TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

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TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

This will be a mini AAR of the Allied portion of OCB's youtube coverage of our game playing WiE using Lothos's TRP (v1.3) mod.

For this mini AAR I will cover mostly my decision making, a few choice 'off screen' movements and the occasional picture.
I will also answer questions, but I don't promise to answer all of them nor promise how timely they'll be.

Since I have to post these manually, there will be occasions where the Youtube will get ahead of my postings (since OCB can set his up on a schedule). When that happens, I'll try to forewarn everyone and will post all the back logged turns at the same time.

OCB's Youtube channel:

TRP Mod's thread: ... 3&t=384019
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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

House Rules:
(I think this is the final copy)

WiE-TRP HOUSE RULES revised 6-16-23
(Made for a semi-historical timeline)

1) No War Dec of USSR before April 1941 unless USSR mobilization reaches 90%

2) No Allied ships may ever use Kiel Canal. Allied land units may land and block.

3) No German attack on Low Countries and France till April 1940
Germany must attack ALL Low Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) at the same time.

4) Strategic Bombers can only do 1 mission each per turn.

5) Finnish units may not enter any land hexes south of Riga-Moscow-Perm line. Finnish units can enter anywhere in Norway and Sweden. *Finnish SF unit may go anywhere.

6) No Hungarian units may enter Rumania before Barbarossa if German DC 2nd Vienna Award grants Hungary the Romanian part of Transylvania
No Rumanian units in Hungary before Barbarossa if German DC 2nd Vienna Award grants Hungary the Romanian part of Transylvania.

7) No Allied 'Scando Gambit' on Oslo, Norway or Copenhagen, Denmark while those
two countries are neutral and or until France falls.

8) Special Forces/Marines special rule.
SF units that reload from a non port coastal hex (supply 5+) or when provided 5+ supply after an invasion may not 'amphib' attack nor may they land on enemy territory. i.e. they have to unload on friendly territory and reload yet again if they want to invade.

9) No Diplo on Hungary, Romania, or Bulgaria until Barbarossa started.

10) No Allied blocking of Gibraltar travel hexes (can put ships all around them but not right onto them)

11) Italian Navy is restricted to the Med until they are at war. Italian transports can go out if they are destined for Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and go straight there while Italy is neutral. No spotting with them.

12) Vigo and Canary Island Ports leased to Germany may not be bombed unless Spain is an Axis Power at 100% Mobilization.

13) USSR has to conduct Winter War (Attack Finland)

14) Allies can't intervene in Winter War (Help Finland)

15) No Bulgarian units in USSR unless Moscow or Baku is Axis controlled.

16) No Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian Mainline Units in France or Italy
Garrison/Security Units ok.
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TRP 1.3 mini AAR Turn 1 (Allies)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 1

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:
BEF to France – Yes
Red Army into Poland – Yes
Upgrade Malta AA – Yes

All pretty standard and no brainers.

UK – 2 Chits into Spain (max); 1 Chit into Turkey
FR – 1 Chit into Spain

Diplomacy is free in TRP and France only gets 1 chit. I believe this system/change needs some fine tuning as I believe it will be near impossible (as opposed to just unlikely in vanilla) to get any minor. Additionally it is very likely the Allies would be successful in completely blocking Finland if they choose the option to intervene and it is successful. So we house ruled out that possibility.

Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
Nothing Significant, just shuffling French land units, and UK naval units.
Got lucky and found a U-boat in a Fjord and popped it with a CVL (UK only gets 1 CV, Ark Royal, all others are CVLs). FYI, with the TRP sub rules air units never get any better vs. subs so upgrading the naval attack (CVLs, CVs and all planes including Maritime Bombers don’t get ASW) doesn’t help vs. them.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None (125 MPP left before End of Turn Income)
FR – Sold off S&I for 75 MPP (decided to keep other tech chits: INF Weapons, Ground Attack & AA)
FR – Purchased HQ Besson (4) for 96 MPP (40 MPP left before End of Turn Income)
USA – None (35 MPP left before End of Turn Income)
UK – Spent 48 MPP on Poland (operated 1 INF Corps and upgraded 2 others)

The idea with the Polish investment is to hopefully cost Germany more (in casualties + maybe time) than the 48 MPP (plus maybe a smidge more next turn) investment the UK made, in essence a bit of an experiment.

With France, nothing helps France more than another HQ and given their small cost in TRP it, in my mind, is the best investment France can make.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:
Pressure Greece to break economic treaty with Germany – Unknown (probably No). I hit the <ESC> button to update this AAR and it resulted in resolving the decision.

Turkey +13% Allied

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 2

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:

Because of the Greek DE foul up, and to switch targets, the free UK diplo chit is invested in Greece. The failure of implementing the Greek decision means that Greece will continue to send some MPP (not sure how much) to Germany and that Greece stays at 0% diplomacy instead of winding up 20-30% towards Allies. UK does however save 150 MPP (15 MPP over 10 turns).

Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
FYI – Not capable of bringing over the Algerian and Morocco Corps as they are minor units and don’t have transport capacity.

I’m aware that GE spent 125 on research, almost assuredly Industry. I forgot to check IT though.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – Sold off the S&I research chit for 75 MPP and invested a chit into Advanced Fighters. 50 MPP left before EOT
UK – Armor Corps (no upgrades). 1 MPP left before EOT. Oddly couldn’t buy this, this turn if I had chosen Greek DE properly.
FR – AA. 6 MPP left before EOT
USA – Nothing. 42 MPP left before EOT

Fighters are super important in TRP as they are the primary means of providing spotting. Additionally while the USSR will be behind in Fighter tech, they won’t be hopelessly (2 + levels) behind as they often are in vanilla.

In TRP Armor takes a long time and air units do not, this is reversed from vanilla. Armor is destined for Egypt, as the one that shows up by DE is only a DIV. UK Tech investments will have to wait a few turns as long lead time critical builds must come first.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 3

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
Noticed that GE spent 150 on research and IT spent 150 on research a turn ago. Most likely both are for Infantry Weapons. Research can take more than a full year if you are unlucky and don’t get a tech breakthrough. GE stuck on Infantry Weapons 1 at the start of Barbarossa is a bad thing, as I learned in Single Player.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 88 MPP before EOT
USA – Sold Advanced Subs for 75 MPP. 132 MPP before EOT
UK – AA. 51 MPP before EOT (maybe a bit less might’ve reinforced something before turn end, after I noted this)
FR – None. 155 MPP before EOT

It is my belief that the USA Advanced Sub Tech is there simply to match up with what the designer has for the WaW version of TRP. In this case, I have no intention of building subs with the USA (nor any of the other Allies).

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 4

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:
Prepare (Norway) coastal defenders for post Allied Norway invasion - No


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
IT spent 125 on research, I’m guessing Industry. GE spent 325 on research; I’m guessing FTRs and Tanks. Eventually, GE should have everything going research wise anyway, but order is somewhat important.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 110 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 147 MPP before EOT
UK – AA (unit), Industry research. 4 MPP before EOT
FR – FTR. 102 MPP before EOT

Given our house rules, I have 3 basic ideas for France. I call the first one ‘Punch the bully in the nose’. With this plan I would buy the FR Armor Corps, then Mech Corps then other ground units with some punch (Elite INF, AT/Tank Destroyer). The third plan I call ‘Low blow’. This one works with the UK and involves building the Elite INF for both UK & FR and launching an overland strike at Tripoli (using South African units and possible with Sudanese forces) combined with amphibious strikes if needed, or Amphib assault against Benghazi if not needed for Tripoli. This is a high risk endeavor. However the option I’m going with is #2 which I’m calling it ‘Vicious Butterfly’. Here I’m buying both AA units for the UK, the FR AA and 2 FR FTRs. The goal here is to try and kill some Luftwaffe units to make taking Malta harder.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:
Occupy Irish ports of Cork and Waterford – Yes
Polish Soldiers to UK or FR? - UK

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
USA Naval Weapons 11% -> 27%
USA Armor Warfare 13% -> 34%

All tech breakthroughs are welcome, however the USA Armor Warfare is rather meaningless as it would complete before US Entry to war even without the breakthrough. Naval weapons is a bit better, but I would need more luck to get to level 2 before US entry. If I did get to level 2, the US navy would have the additional free upgrade when they join the war. That would be a big deal, as naval upgrades, particularly naval weapons, are very expensive.

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 5

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:
Ban French Communists – Yes
USSR Winter War vs. Finland – Yes (Mandatory by house rules)

The French DE cost USSR 3% mobilization and the Winter War cost them 4%.
I have found that banning the French Communists is less economically painful in TRP than in Vanilla.


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – AA research. 27 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 164 MPP before EOT
UK – GAR (Egypt). 21 MPP before EOT
FR – FTR. 49 MPP before EOT

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
UK Industry 3% -> 27%

This is a big jump and should shave off about 12 turns.

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 6

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 56 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 180 MPP before EOT
UK – Maritime Bomber (South Africa). 33 MPP before EOT
FR – Elite INF Corps. 21 MPP before EOT

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:
Form the French Engineer unit - Yes

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 7

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
Since I last checked Germany hasn’t spent anything more on research while Italy has spent 250 (125 x2). So, again presuming the previous 125 was Industry would mean 2 of: INF Warfare, Armor Warfare, AA, Production or ART.

Germany has spent 1,302 on units. Over half of that (~750) on the turn after Poland fell. Will be interesting to find out how much was repairing damage and how much/what for new units.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 85 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 196 MPP before EOT
UK – Replaced Gort with Monty, MTB x3. 7 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 128 MPP before EOT

I really want to build another Maritime Bomber for the UK and the 2nd Strat bomber is very tempting at only 250 MPP, but I believe I should switch up and get more Tech going.

France appears to have the time/money left for 1 more unit + an INF Div. Not sure if I’ll be the Mech or an INF Corps or the last FTR. After that, it is time to start repairing and upgrade the existing units.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 8

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
Italy spent 175 on research, am guessing Advanced Fighters.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 114 MPP before EOT
USA – Advanced Tanks research. 12 MPP before EOT
UK – Advanced Fighters research. 60 MPP before EOT
FR – Mech Corps, INF Div. 10 MPP before EOT

Decided on the Mech Corps for France simply as there needs to be some additional land unit help, though was sorely tempted to double down and get the last Fighter. France will now repair/upgrade her existing units and save MPP beyond that for combat repairs.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
UK Artillery Weapons 26% -> 47%
USA Aerial Warfare 27% -> 45%

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 9

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – Infantry Warfare research. 18 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 28 MPP before EOT
UK – HQ Alexander (6), GAR (Transjordan), Infantry Weapons research. 0 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 7 MPP before EOT

I had forgotten to buy an HQ for UK earlier, shame on me.

** As I will observe later this is (given our house rules) too soon to abandon building units for France. **

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:
Spain +7% Allies

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
USSR Production 31% -> 54%

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 10

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:

Turkey +12% Axis
UK – 1 chit into Turkey (reinvestment of Spanish chit that fired)

Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
Sudanese forces (HQ & INF Corps) now at full strength

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 47 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 44 MPP before EOT
UK – AA research. 8 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 13 MPP before EOT

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
USA Transport capacity 22% -> 47%

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 11

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 81 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 64 MPP before EOT
UK – Ground Attack & AT research. 6 MPP before EOT
FR – INF Corps. 2 MPP before EOT

AT upgrades can be applied to all ground units (except Tanks) in TRP.
I’ve changed my mind with France. I think I can afford 1 more INF Corps (almost built the Mech Div instead) and still get everything repaired/upgraded before Fall Gelb. The Corps will arrive April 24th.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:
US Planes to Sweden - No

This was tempting for 100MPP (25 over 4 turns), which could be used to start up a research project sooner. I went with the total MPP valuation of getting the immediate half strength fighter. I’m not worried about the 4-6% Axis swing with Sweden.

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
UK Production 42% -> 64%
USSR Heavy Bombers 20% ->35%

I seem to keep alternating between one nice to have and one meaningless breakthrough. Here is one of each. With the exception of UK Industry I haven’t gotten a real good/great one yet. Additionally it looks like my gamble with keeping most of the French research is less likely to pay off. I do not mean to sound like I’m complaining at least they are showing up and the ‘nice’ ones can often be reinvested in once they complete.

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 12

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
Transported UK AA unit to France.

GE spent 150 on research, that would be one of: Production/Long Range/Naval Weapons

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – AT Research. 15 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 84 MPP before EOT
UK – C&C Research, GAR (Palestine). 6 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 6 MPP before EOT

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
USSR Armor Warfare 42% -> 64%

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 13

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:
Form Polish INF corps in UK – Yes
Expedition to Finland – No


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
I believe OCB violated the house rules by sending GE medium bombers into France. I am wondering if this was a miss-click or a misunderstanding of the house rules.

Naval cruised a DD to off the Middle Congo on its way to South Africa. An earlier turn replay map positioning indicated something may have been going there. Now I’m about a couple turns or so away from showing up at the scene.

Smuts (SA HQ) transported and makes port call (i.e. doesn’t unload) at the port in Kenya.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 49 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 104 MPP before EOT
UK – Advanced Tanks research. 3 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 11 MPP before EOT

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
USSR Armor Warfare 67% -> 87%

Back to back breakthroughs in the same category is an exceptionally rare treat. Too bad it’s for something that would complete before the USSR would go to war anyway.

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 14

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
Smuts (SA HQ) moves to the entrance of the Red Sea (on transport).
SA INF Corps transported and makes port call (i.e. doesn’t unload) at the port in Kenya.
UK DD Javelin reaches the outskirts of Walvis Bay South Africa.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 83 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 124 MPP before EOT
UK – Amphibious Warfare Research, GAR (Egypt). 7 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 126 MPP before EOT

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
UK AA 10% -> 33%
FR AA 50% -> 67%
USSR Advanced Tanks 25% -> 46%
USSR Advanced FTRs 49% -> 64%
USSR Production 69% -> 90%

Wow! Just wow. Russian scientists break out the expensive vodka this month.
Will be interesting to see if the French get the AA upgrade in time for it to be useful or not.

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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 15

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
SA INF Corps transported and makes port call (i.e. doesn’t unload) at the port in Aden.
UK DD Javelin is now 4 hexes away from U-30 sitting off Cape Town. Let’s see if he hangs around one more turn.
Sending a couple of MTBs to the Rock to try and keep U-boats out of the Med.

Made an annoying goof and repaired the French ENG unit instead of moving him and starting on another fort.
*In hindsight this wound up being a bigger mistake than I thought.*

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – Aerial Warfare research. 18 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 144 MPP before EOT
UK – None. 14 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 269 MPP before EOT

I’m wondering if I should’ve bought more for France. Well at least they’ll have a nice full war chest for buying back destroyed units and repairing damaged ones; Or upgrades if I get very lucky.
*As noted early and later this was my biggest mistake*

Could’ve saved 100 MPP for the USSR to reinvest in Production Tech (currently sitting at 90% before EOT), but figured I might as well as get the one time Air Warfare research out of the way now.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
FR – Ground Attack 50% -> 67%
USA – ASW 29% -> 46%

If only France got Infantry Weapons or another AA breakthrough. *sigh*

1 France Feb 24 1940.jpg
1 France Feb 24 1940.jpg (906.02 KiB) Viewed 1909 times
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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 16

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
The South African INF Corps arrives in Sudan.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 33 MPP before EOT
USA – Infantry Weapons research. 14 MPP before EOT
UK – FTR. 0 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 405 MPP before EOT

Just because it might be useful I repaired a FR BC in Marseille (62 MPP).

I’d like to get the Heavy Bombers & Naval Weapons (max 4 in TRP) research for the UK, but I think it can wait. It’s time to start buying more units.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:

"Part of the $10 million I spent on gambling, part on booze and part on women. The rest I spent foolishly." - George Raft
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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 17

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 64 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 30 MPP before EOT
UK – None. 13 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 547 MPP before EOT

UK spent most of her money upgrading ships in the Med.

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
USSR – Production completed (lvl 1)

Note that I am not sure what is providing spotting on the GE units in the 2nd line. The FR FTR south of Chalon is too far away and just moved to that hex this turn so its spotting should be reduced.

Edit: Turns out that large cities have a spotting range of 2.
2 France March 25 1940.jpg
2 France March 25 1940.jpg (1012.35 KiB) Viewed 1866 times
"Part of the $10 million I spent on gambling, part on booze and part on women. The rest I spent foolishly." - George Raft
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Re: TRP 1.3 mini AAR Taxman (Allies) vs Old Crow Balthazaor (Axis)

Post by Taxman66 »

Allied Turn #: 18

Beginning of Turn Decision Events:
Prepare Ireland for war (in case of Sea Lion) - No


Actions taken not visible on opponents Replay:
Little surprised at no attack, I’m pretty sure he had perfect weather.

Since I last checked GE spent 125 & 100 on research. The 125 is likely AA, unless he got super lucky with multiple breakthroughs. The 100 could be Naval Warfare, Amphibious Warfare (though too late to be useful for Sea Lion) or possibly Logistics.

MPP expenditures (excluding reinforcements and upgrades):
USSR – None. 95 MPP before EOT
USA – None. 46 MPP before EOT
UK – None. 105 MPP before EOT
FR – None. 668 MPP before EOT

I’ve got to make myself buy more UK units, enough with the upgrades for now. Of course money will also be needed to fight/evacuate from France as well.

France has partially repaired a CA & BC (to 8) off Morocco. Probably should have calculated the money better I could have bought another unit or 2 earlier.
*No not probably, definitely!*

End of Turn Decision Events and Diplomacy results:

End of Turn Tech Breakthroughs/completed research:
USSR – Armor Warfare completed.

"Part of the $10 million I spent on gambling, part on booze and part on women. The rest I spent foolishly." - George Raft
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