Random Crashes

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Moderator: rickier65

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RE: Random Crashes

Post by sandman2575 »

Thanks Rick -- copied the log below (if there is another place / way I should do that, please let me know). Also, I have several mods running, mostly cosmetic:

-increased infantry squads
-JMass flags
-semi-transparent icons
-Spellir halftrack skins
-tracers & explosions mod
-vehicle sounds mod
-VerySmallBands mod

7/24/2012 8:02:34 PM: ******************** New Game *******************
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Current Directory: D:\Matrix Games\Panzer Command Ostfront
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: CodeBase: file:///D:/Matrix Games/Panzer Command Ostfront/PCOstfront.exe
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Assembly Name: PCOstfront, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Managed DirectX:
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX, Version=1.0.2911.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Loading Guns...
7/24/2012 8:02:36 PM: Loading Armoured Units...
7/24/2012 8:02:38 PM: Loading Infantry...
7/24/2012 8:02:39 PM: Loading Scenarios...
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Loading Campaigns...
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Loading Tables...
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Assembly Name: Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Graphics format: X8R8G8B8
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: DeviceIdentifier: d7b71e3e-454f-11cf-8d53-0ca11cc2c535
WhqlLevel: 0
Revision: 162
SubSystemId: -2130700968
DeviceId: 1551
VendorId: 4318
DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1
Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285M
DriverName: nvd3dum.dll

7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Manager Adapter value: 0
7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: Create device.

7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: HardwareVertexProcessing
7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: MultiSampleQuality: 1
PresentationInterval: Immediate
FullScreenRefreshRateInHz: 60
PresentFlag: None
AutoDepthStencilFormat: D16
EnableAutoDepthStencil: True
Windowed: False
DeviceWindowHandle: 0
SwapEffect: Discard
MultiSample: NonMaskable
BackBufferCount: 1
BackBufferFormat: X8R8G8B8
BackBufferHeight: 1080
BackBufferWidth: 1920
ForceNoMultiThreadedFlag: False

7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: Create Flags: HardwareVertexProcessing
7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: Device Type: Hardware
7/24/2012 8:03:33 PM: Current Token: b554d6b093af1d90146cee665279a39a
7/24/2012 8:03:34 PM: Current Level: Kursk-S7-Prokhorovka
7/24/2012 8:14:37 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.Contains(Object item)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.IsOccupiedSpace(Int32 x, Int32 z)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.GetCost(Unit unit, MapSpace n, MapSpace nPrime)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Search.Pathfind(Unit unit, Map map, Int32 x1, Int32 z1, Int32 x2, Int32 z2, Double maxTimeMS, Int32 direction)
7/24/2012 8:15:51 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.Contains(Object item)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.IsOccupiedSpace(Int32 x, Int32 z)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.GetCost(Unit unit, MapSpace n, MapSpace nPrime)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Search.Pathfind(Unit unit, Map map, Int32 x1, Int32 z1, Int32 x2, Int32 z2, Double maxTimeMS, Int32 direction)
7/24/2012 8:42:58 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.Contains(Object item)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.IsOccupiedSpace(Int32 x, Int32 z)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Search.Pathfind(Unit unit, Map map, Int32 x1, Int32 z1, Int32 x2, Int32 z2, Double maxTimeMS, Int32 direction)
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RE: Random Crashes

Post by junk2drive »

I don't know about the crash but you can open the log file with notepad, then from the File menu select Save As... and save it as a txt file. You should be able to attach a txt file to your post. Use the orange "post reply" button to see the click to upload selection.
Conflict of Heroes "Most games are like checkers or chess and some have dice and cards involved too. This game plays like checkers but you think like chess and the dice and cards can change everything in real time."
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RE: Random Crashes

Post by rickier65 »

ORIGINAL: sandman2575

Thanks Rick -- copied the log below (if there is another place / way I should do that, please let me know). Also, I have several mods running, mostly cosmetic:

-increased infantry squads
-JMass flags
-semi-transparent icons
-Spellir halftrack skins
-tracers & explosions mod
-vehicle sounds mod
-VerySmallBands mod

7/24/2012 8:02:34 PM: ******************** New Game *******************
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Current Directory: D:\Matrix Games\Panzer Command Ostfront
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: CodeBase: file:///D:/Matrix Games/Panzer Command Ostfront/PCOstfront.exe
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Assembly Name: PCOstfront, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Managed DirectX:
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX, Version=1.0.2911.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
7/24/2012 8:02:35 PM: Loading Guns...
7/24/2012 8:02:36 PM: Loading Armoured Units...
7/24/2012 8:02:38 PM: Loading Infantry...
7/24/2012 8:02:39 PM: Loading Scenarios...
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Loading Campaigns...
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Loading Tables...
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Assembly Name: Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Graphics format: X8R8G8B8
7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: DeviceIdentifier: d7b71e3e-454f-11cf-8d53-0ca11cc2c535
WhqlLevel: 0
Revision: 162
SubSystemId: -2130700968
DeviceId: 1551
VendorId: 4318
DeviceName: \\.\DISPLAY1
Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285M
DriverName: nvd3dum.dll

7/24/2012 8:02:41 PM: Manager Adapter value: 0
7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: Create device.

7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: HardwareVertexProcessing
7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: MultiSampleQuality: 1
PresentationInterval: Immediate
FullScreenRefreshRateInHz: 60
PresentFlag: None
AutoDepthStencilFormat: D16
EnableAutoDepthStencil: True
Windowed: False
DeviceWindowHandle: 0
SwapEffect: Discard
MultiSample: NonMaskable
BackBufferCount: 1
BackBufferFormat: X8R8G8B8
BackBufferHeight: 1080
BackBufferWidth: 1920
ForceNoMultiThreadedFlag: False

7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: Create Flags: HardwareVertexProcessing
7/24/2012 8:02:48 PM: Device Type: Hardware
7/24/2012 8:03:33 PM: Current Token: b554d6b093af1d90146cee665279a39a
7/24/2012 8:03:34 PM: Current Level: Kursk-S7-Prokhorovka
7/24/2012 8:14:37 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.Contains(Object item)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.IsOccupiedSpace(Int32 x, Int32 z)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.GetCost(Unit unit, MapSpace n, MapSpace nPrime)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Search.Pathfind(Unit unit, Map map, Int32 x1, Int32 z1, Int32 x2, Int32 z2, Double maxTimeMS, Int32 direction)
7/24/2012 8:15:51 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.Contains(Object item)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.IsOccupiedSpace(Int32 x, Int32 z)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.GetCost(Unit unit, MapSpace n, MapSpace nPrime)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Search.Pathfind(Unit unit, Map map, Int32 x1, Int32 z1, Int32 x2, Int32 z2, Double maxTimeMS, Int32 direction)
7/24/2012 8:42:58 PM: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.Contains(Object item)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Map.IsOccupiedSpace(Int32 x, Int32 z)
at GameLib.Pathfinding.Search.Pathfind(Unit unit, Map map, Int32 x1, Int32 z1, Int32 x2, Int32 z2, Double maxTimeMS, Int32 direction)

I would suggest deactivating the increased unit mod and see if that helps. The log references pathfinding, but I don't think pathfinding has been touched in quite a while.

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Posts: 315
Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:02 pm

RE: Random Crashes

Post by sandman2575 »

Thanks Rick -- will give that a try -- & thanks for the tip, Junk
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