My 1st AAR!

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My 1st AAR!

Post by Strike1905 »

And what a battle vs the opponent Bug, (shades of Starship Trooper?)!
I was TE.
The strategy, (as all my PBEM CP opponents will attest to), send hordes & hordes of the Russe crashing down on AH with absolutely no regard for anything but sending hordes & hordes of Russe crashing down on AH.
Hold in the West.
The Bugs.
Basically a Schlieffen.
It was run beautifully.
He WHOOPED on the B.E.F. and cruised deeper & deeper in France.
As mentioned in other posts, while my strategy is oodles of fun, it generally will not work.
But, ahhh Lady Luck is a fickle mistress.
Just as Paris was surrounded, (sp?), on all but one side, and was about to fall, with France in the process, I launched an incredibally desperate Ardennes gamble, (more shades, this time of WWII).
A revitalized B.E.F. that was bypassed and hanging out in Antwerp went south, the grim remainders of the French from the border posts went north, and an almost inconceivable, (shades of the Princess Bride), loping off of over 30! YIKES, German corps brought the drive to a halt.
A desperate struggle ensued in the west for the Germans to puncture a supply line through an rapidly entrenched & reinforced Allied line, though ultimately, and fatally unsucessful. And the Russe took out AH with the Germans preoccupied on their drive, and then turned north to administer the coup de grace.
Sure, my gamble was an act of complete desparation, but the opportunity was there, and it suceeded.
The most important lesson to be taken from this will be explained to future opponents.
All and all though, nice job Mr. Bug, very close indeed.
And jolly good fun.
Enjoy your well deserved retirement Willie!
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RE: My 1st AAR!

Post by cavalryman »

Sounds like a great game.....nice review
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