Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CS) v Gunnulf (US)

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

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April, 1862

Looks like a couple game months have happened without me posting. Truth be told, hardly anything happened in terms of battles or fighting, though it appears 1862 will be considerably busier.


News sweeps the South of a monumental disaster, with an enormous impact on the morale of the nation! Calls are made for Jeff Davis's head for the latest news from the front!

Tuscon has fallen! 5 NM is lost!

Seriously, why is Tuscon, with the 916 citizens recorded in the 1860 census, worth the same NM loss as New Orleans, in 1860 the largest city in the South and home to 168,000 people? Or worth more in NM loss than the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida.....COMBINED?

It makes no sense, other than it was made that way for the Sibley scenario, for what is otherwise a pretty minor footnote. Gunnulf put alot of men into the California column, so short of sending 5000 men into Arizona, which I was not going to do, no way I could hold it.

Kudos to Gunnulf for making it a priority and taking it, but should not be 5 NM in game.


I moved back to Harpers from Annapolis, and used the time to shuffle leaders and re-organize the AnV. Joe Johnston was sent WEST toward Tenneessee, following Longstreet. I formed another Cav Division under Jeb Stuart. We're building units and gathering strength.

The weather is clearing now, so time to make a move......look at the map, the obvious one is smashing Butler's army, and threatening Maryland again. I don't think I can take Washington, but the objective would be to draw enough troops here to curtail operations elsewhere, and maybe get someone promoted.


Kentucky, the "Shield of the South", is still closed. Grant is still at New Madrid, doing not much other than building a depot. He has a large Corps though. Longstreet has enough men at Island 10 that a direct assault is not possible for him. He'll probably move on Osceola, or wait until KY opens.

Far West:

Spies tell me that Carson's command at Valencia, NM, is starving, and the AV seems to be going down. We have taken Ft. Craig, which we intend to burn, and attack Carson's men.

I have burned every stockade in New Mexico now, so the only Union supply sources are the dusty towns arount Santa Fe. Carleton is building a depot in Arizona, but I think he needs one in Los Angeles to pull supplies down there.

The Union supply situation in New Mexico, I noticed last game, is very tenuous; I barely had enough food to make it, and I built hardly anything. It's a real problem for the Union. For whatever reason, it isn't for the Confederacy; I have a stockpile at El Paso.

Seaborne Incursions:

The big news are the Union Navy is now active.

First, a 2-division force of 12,000 men or so landed at Ft. Pike, destroying the Fort and taking it. I railed a bunch of units to New Orleans to join Bragg's forces there, New Orleans is a must-hold at this point. When we attacked Ft. Pike, we found air; Union gone, except the Fort Guns, which I recaptured (no fort for them, though).

These guys instead boarded ship again and landed in Texas; that's a major problem. If they stay, I don't have the units to kick them out. Are they taking Matagorda, and cutting my cotton shipments?

Texas has alot of space, so most I can do is form forces that are large enough to prevent him from spreading out and taking multiple points, that will keep him restricted to 2 or 3 cities. That's about all I can do; I don't want to build a 20,000 man army in Texas.

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by veji1 »

Interesting turn of events. Not a bad result in Lousiana in the end. He took the fort sure, but lost it straight away and you got the guns back which you can use somewhere else. Fort busting is going to happen anyway, if at least he can't set up camp and has to reimbark, not bad. Now the Texas issue could be a problem but it is far away from everything for him too.
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by Q-Ball »


Interesting turn of events. Not a bad result in Lousiana in the end. He took the fort sure, but lost it straight away and you got the guns back which you can use somewhere else. Fort busting is going to happen anyway, if at least he can't set up camp and has to reimbark, not bad. Now the Texas issue could be a problem but it is far away from everything for him too.

You're right that the Ft. Pike thing wasn't a huge deal. Gunnulf is probably doing what you can do right now as Union, which is land in places that cannot be taken back.

In 1862, the Union does not have a big numerical advantage yet; the advantage builds slowly over time, as you out produce the CSA. Especially before KY is open, the CSA can afford to rail units toward invasions and counter them.

It's always a risk for the invading force to get smashed; it's tough to do, but a disaster for the Union if it happens. An 1862 landing at Charleston figures to be opposed with maximum force.

The low-risk thing to do is to land in places that are not easy to counterattack; Texas is one, for sure. In my game vs. Gunnulf as US, I landed at Ft. Gaines, Apalachicola, and Jacksonville, in Florida....again, not an easy place to counter as CSA.

So, he's doing what I would do, with the exception that as USA, I would find a commander I want to promote, like Hooker or Reynolds, and use them to command amphib landings on forts. Even if you don't hold the fort, it's an easy way to get promotions, and as Union you really need some better Corps commanders. Again in my game, I promoted Reynolds and Meade this way, though it didn't work for me with Hancock.

In wonder if, instead of Ft. Pike, he should have landed at Ft. St. Phillip; much harder to re-take. Maybe he was seeing if I had a garrison in New Orleans, which I did, and once he figured it was not going to be an easy take, he moved off. That may be what happened.
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by veji1 »

the fact that you got Bragg and Kirby Smith promoted before the campaigning season of 62 is good thing though, will give you some flexibility.
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by freeboy »


Interesting turn of events. Not a bad result in Lousiana in the end. He took the fort sure, but lost it straight away and you got the guns back which you can use somewhere else. Fort busting is going to happen anyway, if at least he can't set up camp and has to reimbark, not bad. Now the Texas issue could be a problem but it is far away from everything for him too.
Can we destroy guns?
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by Q-Ball »


the fact that you got Bragg and Kirby Smith promoted before the campaigning season of 62 is good thing though, will give you some flexibility.

Indeed, it's a priority to get 2* promotions as the CSA. You don't have enough commanders for sure. Bragg is pretty easy to bump because he starts very high, but EK Smith was a coup, because he is quality.

May 1862


The first iteration of this turn had Lee's 75,000 man army besieging Washington, with McClellan's 55,000 man army at Alexandria, and Federals threatening Richmond. We decided to back up, rather than basically ending the game now. I ran it for fun, and I don't see Washington not falling and ending the game, even though Richmond was probably dead in about 2 turns. Gunnulf is going to garrison Montgomery, MD now.

Far West:

Strange situation. Van Dorn takes Santa Fe, and earns a promotion to 2*. That's all good, only problem is that I am out of ammo. I have to fall back on Mesilla just to re-fill my cartridge boxes, and have another run at Carson. I think Carson's forces have the opposite problem, plenty of ammo but no food.

I still have not done many builds out there; I just don't want to make a big investment in New Mexico, not with other priorities.

I continue to burn Stockades; there is now only 1 stockade in New Mexico, 1 in Colorado, none in Nebraska, and a couple in Kansas. Mostly, I want to restrict the Union ability to move through those territories.


I haven't made much of an investment in Missouri either; mostly, just a few of the Missouri units in the force pool, but otherwise, not much. Not sure I can hold Springfield. If not, we'll fall back.


Grant is now at Hopefield; that's a long trip down the river. This is trouble for him though, because I have a Corps at Hopefield, with Lonstreet just over the river; we should be able to defeat Grant next turn easily, ending that expedition.

Advancing down the West bank of the Mississippi is not a terrible idea; but it's tough if you haven't cleared Island 10 or Ft. Pillow, which I still hold.


Kentucky has opened, so it's off to the races. I thought about defending Bowling Green, and it's tempting because there are alot of nice units in the Kentucky force pool. But ultimately, we're moving out. It's too risky with the Cumberland at my back; I don't want to get stuck on the north bank.

Virginia, Version 2.0:

The revised orders are below; I tried to play it straight-up.

Builds, etc:

As you can also see, I have plenty of cash and recruits right now; the problem is WSU. I have built another brig unit, and I also added brigs to the single-ship units, but that's about all I can do.

There are no good Industrial options for adding War Supplies that don't put that industry where the Union can easily capture it, i.e. along the coast. I did select Carolinas and Georgia builds, but that's it; at least those are interior.

I have tried to balance Artillery and Infantry builds, but I probably need to go infantry heavy now given the WSU situation.

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

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June 1862: Virginia

I have a couple updates, so I can show two maps.

In Virginia, I sent Jackson's Corps south to attack McDowell. I didn't smash McDowell as much as I had expected, frankly, but we did force him back. We are attacking again next turn, hoping to really discourage him from coming out of Ft. Monroe again.

I have to say, though, that I like that move up the Peninsula from a strategy perspective. Sure, you can get a divided part of your army smashed, but it's risky for the CSA to bring a ton of guys to do that, leaving NVA open. And if all really goes bad, you can scurry back to the safety of Fortress Monroe, or even the Union Navy. Anyway, it was a good decision by Gunnulf's part, even if he is hampered by crap leaders

While this is going on, I am vulnerable to assault in NVA; I count 4000 AV I have between Leesburg and Manassas, with another 1000 AV out in the Valley under EK Smith. He has about 7500 AV total. He has enough to maybe take Manassas if he gets lucky, which would be a problem for me; it would uncover Harpers Ferry.

These are the risks you have to run as CSA, I'm afraid

Jackson BTW also turns into my fire brigade in Virginia. As a "Fast Mover", and with excellent skills all around, he is the guy you rely on to plug holes. I also really like using Beauregard as a Corps Commander; under Lee, with bonuses he becomes really nasty in his own right.


No map this time, but I'll mention the Texas update. He now has Houston, Galveston, and Matagorda. I have about 7000 collected under Breckinridge, mostly in various state troops and odds and ends. I have enough to either threaten one of these ports, or at least keep him out of Central Texas. But the Texas coast is probably lost. Not much I can do about it, which is why Gunnulf is probably there......

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

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June 1862: West


With the opening of KY, things are really starting to move.

I decided to abandon Bowling Green; wise move? What do you think? I personally think it's very dangerous to linger north of the Cumberland River, when the Union Navy can get Ironclads to block it pretty much anytime they feel like it. It's not worth the risk, IMO. So, we torched all the rails and moved back to Tennessee.

AS Johnston's army is there, with Corps under Ed Johnson and Bragg. Rosecrans appears to be moving down from Louisville.

Closer to Island 10, Pope crosses at Columbus. We counter by sending Longstreet's Corps north from Memphis; he had moved to Humboldt, and I think was attempting to isolate Island 10 via land. I don't think he can without more men.

I want to hold Island 10 as long as possible; it's the best defensive spot pretty much anywhere. Holding it is key.


Union partisans torched the depot at Fayetteville, and a mixed force under Sumner is at Ft. Gibson, threatening the rear of McCulloch's men at Springfield.

Not sure what to do; it's getting hot, but I hope to hold until Winter, then withdraw in Spring 1863 closer to Little Rock

Far West:

Newly promoted Van Dorn retreats to El Paso, to pick up some ammo. I left Santa Fe empty, but the Union did not move into it, a mistake that will soon be corrected. I plan though to come back guns blazing, as I think I now have the strength to wipe Carson out of NM entirely. His AV keeps declining, and I think Food is a major issue.

My supplies are tenuous, but I have just enough. To keep it in my favor, I burned the last stockade in New Mexico, so we're down to the measly towns for supplies.

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

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July 1862:


While I was down knocking McDowell back from the Peninsula, McClellan managed to knock me out of Leesburg, winning a battle with 2 NM. I had been repositioning my forces to cover Fredricksburg, which worked, but cost me Leesburg.

That wouldn't bother me so much, except that it isolates Smith's Valley Forces. I will have to study to see if I can re-take Leesburg, but not sure I can.

Far West:

This is going very well for me, and I don't feel like I've done a whole lot.

We captured the depot at Albequerque, chasing Carson's starving command into the hills. There are now only 3 towns in NM that the Union holds, and I have plenty of strength to take them all.

What I don't have, though, is ammo; I'm down to just what's in the saddlebags, so maybe 2 battles worth. This will probably prevent me from taking everything, because I don't want to be completely out of bullets.


After declaring Island 10 so important, I abandoned it. The main problem is once you lost Humboldt, it's totally isolated. The other factor is the Union Navy destroyed all the guns via bombardment, so Island 10 no longer stops supplies or anything going down the river. That's the real problem.

Grant's army is now divided, however, and I would dearly like to re-take Ft. Pillow. I may ponder this, because I definitely outnumber him on the lower river.

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by veji1 »

thanks for the update QBall. You probably have to try and seize opportunities for tactical offensive, otherwise he just builds up his strength progressively undeterred.
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

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August 1862

The month of August sees two tactical victories in the West; one of my doing, and one where I basically just sat there and blasted away. First, update from Virginia:


I had many unit shifting to cover Fredricksburg; in the mass movement, McClellan was able to move to Leesburg, and attack my outnumbered forces there, winning a battle and forcing a retreat. Damn!

I cannot take him out of Leesburg, so the result may be the loss of Harpers Ferry. That is important, because I really need to keep the Valley covered; from experience, once you lose the Valley, you can lose Culpeper too, which is bad.

I'm not all that happy with the way things are going in Virginia; I will likely have to step-up more builds


A positive turn of events, however, in Tenneessee.

First, Rosecrans' forces attempted to storm Nashville from over the Cumberland; that was probably ill-advised, as he suffered big losses and was thrown back. Somebody is likely getting blamed for that defeat.

Over by the river, the prior turn found Grant in a tough spot with his back to the river; we counterattacked, and while we didn't win any major battles, we did re-take Ft. Pillow and Covington, and pushed most of Grant's army West of the River. It's difficult to operate from those swamps, so I hope to clear West Tennessee and force basically a start-over for the Union.

I hold Island 10 and Ft. Pillow, but in both places, the guns are gone, so they are more or less empty shells, unfortunately.

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by freeboy »

I just had the AI running circles around me, and you are fairly in control against a human.. hummm.. need more trainign! lol
WAr college?
OK, keep up the AAR, fun reads ! thanks to you both for sharing ...
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by GreyJoy »

Hi Brad!
This seems really a great game. Would you suggest it?
I had fondly loved Forge of Freedom... is this any better as far as you know?

Love your always!

Ciao my friend

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by cmdrsam »

Hi grey, its no where as complex as witpae. But a very good game. Supply is just as important in my opinion. But Qball can answer any question better than I.
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by Q-Ball »


Hi Brad!
This seems really a great game. Would you suggest it?
I had fondly loved Forge of Freedom... is this any better as far as you know?

Love your always!

Ciao my friend


Hey Nic! Hope all is well.

The short answer: It's a good game, probably of more interest if you are interested in American Civil War (which I am). I like WITP-AE better, but this has a huge advantage in that you can finish a game in your natural lifetime....seriously, at 1 turn a day, you're done in 3 months, tops. WITP-AE is the king of all games, IMO, but that is a big problem with it....only 1200 turns to victory!

Nov 1862:

I haven't updated in a bit....part of the reason is that I am a bit miffed at a couple of results that I felt like I was screwed by the game engine, but c'est la opponent has at least one cause for complaint as well.

Nasty Results:

How did I get screwed? Two instances.

#1 was a bad, backward retreat result into a enemy-occupied region, when a friendly depot was available to the south. As a result, I lost so much cohesion, EK Smith's 35,000 men were easily pushed all the way down the Valley, with no opportunity to counterattack. A retreat to Strasburg would have stopped the Union there. Appaling!

Even worse was #2; Forrest was set to join Longstreet's Corps in TN. Longstreet lost a battle and withdrew, but Forrest arrived, with no Corps to join ATTACKED Grant's whole army. 5 NM lost and a complete wipeout of that 6,000-man Cav Division. OUCH!

Anyway, rant over, and I'll point out the one area my opponent can cry fowl.


I mentioned EK Smith's problem.....aside from that, a mixed bag.

First, a large 20,000 man army takes Norfolk, easily shoving aside the 5000-man division I have there. Then, 3 Union divisions appear via sea, and toast all 3 forts in North Carolina. Meade and Reynolds led two of the divisions, and I wonder if that was more about promotions than knocking forts over.

The North Carolina expedition, though, weakened Norfolk, enough that Huger/Jackson re-took it. Even better we captured a Brig unit. WOOF!

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

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Nov, 1862: WEST


See below; this is where I was screwed #2. Losing 6000 Cav does not help the build program, particularly since one of the units lost was the Iron Brigade. OUCH!

Otherwise, we parryed off Grant, and looks like we are going to finish 1862 with Nashville lost, but Memphis held. Half a loaf, anyway.

The better news is that every port from New Bern to Texas is un-blockaded, and unmolested.


Here, things went badly, but it was all my own fault. I won't get into details, but both Springfield and Fayetteville are lost. There is no reason the South should not hold Fayetteville, so this is a bad failure on my part. At least I didn't make a big investment there, which was maybe my problem.

Anyway,once I collect my forces and get straigtened out, we'll need to defend Little Rock. He can't really go further, because it's winter, and he is just building depots.

Far West:

Here is where my opponent got screwed, with a little help from the CSA. If you remember, I burned all the Stockades in New Mexico; between that, and a couple battles, Carson's forces were completely annihilated, mostly through starvation. A shattered remnant is moving to Colorado, but aside from that New Mexico is 100% REB at this point.

An army under Carleton is building at Tuscon; as soon as he has supplies, he'll be entering NM. At that point, party may be over, since I am not going to invest in alot of troops out there. We'll see how Van Dorn does.

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by veji1 »

Hey QBall, I need my daily fix of your AAR ! regarding what happened with Forrets, what was his posture ? When moving troops that are to join a bigger stronger body (here Longstreet's corps), if there is any chance of meeting strong ennemy forces I always have them on green/Green. That way if they meet an ennemy, they can extricate themselves (usually).

Now I must say I also think there is something wack in the calculations when a force, even a cavalry force, bumps into a strong force led by one of the very best generals. It looks to me that the combination of strat/offensive of guys like Grant, Sherman or Lee makes it almost impossible for even a cavalry force to escape on fairly open terrain. happened to me with Stuart not long ago getting annihilated, despite being in green/green.
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by Q-Ball »


Hey QBall, I need my daily fix of your AAR ! regarding what happened with Forrets, what was his posture ? When moving troops that are to join a bigger stronger body (here Longstreet's corps), if there is any chance of meeting strong ennemy forces I always have them on green/Green. That way if they meet an ennemy, they can extricate themselves (usually).

Now I must say I also think there is something wack in the calculations when a force, even a cavalry force, bumps into a strong force led by one of the very best generals. It looks to me that the combination of strat/offensive of guys like Grant, Sherman or Lee makes it almost impossible for even a cavalry force to escape on fairly open terrain. happened to me with Stuart not long ago getting annihilated, despite being in green/green.

I think I had Forrest on offensive posture, as he was sweeping to intercept a Union Cav unit, and if that didn't work join Longstreet's Corps. I think that was my error; I was trying to do 2 things at once. It's a shame that this is the worst battle loss of the war, but oh well.

We had no turns for a week while Gunnulf was repairing his computer, but we're back at it now.

December 1862:


We seem to have settled into Winter Quarters. I retain Norfolk; McDowell's troops retreated south, where they will probably get picked-up by the Union Navy. Too swampy to pursue.

I feel back to the Rappahannock; I may regret that move, as it gives him use of the Manassas Gap RR, but I felt exposed with Jackson's Corps reducing Norfolk. Now that's done, Jackson is back at Fredricksburg, while Beauregard is at Culpeper. They have something like 60,000 between them.

Union amphib units cleared the forts in front of Albemarle Sound, so I am sending Hood's division down to New Bern, to discourage a move into North Carolina; want to keep him on the coasts.

New Mexico:

The last of Carson's command is destroyed at Ft. Union; there is now not a single blue-clad soldier in New Mexico. Now what?

Carleton's command is building at Tuscon, and I see they have a depot. I expect a move here, so I can't abandon Mesilla. When he comes out of that box, he'll be looking to secure supplies quickly, so I have to be able to move. I may move closer to the box exit.

The other thing I am planning is an invasion of Colorado. I am not certain I can do this, and I am not going to build a supply wagon, so we have to live off the land. I can use MJ Thompson (SUPPLY RANGER), and use mostly Ranger units with a Cav or two to take control of cities. He only has militia in Colorado, far as I can tell.


This area I can't really call "Missouri" anymore, because I lost Springfield and Fayetteville. Here, Gunnulf just outmaneuvered me, and I beefed it. I am not strong enough to take Fayetteville back. So, now what?

I am going to keep the Indians under Waite, and Cavalry, around to keep him honest. I want to discourage an advance toward Little Rock. But I ultimately think he'll approach Little Rock from the east, not west, so I need to move the bulk of my command into Central Arkansas.

I think it's the right decision; if I can't move forward, I need to put my troops where they can defend something meaningful, and with Fayetteville lost, there is nothing else to defend except Little Rock.


See below; more Union guys than I can handle. Ft. Donelson was cut-off, so I evacuated the troops there via boat, and left the garrison to be destroyed by Rosecrans.

Once Ft. Donelson falls, Nashville can't be too far behind; I think that is generally true in CW2. We'll make him move everyone toward it, but we are making plans to fall back on Chattanooga. I don't see a point to defending Central Tennessee, since the Chattanooga position is really a tough nut to crack.

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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by veji1 »

More ! (please ?)
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RE: Deo Vindice: State's Rights and King Cotton Q-Ball (CSA) v Gunnulf (USA)

Post by Jethro420 »

How did I get screwed? Two instances.

#1 was a bad, backward retreat result into a enemy-occupied region, when a friendly depot was available to the south. As a result, I lost so much cohesion, EK Smith's 35,000 men were easily pushed all the way down the Valley, with no opportunity to counterattack. A retreat to Strasburg would have stopped the Union there. Appaling!

Hi, Q-Ball. I've really enjoyed your AAR, so far. Really well done!

While I'm still an utter noob at this game, maybe I can help you feel better about that retreat. You were hoping your unit would retreat to the south, toward their homeland. I'm sure they wanted to, as well. But, what happened was that unit was pushed back the way it came, which makes sense. How can you rout through thousands of guys who want you dead? You don't, of course. You turn tail and ran back the way you came - away from all those guys with guns and pointy things.

As for the suicide cavalry attack, Idunno. But, I guess that has to do with posture. It sounds... questionable, at best.

Also, you should know that reading stuff like this helps a new player quite a bit. I sincerely appreciate the effort.
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