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RE: Union Presses

Post by revzoom »

Thank you, Sir.  [font="arial"]20 minutes made all the difference.  I fell back deliberately so the First Corps could come up Willoughby Run and hit Davis in the flank.  I did not count on losing the whole First Corps - I retreated the wrong way....I.e., I got greedy.  If I had fallen back toward Cemetery Ridge after taking the guns and Davis, I would have saved most of the Corps.  Then again, you sent a lot of Regiments after the remnants of First Corps and I think that contributed to what befell the Rebs near the end of the day.  I shall retreat from these pages once more and go see if I can undisorder all those Union regiments.
Gen'l Winks
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John 3rd
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0400 July 2nd

Post by John 3rd »

We are about to start the second day of battle and I thought I would provide my thinking as to my plan for July 2nd BEFORE the guns open up.

Casualties for Day One:

Infantry 11,025
Cavalry 1,575
Artillery 18
Leaders 11 (76)

Infantry 12,525
Cavalry 425
Artillery 23
Leaders 14 (95)

To say that my opponent is aggressive is an understatement. Twice I thoroughly expected him to fall back to Cemetary Ridge after I whipped up on a part of his troops. Instead--he choose to attack each time.

Am not used to aggressive Union Commanders so General Lee will follow what Longstreet recommended from the beginning. We are now fighting on the Defensive and looking to attack whenever possible.

To that end a reverse-slope line was established during the night that has artillery placed throughout it. I've placed Infantry below the artillery and they have been digging fortifications. The rather beat-up 3rd Corps hold the far right, the 2nd Corps backs up the 3rd and stretches the line to the Gettysburg side of Oak Hill. I've started sliding troops to the right making way for the fresh 1st Corps which will be moving into position about 5am.

Pending on where the Union attacks, I hope to hit the assault on the flank if possible.

I am certain that the Union will attack. To that end we have dug, placed artillery, and have reserves ready incase of trouble or opportunity. There are also 4 Cavalry Regiments deep behind Union Lines who are waiting for unguarded Cannon or Supply Wagons to present themselves.

Here is the chosen position:

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0600 The Right

Post by John 3rd »

Day has dawned and I think the good Rev is confused that I've settled on to defensive. A very un-Lee move to say the least.

There is about a Division of Union Infantry way out on my Right. A Regiment poked its way through the trees and got pounded by Artillery and close-range rifle fire. Those scouts returned with all sorts of news and he is now pondering what to do (this is my guessing).

While he ponders, I begin to move. Ramseur's small Brigade moves into the trees to flank the Union artillery. Iverson's Brigade will fix them from the front. The legendary Stonewall Brigade will attack from the Confederate line. IF, big if, this goes well then those Union troops and guns will be hit from three directions at once.

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0600 The Left

Post by John 3rd »

On the other Flank, things are going quite well.

Three Inf Div are ready for action with a fourth in the process of arriving. We have General Johnson's deployed forward protecting 10 Batteries of Artillery, Anderson's is resting behind him on Oak Hill, and Hood's elite troops wait behind Seminary Ridge.

The beat-up 11th Corps tried to move out from Gettysburg but my Artillery fire broke at least half-a-dozen Regiments before they could deploy out of March formation. They routed so fast I was shocked. There are now 3 Union Batteries attempting counter-fire but they are getting pasted and smothered.

This is good ground to fight from and I hope to provoke an attack. If one begins to develop I will deploy Anderson and hold Hood as well as McLaws back for a counter-punch.

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Cavalry 0600

Post by John 3rd »

This game is about Recon and knowing what your opponent is doing. I've got six Cavalry Regiments roaming around the rear of the Union Army presently. They are somewhat beat-up from yesterday's action but I am hoping to draw the remains of Buford's Cavalry (maybe 4-500 Troopers total) out and destroy them.

The Cav has already seen the arrival of the Reserve Artillery (CRAP!) and has its eye on a group of 3 Supply Wagons (enough for a Corps) near Big Round Top. They have already forced the deployment of nearly 2 Brigades of Union Infantry that could be better used elsewhere. The goal here is distraction more then anything else.

JEB Stuart is due to arrive around 11am and I want his 5,000+ Cavalry to land directly behind the Union Line and/or be able to get into the Union Center's Rear and cause some serious damage.

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The Right 0640

Post by John 3rd »

The attack on my Right will begin at about 0720. The Stonewall Brigade needs a bit more time to get into position. There has been movement within the Union LInes but I think I'm looking at Brigade and couple of Batteries of Artillery. Might be able to make a quick attack and return to the lines.

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The Left 0640

Post by John 3rd »

The situation on the Left is interesting. I have ten batteries pounding on the Union Lines with four more about to arrive. Union Infantry has moved into the low area I've highlighted. It is my hope to let this situation continue to develop. Want to provoke an attack. Stuart will arrive with his 5,000 Cavalry about 1140 and they could truly smash the Union exposed force.

Until then the Artie keeps shooting...

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.
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