After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by YorStein »

Well , we over estemated the river defensiv line , adhoc Battle Groups have been used to stop the gab , aswell as the units evaced by see though our Landing Crafts in the see

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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by YorStein »

Operational Situation :
The attack in the south is problematic though can be kept at bay for the moment ,our hope is to press the attack in the north and force the enemy to abbandon his own offensiv in order to defend against our Battle Group Oak or risk his capital aswell as industrial been taken by us
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by MC456 »


17 tanks lost to his 2. Yeah, those Panzers are hurtin' a lot. He also managed to shred a bunch of my infantry and artillery, and even some of my precious ships that never harmed no one.

The situation in the north is looking pretty dire. I came into this match way overzealous. The damage I inflicted on the first round made my soldiers too cocky, and as they abandoned their forts to push the line forward they threw themselves into a vulnerable position. The Germans managed to push back the lines a bit, and even encircled a bunch of crippled divisions.


In the center it seems relatively unchanged from last round in terms of ground, but he has been reinforcing the front lines with fresh units, and pushed a couple bad boy airborne divisions towards the road leading to one of my cities.

In the south he managed to push a couple units back to slow down the encirclement process, but we'll see how that goes for him.

My first plan is to get my boys up north, or what's left of them, back into their safe zones. I order a tactical retreat, 1 Infantry and 1 Artillery unit per fortification to hold the line. The rest began their trek towards the center to reinforce the 3rd Army's struggle. I managed to break out of his encirclement but it won't hold his turn.


Southwards I start showing my true strength. Bursting through his lines, encircling some Panzers, cutting off his roads leading south, and laying siege to the first city. Finally, we are knocking at the gates of Hell. We manage to score a lot of kills, but due to the AP loss from prior attacks we couldn't finish the job this turn. Due to capturing his southern road with a lone Cavalry division, I managed to cut off 2 cities, 1 shipyard, and 1 Raw mine. However, it is possible that he can route supplies and reinforcements through the sea.


After all is said and done I noticed that I am running a much larger deficit on Oil than I was in the previous turns. No idea how my opponent's infinite Panzer army is doing so well in that regard.

To recap: The north has been stabalized with a tactical retreat back to the fortifications they so foolishly left in the first place; the center remains at the mercy of my opponent, but I'm sure I can figure a way out of it eventually; the south is going to make him cry.
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by YorStein »

Turn 5th , The Panzers are rolling
The Red Army is on the run in mid , most of there units are destroyed or in retreat

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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by YorStein »

Operation is a Total victory as you can see

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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by YorStein »

The Reports

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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by YorStein »

The South is a problem ... welp

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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by MC456 »


The German Blitzkrieg is really effective on the offense. His Panzers roll through whatever their target is and my tanks seem to fall apart on sight. His attacks weren't as numerous as before, but they are more calculated; he managed to score a lot of value in terms of kill:death ratio.

Trying to do what I can near the center but it's basically just a game of holding out and trying to use my southern army to take pressure away from there.

Speaking of the south: I have finally managed to capture my first city!


The entirety of his south lies in ruin. Even the defensive positions by the riverline have been ripped apart by artillery barrages. Not a single unit showing above 10 Power. If I can continue to dominate this southern corridor and all its cities/shipyards it would provide me with a huge production swing advantage.


Picked off a few boats to the south, updated my production lines to produce more T28s to challenge the efficiency of his tanks, mobilized some engineers, and within 2 turns I should be able to build a bridge forward, deeper into his lines.

It's looking like a red victory to me.
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by Bombur »

Any news?
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by YorStein »

Welp , the game continued till turn 24, though at this point my Army had more tanks and infantry but i lost all arty while he had dozens of arty divisions , Arty units are way to overpowered , turning Panzer Units into dust , the most fucked thing is that Arty units are fireing while being attack by ground units which makes no sense and leads them to be unbeatable .
So i quit after he shreded most of Panzer Corps without lossing any forces . Also Aircraft are in contrast to Arty way underpowered . After a few sides we both ignored airforces . for example all of my Aircraft units where bombing one tank unit and only got 7 Kills ( 60 or so Planes) while 20 Arty Cannons where able to laser 10 Panzers with 40 or so Infantry .
Basicly the Game was lost from the start bc of the Arty advanged the Red army held by starting with way more arty units and to get the first round (by da way why do arty cannons fire in defense when attacked by ground troops , but not if they are bombarded by enemy Arty ) In short term : Arty was op and ruined the game / made it not playable ( after Turn 20 my army was just retreating slowly in order to avoid being in range of the Arty units .
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by YorStein »

i will sent a few screenshot tomorrow with battle loses and such .
In our both view Arty units are way out of Balance .
But the Rest of the scenario was pretty great ^^
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by MC456 »

Well each turn lasts a week in scope as far as I know, so Artillery should still be able to defensive fire at a different time throughout the week. The problem is that Artillery needs an active supply cost to balance them out. I targeted your artillery first and won a war of attrition. We should each just upload a final report of what happened with screenshots so we don't have to go through every turn.

I think Vic stated that his new game Shadow Empire will have both a "Supplies" and "Ammunition" variable btw.
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by Bombur »

Would you mind playing with me, you as Red Army? In my game vs. Ned he was able to defeat the Red forces, despite my starting advantage in Artillery. Maybe the skills of players are making some difference. You also should have been able to achieve air superiority and destroy his artillery pieces from the air.
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by Bombur »

Another question. Did you lost too much territory? Was the enemy able to open holes in your lines?
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RE: After Action Report of an Deep Battle 1938 scenario MP

Post by ernieschwitz »

I think Vic stated that his new game Shadow Empire will have both a "Supplies" and "Ammunition" variable btw.

Yes, and a good number of other features too. :) Unfortunately, an editor is not going to be included in the released version (I think he said), but there may come one later :)
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