CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

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CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by SteveMcClaire »

The attached utility program will allow you to extract and repack the various graphic and sound files for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog. This file is intended for experienced mod makers and is provided 'as is', with yada yada disclaimer about how modifying the game may break it and force you re-install. [;)]


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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by Tejszd »

Thank you!!!
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by DAK_Legion »

THANKS Steve;)
heia safari!
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by squadleader_id »

Now I can start working on a temporary private fix for the rank graphics glitches...and I can finally install my fave custom soldier heads graphics [:D]
Thank you!!! [&o]
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by cod commando »


When im tryin to rebuild my screengadget file, I get the message Non-true color TGA will not import properly. I have modified weapon pictures with program called GIMP. My modified weapon pics are in 32bit color format so i don't know whats the problem then? can anybody help me?

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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by Cathartes »

Could be that GIMP is not really saving your file as 32 bit TGA, despite the fact that it seems you are. I've heard of others having problems with GIMP and 32 bit TGA formats. You'll have to do some research.
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by SteveMcClaire »

Make sure you're saving the files without RLE compression. GIMP has this on by default.
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by napodx »

do you have any guide of how to mod weapon data
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by johnsilver »

ORIGINAL: napodx

do you have any guide of how to mod weapon data

Don't think anyone has ever really printed a quide for this, even a rude set of guidelines to go by for that matter.

Back up the weapons.txt file, then tinker around with it in xcel.

Has ANYONE even yet dared to manipulate weapns yet in PiTF? Possible take some settings from WAR/TLD, or one of those release mods and see how they perform.

It's still all trial and error for those who do and I am not generally one of them [:)]
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by SteveMcClaire »

ORIGINAL: napodx
do you have any guide of how to mod weapon data

In general, you grab the data workbook, review the column headers to see what the data values mean, and try tweaking some. When you have a new file you want, you backup the old one and then cut & paste the contents (without the column headers) into the text data file and see how it works.

There is no official guide to modding the game. However, there are people in the community who have been doing it for years. If you have specific questions, you can probably get an answer.


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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by Kanov »

@johnsilver I posted a small weapon/element mod I called it "Real Close" among other things it reduces the fire distance of weapons to 200mts and their effectiveness.

It's around here on this sub-forum somewhere or over at

edit: here's the link tm.asp?m=3382068
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by Aetius2 »

Thanks for this great tool.

I use it for modding LSA, but some features don't work for older cc versions (LSA).
Unpacking and directly repacking (without changing anything) the shadows.azp file and the terrain file seem to work but if these files are put back into the graphics folder the game crashes when loading the map.

CCMunger does work on the gadget files, *.pix file, guns.azp and tanks.azp of LSA.

If the tool could be updated to work for the older CC versions it would be much appreciated.


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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by SteveMcClaire »

Hi Aetius2 -- Thanks for the report. I will check into this but it will probably be some time.
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by Aetius2 »

Unpacking of Pitf effects.azp file doesn't work.
The effect graphic is shown but when you try to unpack, error message "could not create AZPDATA.txt
It als doesn't work for LSA effects.azp

Unpacking the *.azp files can be done with tools by Mafi but unpacking the *.fx files remains a hassle.
The only tool available now is the ccfx tool wich is hard to get working on windows 10.

If this feature could be fixed for Pitf and LSA it would be a big help.

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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by SteveMcClaire »

I just tested the EXE linked above with PitF effects.azp and did not get the error you mentioned. I used 'Fx File' 'Open...' and then 'FX File' 'Extract.' If it can't write AZPDATA.TXT then I would check for an existing AZPDATA.TXT that is read-only or open by another program.

EDIT: There does seem to be something weird going on with the current directory being reset to the location of CCMunger.EXE. Try moving the EXE into the same directory as the AZP file you want to unpack and run it from there. I suspect this is Windows 10 'helping...'
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by Aetius2 »

I've tried running ccmunger.exe from the same directory but got the same error.

Maybe extra software is needed for this feature to work?
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RE: CCMunger Utility for Close Combat Panthers in the Fog

Post by SteveMcClaire »

There's nothing required beyond the EXE. If it can't write a text file to disk then something is preventing it and I would expect you to get the same error trying to unpack anything.
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