ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

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ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

This history is a blend of military action and human response. In war games, counters are moved through the various moments of attack and retreat. In order to prevent this account becoming simply another movement of counters, a human perspective has been introduced which embraces the players.

This new AAR resumes our current ELO tournament game, me as TAIFUN playing honorable Allies versus “legendary player” ElvisJJonesRambo playing the villain Axis . As I did earlier in my other AARs this report will lag behind the current turn more than a year.

The UK master plan.

After reading the ELVIS GOLD RECORDS I came to the conclusion that Elvis liked to send Rommel and the DAK to Libia with 2-3 panzerkorps. Egypt and Iraq were most of the times irremediably lost… The UK economy will not be able to invest in research if Egypt was to be defended. And I wanted to invest heavily with the UK in all kinds of research. The British decided to avoid a war of attrition with the panzers.

- The B.E.F. infantry units of General Lord Gort will try to delay the German advance in France but without exposing themselves in excess, avoiding destruction if possible, and retiring when instructed to available ports for an evacuation from the continent.

- The UK and Commonwealth forces will deny the arrival of German forces to Libya and the French North Africa colonies. General O’Connor will be transported from Egypt to Tunisia and with the help of the French Tunisia Corps British infantry units under his command will capture Tripoli after crossing the Mareth Line. Some players move the Italian 5th Army from Tripoli to Tobruk, replacing it with a garrison. Just in case, to bolster General O’Connor, the UK Strategic Bombers will fly to Tunisia via Corsica to bomb Tripoli from Tunis.
Pushing west from Egypt additional Allied forces under Australian General Blamey will advance and capture Tobruk and Benghazi.
- The Indians will immediately recruit General Mountbatten and send him to reinforce Blamey or Abyssinia as needed.
The UK will prioritize MPP expenditure on the Royal Navy, with special emphasis of the Anti-submarine warfare.

The USA master plan.
TOP SECRET. Undisclosed.

The Soviet master plan.
Hold the line… but which line? With Rommel and the DAK not going to Libya the whole Wehrmacht will be deployed against our forces.

1939 -09-01
Poland surrendered in 1 turn. The USSR occupied western Poland. Canada and Australia declared war on Germany.
Germany declared war on Luxembourg. British Expeditionary Force arrived in France.

Germany declared war on Belgium. Brussels was captured and Belgium surrendered. French troops panicked as the Maginot line was outflanked. General Lord Gort deployed the British infantry units right behind the French Main Front. I usually deploy the BEF Army at Amiens but this time they ended further east defending the forest north of Chalons.
The French 1st Army entrenched at Lille defended the northern Allied flank.

Nov 10.png
Nov 10.png (1.45 MiB) Viewed 1843 times

In order to protect the northern Allied flank the British II Corps was ordered to the coast near Le Havre while the British I corps advance to defend the hex south of Lille covered by the recently arrived Malta AA unit. General Lord Gort was reinforced at Le Havre. But Amiens was protected by a weak French Infantry corps. I should have sent a French army from the Maginot Line to reinforce this strategic location, but I didn’t and that was mayor mistake.
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The Germans advanced and enveloped the French 1st Army at Lille. German paras deployed at Antwerp. Serious air combat over the front lines…
Dec 2.png
Dec 2.png (1.97 MiB) Viewed 1843 times
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Feinder »

This is what Captain Cold thinks of your planning... :^)
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

The French 1st Army at Lille was ordered to evacuate the city and was redeployed to Amiens, inserted in the middle of the British defense line. The Allied fighters flew to safer rear areas. The UK Strategic Bombers leaved the Paris area and proceeded to Marseille, on their long trip to Tunisia via Corsica.
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The German Blitzkrieg continued towards Paris. Passing through Lille the German panzers hit hard the French 1st Army at Amiens.
We got a worrying message from our diplomats: Italy prepares for war!
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The battered French 1st Army exchanged positions with the British II Corps at Amiens. General Lord Gort moved with his HQ to Cherbourg and a British garrison was debarked at Le Havre. The Allied fighters were replenished with new planes and pilots while the French engineers were ordered to Nantes.
The UK Strategic Bombers flew to Ajaccio in Corsica.
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Italy joined the Axis. British forces mobilized in Egypt.

As you can see in the above capture the Germans got a clear day in the western coastal half of France!! :? The panzers rolled south with the help of the Luftwaffe bombers (a deadly combination) and destroyed the weakened French 1st Army, the UK I Corps, the recently arrived British garrison at Le Havre, captured Caen and destroyed the RAF Fighters. A real mess! The whole northern Allied flank was destroyed. For Britain the worst month of the young war. Troops were needed for Britain’s survival.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

British General Retreat! The B.E.F Army and the UK II corps were transported by rail to Bordeaux while the Malta AA unit was sent to Marseille. General Lord Gort and the French engineers were evacuated to the safety of the British Islands followed by the remaining French fighters. The French soldiers were now on their own now.
UK began the construction to expand the port of Singapore. Malaya prepared for war.

German forces secured Norway. Amiens and Paris were captured. France moved government to Bordeaux. At the end of March the French morale was about 50%, so I was hopeful that the Germans were to be delayed at least 3 turns, as they still needed to capture Lyon and Marseille.
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Mediterranean front.
General O’Connor pushed his troops east towards Tripoli. Initially the W.D.F Army was also to be sent to Tunisia but a tight budget kept them in Egypt. There are 10 hexes from Ajaccio to Tunis but the UK Strategic Bombers had only 9/10 movement points available and ended the turn northeast of Tunis.

Tripoli, Benghazi and Tobruk ports were damaged from shore bombardment. No reinforcements foreseen for the Italians.
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German forces move into Denmark. In France Metz, Nancy, Strasbourg, Belfort, Tours, Nantes, St Nazaire, Chalons, Dijon, Cherbourg and St Malo were captured. The last French troops retreated to defend Bordeaux and the line Vichy-Lyon. The B.E.F Army was evacuated to the UK and the UK II corps boarded a LRAT protected by the Royal Navy.

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The French morale drops to 1%!! :shock: :shock: Marseille and Lyon were still in our hands but the French don’t want to fight anymore! Next turn they will surely surrender and the British troops in Tunisia will be interned… to make matters worse 2 german paras were discovered in Malta ready to jump. Will Elvis go for an all of France Strategy or will he first sign the armistice and then attack Tunisia?
It was a problem that had to be solved. I could not risk losing General O’Connor and the UK Strategic Bombers in Tunisia. So General O’Connor advanced into Libya and the UK Strategic Bombers were sent to the Siwa Oasis in Egypt to assist General Blamey in defeating the Italians in Cyrenaica.
The Gibraltar garrison defended Algiers and 2 infantry corps defended Tunis. I still wonder why I sent the Sudan Inf Corps to Tunisia… at least I got the Malta AA unit back in the island.
The whole Royal Navy was now in the Mediterranean, including all 3 carriers, protecting the UK II corps and their LRAT.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

Oh my, I've played so many games. Yet my record & conduct has not always gotten the desired results. Upon checking my open invitation, to play a new game, Taifun came knocking at the door. This name sends fear into the ELO league, not just because of his record, but his methods. Had to think about for a day, then decided to take on this challenge. Accept my destiny.

What would be my strategy? Well, that's always my problem, little bit to random & by the seat of my pants. But hey, that's human v human play. People do odd things. With a long history of opponents, I get flashbacks that can haunt me. At other times, just playing a lot of games, i know (well should know) easy blunders to avoid.

Early game Poland to France: Don't care who I'm playing. Poland, I'm sticking to my standard turn #1 conquest that never fails. Hired the paratroops at 1/2 strength and took the 50MMPs. I like to get the Northern Panzer to avoid combat and "double-time" or "operand" to the Belgium line.

Don't remember what turn I took Brussels (believe #3). Only takes 2 units. Army + Panzer + maybe air attack to guaranteed the deed. My field generals then set their eyes on France. Looking through binoculars, it appeared that Taifun had a "Heavy Army Southern defense". He was begging me to head near that Strauss burg path and Southern Ardennes. This would make a mess of ZOC and cause unnecessary exchanges from wild French Armies. Early in 1940, there was plenty of Fighter sorties. Nazi forces had taken a couple hexes into French soil. Once the weather broke, the move to go North along the shores was the easy play. French 2nd Army I believe had been battered, low morale and was the jumping point. Standard Blitzkrieg. Medium, Tactical attack planes, Panzers & Paratroops. Had an excellent exploitation Northern flank. France would fall easily (minimal damage) soon enough. The British were wise to leave.

AH & the General Staff were quite please. Team ElvisJJones Rambo had done well and partied in Paris on pace.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

German forces pushed south. Easily destroying an infantry corps near Bordeaux their troops isolated the new French Capital and probed the Lyon defenses. In the Mediterranean Sea Italian battleships sunk the French Terrible destroyer near Sicily.
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I expected the French to capitulate last turn but against all odds the French morale remained at 1% with only a few points remaining!! :D Bien joué les gars!! Bravo! ;) I was very lucky and made the most of it.
The Italian Andrea Doria Battleship was sunk by the French Navy near Messina, regaining some morale strength points. While British carriers fought Luftwaffe units in Sicily, Tripoli’s port and city were reduced to rubble, leaving the trapped Italian Army with 0 supply (Note that the UK II corps disembarked east the city to cut the Italian supply from Sirte). General Blamey begun the siege of Tobruk, the issue never in doubt. The much travelled Sudanese Inf Corps and the Gibraltar garrison were evacuated from Tunisia to Egypt.

At that moment I felt that Elvis wasn't going for an all of France Strategy and that he would prefer to sign the armistice first and then attack Tunisia…

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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

1940- 06-07
France finally surrendered. Vichy Authorities accepted the Armistice. Tunisian governor declared as expected his Loyalty to Vichy France.

With two Fallschirmjager units poised to capture Tunisia from Sicily and German panzers ready to follow from northern Italian ports, I had no option but to declare war on Tunisia. The US isolationists were not very happy with this Allied aggression in the Mediterranean (USA 38% down to 31%). 

As there were no amphibious troops available to take Tunis, the Royal Navy was recruited to render Tunis port unusable from shore bombardment and then retire west. By now, Sicily was packed with Luftwaffe bombers, and the waters around Malta were no longer a safe area. 

As expected, General O’Connor and his infantry found themselves isolated south of Tripoli, but he was still able to deliver 3 points of supply. Both UK infantry corps were thus supplied and deployed in such a way that they inhibited Tripoli port, reduced Tripoli city supply, and cut the Italian 5th Army supply from Sirte! 

Further east, General Mountbatten disembarked at Alexandria and moved to El Alamein to assist General Blamey’s supply for his assault on Tobruk. 
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Closer to home, the main elements of the Kriegsmarine were spotted near the North Channel. Obviously, Admiral Raeder knowing that the Royal Navy was in the Mediterranean, organized an ambush. Taking advantage of this information, the Home Fleet engaged light German ships defending the Oslo convoy. 

Notice the UK defense set-up with 3 AA units. 
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The Italian 5th Army was destroyed and Tripoli captured! General O’Connor reestablished his supply and ordered an infantry corps to capture Gades in Tunisia. Italian General Graziani’s forces were disintegrating in Cyrenaica.
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With no operating ports in North Africa, there will be no epic desert battles. The original plan worked, but just barely. Declaring war on Tunisia was not in the original draft. What will Elvis do next? Greece and Yugoslavia were the obvious targets, but Spain was also on the list …
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

For the first time Malta was bombarded by Luftwaffe bombers as well as the Italian Air Force from Sicily. The island will be repeatedly attacked every single turn for months. The raids on the island build in strength and frequency, weather permitting.

Tobruk fell, and the Italian 10th Army and 5th Garrison were destroyed. The Royal Navy was returning to home waters to deal with the U-Boote menace. An Italian destroyer hindered Australian convoys near Sidney and mobilized its home defenses, we were happy. The US delivered aircraft to the UK. 
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Italian Graziani HQ was destroyed and Benghazi captured. Libya was freed of Axis troops. Elvis continued to direct his air force against Malta, and he persisted. Axis raiders disrupted shipping near Wellington and Australia mobilized its home defenses, I was happy. 

In general, the Japanese are attacking slowly but methodically in China, using artillery and avoiding direct, costly assaults. 
Chengchow’s fortifications north of the river hold, and the city seems relatively safe. Ichang was abandoned at this point under very heavy Chinese pressure. 
No Japanese troops dared to approach with 2 hexes of Kweichow, fearing increased US mobilization. 
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Hungary and Romania joined the Axis Alliance. 

Ichang was captured.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

Latter 1940 happenings:

There was a small (very small window) for possible Sea Lion, but if I remember correctly, the British (BEF and friends) left in force avoiding destruction. Credit the successful panzer exploitation. Want to say, one aerial scouting report photography comeback that an extra(s) AA was on the British shores.

Africa: With my natural love (to which my opponent has read my historical notes) to attempt German landings onto the sands of North Africa, there is some bad history. I've lost alot of games, spending too much effort for little reward. The old saying "F- around, find out". Instead of wasting MMPs for the artifacts of the Holy Lands (Indiana Jones), the Germans begin ramping up factories for something else, Russia. Taifun skills are scary, so flirting with an extra disaster in the Sand, seems unwise. Germans decide early not to mess with North Africa. The decision was really made for me. Royal Navy / French were doing the usual blocking ports.

Since there was no Sea Lion, the Luftwaffe flew to Italy. No operand, no reason to waste MMPs on a secondary mission. Was looking for curious Allied ships and support Italian fleet hiding in ports. When the coasts were clear, the pounding of Malta began. Since the Allies had entered Tunisia, did operand a paratroop to Sicily (that's cheap), to keep the Allies honest. Malta would become Axis territory after several turns of Luftwaffe pounding.

Asia The initial battles in China were slow. Rain, rain, rain. But that's okay. If the weather doesn't want to cooperate, there's no decisions to be made. No need to alarm the trigger happy Yankee politicians. The Japanese tried to keep their units fresh & full. Was a slow inward move.

The Italian Destroyer from Africa was successful sailing to Australia. Was able to block main ports there, and New Zealand before eventually detection. Rather than take more damage and death, sailed off to a part near Guam.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

For months two UK AA units have taken turns defending Malta, the island finally succumbing to German Fallschirmjager this turn.

General O'Connor was a cautious man. He hesitated to launch his final assault on Tunis with the Luftwaffe bombers still based in Sicily, so bided his time and delayed the attack. Further east, General Blamey, commanding from his bunker inside Tobruk fortress, was charged with the defense of Libya and Egypt. General Mountbatten was sent to Sudan to lead the offensive against Italian Abyssinia. He will be commanding a mixed force of Allied units including the UK 7th Armored, 2 Inf Corps (Malayan and South African), and UK artillery.
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In China's central front, Chengchow was captured. Further south Japanese forces reached Kweichow's fortifications. The Japanese have been reequipping with Infantry weapons level 2, but the Chinese front seemed solid, with many armies and corps entrenched in difficult terrain. The Chinese Wall will not be easily breached.
The USSR mobilization hits 45%.
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Last edited by Taifun on Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

Germany declared war on the USSR! Stalin was expecting an early attack by Adolf Hitler at short notice, as the main elements of the Kriegsmarine were stationing near Leningrad for some time and German panzers were standing at the border involved "in maneuvers".
No auto-spanning units were destroyed in the Baltics States, and the Soviet tactical bombers and fighters escaped north towards Tallin and the Gulf of Finland. The Kriegsmarine was concentrated in the small area of the Gulf of Finland, with no less than 5 U-Boote, 4 CAs, 2 BCs, and 1 BB.
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In Army Groups Center and South, all the auto-spanning units were either destroyed or encircled except for a medium bomber unit that managed to fly east landing near Kiev. Tarnopol, Kowel, Odessa, Przemysl, Brest-Litovsk, and Bialystok were captured. The Germans divided his forces roughly as follows: 3 panzerkors, 6 armies, and 2 mechanized units north of the Pripyat Marshes and 5 panzerkorps, 2 antitanks, and 4 allied armies south of it. No Luftwaffe bombers participated in the initial attack as they were still thousands of miles away in the Mediterranean theatre of operations.
The Soviet main line of resistance was concentrated behind the Dniepr River, but Kaunas, Wilno, and Minsk were also defended with Soviet infantry corps.
The Germans were targeting Kiev in the south, to cross at this point the great Dniepr River. To reinforce this strategic area, Stalin operated 2 Siberian armies to the Kiev area and transferred General Zhukov to take overall command of the Soviet Southern Front. Another Siberian army was transferred to defend Smolensk, where they met a disorganized mechanized infantry unit that escaped from the Riga area.
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I was expecting the attack. Elvis had to maximize his initial advantage with an early Barbarossa. This was the first game I had to deal with an early German attack and I counted with the weather very much to delay the invaders...

Japanese forces approached Soviet defensive positions near Vladivostok. A Soviet AA unit was transferred to the area to defend the main port and NM moral objective. Will Elvis coordinate an attack on Siberia with the Japanese?
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

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Mud and rain hindered the invader's advance along the wide front. German panzers reached the outskirts of Kaunas, Wilno, Minsk, and Kiev. Luftwaffe bombers started to appear on the front lines. Yugoslavia joined the Allies.
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The Royal Navy entered the Baltic Sea! The UK I Infantry Corps disembarked in Denmark and captured Odense, opening a passage for the fleet. All five British carriers were involved in the operation.
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After several months of refitting and upgrading the Royal Navy was ready again for some action. Two options were on the table: move all the carriers to the Pacific to help defend Hawaii or destroy the Kriegsmarine. With an all-for-Russia German strategy, the Allied Murmansk convoy was to be the artery that kept alive the USSR. With the Kriegsmarine spotted and packed in the Gulf of Finland, the second option was chosen. The Royal Navy will enter the Baltic Sea and engage the German Navy. I read about this strategy for a long time, and now I had to try it for myself.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

Early 1941, no photos yet, as the head of German Staff, hadn't figured out how to do screenshots.


--Coming off the early France success, due to motorized Panzers & Paratroops, factories were set to build more mobile units. Germans ordered up all Tanks & Motorized Infantry.. This would prove to be a terrible overpurchase, for lack of Luftwaffe help and no extra Artillery. Additionally, the Hungarian & Romanian Armor was purchased. Axis Europe for Barby would be based on this build set.

--North Africa, was an Italian failure, but no German blood was spilled. The Luftwaffe was busy, keeping the British in check Tunisia. The capture of Malta was excellent, but no where to go. I anticipated, an early invasion of Italy, since Taifun was willing to position Royal Air Force so close, in Tunisia. British DOW on the this neutral country, had to discourage the Yankees war entry.

--In February 1941, the German Generals blew the whistle, and went into Russia, early. Not sure why this was done, was so antsy. Figured against a powerful opponent, that something extreme might help. Army Group North got mud, 2nd turn in, slowed them, up. Center & South initial response, went as expected, early on. Note, Yugoslavia had not be dealt with, and the Luftwaffe was not positioned for the streak. Didn't figure I'd need, at the beginning, and you really don't. Would be flying manual from Italy and taking potshots at Yugoslavia.

***The real change, became, when the entire Royal Navy entered in massive numbers, thru the port of Denmark, towards Leningrad. Corporal Hitler was in shock, we thought and expected them to be in the Mediterranean! Major miscalculation. Why? The Germans had left both Paratroops, and 3+ Corps in Italy, that could have been in the East. The Italians were replaced, for frontal units, but only had Infantry level 1. The Germans having 5 ground units, not ready for use on Barby February 1941, was weak. The Luftwaffe was indecisive, splitting off a couple Tactical and Fighters towards the Baltic Sea. Herman Goering was indecisive. The Royal Navy was attempting to invading Finland was the thought! Russia Air Force units were flying around Helsinki.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

Thanks, Elvis, for sharing your thoughts with us. I am an Axis player, and my games as an Allied player are rare, most finishing with an early German resignation in 1940 (with all for France UK strategy) or in defeat as shown on several of my AARs... So, for many of my strategies of our game, I was trying them for the first time.
Maybe it wasn't necessary to take Malta, as that delayed a few turns the arrival of the bombers to the USSR and you lost a few bomber crews.

I must say that I waited with anxiety for the arrival of my opponent's turn. The thin screen of three destroyers didn't seem strong enough to protect the carriers, and I expected to lose 2 carriers... Elvis detected the passage of the Royal Navy units into the Baltic Sea, but instead of attacking the main body of 4 carriers, he engaged the northern group of British ships stationed near Turku, between Sweden and Finland. In the subsequent naval action, the Kriegsmarine managed to sink the CV Glorious, DD Mohawk, and the CL Belfast.

Mud and rain again hindered the invader's advance along the huge front. German panzers captured Kiev and destroyed a Soviet-entrenched army across the Dniepr north of Cherkasy.
The fight for Yugoslavia began, the Axis engaging mainly Germany's allies troops in his area with some Luftwaffe support.
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Further north, German forces captured Kaunas, Wilno, and Minsk. Soviet General Voroshilov managed to build a second line of defense behind the Dniester River, running from Riga to Daugavpils. The elite Siberian bombers and fighters were transferred to the Riga area, Red Air Force obtaining thus air superiority over the Baltic Sea.
The Royal Navy engaged the Kriegsmarine and sunk the CA Admiral Graf Spee, DD Z2, BC Gneisenau, and BC Scharnhorst.
A panzergrenadier mechanized unit was dispatched to Denmark to destroy the British I corps holding Odense.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

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Stalin was very pleased with his scientists (at least with the ones not working in the Gulags). The USSR was about to reach Infantry Weapons level 2 and Anti-Aircraft level 2. They were also researching Command and Control 2, Advance Tanks Level 2, and Armored Warfare.
I was very lucky and got two hits in Advance Tanks :) (1939-10-13 11% to 31%, 1939-12-08 46% to 66%)
and 3 hits in Infantry Weapons Development :D (1940-04-26 57% to 77%, 1940-11-08 16% to 40%, 1941-02-28 61% to 86%). Notice that I have already reached Anti-Tank level 1 and Advance Fighters level 1.
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My original plan for the UK-USA was to destroy the Axis navies first. Research emphasis will therefore be placed on Naval-related technologies and their economy. The big losers will be the US ARMY and the BRITISH ARMY. It was a master plan that will have far-reaching consequences, as that meant NO confrontation with German panzers in Europe at least until 1943.

The USA invested heavily in the right lower corner. Also double chitting in Anti-Aircraft, Amphibious Warfare, and Spying and Intelligence. As planned, the US ARMY was being neglected, using still outdated tanks level 0 and Infantry Weapons level 1. The Royal Navy was going to take care of the German U-Boote menace, so the US NAVY didn't have to invest in Anti-sub Technology.
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The UK was double chitting in Antisubmarine Warfare (already level 1), Amphibious Warfare, and Industrial Technology. They were also investing in Advance Fighters level 3 and Naval Weaponry level 2. The British Army was not receiving a single MPP!
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The Chinese were about to reach Command and Control 2 and were investing in Anti-Aircraft Level 3. They were also researching Infantry Weapons level 2.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

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Again, mud and rain hindered the invader's advance. Quite frustrating for Elvis, for sure. General Voroshilov's newly established line of defense was assaulted in the center, the weakest point. One Soviet corps retired after taking heavy losses. 
Orsha was captured by the DAK reccon unit, Liepaja port and city isolated near the coast.
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The Soviet Southern Front under General Zhukov was unable to hold the invaders behind the Dnepr River. A solid bridgehead was established near Kiev and no less than six panzerkorps were waiting to cross the great river. 

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All fronts desperately asked for reinforcements, and Stalin sent the few remaining reserves west from Siberia. The Vladivostok forces were all transferred, leaving the fortress empty, as were the 2 tank units that were sent to bolster the Soviet Southern Front under General Zhukov.

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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

The turn started with bad news: dry weather under clear skies. General Voroshilov's Dniester Front was crushed. Riga fell into enemy hands, and one Soviet infantry corps was encircled. The Soviet infantry corps holding Liepaja was evacuated by sea to Riga just barely in time to hold the panzers away from taking Parnu. The RED AIR ARMY units near Tallin ended the turn in great danger...
06-06N.png (2.15 MiB) Viewed 1583 times

From Kiev's bridgehead, German panzerkorps flooded the Russian lines.  The invasion force was unstoppable, and the six German panzerkorps, 2 antitank, and several armies obliterated Soviet resistance north of Dnepropetrovsk across the river. The picture was bleak. The best Soviet unit, the Siberian heavy tanks, were holding Kursk but weren't entrenched. Kharkov was defended by the entrenched mechanized unit, but nothing was behind them. No troops were available to man the fortified Voroshilograd line of resistance, but it didn't matter,  as it could be easily bypassed north of the Don River. 
06-06.png (1.89 MiB) Viewed 1583 times
Yugoslavia surrendered...
06-06Y.png (1.23 MiB) Viewed 1583 times
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

Under the intense pressure of attacks, General Zhukov ordered the evacuation of Kharkov and Kursk. The Soviet armored formations established new positions around Voroshilovgrad, covered by three AA units, as most bomber units of the Luftwaffe were concentrated and operated from bases around Kiev. While the beleaguered Soviet army defending Dnepropetrovsk fought for their lives, new fortifications were being built at the gates of Stalingrad.
German infantry units pushing Northeast from Minsk approached Smolensk.

Without a doubt, by early July Elvis stood apparently victorious over their opposing Soviet Fronts, while plans stood afoot for further advances. Will he push north towards the Bryansk-Orel area, targeting Moscow, bypassing the Smolensk fortified positions? Will he push east towards Voronezh? or will he advance toward Stalingrad menacing the Voroshilovgrad-Rostov Soviet positions?
7S.png (2.7 MiB) Viewed 1516 times

General Voroshilov’s front also strained under immense pressure, and Daugavpils, Polotsk, and Parnu were captured. Tallin was evacuated and the Soviet bombers flew to bases near Leningrad. Very important German forces with artillery support prepared the assault on Pskov.
The Royal Navy in a short series of naval battles managed to sink 3 German CAs: Deutschland, Admiral Scheer, and Prinz Eugen, the BB Bismarck, and 3 U-Boote losing CA Norfolk in exchange. Then the UK carriers tried to sink the BB Tirpitz hiding in Stettin port but many Luftwaffe fighters were protecting the coast and the carrier crews were dealt a serious lesson, losing many comrades. The Fleet retired to the Gulf of Bothnia and awaited orders from London.
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The Soviets could count only on 2 armies and an engineer unit as reinforcements for the summer! Not until September will additional units be available.
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The Japanese have massed several armies near Vladivostok and amphibious transports have been reported in several locations near the South China Sea. It looks like the Japanese were getting ready to join the conflict. General Mountbatten’s forces were about to finish the last Italian defenders in Abyssinia. Tunis was finally captured. The Chinese front was static, with very few combats taking place.
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

Germany counted 71 land units and the Soviets 49.
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The Kriegsmarine was badly hurt in the Baltic losing 11 ships.
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General Mountbatten's forces...
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Re: ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies)

Post by Taifun »

With time becoming an increasingly important factor for the Germans, Elvis had to decide where to make the focal point of attack. Elvis decided that Moscow was to be Barbarossa's main objective and made a sharp turn to the north with Army Group South panzers.
By the first week of August Army Group South's panzers maneuvered to link with Army Group Center forces. They fought against stubborn Soviet resistance at Gomel and approached Bryansk.
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A dissipation of strength to the flanks was also inevitable, especially to the south, where a fanatical Soviet army still defended Dnepropetrovsk. Axis forces maneuvered east of the Dnepr, capturing Kharkov and cutting the rail link east of Dnepropetrovsk, effectively isolating the NM city. A single panzerkorps remained in the area as a mobile reserve.
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I was a little perplexed by Elvis' ardent determination to seize Moscow over Stalingrad and the Caucasus as I felt that securing economic gains should be the immediate goal of crushing the Soviet Union in the time remaining. I could imagine how Elvis felt the weight of strategic decisions being forced upon him and vacillated, as he tried to identify the shortest possible road to victory. He knew that the greatest enemy strength was to be found in the south, around Rostov, and maybe wanted to avoid a series of long, fierce battles.

From Ukraine, General Timoshenko (still strength 5) was ordered to Moscow to take command of the new Soviet Central Front. He had no easy task, as he will be facing the bulk of the German mobile forces with 6 panzerkorps and 2 panzergrenadier units!
Timoshenko's command was immediately reinforced with troops from other fronts and the newly raised corps. Infantry units were sent to all locations on three roads leading to Moskow, while fortification works were started by engineers east of the Capital. General Voroshilov (still strength 7) moved east to assist in the defense. Surprisingly Pskov, in the Soviet Northern Front, was not attacked and the German artillery moved south to the Smolensk area.
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The Stavka, under Stalin's direction, decided the time had come for a small counteroffensive to relieve the encircled army at Dnepropetrovsk. Soviet light tanks with mechanized troops destroyed a German infantry corps and the rail link south of the city was reestablished.
Infantry Weapons level 2 starts to reach the front... just in time! ;)
08-15S.png (1.28 MiB) Viewed 1487 times
Last edited by Taifun on Sun Jul 23, 2023 3:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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