Alternative History: The Great War that didn't happen

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

3rd Allied Impulse:

CH Land
CW Combined
FR Combined
US Land
SU Land

Port Attack:
CW tries again at La Spezia. Italy gets the surprise advantage again, and increases AA fire. They roll a 1 as their lowest so they have enough only to reduce bombs. Nothing left to attack with so the mission is aborted.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

3rd Allied Impulse:

Naval Moves:
France moves SUBs out to West Med and Italian Coast.

Italian Coast - SUB search failed

West Med - CW search failed

South China Sea - CW rolls a 9, Japanese NAV rolls a 3. The Japanese NAV chooses to attack the CW SUBs with 9 surprise points getting D,D,A,A,A, destroying one SUB and aborting the other.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

3rd Allied Impulse:

Land Moves:
Things are stagnant in France, which is fine for the Allies.

In the Soviet Union however, things are slowly unraveling. Here we see the northern Soviet forces trying to form a line where they can. Protecting the grounded aircraft and trying not to give up a river defensive line is unfortunately forcing them to stretch thin with most hexes being defended by one unit. If Germany uses their O-chit they could blow a wide hole here.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

3rd Allied Impulse:

Land Moves (continued):
In the Ukraine, things look a little more orderly but the Soviets need to pull back here too. Germany ALMOST had a good attack last impulse. Unfortunately, the Soviet HQ down here only has a 2 movement so the withdrawal is slow getting back to the next river line. Hopefully the turn ends up being another short one.

(note: that FTR will be rebased back behind the line)

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Axis Impulse:

3 - Fine everywhere else, N. Monsoon (rain)

GE Land. Probably too conservative a move, but they decide not to use their 2nd O-chit this turn, yet.
IT Land
JA Combined

Naval Moves:
JA moves a CV fleet to South China Sea, loading Yamamoto and an AT DIV from Singapore. They will land in Indo-China and Japan hopes they can do an attack.

Ground Strikes:
Germany sends its last Stuka to hit a weak point in the Soviet river line. Hits 1 out of 2.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Axis Impulse:

Land Moves:
Germany maneuvers for an attack on the weakest hex.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Axis Impulse:

Land Moves (continued):
Same in the South, where the German corps converge on an attack on a single hex.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Axis Impulse:

Land Combat:
The first battle is for Hanoi. Japan adds 12 pts of shore bombardment resulting in a +14.8333 modifier.

France chooses Assault table. Japan gets the fractional (up to +15) then rolls a 5. Sheesh. Unnecessarily bloody this attack was, but a 20 still gets them the country.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Axis Impulse:

Land Combat:
Cleanup, really, in Egypt. At a +12, CW chooses the Assault table.

Turkey rolls a 9, another sub-par roll, for a 21 overall. Half disorganized, but the CW TERR is destroyed.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Axis Impulse:

Land Combat (continued):
In the Ukraine, Von Bock uses HQ support to raise the modifier to +11. Soviets are not willing to contribute any support as that will disorganize vital units who NEED to continue retreating. Soviets also choose the Blitz table.

Germany rolls ANOTHER bad roll, (not even achieving 10 on a 2D10 is bad roll) and forces a retreat. Half disorganizing the Germans, they are probably done with attacks in the Ukraine.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Axis Impulse:

Land Combat (continued):
The final attack is Rundstedt, attacking across the Dvina river. Low strength units are defending and the modifier is pretty high on the Blitz table (+12.8). HQ support thrown in for Germany.

Germany rolls... jeez, rolls like this LOSE WARS.. a 5.

4 attacks this impulse on the 2D10 scale: 5, 9, 7, and 5. out of 20!!!

Axis might as well throw in the towel.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Allies Impulse:

CH Land
CW Land
FR Combined
SU Land
US Combined

Naval Moves:
FR moves a new BB from Marseilles out to sea
US sends a TRS to pick up the ENG in Dutch Guyana

US attempts to find the Japanese NAV in the Bismarck Sea. They roll a 2, Axis rolls a 4. All US CVPs fly as fighters, giving the US a +3/-3 odds advantage.

1st Round, Japan rolls an 8, no effect. US rolls a 10, clearing the bomber. Bad roll, air combat over.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Allies Impulse:

Naval Moves (continued):
Luckily for the US, their AA (with added surprise points) aborts the Japanese NAV back to Truk.

In the Western Med, the French search for the Italian convoys. They roll a 3, Axis rolls a 7. Things go very wrong for the Italian convoys.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Allies Impulse:

Naval Moves (continued):
France searches again in the Western Med. This time Allies roll a 1, Axis rolls a 2. The Allied fleets will do battle with the Axis NAVs.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Allies Impulse:

Naval Moves (continued):
Air combat begins between 2 Allied CVPs and 2 Axis NAVs. Allies have a +2/-2 odds advantage.

1st Round, Axis rolls a 11, no effect. Allies roll a 20, killing the Italian NAV and pilot.
2nd Round, Axis rolls a 8, no effect. Allies roll a 13, aborting the German NAV.

Globally, all three Axis NAVs forced out of the skies by Allied navies.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Allies Impulse:

Rail Moves:
Soviets rail a factory to Baku and an INF from Tiflis to the Ukraine to assist the defense there.

Land Moves:
Soviet movement in Ukraine

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940

4th Allies Impulse:

Land Moves (continued):
Soviet movement in Russia. To prevent all the forces in Latvia from being put OOS, they must pull back.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940
Allies roll a 5 for the End Turn roll. Turn keeps going.

5th Axis Impulse:

5 - Fine everywhere except N. Monsoon (Storm)

GE - Land
IT - Land
JA - Land

Land Combat:
Germany oozes around disrupted Soviet units in several locations, declaring 4 attacks...

The first in Kiev. Soviets use their last ground support point to take the modifier from a +12 to a +7.333.

Soviets choose the Blitz table, and the little 2pt MIL takes a 3-3 INF with it as the Axis ROLLS A SIX. Their bad rolls are continually resulting in losing units on what should be generally good attacks. Kiev falls at cost.

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940
Allies roll a 5 for the End Turn roll. Turn keeps going.

5th Axis Impulse:

Land Combat (continued):
Next comes an attack on the 3 resources at Krivoy Rog. The ratio is a little better at +9.25 with Antonescu HQ support. Can the Axis finally get a clear victory?

Not really, on the Blitz table they roll a 11, for a 20. AGAIN, no killed units on the Soviet side, just a retreat. These same units I think have retreated three times this turn, causing half disruption for the Axis each time.

Well, at least the resources are taken AND a TAC bomber is destroyed on the ground

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RE: Alternative History: The Great War that never happened

Post by markb50k »

Jul/Aug 1940
Allies roll a 5 for the End Turn roll. Turn keeps going.

5th Axis Impulse:

Land Combat (continued):
This one hurts.

Axis have a +15.2 modifier on the Blitz table, just wanting to clean up some Soviet stragglers in Latvia. They use all of their best troops (armored) on the attack.

They roll a 4.

The Germans had 15 added to their roll on a max 23 scale, and they roll a 4. Unbelievable.

Swedish INF is killed, half disorganized, and the defenders are shattered. Germany converts to a retreat and doing so, one of the defenders is destroyed because it had nowhere to retreat.

Another TAC bomber is destroyed on the ground. yayyyyy

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