C-NaW Grand Campaign Issue

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C-NaW Grand Campaign Issue

Post by LN59 »

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Hi All,

I am reporting a bug encountered while playing the Great Campaign (that of 1805-1814) of Commander - Napoleon at War.
I don't know if there will be a response to my request because the game is old... and I only bought it on November 27, 2023!
I started with the Tutorial and then moved on to the Campaign of 1806 (perfect progress) and finally to that of 1805, but reduced to half a dozen turns in order to test all aspects of the game (research , unit production, naval warfare). So far I haven't had any particular problem, whether technical or gameplay. The game, simple in appearance, began to give me a hard time and therefore the great pleasure expected by every player...

Finally launched into the Great Campaign of 169 turns (October 1805 - December 1814), I reached turn 76 when, after finishing my own phase of play, I gave way to the AI. The beginning of this phase proceeded normally until the Russian units engaged in the sieges of Koenigsberg and Danzig became active. At this point, right after a fight, the game entered an infinite loop without my system crashing (or freezing). I am attaching the save file for my game, recorded at the end of my game phase and named Grand Campaign.data.

So I searched the forum to see if anyone had encountered a similar problem. It turns out that yes: there is indeed a post from TeTeT dated June 5, 2009 which reports a problem occurring in the same area of the map. Unfortunately the problem doesn't appear to have been fixed. For all purposes, I'm attaching the ZIP of the files and data which can help you see clearly. I don't have too many illusions about the outcome that will be given to it but I told myself that Matrix Games & Slitherine have always taken into account the requests of a loyal customer.

Happy Christmas holidays to all and my Best Wishes for 2024,
Best Regards from France,
Lilian NISON :)
"On ne passe pas !"
The French Motto (Verdun, 1916)
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