Scenario Test: Trench Warfare v1

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Scenario Test: Trench Warfare v1

Post by alomoes »

Yeah, so I've never really played multiplayer before. Also this is my first "finished" scenario. I'm hoping to test the scenario with someone. It's pretty simple, get to the corner, and you win, death match style. I don't know if you will get to the corner though, because I modded the scenario to heavily favor defense. The AI is easily beatable, but I have never played a human player, so...

I'll play the "weaker" allied side because I know how to play "properly" due to extensive testing with the AI, unless my opponent wants to play them instead. They move first.

Scenario is American style troops vs German style troops in a WW1 style trench warfare game. I am just testing to see if the game is "fun" to play in multiplayer. At any time you can surrender, and if the game stalemates hard enough, I'll just call it a day.

This is a LONG scenario, though you should be able to kill the AI in 50 turns ((Because it's very good at trench warfare)), the human will play better, so I hope. The war starts in May, and ends in January, and goes day by day, so there's 256 turns. The map is small, so I hope that we can do multiple turns in a day.

There is no breakthrough by design, meaning each combat is 1 round. The game's settings were tweaked such that combat losses reflect 1 day's worth of battle. 1 round = 1 day. In cases where you can attack more than once per turn, this is legal.

If you are interested, I'd like to play at least 30 turns. I'm also interested in feedback for my scenario from the other player, and will probably implement any suggestions I like. So, is anyone interested?
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