France in a Year

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France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

I embarked on a France first, classic von Schlieffen plan game. Austria-Hungary was assigned the taks of occuping the Russian's interest. To this end only Potiorek, 9th Inf, 10th Inf, 11th Inf and 4Cav were dedicated for Belgrade and the Serbs. Germany placed the 37th Inf in Konigsberg; 36th Inf, 2Cav, 4Cav and Heeringen in Thorn; and 34th Inf, 35Inf, 3Cav and Prittwitz outside Lodz.

The Western Front was setup as a balanced line with no over stacking and at least two corps per hex. The German fleet stuck to the Baltic for the turn. After which the September/October 1914 Strategic phase looked like this:

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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

Next the drive through Belgium continued. Germany raced to Dunkirk but no British troops arrived. Verdun was surrounded and the right flank thinned as a more central opportunity arose. November/December start lokked like this:

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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

Now the French middle provides a soft target. Germany softens Verdun and employs deadly gas. The British arrive on the German right so the entrenchment begins there. Russia presses into Prussia and the German eastern forces manuever to stall their advance. A solid AH southern drive thru Dubno and Rowno begins to draw those Russians south. January/February 1915 looked like this:

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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

The winter sees Germany reinforce its center and the TE make unwise counter attacks on Arras -- Verdun falls. March/April 15 starts like this:

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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

The Big Push! Paris must fall. The German center turns right and pounds Paris, taking the hex north of Paris compels a British retreat. France continues it foolish push into southern Germany creating opportunities for the rest of the German center. May/June 15 shows the absolute annihilation of Paris' defenses.
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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

Repost with embed

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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

As France cracks, Britian throws all its forces into the fray. Reforming the TE left and continuing the irksome but futile push into Germany. The French forces in the center and on the trailing edge of their push take the brunt of Germany's punishment. July/August 15 starts like this:

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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

July/August sees the final push, Lyons falls -- The British northern expeditionary forces are cut off and killed. France surrenders. Two British corps enjoy Oktoberfest before their doom.
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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

Yet another repost by an idiot poster

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RE: France in a Year

Post by Sewerlobster »

By focusing on France first, I not only mauled the British but then had years to pick apart the Russians. The US enetered early but Italy faced with a huge garrison on its border did not enter the war -- which ended in Decisive victory in Jan/Feb 18. I was puzzeled by Italy's recalcitrance, as the garrison could be the only reason for it not entering and I didn't know that was a factor. The garrison shown was deployed throughout in anticipation of a never to be seen Italian-American front.

No US troops landed in Europe. Britian having lost so many corps in France sent no troops to aid Serbia or early entering Greece. The Ottomans took an unoccupied Cairo and the garrison at Alexandria stayed put. Russia proved tough and entrenched. A fun game.

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RE: France in a Year

Post by BK6583 »

When I started reading this I checked the date thinking this AAR was from last year before the last several patches had kicked in. Beats me how you managed this. Although I'm enjoying GoA quite a bit, at the same time time I'm also enormously frustrated playing the CP against the AI. No matter which way I try to stir the stew, my advances and attacks into France bog down and no matter what AH does against Russia, German corps that might have kept the momentum going in France are going to stem the Russian tide. Very historic I know but I've been playing with every advantage button clicked for the CP and I"m still not getting any where. Either the AI is much tougher these days or I'm just not getting it regarding the right mix of tactics for the Germans. I've read and reread the AARs and posts on this forum - not sure there'll be any responses to this, but any additional advice regarding German tactics and techniques would be most welcome.
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