Twilight Struggle: Denmark AAR for Danish Too

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Glory Points, June 1793

Post by evwalt »

As I still can't embed pictures yet, here is the Glory Point standings one year into the game.

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RE: Glory Points, June 1793

Post by Ironclad »

June 1793:

29Aug15.30_02.jpg (256.49 KiB) Viewed 298 times
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RE: Glory Points, June 1793

Post by Ironclad »

continued ....

29Aug15.30_03.jpg (208.26 KiB) Viewed 298 times
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Victory over Sweden!

Post by evwalt »

**Another statement from the thread (late again).

March 15, 1793

At Christianborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmark

Prince Regent Fredrick walks to the balcony of the Royal Palace, eight months to the day after he announced the beginning of the First Baltic War against Sweden. As he approaches the rail, he is struck by a wall of sound as the cheers of the crowd seem to rattle the very walls of the palace itself.

He looks down on the scene below him; the most decorated regiments of each division drawn up at the front of the courtyard, the huge crowds beyond, all the way out to the harbor, where every ship seems to fly streamers of celebration.

“My fellow countrymen,” he begins, to which the crowd responds with roaring waves of approval. It takes several minutes for them to quiet once again.

“My fellow countrymen, the First Baltic War is over. Sweden is defeated!” Again the crowd roars in approval before quieting as the Prince Regent raises his hands. “Eight short months ago, the provocations of the Swedes drove us to war. Together with our British and Hanoverian allies, we were forced to respond.” Fredrick motioned some of the men standing behind him forward, representatives of both allied armies.

“But the dastardly Swedes know no honor! Faced with invasion, they dispatched entreaties filled with lies to the Russian Tsar, tricking him into war on Sweden’s side. But the Tsar was far too wise to be fooled for long. He quickly discovered the Swedish lies and withdrew his support. Soon the Tsar found himself beseeched by the Finnish people to take them under his protection; to free them from their Swedish oppressors.”

“And now,” Prince Fredrick paused and motioned another man forward, recognized by the many that could see him as the Russian ambassador to Denmark, “now, Russia stands in friendship once again with Denmark, insuring peace will reign in the Baltic Seas for many years to come!”

As the crowd begins cheering again, Prince Fredrick waves goodbye merrily, then turns to lead his guest back into the palace to continue the celebration.
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The Polish War & First Franco-Spanish War begin

Post by evwalt »

July, August, September 1793 (turns 13, 14, 15)

*Diplomatic Situation

Poland is attacked as Prussia invades Posen. In response, the Polish Army invades East Prussia, defeating the Prussian Army there in July. While the Polish Army is deployed in the west, Russia declares war and invades Polish lands to the east. In August, all of the major powers of eastern Europe join the invasion with both Austria and Turkey declaring war and invading the unlucky country. Poland proves a tough opponent to the invaders, defeating an Austrian Army on their southwest border, driving back those invaders.

Luxembourg finally falls to the French in July, and it appears that an uneasy peace is settling over the west. Then, without warning, a dispute between Spain and France over control of northern Italy explodes into war! The French and Spanish navies fight several battles throughout the Med while French troops invade Italy!

These events leave Denmark in an awkward position, as I have no way of knowing how the other powers of Europe will react to this new war. Will the ongoing Polish War keep everyone else occupied? What will the British do?


With all Danish troops safely returned to the capitol, the reduction of Danish military readiness begins again. By August, Danish military readiness is at 50%. The sudden outbreak of the First Franco-Spanish War in September changes things. As Denmark may find it necessary to intervene in this conflict, we increase our readiness back to 60%.

*Production and Trade

The second stage of Feudal Reform takes hold in September and the resources lost to feudal losses drops to -1. With this, Textiles production finally begins again in Denmark.


With the first stage of Feudal Reform complete, I begin the second stage of dropping it to 12. Now that my Army has returned to the capitol, my need for money is much less and I order a reduction of taxes over this period. Eventually, Danish taxes drop to 9% during this period.


A number of developments are completed this quarter, including a Bank at Jutland and a farm at Holstein.

*Overall Strategy

I had settled into a strategy of peaceful existance for the next year. The unexpected beginning of the First Franco-Spanish War has proven that the rest of Europe may not allow me to do so. I will now have to be very careful in my future relations.
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Post by evwalt »

As this AAR tends to be SLOW, [8|] I have added some teasers in the first post. [:D]
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Wars in the West and East

Post by evwalt »

October 1793 (turn 16)

*Diplomatic Situation

The Polish War continues unabated. The Polish Army, fresh from defeating the Austrians, marched east against the invading Russians and were promptly defeated. Prussia and Russia then successfully besiege and capture several Polish cities.

The First Franco-Spanish War continues with scattered naval battles throughout the Med. Losses appear to be about even between the combatants. The French Army lays seige to both Genoa and Parma unsuccessfully.

While the Polish War is of little direct concern to Denmark, the Franco-Spanish War is a different story. The British are already talking about intervening on the side of Spain and have asked for Danish support. At this point, I am not sure what to do.


The wars in Europe have left my demobilization plans in tatters. Danish military readiness is increased to 70%. In addition, Danish forces may need to be expanded. The old corps structure is simply not large enough to accept more troops. To that end, a Danish Army is ordered constructed.

*Production and Trade

Not much change here. My new textile production is 7 textiles a turn so it will take awhile before any real amount is collected.


My Feudal Reforms have provided a huge increase in Danish merchant income, from approximately 50 money before the reforms to roughly 300 now. As money is no longer a pressing issue, I order my tax rate down to 7% to provide a morale boost to help counteract the steady loss from my Feudal Reforms


Zealand completes a level 4 farm and promptly begins working on level 4 courts.

*Overall Strategy

Now is a time of great possibility for Denmark, but also one of great threat. For now, I need to remobilize my forces and expand them so I am ready for whatever comes.
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RE: Wars in the West and East

Post by evwalt »

November 1793 (turn 17)

*Diplomatic Situation

The Polish War continues but now Poland is collapsing like a house of cards. Cities are falling everywhere across the country.

The First Franco-Spanish War continues with France capturing Genoa and Parma.

The British seem firm now about coming to the Spain's aid. I feel Denmark will almost certainly follow the British lead and prepare accordingly.


To prepare for the coming war, Danish military readiness is increased again to 80%. In addition, a new infantry division is ordered mustered in Holstein.

*Production and Trade

The mustering of the new infantry division in Holstein hits my textile production hard, plunging it to 3. It appears even a slight expansion of the Danish army will hit our economy.


Danish merchant income has dropped somewhat due to increased competition but we are still bringing in 150 money per turn, more than enough to keep taxes low and insure a steady increase in the Danish treasury.

Ironically, on the LAST turn of adjusting my Feudal Rate to its target of '12' Denmark gets hit with a big NM hit of -104, dropping our NM to 1. Still, time should allow this to rise again as long as other factors don't interfere.


Trondheim completes level 3 farms and begins construction of level 2 Art.

*Overall Strategy

I am fairly sure now I will join the British against the French. The British have been strong allies to this point while my contact with the French has been spotty at best. Still, no firm commitment yet has been made to the Brits so that I retain maximum flexibility.
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