All Out for the Fight! 3-Player Game: Reds

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RE: All Out for the Fight! 3-Player Game: Reds

Post by Alikchi2 »

ORIGINAL: Terminus

Going by the combat report you posted, Miller should have won that one. I don't remember his traits, but has he got "Snatch Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory"?

Whatever it is, I'm still pleased. [:D]

Turns 28 + 29: Late July - Early August 1919

A few things. First, as predicted, I'm on the offensive in the north:


Things are going swimmingly. Stalin is chasing Miller and his British cronies off towards Karelia, and Bonchy's 16,000 are going to face off with Rodzianko's 14,000. An infantry regiment will move near the city and take back some of the territory the NW Army stole shortly. On top of all that, I have two fresh divisions coming online in Petrograd next turn. :) The Cradle of the Revolution is safe.


At Kursk in Southern Russia, we've won an excellent victory against Drozdovsky, who botches his recon and came at Frunze's many with his few. Droz is an excellent officer and leads an excellent division. That division was mauled this day, losing two elite infantry and one elite cavalry elements. Excellent! Trotsky's coming to take the command from Frunze shortly, and then we can consider an advance.


This is sad news. Kazan, which the Latvians have faithfully held for so long, has been outflanked and must be abandoned. Our Red boys will avoid combat by crossing the river west of the city.

Minor things: Kirov is changing his landing site from Turkestan to the East Caucasus, Tukhachevsky is being reinforced by Blucher's Butchers to face the Siberians, several battles occur between Comrade Ordzhonikidze's corps and the Arkhangelsk Whites, and Mai-Mai's corps has captured Saratov. Also, I REALLY need cash and men.. so many replacements are necessary..
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