to Sendai, his decks all but empty.

Juni may hate the navy –but fate is calling him here it seems to fight for the navies very life……….

Captain Hara listens to his engineer, he does not really understand exactly what the stained man is saying –but he understands the tone of the voice, the inflection of panic very well.

Apparently, the water was ‘rotten, bad, or something was wrong with it-the water in the boilers that is. Apparently –‘rotten’ water could be dangerous.

Hara cuts to the chase “ Do you need me to slow down Chief?’
The man hesitates. He –everyone knows what is happening at Iwo Jima.
‘No, ……….I’ll, I’ll risk it sir”
“Good man”

A brave call indeed. A boiler explosion is nothing to be disregarded………..
Akagi races on.

Even as Tanaka turns his ships towards the enemy, the rains pound down again, and visibility vanishes

What follows, is a nightmare
For an hour, they race on.
No contact
Still no contact
Another yet
Where –where the Truk have they gone?

And then, abruptly, the curtain raises.


One moment, darkness, pouring, blinding rain
The next – stunning moonlight , and a wall of ships just 2000 yards ahead –straight ahead.
Isuzu leads them – and Tanaka’s T is already crossed

2000 yards –knife fight range
‘Straight through!, straight through!, Tanaka screams, and he orders his cruiser to charge for the gap just astern of the looming battlwagon…….
Japanese guns crash first – surprise achieved!

The task group individually does the same –dashing for the allied line – a race -a race against luck, fate –and thousands of shells..

It is quick, brutal
40 plus torpedoes streak towards the allied line –a cruiser bucks -back broken – Hibiki scores!

25mm, 40mm tracer arcs both ways, flashing, smashing, sparks, fire, flame.
Searchlights streak out –and are snuffed
8 inch shells scream over Tanaka’s head, water cascades over them, men scream

huge shadows, creaming wakes as they race through the gaps –great guns unable to track them – safety in getting in, getting in close………
Oite –explodes –is gone –another Japanese destroyer rolls over –still doing 20 knots…

They slice through –the night pitch ahead –and they race for its safety –this rain bank.
Some make it, some don’t

And the guns fall silent

2 destroyers gone.
Hibiki untouched
3 others steaming hard
And somehow, some how, Tanaka lives.

They race north for Japan.
Behind them, the quincy must sink. And many, many guns and torpedo tubes are nearly empty.

And dawn will soon come.
The majority of the troops transported so far, are now ashore.
Japan has 3 full regiments at Iwo – dug in, well, very well supplied
The Allies have not brought nearly, not nearly enough men……………..

On Chichi Jima –the raiding troops surrender
There is no slaughter, no mistreatment this time
Instead, the winners are scrupulous in their behavior to the American engineers

Nagumo has initiated a new policy.
Will it ultimately pay off?

CVL Junyo
Captain Umeya studies the sighting reports

The oceans south east of of Iwo Jima are covered with scattered ships –tankers, Aps, AKs – probably a CVE or two.

Umeya is very, very happy.
Siapan is slipping behind him, his tanks are full.
He has a new Jolly roger raised……..

Tomorrow he will be in –to quote a modern saying “A target rich enviroment”

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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


There is almost an air of unreality onboard Junyo
The saying, Junyo verses the Americans -has raced through the ship -and fills the men with a perverse pride.
There is a great deal of truth in it -to the east of iwo, and well to its South east, almost endless reportings of ships flow in.

So many, in fact that Umeya's Flight Officer is overwhelmed.
Umeya's answer is simple. Well before dawn he speaks to his pilots.
'Fly that way" -he points north east "and sink whatever gets your fancy. I doubt we will be here waiting in return, so watch your fuel. I hear Iwo field is still in our hands -the northern one that is"

So they depart - and almost immediately encounter a lone , crippled CVE -kadashan bay history will record.
She is brutally dispatched.

To everyone's surprise, no counterattacks from the enemy fleet carriers to the east - could the threat of pagans bombers be helping?

The PM strike is even quicker - 5 LSTs -a mere 80 miles away.

Nobody understands how, but dusk see's Junyo steaming hard North towards Iwo itself.
The atmosphere on the ship is-well, mad. Men so convinced that death would come today, now believe that anything is possible.

well before dawn, her decks reverb to the next days strike.
Junyo, verses the rest -day two!
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


"seven sir!"
'Only seven - they are splitting up!'
Umeya takes his glasses, scans the horizon -picks them out.
yes, just seven Avengers...........but he has no CAP today -its been all or nothing in todays strike.

The fat torpedo bombers do split -coming in hard and fast, and low -and all intent on them -ignoring the DD's, the Mizuhro.
Junyo's guns bark -how we need more of them!
The 4.7's are not the greatest gun - too slow, to inaccurate-too short range -but today they ddrag one attacker down, and three fish enter the water.

Timing, timing!
he waits, waits -becuase 2 more scream in from the other way, and they count on him turning away.
Hammer attack and well done too.

"Full atern all!"
he bends to the voice pipe "Absolutely everything please chief!"
Junyo shudders, a great shaking down her length -and the deadly fish arrow in -and pass mere feet across her bow.

The next two are not even sighted -wild drops -it is the last that terrifys everyone - even as the Avenger crosses over the bow -rear gunner fist shaking as they roar across -everyone braces for the hit.

it never comes -why, how, they will never know.

Junyo still lives.
The old ship shakes herself, and heels as Umeya turns her now towards the next attack - a horrible rate of advance, her engines straining to gain speed

5 more avengers - straight ahead - but the destroyers are placing themselves between them and Junyo -a storm of fire, and the attack peels away..........

Umeya grins at his flight officer -at his helmsman -at everyone.
the shared feeling of execution delayed yet again.

And now Junyo's strike is going in - CVE St LO today - Junyo today becomes the premier ship killer of the war.............
2 DE's join the score -and Iwo Jills take down another CVE .

And now, ammunition expended, luck pressed to the limit -Umeya turns for safer waters -and flees..........
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »

Captain Hara reads todays flimsies

'Enemy ships identified
BB new mexico, nevada
2 fleet CV
4 cve.

estimate following inflicted
Minor damaged by special attack squads both BB's
CVL belleau Wood crippled -
3 CVE sunk

estimate some 400 a/c oppose you
Iwo field fully functional
troops holding, but odds still growing against

400 aircraft
he is bringing 800

And still plenty for opertion Crimson dawn 2 in the indian ocean.
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by flaggelant »

could it be? a miracle!?!

not only a great story to read, also a brilliant commander of forces

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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


It is raining

Nakamura has gathered every fighter pilot at sendai, and they crowd the hall .
the air is thick with smoke -that nobody notices, much banter, and laughter.
The noise is impressive - the usual you get when you gather 100 plus young men together. But it quickly dies away, and assumes a most serious tone as Nakamura, Juni and Chuzbauro -the 47th's sentais biggest killers mount the stage, and reveal from under a sheet, a large wooden model of a B-29

"gentlemen -the B-29 -the topic today - how to kill it -with out it killing you"
Silence, intense silence.
What follows first -from Juni -a graphic, and slightly terrifying explanation of the big bombers killing power, its guns, their arcs -and the sheer firepower it, and a massed formation of planes could bring to bear.

85000 -thats right men - 85000 rounds per minute can be pumped out by a single formation. A bit hard to dodge.
But dodge we must.

Then, from Chuzbauro - "how NOT to attack a B-29"
from astern , and above - he will kill you before you hit him.............
from astern , and below - 50/50 -not good odds................

Nakamura then takes the stage. using a model of a gale -he describes first the beam attack -coming in from 1000 yards ahead and above, swinging into the flank of the bomber, curving down and away behind it.
tricky -3 to 5 degrees deflection - the possibility of a killing hit low..............

The frontal beam attack -start at 10 o'clock, swing in to 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock -again about 4 to 5 degrees of deflection - a safer attack -but very, very difficult

Nakamura's knife.
5000 feet above -invert -vertical dive down and through............."But thats only for us highly skilled idiots' grins Juni
"Idiots is the term" from the crowd.

Nakamura settles them.
'This gentlemen -is the attack. High quarter frontal attack. Intercept speed -650 knots. Do NOT dive through - hit the lead bomber -and turn 90 degrees -flank attack the next.

3 fighters to each bomber -the B-29 only has one forward turret.............

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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


For Agarshi, Shimto, on watch in Ryujo's engine room, the noise was simply appalling
A gigantic clang - the sound of metal being wrenched apart, dumping adredalin into their viens, sending them instantly pale.
Somebody has worn a torpedo..................

For 30 minutes they become very, very, very busy, as the little carrier violentlt manouvers - here in the glaring lights, the noise, inside this steel box, minds can only imagine what is happening outside.

Eventually the word comes down, Shoho has been hit hard.
Mobile fleet three is beginning to lose ships at an alarming rate.............
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by hosho »


but well written!
the first ones are remembered
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


Extract from "Shattering the Sword" - a Cantona production

.......and as dusk falls, CV Intrepid, CVL San Jancinto close up close to the south of Iwo, and a new tasj force built around BB Nevada moved in to the beach area.
Both task forces have a very busy 24 hrs.
CL Agano, 3 DD attempt a almost suicidal end run on the attack transports - it ends badly -all 4 ships hammered under.

The two carriers put up a CAP of 85 hellcats -and today, for once -it is more than suficient. An attack from Pagan of elderly zeros, and Francis is shreded.
Sonia light bombers from Ichi Jima too are shot down in droves.
But the fighters cannot be everywhere - enemy strength on IWO is growing, a great air bridge is now being built.. Yet more allied troops are coming, now the great race begins..................
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


"Our death warrant"
Umeya hands the flimsy to his XO "We are to attack Iwo from the south west -drag Intrepids wrath upon us"
His XO grimaces, then nochantly hands the signal back 'While Yamamoto comes in from the North?"
"I suppose so"
'it will be worth it if we get Yamato amongst the transports"
Umeya looks at his beloved flight deck, the great flags streaming, his men hard at work on his reduced strike.
So sad to finally fall in battle " I hope so Ex, I hope so"
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


For Miyazuki on Yamato, its another day of tension. To a man, they all now wish for the battle to begin -this waiting, this anticipation, this great day of doubts and fears -is almost unbearable.

The great ship leads the way -behind her -7 other battlewagons -on the starboard flank, 5 small carriers.
The first helldiver is spotted at dawn -and the tension cranks up further.

And nothing happens -the great ships stream south through scattered showers, the small carriers dispatch what they can as raids - and they return, mostly............

The great ships steam in silence - not just radio silence -but a literal silence -each man with drawn into himself. The lucky ones on the upper decks contemplate the world, and drink deep of its beauty today.
For the majority, they stare at what they have to stare at -and think.

Incredibly -no attack appears, and by dusk Iwo is just 240 miles to the south.
Even the slowest battlewagon can reach there before dawn.
The little shepherds peel off at dusk.
Its up to the rifles now.................
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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


Junyo races south.
She has dodged a bullet -again.
her strikes have gone off -again.
2 DE's, a Ak today.

But the real bullet -the Wasp, the Essex, the Intrepid -have disdained her coat tails - laying in wait just off Iwo - drawing every land based plane to them like flies.
This bullets CAP -nearly 100 strong - has reaped a harvest japan has not suffered for a long, long time.

Even discounting the "80 special attacks' -nearly 70 fighters and bombers have been lost -for just 7 confirmed kills.
Japan has plenty of bombers -but few fighters with the range -and pagan -the launch pad -can only handle two groups at once.

But Umeya can snatch some sleep today -one thing he knows -he has done todays duty.
Now, if the allies just stay at Iwo and don't flee like dogs -the battleships should get their chance........

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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

Post by 1275psi »


Captain Hara nods. his engineer -for once, is happy. Fuel a plenty tomorrow.
They will need it.
Mobile fleet one and two is still coming east - third has just finished its decoy mission south of Port Blair.

The latest flimsies are distressing -the enemy now have at least 500 a/c near Iwo -he brings 800.
Probably not.

Not CV on CV.
But Hara knows that this is not Ozawa's objective. That is the great blobs of support shipping strung out like a string from Iwo all the way to wake.
here they will hunt - hunt, reap, and starve the allies of fuel..............

This is Ozawa's plan
For himself, Hara, and his pilots, intends to hurl himself at the heart of the enemy at the first opportunity...........
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