AI for MWIF - Portugal

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RE: AI for MWIF - Portugal

Post by Shannon V. OKeets »

ORIGINAL: peskpesk

* Ground strike Defence B

Looks like you meant for this to be under Poland not Portugal. A different Po' country.

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RE: AI for MWIF - Portugal

Post by peskpesk »

Ahh! Your are to quick Steve. Too many dam web browsers windows. Gra##¤½!!
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RE: AI for MWIF - Portugal

Post by peskpesk »

ORIGINAL: brian brian

I think the option to set-up in Mozambique should be left in there, but it is nowhere near as likely that would accomplish anything on the regular scale map as it is on the paper African map. It's just not gonna happen in a huge majority of games.

I agree, it’s to be included in the setup options. But as you say the chance that the AI can uses it small against a capable opponent, also most of the times the 4-3 INF will be more useful defending the Capital.
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RE: AI for MWIF - Portugal

Post by peskpesk »

ORIGINAL: brian brian
Haven't had the chance to set-up Portugal with the new 3-1 GARR yet, but depending on the availability of Axis lift in an Allied DoW that could be worthwhile. Or, if the CW aren't in position to take all 3 of the aligned Portugese countries on the first turn, Portugal could declare Germany it's new home country after losing Lisbon and the 3-1 GARR would stay there permanently.
I do think though that setting up in the Azores, if the Germans are in position to reinforce and are waging a serious Battle of the Atlantic, should be considered. Maybe that is reason the CW launched a DoW in the first place. Could be the more traditional reason of wanting airbases to defend Gibraltar, but maybe not. Maybe Germany (the AI) is only bluffing a Gibraltar campaign temporarily after France. Let the CW take Lisbon, they are going to succeed anyway without a German commitment in the Bay of Biscay, and hold something possibly more valuable in the long run.

* Azores defence example

Another option is to have the GAR in Santa Maria, to get one hex closer to Cape St Vincet sea area.

Rember that as soon as the attacker conquers PT and all the PT aligned minors, the PT unit will disappear.

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RE: AI for MWIF - Portugal

Post by peskpesk »

A try to summaries the comments so far for the Portuguese AI setup.

Portugal has three extreme setups:

* Azures defence: The Portuguese land unit is setup on Azores in Porta Delgarda guarding it until receiving support from the Controlling Major power.

* Marauder defence: Is just as the name suggests a setup where the one of the Portuguese units is set up to raise mayhem before Portugal is beaten. The List of targets are many: South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Belgian Congo, Gambia, French guinea, Bombay in India, Macao.

Extreme Good hopes:
* Chance to try to conquer South Africa
* Chance to find use for the Azores

Chance to find use for the Azores

IF Portugal is controlled by GE/IT AND
GE/IT Has plan BattleOfAtlantic AND
GE/IT can navaltransport a unit to the Azores AND
Porta Delgarda can be put in supply by an overseas supply path


Chance to find use for the Azores

When a setup is used

* Azures defence
Is consider to be used when A

A) Chance to find use for the Azore

--Extreme setup
* The Marauder defence

-- South Africa,
Is consider to be used when X and A, B, C ,D and E

A) South Africa is controlled by the allies
B) There is no allied landunit in Pretoria
C) The Portuguese 4-3 INF can reach Pretoria in two impulses
D) The axis major power controlling Portugal is at war with allied major power controlling Pretoria
E) A supply path can be traced overseas from Lourenco Marques to primary supply source from the major power controlling Portugal OR Mozambique is to be Portugal new home country OR Isolated Reorganization Limits is not used.

X) The allies can’t directly rail/move or transport a unit to the hex that the INF want to reach and they can’t block the INF movement and the chance of a successful ground strike on INF it is less than 30%
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RE: AI for MWIF - Portugal

Post by Incy »

Maybe a Mozambique *defence* also?
Like I mentioned above, if Portugal sets up in Mozambique, this can be used as the new home country for Portugal, and any units there will be in supply after Portugals conquest.

The CW will have to commit significant resources to drive Portugal out of Mozambique, it might even not be possible if it has other commitments, og if axis peacekeepers interfere.

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RE: AI for MWIF - Portugal

Post by peskpesk »


Maybe a Mozambique *defence* also?
Like I mentioned above, if Portugal sets up in Mozambique, this can be used as the new home country for Portugal, and any units there will be in supply after Portugals conquest.

The CW will have to commit significant resources to drive Portugal out of Mozambique, it might even not be possible if it has other commitments, og if axis peacekeepers interfere.

* Mozambique defence
Is consider to be used when A and B

A) Mozambique is to be Portugal new home country
B) Chance of intervention from controlling power in Mozambique
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RE: AI for MWIF - Portugal

Post by Shannon V. OKeets »


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