Any chance for 3D models in this sim?

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Any chance for 3D models in this sim?

Post by ChunkyMoe »

I know a lot of your games use NATO symbols for models, but was wondering, since this is a CIVIL WAR era sim, wouldn't having 3D models be more accurate to depict how people would have used war maps etc. for plaiing battles, I mean they didn't have NATO icons back then right?
Thank you,
JD Wohlever
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RE: Any chance for 3D models in this sim?

Post by Werewolf13 »

Like tin soldier figurines, in color?

If so IMO - not a good idea. Current system shows unit types to a level of detail that cannot be shown with 3d models. Ex. NATO symbols shows light infantry symbol and heavy infantry symbol. Different unit types with different uses. How would a 3d model show that?

In addition:

Many of us that served in NATO military units are familiar with the symbology used. Learning another symbology set (especially for old farts like me) would be an annoyance some may not wish to deal with.
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Michael Andress
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RE: Any chance for 3D models in this sim?

Post by Aurelian »


I know a lot of your games use NATO symbols for models, but was wondering, since this is a CIVIL WAR era sim, wouldn't having 3D models be more accurate to depict how people would have used war maps etc. for plaiing battles, I mean they didn't have NATO icons back then right?

No, Napoleon used colored pushpins. Each had its own page in his notebooks. By the ACW, troop dispositions were drawn right on the maps in the shape of rectangles. Fully colored for infantry, half colored for cavalry. Hash marks for cannon. Their formation was drawn either horizontal or vertical (Line or column.)

Using 3D models would not be accurate or realistic.
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