Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »


Interestingly, submarines seem to become more effective when stationary and attacking, but not surface ships? Has anyone else noticed this?

All units (except air and ranged) get a bonus for not moving before attacking. It's something like surface ships < land units < subs. It hurts even more to bump into a sub on your turn, then it gets its huge preparedness bonus plus the ambush bonus.

Thank you!

I didnt notice any difference between surface ships when I tested it, but pretty big difference for Submarines specifically.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 54: 17th June, 1916

The general offensive in the west continues. An enormous, sustained artillery barrage from both British and French Guns the like of which has not been seen in the world to date (12 shells total) softens German positions.


A huge hole is created in the German lines around Strasbourg as French and British troops charge forwards, reaching rear artillery positions. Mulhausen is captured and Von Hutiers command staff is embroiled in the fighting.

The Kriegsmarine has moved slightly, and some surface ships have joined the submarines. I’m concerned at the revelation that the Germans have both Naval weaponry 1 and ASW 2 themselves. The ASW 2 isnt too bad, my unupgraded submarines are mostly slated for scout duty. But the upgrades may mean that they are sunk which is troubling.


I’m not too horrified at the naval weapon upgrades, in testing it seems to mostly change 6:6 predictions to 7:6 on battleships and similar in other cases. Nonetheless, any advantage might be telling in the coming battle.

I have the cold spectre of possible loss of the game poking my spine. Not the most pleasant sensation, What can we do to try and even the odds a little?

The French invest in ASW tech, even a level will help their surface ships against the submarines and given the bonuses received from British mastery it should be quick to appear.

After looking around in the unit list I notice that recon bombers aren’t useless as far as naval combat is concerned. Recon bombers of all nations are sent to Londonderry. We are hoping to set up this battle in and around the North Channel if possible.

Our naval woes continue unabated, the Austrian navy and the Accursed Goeben sink another French Dreadnaught and chase down and destroy the British Sea-Plane carrier. I have been completely outplayed here, and can only lift my hat to KZ. He’s obviously much better than I am at the naval game, and in handling this theatre. Being so soundly humiliated does sting a bit. I have to retreat here I think and Marshal my forces if I want to get a handle on things. Do some thinking about what has happened and where I went wrong.


With three artillery pieces revealed by the Central powers around Greece I fall back and consolidate positions. We continue to be outmatched on most fronts. Troubling.

Speaking of outmatched. Russia.

Four more corps down, Riga down. Not much more to say about it.

Russia is down to 36% NM, I think I was wrong about how much they had at the end of last turn. Or maybe not, losing Minsk and Riga hurt.

Russia rebuilds two corps and invests another chit in the US.

The US is receptive to Russian pleas of help and moves 8% towards the Entente! Now at 25%.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 56: July 8th, 1916

The Germans vanish along a broad front in the west. Disbelieving Frenchmen, shell shocked after months of hard fighting stumble into trenches left empty. The advance pushes up into strasbourg before scouts again sight German troops.


The British leave the front line largely to the French, their resources almost entirely focused elsewhere.

At the last moment I make a mistake in how I place my Guns. The easternmost gun was a corps, which was meant to block the path so that too many enemies could not reach the guns to destroy them when the Strasbourg corps is inevitably destroyed. Brain glitch and an “ooh shiny” moment where the better firing position distracted me from good sense ruined that precaution. I’m bracing for the loss of a gun, if KZ have any reserves at all here.

The mediterranean navy is withdrawing for now. Even if the British are very severely outgunned in Greece they make their own count.


British troops are no pushovers. One Bulgarian and one Austrian corps are destroyed with few losses.

Russia is unusually calm and German troops are left damaged after assaults. No doubt KZ is bending a large amount of resources towards refitting the Kriegsmarine.


A breakthrough is nonetheless driven back near Riga and the gap closed. The Russians are strengthening their Navy, ready to help the British by perhaps sinking at least one German ship.

The SouthEast is livelier for the Russians than usual, a deeply embedded German corps is destroyed with the aid of gunfire, and an Exposed Austrian corps is also dispersed.


We remain at 60% chance towards the USA, with the Russians investing another chit.

The Royal navy is almost refitted. The UK invests a chit into Naval Warfare, even if they don’t get it before the showdown they might get it meanwhile and be able to use it in a follow up engagement. The airforce also benefits.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 58: July 22nd, 1916

The expected counter attack in the west did not materialize. Puzzled, and wary of traps, the western powers continue the assault rather than pause for refits with heavier guns.


The main driver of that decision being full shell stocks on all artillery concentrations. That, and the fact that infantry weapons 2 will finish at the end of this turn.

Now that the stocks have nearly been emptied, we can pause and refit the armies and artillery behind the lines next turn.

The French invest heavily in research, Infantry Warfare (2), Command (1), Production (3) and Industry (2) being key. French industry is going to be the main contender with the German war-machine soon, and will need any help it can get to keep up.

The Brits strengthen units across the line that have been neglected while all efforts were directed towards the royal Navy. The entente continue to withdraw their navy in the mediterranean.


Russia is similarly quiet, the Germans taking a couple of weeks to receive reinforcements and build up shells. Next turn will probably be bloody.

The Kriegsmarine is moving up slowly. I’m afraid I might have revealed my scouting of them this turn, as I accidentally stopped my silent submarine in base contact with his navy before moving it again.


My hopes are these.

KZ is still getting messages that I am maintaining the near blockade due to the mines. If I’m lucky he’ll run into at least some of them. Once that happens I have destroyers ready near the north channel to place new ones that, again, he will hopefully run into.

After placing the mines the destroyers will retreat behind the fleet screen, ready to strike submarines.

The Brits have invested a second chit in Naval weaponry and one chit in naval Warfare. This might be an overreaction, and entirely moot for that matter. But, assuming it is not all over in one massive clash, advances may help me in subsequent engagements.

The French will get ASW 1 this turn, and upgrade their ships in british ports near the likely engagement area.

The Russian navy is gathering to try and find and take out a straggler or two, if any can be found.

The Central powers have invested in diplomacy on the Netherlands (now at 48% after some strong hits), and I invest three cheap chits to slow them down. I’m fairly content at 60% chance to hit the US.

Russias NM is down to 27% without any fighting, that is bad. The US moving another 7% to 32% is not though!
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by operating »

Question: All those mines laid along the Northern Blockade, were they put there by submarines, or by others? also, How long does it take to lay mines, instantly, one turn, or more? How can mines be detected by the enemy?

Been trying to buy this game, but having a problem with security code at store that's incorrect and cannot be edited, ticket in progress.

In the meantime trying to learn game from sources. Thankyou
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

ORIGINAL: operating

Question: All those mines laid along the Northern Blockade, were they put there by submarines, or by others? also, How long does it take to lay mines, instantly, one turn, or more? How can mines be detected by the enemy?

Been trying to buy this game, but having a problem with security code at store that's incorrect and cannot be edited, ticket in progress.

In the meantime trying to learn game from sources. Thankyou

Mines are laid by Destroyers, and done in one turn. Essentially "click and place". You can place as many mines as 2+naval warfare tech I think.

They are only detected by the enemy when sailing through the hex they are in or an adjascent hex. If any ships sail onto or adjascent to a mined hex they suffer a risk of detonation and random damage. Your own ships have a lesser risk of blowing the mines and only if they sail over them. :)
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by operating »


ORIGINAL: operating

Question: All those mines laid along the Northern Blockade, were they put there by submarines, or by others? also, How long does it take to lay mines, instantly, one turn, or more? How can mines be detected by the enemy?

Been trying to buy this game, but having a problem with security code at store that's incorrect and cannot be edited, ticket in progress.

In the meantime trying to learn game from sources. Thankyou

Mines are laid by Destroyers, and done in one turn. Essentially "click and place". You can place as many mines as 2+naval warfare tech I think.

They are only detected by the enemy when sailing through the hex they are in or an adjascent hex. If any ships sail onto or adjascent to a mined hex they suffer a risk of detonation and random damage. Your own ships have a lesser risk of blowing the mines and only if they sail over them. :)
Watched segment 12 of the YouTube AAR, it actually showed what happens when mines are triggered and yes it showed that it took less than one turn to deploy mines by destroyers, but as of yet do not know if submarines can deploy mines, could have missed that part. Even friendly capital ships could trigger it's own faction's mines, but as far as can tell mines do not affect friendly destroyers, not sure about friendly submarines triggering mines.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

ORIGINAL: operating


ORIGINAL: operating

Question: All those mines laid along the Northern Blockade, were they put there by submarines, or by others? also, How long does it take to lay mines, instantly, one turn, or more? How can mines be detected by the enemy?

Been trying to buy this game, but having a problem with security code at store that's incorrect and cannot be edited, ticket in progress.

In the meantime trying to learn game from sources. Thankyou

Mines are laid by Destroyers, and done in one turn. Essentially "click and place". You can place as many mines as 2+naval warfare tech I think.

They are only detected by the enemy when sailing through the hex they are in or an adjascent hex. If any ships sail onto or adjascent to a mined hex they suffer a risk of detonation and random damage. Your own ships have a lesser risk of blowing the mines and only if they sail over them. :)
Watched segment 12 of the YouTube AAR, it actually showed what happens when mines are triggered and yes it showed that it took less than one turn to deploy mines by destroyers, but as of yet do not know if submarines can deploy mines, could have missed that part. Even friendly capital ships could trigger it's own faction's mines, but as far as can tell mines do not affect friendly destroyers, not sure about friendly submarines triggering mines.

Only Destroyers can place them. All of your own ships can trigger your own mines if you pass over them, though it's a much lower risk than if the enemy hits them.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 60: August 6th, 1916

Long post today, apologies. I spun off on some tangents. :P

The Sub was found, for some reason I think KZ attacked mostly with light cruisers? It survived, miraculously. His fleet also doesn’t seem to have moved much, not sure why. I’m not sure where KZ is going to move yet, since he’s dawdling a lot. It’s probably smart to place the fleet a little more in between the North sea and the English Channel and move into position once I know.

The western front is quiet, again. On my part that’s nothing strange, taking a moment to stock up new shells, upgrade corps with better weapons and reinforcing damaged corps in the rear to make sure readiness stays high. Most of our corps sport readiness in the 90’s and 100’s versus German corps in the 70’s and 80’s. I’d like to keep it that way. We drive a detachment off the line.


This does highlight something that has had me puzzled for a while, an itch at the back of my head. The office of War Intelligence (an oxymoron both in the meta-perspective and the figurative) does not like being puzzled. I’ll go through the rest of the turn first to highlight my puzzlement.

Light fighting in Greece. Unfortunately General Meade and his artillery does not appear when the Ottomans are surrendered by treaty, they do if they are conquered. Drats. Miscalculation there.


Russia is likewise quiet, one corps is destroyed and cavalry breaks through, but not much else.


Now let’s take a look at these pictures again.

West front is using detachments to hold the line. That’s usually a desperation move. 10 units total visible, two guns confirmed. Let’s say half again that behind the lines based on all the scouting done up until two turns ago. So 17 maybe.

Two Bulgarian units in Greece visible, 6 Austrian. Plenty more Austrians there that I know of, so say three more Bulgarian and 6 Austrian if we’re spreading on thick in doubling it. Total 5/12.

16 Total German units visible in the east, again including a detachment. Add maybe 8 more to this, based on the very limited shuffling and attacks. 8 Austrians in the east, add 8 more for good measure. Total 24/16

Total estimated strength on the map: total German if we really overestimate as much as at all reasonable. 28 Austrian and 46 German.

Looking at the unit staples we’re pretty dead on the Austrians at 29, but despite seeing several detachments on the lines well short even with pretty inflated “shadow estimations” on the Germans.

Why the heck is he using detachments on the lines with a unit count like that? This is, I think, what experts refer to as “game sense”, Something they would have noted much clearer many turns ago and also they would likely know what’s up. To me this is a vague feeling over the last 5 turns or so that says “something is going on somewhere”. It’s just way too quiet on the fronts somehow.

Unfortunately, due to carelessness with aircraft and lack of cavalry I am almost completely blind.

Worst case scenarios then. I could be overestimating what is in the FoW behind the lines and KZ is hoarding up troops to strike through Belgium. That would be mildly bothersome, but not catastrophic. In fact, it would probably be in my favour.

What about amphibious invasions? Despite having ceded the Mediterranean for now I cant think of anywhere that would bother me much. The middle east doesn’t really do much for him, Egypt? I have units there, so not too worried

Greece capital is protected and enough troops are there to respond. The only place I can think of where one would be bad is the almost completely empty UK. Since the fleet is all in the west I’m lacking a defense on the fleet side. If KZ is crazy enough to try this and has teched amphibs he could land three units followed by transports and overrun most of Britain before I can respond…

Hm. It would be a huge cost for him, but also potentially game winning. Deploying a small force to complicate such a move is fairly cheap for me. I finally sent some of General Dubails troops from Mesopotamia to the North Atlantic three turns ago so they should arrive next turn or after that at the latest. I have a couple of British troops in France that I can send until the naval crisis is over and Britain is secure. I’ll keep Patrolling near Germany with Submarines as well.

Could he be readying an attack on Italy? I’ve been thinking about that in general, denying Italy and then attacking it with upgraded troops it would be pretty much completely defenceless and get slaughtered due to a total lack of tech. I have even considered attacking it myself, but haven’t checked the consequences for doing so in hotseat yet.


Regardless, the Entente wont be in any better position to respond sitting by the Italian border than on the west front, operating will get them in to help just as fast. Just in case, I change the deployment of the few Italian corps. Given the lack of buildup in Klagenfurt and near Bruneck this deployment should keep the Germans long enough for operating French to set up shop.

An attack on Romania doesn’t seem likely.

I think that’s all I can do to prepare for potential Shenanigans for now. Britain gets two Torpedo Boats, despite their limited range they might be good for clearing submarines out of the raiding hexes.

The US moves another 5% after more investments by the Russians. 37%, choo choo!

Finland declares independence from Russia, and KZ has let Lenin loose on the world as the Tsar abdicates and a provisional government is formed. Russia at 23% as the turn ended, getting a boost from the new government but will be going down due to agitation soon. Dark days...
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 62: August 19th, 1916

Lenin is let loose into Russia, and the Whites defeat the Reds in Finland.


Russia will be going down very quickly now. I can only take slight joy at the prospect of the unrest the Central Powers will be facing in return.

The French spring into action again in the west. Unless something changes I’ll cycle turns of upgrading and reinforcing with attacks when the guns are stocked with shells.


Three German corps are defeated and scattered, as well as one artillery unit! The latter is a big win, and will impact German ability to counter attack and defend. A second gun is damaged as the French reach Mannheim.

British presence here is so thin it’s now pretty much an all French front. I kept one british Corps and the guns to attempt the impression that the corps are still here and not moving away, but I think KZ spotted their absence with airships.

Greece is uneventful, but the Austrian navy is moving out into the Mediterranean. I’m not at all keen on facing them at the moment, so I withdraw further.

Speaking of things I am not keen on facing, KZ revealed his fleet movement by placing a Drednaught and Pre-Drednaught on the Shetland Island hexes. Airship scouting shows a strong German presence. He unfortunately avoided my mines entirely, but at least that means the blockade is still running in those four hexes.


The Russian navy moves in and finds three German ships still at Anchor. Setting up to surround them might result in some damage when they try to join the larger fleet, or may distract them fighting the Russians.

I tried to paint a complex pattern with a light cruiser to detonate my own mines (red sqare picture), but it stopped moving at an intersection between lines before ever reaching the mines. Very annoying (used the destroyer I intended to use to lay new mines by the German ports to Illustrate. Oh well, no mines to help there.

Continuous submarine scouting pays off this turn, finding 5 German ships and two transports by the Frisian Islands.


The German navy has grown to 38 ships. I panic a bit and load hotseat to check if transports and amphibs count as fleets when they are in that “mode”. Turns out they don’t. Ooooh boy. Where the heck did those ships come from? It seems KZ has been building ships for some time. That is really not good.

Even with the ships split off from the main fleet KZ still nearly matches my atlantic fleet with 30 vessels to my 34. Dang.

I need to go after and destroy the smaller fleet and avoid engaging the big one until I have re-consolidated, perhaps do small hit and run attacks out of ports meanwhile. Ugh, this is turning ugly. No chance to build more ships in time either.

I’m sending a large part of the fleet to deal with the smaller contingent, that engagement needs to be fast and decisive. Otherwise I’m just going to have to brace myself for some Catastrophic damage to English economy and National Morale. France is building a torpedo boat to help.

Rather than reinvesting 150mpp in diplomacy on the US the Brits save that MPP as a buffer to repair ships once their economy starts tanking due to raiding.

Russia is quiet as these things go. Two corps lost, some diplomacy invested towards the US.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 64: September 3rd, 1916

The French move up, silencing their guns for effective bombardments next turn. Upgrades are distributed. I’m sad to see lvl 2 German weapons, oh well.


The French navy narrowly escape an Austrian attempt at a blockade, sailing into the Atlantic to assist the British.


Greece and Russia (Now at 29%) are both quiet. Greece deploys its’ III corps at Salonica. It’s like all of Europe has drawn a breath to hold, waiting.

This screenshot is pretty much the definition of “tense” I think.


Also shown: Russians being Russians.

The German ships at harbour took some damage moving out into the atlantic, probably now sitting in those ports. I’m hoping the delay will prove bothersome.

General Dubails troops arrived this turn and disembarked in England, who are now about as prepared as they are going to be. The Brits keep stockpiling resources.


Next turn something will most likely blow up. Let’s hope it’s not us.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 66: September 16th, 1916

Drats. KZ found the fleet near the channel. I’m pretty sure there is only one sub around, and that one isnt set to silent so that wasnt it. He perfectly scouted it with an airship from Germany, must have been an intelligence hit or just good intuition. A bit of an obvious move maybe to split the fleet off, perhaps he even baited me into it and I took the bait like a sucker.

The result is two sunk Dreadnaughts, really, really not the start I was hoping for.

Worse, we get stormy seas. That is… terribly bad. Basically, two turns of this in a hot engagement situation will decide the entirety of the battle and possibly the game. Being hit full force and any counter-attacks being neutered at best is awful. Inserts in the screenshots below will show exactly how bad.

The First battle of the Frisian Islands is a tactical German loss, but a strategic victory. The Royal navy was caught by surprise arranging it’s order of battle at the mouth of the English Channel, in the ensuing chaos the well prepared Kregsmarine fired accurate salvos as they withdrew before superior numbers, scoring critical hits and sinking The Emperor of India and The Queen Elisabeth. Royal navy pursuit was complicated by the enormous persistence of U-73 submarine squadron, delaying and forcing the RN to evade it’s screening maneuvers.


As weather turned foul what should have been a decisive, killing stroke upon the smaller Kriegsmarine force turned into a grueling brawl. As the Royal navy is forced to disengage due to ever worsening sea conditions two enemy light cruisers, one destroyer and one Battle cruiser are sunk, with another critically damaged and listing but still afloat.

Scouting north-northwest of the UK doesnt find any vessels heading back around.

Skirmishes around the North Channel sees one submarine sunk and one damaged. Assembled aircraft hit a german Drednaught thrice, no telling what sort of damage they did but would be surprised at more than 1pt a piece.


The Port of Glasgow and incoming trade is badly hit, and the convoys supplying vital materiel to the UK will soon be unable to pass.

Torpedo boats are deployed, and the Navy revises tactics to use light Cruisers as screens for the capital ships and destroyers.

9 out of possible 11+unknown submarines are accounted for, as well as 9 surface vessels.

That leaves 15 vessels at large, no telling where those are at for now.

Current tallies as far as is known;


Destroyers: 6-1 (5)
Light Cruisers: 3-2 (1)
Battle Cruisers: 1 -1 (1), one at str 1.
Dreadnaughts: 4
Armored Cruisers: 2
Submarines: 11 -1 (10)

Unknown vessels: 9
In the Mediterranean: 1

Total: 33

Royal Navy East Fleet

Destroyers: 3
Light Cruisers: 8
Battle Cruisers: 3
Dreadnaughts: 7-2 (5)
Submarines: 3

Total: 22

Royal Navy channel defense fleet - Skirmish orders, port to port.

Destroyers: 3
Torpedo boats: 2
Light Cruiser 1
Attached French destroyers: 2
Submarines: 1

Total: 9

Combined Entente Western fleet - Evade orders, many ships en route or in port for refits.

Pre Dreadnaughts: 4(RN), 1 (Fr)
Armored Cruisers: 4 (Fr)
Sea-Plane Carriers: 2 (Fr)
Destroyers: 1 (RN), 1 (Fr)
Light Cruisers: 2 (Fr)

Still in the mediterranean: 3 Submarines.

Total: 15 (not counting Mediterranean subs)

Total Entente Atlantic fleet: 46

On the western front the French attack recklessly despite being blind. I’m going off how thinly KZ has been deployed here before, with planes and vulnerable units right behind the front line.


It pays off, three more German corps down along with another artillery piece. Von Hutiers command staff is once again embroiled in the fighting. I should have focused attacks north and made an attempt to take down both Artillery pieces, oh well.

The German economy is extremely strong, hard to tell now that the Graph has shot away, but I would guess somewhere between 650 and 700mpp/Turn. I’m trying to make sure KZ can replenish his land losses -or- his damaged naval vessels, not both. That way I can leverage both the French and British economies against him. Here is an example of a “hard to read due to high numbers” chart. XD


You might think that the West is looking so good the game is very much in my favour, I think that is an illusion.

If KZ manages a convincing victory at sea and occupies the raiding hexes enough to choke Britains’ economy and hinder its’ movement across the channel the French will stand alone once the Russians fall. Alone, currently at 38 units facing Germanys’ current 45, stronger economy, and everything the Austrians can spare. Likely 2-3 guns and 15 units or so. That will be bad.

Greece and Russia are quiet, except for the Russians destroying an Austrian corps and damaging another. The lines are not moving. Russia at 26% N before end of turn.

As the UK might soon be forced to rely solely on its’ land-based core income it invests in Industry to maximise that as much as possible. Another Chit in diplomacy, I need the US to get into gear and start researching at least.

The UK saves 419mpps, and gets another 391, down from 520 or so.

Speaking of the US, it protests but that particular ship has yet to be sunk. At 42% at end of turn… and the Lusitania sinks! A russian diplomatic hit for another 7% sees the US at 56%.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 68: October 7th, 1916

Two facepalm moments this turn.

The first, I forgot to move the small Combined western atlantic fleet (CWA from now on) away from the oncoming germans. Sigh… my brain. *glare*

Oh well. The result is that German Drednaughts came and said hello after a submarine scouted them. One French armored cruiser down for no damage whatsoever to the Germans. At least it was stormy, or it would have been much worse.

Too many things going on to post separate pictures of them all, so snapshots and numbers it is!

1. Scouting down revealed no vessels aside from the four Dreadnaughts, the scouting sub hit one of them and, since it was revealed anyway, took a potshot. Since all four Drednaights here were undamaged and we hit one with aircraft earlier, we can now update the German Dreadnaught count to 5. Interestingly, one of these does not have ASW upgrades, we should make that a priority to hunt down with our own subs.


2 & 4: 2 Armored cruisers and a Battle cruiser revealed around the North Channel. Torpedo boats and Destroyers strike out where safe and sink one submarine, damaging another. We are lacking scouting here, so I move the airship down. I cant move out very much this turn, the risk of being ambushed and caught outside ports, unable to move back to safety, is too great.

French ships are being upgraded with ASW level 2.

3: The damaged German battle cruiser and submarine escape to port, I cant find the other four ships anywhere nearby, nor the transports.

This does reveal one thing, there is yet another battle cruiser in the North Channel approach, which means we’ve found another previously unidentified ship.

Also shown: Facepalm moment number two. I had no idea the Central Powers can pass through Gibraltar by damaging the port. They massacred it for no losses, and slipped past. That is… horrendous news. This game, the bad is spreading like cancer. I bullrushed the remaining submarines in the Mediterranean to harry them, and damaged the Goeben slightly.

That means we now have the Austrian navy to contend with as well, and that our Dreadnaughts are outnumbered by more advanced counterparts. The admiralty is having an apoplexy.

Le Foudre Airplane carrier is caught by the sortie of the Austrian navy and damaged. I cannot cruise, so it feints and attempts to lose the pursuers in the atlantic.


The caught Pre-Dreadnaught will not be able to escape no matter what I do, so I sacrifice it and another to sink a German Dreadnaught The remaining three ships of the CWA carefully round all raiding hexes, where I hope KZ has put his other ships if any, and escape to join the East Fleet, which sets up in the English channel.

I think there is one thing keeping me alive here, and that may continue to play in my favour. KZ seems focused on raiding rather than massacring the Entente navy, so is not coordinating his entire fleet to destroy me.

Dont worry, I wont post all these numbers every turn, thought it would be good now to start out and keep a tally!


Destroyers: 5
Light Cruisers: 1
Battle Cruisers: 3 (now including the Goeben)
Dreadnaughts: 5-1 (4)
Armored Cruisers: 2
Submarines: 10-1 (9)

Unknown vessels: 7

Total: 31

Austrian IRN:

Destroyers: 2
Light Cruisers: 1
Battle Cruisers: 0
Dreadnaughts: 1
Pre-Dreadnaughts: 1
Submarines: 2
Torpedo boats: 2 - Probably not yet in the atlantic

Total: 9, Atlantic 7

Total Central Powers Atlantic Fleet: 38

Entente navy losses: 1 Armored Cruiser (Fr)

3 Submarines join the Entente Atlantic fleet.

Total Entente Atlantic Fleet: 48

The French move up to a bedraggled and thin German line, Austrians have been brought to plug the holes. I fall for temptation and attack it and the Cavalry, as both are unentrenched.


Mannheim is taken unopposed.

Russia is making small contributions, having built another Artillery piece they dare move out against a German detachment!


An Austrian corps is brought down by sheer numbers.Russian NM: 24%

The Brits stockpile their income, 593+372.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by Will952 »

Had no idea about that Gibraltar trick. Nasty way to learn...
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 70: November, 1916

The French army Continues the advance. Aachen on on the outskirts of Liege is occupied without resistance. The corps holding Mainz is brushed aside and the town captured. Another German corps, exposed near Stuttgart is bombarded into the ground and destroyed.


France continues to rebuild corps lost in 1915, and has started constructing its’ very first experimental tank Corps.

The Entente has seized the Greek navy and will sail it towards the Atlantic after some necessary refits.

The Russian “offensive” against a German Detachment costs 9 str worth of corps, As the elated Russians approach Vilna they believe that it is empty, but fail to notice the well camouflaged Germans in the forests who ambush III Mountain corps en route, causing horrific casualties.


In the SouthEast the Russians are too demoralized to do more than damage an Austrian corps despite bombardments.

The real action is once again at sea. Cat and mouse games threatening to explode at any moment.
Both Pre-Dreadnaughts were sunk, as expected. The German Dreadnaughts took damage doing it though.

Submarines are placed as possible screens against the southernmost dreadnaughts, this might become important later...


Action in the Irish Sea is still careful due to the foul weather and the resulting lack of Aerial recon. Every destroyer moves square by square, alert for ambushes. A careful eye at all times on remaining action points and square distance to port. Attacking halves remaining AP, good to keep in mind.

Total tally this turn:

Entente navy losses:
2 Pre-Dreadnaughts

Down to 46 vessels total to Central powers 38.

German Navy Impact:

One submarine 5 str damage & 5 supply
One Submarine 2 str damage & 8 supply

After much thinking and counting squares I might have found an opportunity to exploit KZs scattered naval operations.

The approaching Austrian navy is still quite a ways from the Kriegsmarine. The two ships marked in the above screenshot can reach the marked squares below at the furthest. With any luck, KZ has at most one other ship beside the two Dreadnaughts that can reach the screen I cruised into place after estimating the Austrian navys’ range from last turn and scouting with the pursuing submarines. The hope is that the Light Cruiser screen will catch some of the Austrian ships moving north, and that the Submarines left as screens can catch at least one of the German dreadnaughts in the North.


The plan is somewhat spoiled by the 6 str submarine who discovered the placed light cruiser as one of the last ships put into place. Too late to reverse the plan.

Nevertheless, even if KZ reaches the screen and sinks some of it I should have a strong local superiority for a follow-up strike. This might give us the chance to sink part of the Central Powers navy outside the range of the rest. We’ll see how it goes!

The UK repairs the damaged dreadnaughts and other ships in port, France refits several ships with ASW lvl 2.

British MPP stockpile now 626 + 378 = 1004 at the end of Turn, hitting industry lvl 3. France hits industry 4 and collects 581.

Russian diplomats bring the USA ever closer to joining the war, now at 73%. Woodrow Wilson is re-elected president.
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 72: December, 1916

During the battle of the Portuguese coast the Kriegsmarine took the bait and attacked the screening light cruisers, three of which were sunk. In return, the waiting Entente ambush fleet struck in stormy weather, sinking two German Dreadnaughts and the Austrian Dreadnaught. In addition, The Redetzky Pre-Dreadnaught was badly damaged, along with one german submarine group.


I really hope KZ gets bad weather too next turn, if not his stationary submarines will be Lethal, as will the german Battle Cruiser. We have nonetheless sent the remainder of the Atlantic fleet into position to strike at any additional reinforcements, or catch up to and mop up the remains of this engagement if none arrive. This one is a strategic and tactical victory for the Entente so far.

I was initially quite miffed about the weather, but then realized that it meant I could use light ships to strike for low damage to the Dreadnaughts without taking much in return. Especially if I hit them with my own dreadnaughts first, I got mostly 2:1 like odds that got better the lower str they got.

Less stellar was the engagements around the channels this turn, I found a sub in a coastal clear weather hex and really wanted to sink it. We managed it, but unfortunately doing so left several of our Destroyers exposed, as well as our torpedo boats.


All in all, we have left far too many destroyers open for attack this turn, these are arguably the most important ships in the navy. The two marked ships above are the marked destroyers from the previous picture, moved up after that was taken.

The French do not pause in the snow. Coblenz falls under British bombardment, but we fail to destroy the German Guns behind the city. Elsewhere artillery moves up to the line, soldiers dig in and adjust trenches turned the wrong way, and receive reinforcements.


France invests 1 chit into Fighters, Long range aircraft and Aerial warfare to take advantage of British advancement bonuses.

The British Reinvest into LRA and Aerial warfare to make sure those categories reach useful levels. Also reinvest a third chit into industry. They developed Naval Weaponry last turn, which I forgot all about in the excitement this turn. I could have upgraded several ships at port this turn, but instead rushed about. Oh well, hopefully I’ll have the opportunity later!

Seeing as economy appears stable at around 350mpp per turn after the raiding, and the lack of movement in Greece, we dig deep into the stockpiles and start producing the Greek artillery. We will need to apply pressure here come spring.

Two Russian corps destroyed by the Germans, the Russians in turn bring down one exposed and weakened German corps in wrong-facing trenches.


They then retrat back to the fortress of Divinsk. Russia now at 17% NM, but reinvest in diplomacy vs the US.

---Summary of the Naval war---

The Central Powers took a heavy blow to their navies this turn, losing three Dreadnaughts in return for three light cruisers. In addition many of their remaining ships are now damaged, out of 8 known submarines only four are fully operational.

The unknown 7 vessels is a concern though, I dont know where or what they are.

I have two submarines just reinforced to move out and screen the northern approach off Scapa flow for ships trying to return to Germany next turn. KZ still only has two operational ports that he can reach without risking damage from Russian mines and ships. The Greek Pre-Dreadnaught will reinforce next turn and then move to Occupy the Port at gibraltar, aiming to precent Austrian ships from returning that way.
Depending on the damage next turn the war at sea is looking favourable after this turns success.

Kriegsmarine (Known damaged vessels in [Boxes])

Destroyers: 5
Light Cruisers: 1
Battle Cruisers: 3 (now including the Goeben)
Dreadnaughts: 4-2 (2)
Armored Cruisers: 2
Submarines: 9-1=8 // [5], [7], [5]

Unknown vessels: 7

Total: 28

Austrian IRN:

Destroyers: 2 ?
Light Cruisers: 1 // [8]
Battle Cruisers: 0
Dreadnaughts: 1 -1 (0)
Pre-Dreadnaughts: 2 // [2]
Submarines: 2 // [4], [7]
Torpedo boats: 2 - Probably not yet in the atlantic

Total: 8, Atlantic 6 - I’m off by one ship here somewhere… It's either one destroyer or one torpedo boat too mant. Not sure which.

Atlantic British Navy: Changes since last listing

Destroyers: 7
Light Cruisers: 9 -3 (6)
Battle Cruisers: 3
Dreadnaughts: 5
Submarines: 5
Pre Dreadnaughts: 4 -2 (2)
Torpedo boats: 2

British Navy total: 30

In the mediterranean: 1 Destroyer, 1 Pre dreadnought, for a total 32.

Atlantic French Navy:

Destroyers: 3
Light Cruisers: 2
Submarines: 2
Pre Dreadnaughts: 1
Seaplane Carriers: 2
Torpedo Boats: 2
Armored Cruisers: 4 -1 (3)

French Navy total: 15
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by operating »

What you guys are doing is so unlike one would expect in a SP campaign it is so marvelous to read and think: "Can I do that too"?, that's the beauty of MP. Good job by the way..!![;)]
and one flew over the Cuckoos nest
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 74: December 30th, 1916

Another complicated Naval turn, I’ll try to make sense of it!

1. In this pic mostly scouts and the three battle/armored cruisers have moved.

Seeing KZ move what looks to be a large number of ships into and/or through the English Channel I scout first with one English silent sub (top left), and seeing a significant force still present aggressively with other subs. One British sub hit a mine, ouch! Lightning! I sooo want to strike here and “finish the job”. Start moving ships to do so, including sinking the Austrian Light cruiser to the south. I come to my senses though and realise I wont be able to hurt the fleet around St. Goerge’s channel, trying will only get me more hurt I think.

1b. As a consequence only light skirmishing action is fought around the bigger German fleet. A battleship passing by the destroyer, striking and retreating into port. My 11 str. subs attack run on the non ASW German dreadnaught is foiled by the Goeben, which was hidden in the fog of war. Curse that ship! :P


2. The low str Austrian Submarine is sunk by a roving British destroyer, and both visible German Subs are hurt by a destroyer and an upgraded airplane carrier.

Seeing a chance to do real damage to the submarine fleet in the calm weather in the channel I pile in with more destroyers that can reach. Unfortunately the Subs dive several times, and another is found in the pursuit. I dont manage to sink any of them, but two str 10 and one str 7 sub are brought to 4, 4, 3 I believe.

The Austrian str 10 Pre-Dreadnaught is sunk by a British Dreadnaught and French Predred, the former retreating into port to repair.

3. Now faced with a Dilemma. The two French and one British cruiser to the south in picture 1 had struck down the light cruiser, and is exposed (cannot retreat out of reach of the German navy), My Destroyers in the channel are likewise exposed. Not good. Try to cover the Destroyers with a screen of light cruisers, and gather a strong fleet to the south around the battle and armored cruisers.

I think this was a mistake, I should have left the cruisers exposed as bait and went all in protect my destroyers. If KZ had gone for the cruisers his navy would be exposed and vulnerable, now my destroyers are very vulnerable. Hopefully KZ overestimates my strength in the channel and decides to escape North around England.

The French Continue the Slaughter, two more exposed German corps down and huge gaps in the German line laid open. If only I had thought to bring my cav back to France XD.


Speaking of, given the development of the Naval war and the disappearance of the German transports many turns ago I find a landing in Britain unlikely. Time to bring those troops back next turn if the way is open.

Also speaking of, A german transport appeared at the tip of Italys’ heel carrying Marines. I also spotted some movement through the Fog of War near Bruneck. I’ve been dithering here and moving corps back and forth, regretting moving away from near Klagenfurt. Well, I’ve moved away again :P. This time for good! There are French troops on rail lines that can move to help in an Emergency. I hope.

The Greek Destroyer and Pre-Dreadnaught will be rerouted to try and sink that transport.

Honorary mention of Hamilton bringing down a single Austrian corps.


The French are unimpressed.

The Russians take down an Austrian corps in the Southeast.

The damaged German sub in the far south is reduced to 3 supply and 4 from 5 str (I think)

Kriegsmarine (Known damaged vessels in [Boxes])

Destroyers: 5 // [7]
Light Cruisers: 1
Battle Cruisers: 3 (now including the Goeben)
Dreadnaughts: 2 // [8], [9]
Armored Cruisers: 2
Submarines: 8 // [5], [4], [4], [3], [4]
Pre-Dreadnaughts: 3

I forgot all about the German Pre-Dreadnaughts! There are three of those from the start. That accounts for three unknowns.

Unknown vessels: 4

Total Kriegsmarine: 28

The Austrian navy is now almost gone. Left is: One Destroyer, Two Torpedo boats (pretty sure), one sub at 7 str, one Pre Dreadnaught at 2 str.

Investments by the Brits into Production tech (3 chits) and Ground attack weapons (third chit).

The Boilsheviks take power in Russia, massive revolution decimates the Russian army ranks and the disorder spreads to the Germans! Austria and everyone is infected with Bolshevism! Woe!
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »


Had no idea about that Gibraltar trick. Nasty way to learn...

Isn't it just! :D

I was facepalming so hard and going "OOoooooh, why havent I ever thought of that!?"

ORIGINAL: operating

What you guys are doing is so unlike one would expect in a SP campaign it is so marvelous to read and think: "Can I do that too"?, that's the beauty of MP. Good job by the way..!![;)]

Thank you very much, appreciated. It was touch and go there for a while! Had to give the old brain a couple of kicks to wake it up to get out of this nasty situation KZ created. Really well planned and from the looks of it from early on.

MP really is quite different! It takes a bit of practice but is so much more interesting than SP to me personally at least. :)
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RE: Ash (Entente) vs KorutZelva (CP) - Classic AAR: "Get better" edition

Post by AshFall »

Turn 76: February, 1917

The admiralty lets out a breath long caught in its’ throat and resets its' stiff upper lip.

The Germans are retreating, and retreating north. Now let’s see if we can make sure they dont come back.

The submarines in the channel scatter, two east and one west. Question, how many destroyers does it take to sink one half strength silent sub in bad weather?


Answer, -All of them- :P. 7 Destroyers/Torpedo boats attacked and finally managed to sink a lousy str 4 sub. Sheesh. XD. I maintain a small screen off the southwest of Ireland to catch the Germans if they try to come back around.

Another seven destroyers give chase to the submarines east, they are both found and sunk, mostly due to one of them occupying an Island I think.

The Entente fleet receive new orders. All ships in good condition (over 8 str and at 8 or more supply) head towards Dogger Bank and ready to strike returning German ships. All ships in worse condition seek harbours to either replenish supplies or receive repairs before heading to the engagement area.


Also shown, the just commissioned dreadnaught Resolution is the first ship refitted with modern guns in the Royal Navy, bringing our total Dreadnaught count up to 6. This is the last of the pre-loaded naval reinforcements in the build que.

Red insert: Submarines begin patrolling the North sea for returning Germans.

Yellow Insert: The German transport is caught and damaged by the Greek Destroyer, after having moved off the heel.

The French continue to score victories, Foch knows of the chaos in the east and the Entente have long anticipated the withdrawal of Russia. It knows the window for easy offensives is quickly closing. British Guns and French soldiers do what they do best, take Cologne and destroy the guns behind the city.


Frankfurt proves much harder to take despite shallowly entrenched opposition (4/7 entrenchment), the river is difficult to cross in the snow. As a result the guns behind the city cannot be destroyed, just badly damaged.

In all of these offensives mobility upgrades have been absolutely key, especially for breaking through and destroying artillery pieces, as well as moving attacking corps away to make room for new ones. Big props to Sigizmund for teaching me the importance of this tech when conducting offensives against a numerically inferior front.

Also shown: “The French react to the British taking down a Bulgarian corps”.

The Russian army is busy fighting itself.

The US now at 80%.

Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany, this popup appeared before the "President wilson becomes aware of the Zimmerman Telegram" popup, not sure if that is still what triggered them?

Nonetheless, the US prepares for war. They are still weak, but in the next 10 turns their economy will become a behemoth. Their early entry also secures our diplomatic dominance despite the fall of Russia. Bolshevism spreads to Austria, the Russian army tears itself further apart and German morale falls below 50%...
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