Market-Garden AAR

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Market-Garden AAR

Post by WachtamRhein »

This is my first AAR so be nice [8|]

Market Garden AAR 1


Market Garden was an operation in 1944 that aimed to bring an end to the war before Christmas. It was an ambitious one, and with it, would take more German units out of action and pin more troops to there allowing an easier breakthrough throughout other areas of the frontline, even though the Germans were more determined than ever on the French/German frontline (Westwall-Rhine). The towns Eindhoven, Arnhem, Nijmegen, and Grav with their bridges were to be captured. The airborne troops capturing them were then given the objective of holding off all forces until the armour came to relieve them. Another reason why airborne forces were used, because if a conventional assault was used, then the Germans could simply destroy them, and if forced to retreat could use the scorched earth policy which also led to the destruction of the bridge. This would make a pontoon neccessary, which would be using precious time, even though it would be neccessary. The airborne forces were under threat also, because even though the area was weak the two Panzer-Divisions, 9.SS Panzer-Division 'Hohenstaufen' and the 10.SS Panzer-Division 'Frundsberg' were refitting in the area, and could take out the airborne forces before they could be relieved by the armoured forces. Now, in real-life, this operation was a failure, but even now will it be a bridge too far?
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