Stacking Points

VR designs has been reinforced with designer Cameron Harris and the result is a revolutionary new operational war game 'Barbarossa' that plays like none other. It blends an advanced counter pushing engine with deep narrative, people management and in-depth semi-randomized decision systems.

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John S
Posts: 121
Joined: Sun Sep 05, 2004 3:34 pm

Stacking Points

Post by John S »

I think that I used to know the answer to this but I have forgotten and in reading the section on the manual I am still unclear.

Do the concerns re stacking points and over stacking only exist if, when I attack, I exceed the attack amount allowed?

Example - I am attacking from a single hex and am allowed to attack with 200Pts. Ok, I only attack with 180 points. Am I penalized if the hex that I am attacking from contains a bunch of stacking points, most of which are not attacking - example I have 400 points in the hex but only attack with 180.

In other words, is an overstacking penalty focused on (1) how many strength points are in the hex - irrespective of how few are actually attacking, or (2) is it focused only on the amount that are actually attacking from the hex?
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