INFantry PACK Mod!!!

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INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

Hello fellers. Long time, no see.

"INF PACK (+ 88mm crew)" contents...


-New 'German specialist' made from stock HMG as root going through the "DE treatment". ('DE' --"Deep Exploration"-- is an expensive CAD program from ['Right Hemispere'] that decompresses the .X files without creating artefacts.) This HMG is used in various units below.

-New PzBuK unit made = New gun, manned by new 'German Specialist'. Uses Mobius' sPzBuk41 gun XML-- included in this pack. (To make this model work as desired [speed, no mountability], it is called in Infantry XML (and therefore scenario editor) "infantry gun, team". PzC needs code change so that eg "light ATG, team" is like infantry gun's speed and mountability but called 'light ATG team'.)

-New Fallshirmjager folder (with XMLs mapped to it) = helmuts made; has winter camo, eagle on helmuts. All types made: Rifle, smg, MG.

(STOCK rifleman was not 'compressed'/screwed up (no high warped shoulders etc). So I could --without the "DE treatment"-- use him as a base to make the other gunmen (FSjager; sniper.)

-sniper = [RUSS ALSO...] now only one guy; added scope to rifle model; has special camo. (Mapped XML to "German sniper folder": stock was mapped to "[PzGren rifle]" --nothing used stock Sniper folder, AFAI-could tell. [This is true, for Russian sniper too.])

-Ger HMG = has field cap now, blonde. (Stock HMG got the 'DE treatment'; then I made the 'German specialist' from this HMG.)

-Infantry Gun = [RUSS ALSO...] now only two guys; Stock gunner plus German specialist [Russ: stock gunner plus edited mortar guy].

-Ger Pionier squad = Now has 'ger specialist case' added. This creates differentiation on battlefield. (I used Mraah's 'Pionier XMLs' with the HEAT pack added as base for this --His satchel gun included in this pack.)

-New SS Helmut texture with CAMO helmuts (and schutzstaffel). This creates differentiation on battlefield.

-Russian Tank commander texture changed = now has eyebrows.

-Russian Mortar (got DE treatment) = has pilotka.

-IG wheels 'de halo-ed'. (Other guns dehalo-ed.)

-Most Ger and some Russ Infantry compendiums Fixed. Stock were all screwed up. (It always bugged me that the squad pictured only one guy and he was generic and always winter clothed; also made combatant's direction consistent (;-p). This is a cool mod.)

-88 crew.x (_in armouredunits folder_) = now three guys; stock gunner plus 'German specialist' and my bino commander; textured all (ie including seated stock man) with Luftwaffe waffenfarbe (from Ryan Cerie concept).


`All animations etc for all.

`TWO test scenarios(summ, win) showing all units in this pack on a stock map.

`compendium template [see below].

Credits go to _DeanJ_ for untangling the stock German HMG and Russian Mortar guys so I could use them as roots for my developments. (DeanJ is the do-er of the crucial "DE Treatment")
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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

Download all _FOUR_ zips from this post and the next three posts.

Then follow the included instructions repeated here.

In order:

*Unzip "INF PACK master".

*Then Unzip "INF PACK_Infantry1,2 and 3" in order, each time to the previously uunzipped "INF PACK master's" Infantry folder. [data/infantry].

[You built the complete "INF PACK" that will be installed into your stock game.]


-First, in your stock PzC "Infantry" folder, delete all Stock XMLs (also including Mraah's Pionier-with-satchel mod, if you have previously installed it). [C:/PzC/data/infantry]

-Second, drop this data folder into the main PzC folder; overwrite. (Stock files that this pack necessarily overwrites are included in their folders as stored '___stock' files; look through this inf pack's folders, to see what I mean.)

-Next, in the "armouredunits" folder, manually delete (or remove to safe) the stock files that this mod replaces; see notepad inside "armouredunits" folder for details.

[For this INF pack, only stock "FlaK36" needs to be deleted /moved.]

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

2nd ZIP.

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

3rd ZIP.
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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

4th and final ZIP.
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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

More images of pack contents and etc images follow, along with project notes...

1st image is of some of the included new compendiums.


[Some general FYI notes]

Some Stock guys (Infantry and Crews) have BAD corrupted shoulders, etc. DE treatment repairs this. ('DE' is an expensive CAD program [from 'Right Hemispere'] that decompresses the .X files without creating artifacts.) All _Summer guys_ usually have corrupted shoulders, even if _passable_ (eg ATG crews); Stock German winter coat guys are good.

For STOCK German and Russian infantry:

-riflemen are NOT corrupted. BOTH Winter AND Summer.

-SMG and squad-MG ARE.

(_I used stock rifleman as base to make SMG guy, squad-MG, sniper and differing hats. I fixed shoulder points a bit, made one 512 texture, mapped to it, made user edits (Field caps, Falschmjaeg helmuts...) -- voila._)

-HMGs are/were. (Ger HMG has gone through the DE Treatment.)

-Mortars ARE/were. (Russ Mortar has gone through the DE Treatment.)


MOST CREWS (armouredunit folders) ARE! German Winter ATG crews (long coats) are NOT corrupted.

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

INF still needed --someone should make:

-Gebirgs = all guys capped; ropes, one guy is German_Specialist. (Research TO&E)

-Hitler youth = smaller guys; big helmuts, coats and arms.

-cap guy for infantry.
.volks need caps.
.late war needs caps.

-late war German uniforms en-'ragtagged' in squad (except SS): some camo some not, some long coats some not, some caps some helmuts, etc.


-squad riflemen animation variation (to break animation monotony) (Eg make new 'rifle guy 01' who 'idle's differently than the stock; then have XML squad file contain some 'rifle man stock guys' and 'rifle man 01 guys'.)

-Russians need many... Pilotkas applied (I made the first one; floppy ears winter hat (ears up and down); curly-wool tall black fess stove-pipe thing; low-officer cap (greyblue-puffy with red strip). Suggestion: Officers wear cap in summer and stove pipe in winter, while lowers wear pilotkas in summer and floppy ears in winter (MG and ATR officers, mortars and IGs etc lowers).

-Summer ATGs need shoulder fix. Winter coat crew to 'PaK36': PaK36 winter crew should be PaK38 or 40 crew. ...Making PaK36 unit mobile, IG-like, entails making it an infantry unit (Inf folder and XML); DE treatment for body.x; then adding IG guy and Russian Specialist to XML after their DE treatment.


Bonus, Compendium Template dds included, for making future compendium images if needed.

Ask me if I have any started INF project packs for you. (I do have some fragmotion files [gebirgs, russian hats] and maybe some textures of the above projects in half done limbo stages.) If you want to redo aspects of this pack, ask me if I have Fragmotion --ie uncommpressed-- versions of these files (I do).

Image of what your scenario editor will look like after this mod. [Nice and organized |);->]:

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »


Russian HMG Maxim

Russian IG

Russian ATG crews (45mm, F22, Zis)


German Mortar

German Infantry Gun

PaK36 crew (The root for all summer ATG crews.)


STOCK IG doesn't have RUSH/Regroup animation. Guy just stands there and glides with IG.

(Stock SMGs and Squad+MGs don't "Idle-breath" [keyframe290-380], unlike STOCK riflemen who heave up and down. This is good though!: creates variation in squad.)


Note that the 'DE Treatment' deleted Ger HMG and Russ Mortar firingpoints. I had to reapply to make my models from the DE fixes.


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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »


I got carple tunnel doing this. [no bull]

This INF project could have gone on and on. There is more to do with it.

The reason I started it at all, is I don't know how to do a given thing in one project so I start exploring other avenues to figure it out and wind up starting new projects. Very confusing.

Each learning experience is a distraction from the previous project; and the previous project acts like a hindering break preventing me from taking the 'learning project' to the full extreme. [&:]

I as promised am going to complete and upload The Halb Ketten project. The 250s are done --meaning the variants I originally set out to do. (I don't know whether I should upload them or wait for the _half done_ HT 251s to catch up.

The PII's [D & L] I talked about a long time ago, might not go forward. (I'm pretty much worn out on this). Same with the Marders etc which were the first things I set out to do, starting as the "GERMAN livery pack" (my first upload} in XML form.

Note above though that I did finish and upload here the s_PzBuk41 as Infantry unit.

My much earlier PII project never made it passed the research phase (I did creat a neato chart from condensing sources); some nice textures for stock PIIs etc were made too. I will upload those, at least, if PII project flounders to death.


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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by rickier65 »


Youve been a busy guy! Thanks, I need to add both of thes to my mod list!

thank again these guys look good!

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by Stridor »

Yes, yes, very nice work!

I am sure Erik will be in touch.


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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

Oh!! Very important!!...

I want to thank Dean. Without him this project could not have happened!!

I forgot to thank him because he is a bit on the QuieT about his DE CAD program ;-). The QT thing stuck to my brain, I guess.

Really: I don't think I gave him credit in the actual pack up there! Damn.

I left his DE treated files --with his name that I put on them-- in the original pack. BUT then I was having pack size issues so I deleted some extraneous things; The STOCK German HMG and Russian Mortar that he 'DE Treated' for me got booted (since they were just sitting in a folder taking up space).

When I deleted those files, I didn't make up for it by giving him credit in the included [read me] texts.

I'm going to go edit an earlier post up there and give DEAN his credit.

Hello Rick and Stridor. I hope you like the units.

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by Erik Rutins »

Wow. Spellir74, could you e-mail me at please?

I'd like to discuss with you the possibility of including these in the next update, with credit to you, and adding you to the test team.


- Erik
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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

Hello Erik.

I sent a note to your email.

It is true that I know how to use the progs now. Each time I do a PzC project, I get better and better.

Pretty soon I won't even have to ask Stridor et al how to do stuff...

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by Mobius »

Ditto on the WoW!  
Someday I hope to use the Hetzer model to use to make some Grilles.  Then do Marders.  But there are no good gun crews for open topped vehicles.  Might that someday be a project you consider?
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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by Dean J »


No worries. As discussed in our PM, one of the professors at the university where I teach has a license for Deep Exploration - CAD Edition that he lets me use. You are very kind (and a real gentleman), but the size of my contribution compared to yours is insignificant. Thanks for the great work in keeping PCK new and fun to play.

- Dean

P.S. Hopefully Rick can incorporate some of these into his Kobrin scenario/campaign. It's a nail-biter right to the bitter end (burning Pz IIIs, Pz IIs, but I'm NOT bitter) [;)]

ORIGINAL: spellir74

Oh!! Very important!!...

I want to thank Dean. Without him this project could not have happened!!

I forgot to thank him because he is a bit on the QuieT about his DE CAD program ;-). The QT thing stuck to my brain, I guess.

Really: I don't think I gave him credit in the actual pack up there! Damn.

I left his DE treated files --with his name that I put on them-- in the original pack. BUT then I was having pack size issues so I deleted some extraneous things; The STOCK German HMG and Russian Mortar that he 'DE Treated' for me got booted (since they were just sitting in a folder taking up space).

When I deleted those files, I didn't make up for it by giving him credit in the included [read me] texts.

I'm going to go edit an earlier post up there and give DEAN his credit.

Hello Rick and Stridor. I hope you like the units.
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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

Hello Mobius.

We could look at crews for those. (The buffalo too, when its time. [:)])

Some stock ATG crews could/should be the roots for development. They would need to go through the "DE Treatment" first.

Then add caps. (What do they call the German pilotka-like 'cover' [ie brimless cap]?) Keep some helmut guys too; mix it up.

Then edit animations a bit if needed (ATG crew animations aren't that far away from all crew animats, unlike INF or vehicle anime where the 'move, fire and die' keyframes are at different time-line locations than the crews).

Some textures I did for this INF pack could be used, with slight alterations (eg more gray jump-suit looking) by anyone to outfit these crews. (While doing that project, also all assault guns should go to gray uniforms. [:D])

I want to do my 251s when I come back from my break. I will upload my PII chart and textures soon. I also have a true surprise I did [8D].

How did you --Mobius--like that sPzBuK41?

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by spellir74 »

Speaking of Buffalo... What ever happen to Ryan's PzI?

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by Prince of Eckmühl »

Those look really great.

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RE: INFantry PACK Mod!!!

Post by Prince of Eckmühl »

Question for you mod-masters...

Is it possible to create hi-res infantry?
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