The World at War ELO Tournament

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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by Old_Shane »

Old_Shane wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:54 pm New ELO started - Old_Shane (Axis) vs Taffjones (Allies)

The Rematch
Allies resign July 1942. Red army disintegrated and routes were open to the steppe. Tobruk not threatened and Italians holding Brits back. China collapsing but not dead yet. IJN controls the sea and Honolulu under siege by two well supplied SNLF. I don’t think I saw the best of TaffJones as he had some personal distractions. I hate to claim this victory but he was understandably not committed to spending time on a lost cause.
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

[LOSS] ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies) vs Moongaz3r (Axis)
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by HarrySmith »

New game started HarrySmith (Axis) vs petedalby (Allies)
We bhave had 2 previous very close games so will I am sure be a great battle
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

Finally, couple of wins:

[WIN] ElvisJJonesRambo (Allies) vs JamesBrown (Axis) --- Germans went full blast on ground/pound in Russia. Reds got the 1 *key turn to counter, April 1942. Helped tremendously. Luftwaffe spent tons of MMPs in Fighter reinforcement, drained Brits/Gerries. Then came the Yanks, dumped Marines all over Italy. Japs were doing quite well, of course that doesn't matter. Yanks did just what it takes to hold Hawaii, and put everything into Europe. Gamey, eh?

James beat me previously, French had Global Warming

*** Update: this game is back on ***
[TBD] ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Epekepe (Allies) --- Germans got way to many MMPs w/o taking much damage. This one is over in 1943.
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

[LOSS] ElvisJJonesRambo (Axis) vs Taifun (Allies) --- Easy peasy win for the Allies. Tripoli and the Triple Team move in MedFront/Europe is all it ever takes. Spend nothing on Naval and just swarm. Didn't hurt the Germans got pathetic Southern Russia weather. It was warmer in Finland (than Southern Russia) for the taking of Leningrad. Germans got such shit weather, they just left Southern Russia. We all know Russians always get the momentum in the weather April 1942 turn. The October/November Southern weather is so huge. Had to move units to Moscow, for something to at least attack. And we know, Moscow as the main target is a loser in 1942.

The Tripoli x3 Triple Team strategy is too easy. French/British getting this *key staging point changes everything. It's outta distance of Axis. Allows RAF to just put 1-fighter, and couple Maritime to work the area in peace. Americans don't even need to bother with Tunisia which means "no landing" there, "no reloading" within Axis range. The time, organization, and so safe just to directly land in Siciliy. Royal Navy doesn't need repairs or upgrades, huge MMPS saved for Diplomacy (which is too gamey). Take Tripoli and USA just needs to get escorted to Gibraltar, for the swarm move. Tripoli is for scouting, the mob waits at Gibraltar. If this is done in 1942, you'll probably be able to debark again off Sicily and pick another landing zone. Plenty of soft ports, Southern France, Brest, Western France, Greece, anywhere in Italy.

In Pacific just knockout the DEI port, everything else gets poured into Europe. Costs USA nothing in Pacific. Just pop that port. Pacific is meaningless than.

Russians got level-3 AA in 1942, made Luftwaffe worthless. Russians had equal in Tanks too.
Americans had level-4 Tanks, not that it mattered after the Tripoli x3 Triple attacks.
Germans had level 3 tanks + only 50% to level 4.

Game is too gamey. If Allies don't do something extreme in 1942, they will get mowed over. The traditional defense of Russia, build up RN and chase subs is too slow. Axis will grind apart anything on the ground. If you don't want to Tripoli x3 Triple Team Italy, just empty Egypt and shove them in France.
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by Taifun »

May 1940. The Germans defeated France and created Vichy France. By late summer Allied forces decisively defeated Italian forces in Lybia (I use exactly the same strategy in Lybia against Elvis as I did in our last game ... 0&t=396690). The Axis bribed Yugoslavia and got very close to their adherence so I had to counter. The Germans hesitated... belatedly sending 2 artillery units and 3 tac bombers to Sicily and started pounding Malta. At least 2 times the defending AA unit survived with 1 point of strength, but suddenly, when another attack would certainly destroy the AA unit Elvis sent his forces to the Balkans: a BIG mistake. February 1942 Yugoslavia joined the Allies and German captured the country in 1 turn ;) .

May 1941. Axis forces launched Barbarossa. Elvis sent every German unit against the USSR, even leaving some French ports unprotected. The blow was brutal. By October the Russians lost the Baltic States, the Ukraine and the Germans were assaulting Smolensk and Rostov and approaching Voronezh in the Don. Smolensk fell and German forces approached Moscow's outer defensive perimeter. The winter hit hard the German invaders. By April 1942 the Soviet infantry were still fighting with Infantry Weapons level 1 :shock: . At last in May I could begin upgrading my battered infantry forces, my worst roll ever. During the spring Elvis attacked again. He split his forces evenly, massing at least 4 panzerkorps and 1 mechanized in the Don River bend against Rostov and Stalingrad and another 4 in the Center against Moscow. The Soviets were slaughtered and by August 1942 the USSR lost 34 infantry corps, 14 armies, 4 mechanized, 5 tanks (all types) ...

Rostov and Voronezh fell and the Germans reached Stalingrad even menacing Saratov. German forces were within 2 Hexes of Moscow and were assaulting Leningrad from Finland and the Japanese Vladivostok. The Soviets were really pressed something had to be done...

British forces landed in Sicily and captured Syracuse. But no German forces were diverted to Italy. By late August British forces cleaned the whole of Sicily. Leningrad was captured. Greece joined the Allies in August and the UK send a couple of infantry corps and the Heavy bombers with a British General to Greece. British pilots started bombing the Ploesti oil fields. Elvis at last reacted and send 2 tank corps, 3 infantry corps and artillery to Bulgaria. The Germans were reaching 100 land units and the Soviets had 52 land units.

But where were the Yanks? The US forces were in the Pacific. December 1941: the Japanese Empire launched their Pacific offensive but avoided attacking Pearl Harbor, knowing that elements of the Royal Navy were in the Central Pacific. The American forces launched and immediate offensive in the Central Pacific capturing the Gilberts, the Marshalls, the Marianas, Truk and Iwo Jima. Elvis panicked and recalled the whole Japanese fleet to defend Japan. With the Japanese fleet gone, the US shifted their forces south and captured the Palaus and Easter Java... ;)
08 1942.png
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by Taifun »

October 1942: Elvis redeployed the Japanese Fleet south to defend Java at the same time sending powerful Japanese Army reinforcements to Java including 3 Armies, 2 AA and HQs. In a series of naval and air engagements the Allies lost 2 CVs and 4 other ships against a single Japanese BB but the Japanese forces in western Java were defeated. By December 1942 Batavia fell and the Japanese retired to Sumatra. Note: 6 German subs and surface ships were operating in the area.

Late summer the Germans made a powerful attack against Moscow, losses were terrible but the front held. Sensing that Elvis had weakened his troops near Rostov the Soviets started a series of small counterattacks near Stalingrad, pushing the Invaders towards the Don. The USSR was slowly rearming with better tanks and fighters. The first US troops were crossing the Atlantic Ocean towards Europe... the storm had passed... 8-)
Dec 1942.png
Dec 1942.png (3.05 MiB) Viewed 258 times
Early 1943 Rome was captured by US Marines and Italy surrendered. The Soviets while defending Moscow launched a strong counteroffensive against the weakened southern German front. The Germans hit the 100 units but the USSR reached 68 land units. By March Greece fell to German forces but US Marines captured Turin and Milan in Northern Italy. A small US contingent captured Brest in Britany. The Germans counterattacked from Nantes. Elvis started to feel the pressure and abandoned Voronezh, retreating to Kharkov. May 1943 Kursk and Kharkov were recaptured. With all German units counteracting the US forces in Brittany the main US inavion troops landed and captured the lightly defended Low Countries. :D

June 1943. Allied troops enter Germany and capture Frankfurt, the Ruhr and approach Berlin. The game is over :ugeek:

Germany Kaput.png
Germany Kaput.png (4.24 MiB) Viewed 258 times
Soviets enter Rumania.png
Soviets enter Rumania.png (4.94 MiB) Viewed 258 times
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

@Taifun --- I don't disagree with your comments, I just have a different point of view.

Yes, I forgot, had several games going on at once. Yes, I forgot I gambled on Yugoslavia Diplomacy. I was damn close. When do I get a big Diplo hit please, for once. I play all kinds of dudes, just racking up horsesh-t countries like Finland, Greece, Sweden, DEI, and now Burma might as well be Allied. Legend like me, gonna get a little touchy. I spent maximum with Germany and Italy, trying to bribe Slobodan Milosovich or whatever dude started WW1. That's German 250 mmps + Italy 150 mmps + I had probably 3 or 4 hits which I replaced, that's another 150 mmps. I dumped 550 mmps into that waste-hole. Might as well send it to Ukraine, so Zelenssky can go shopping for art in Paris in between meetings with Herman Goering's Treasure Trains. Not getting Yugoslavia was a big deal. 550 mmps bye-bye, could have used a real HQ instead for the Battle of Kursk, my units at Supply 4/5 garbage. Full-blown Nazi Beasts waiting for a can of soup and gallon of gas. You bribed the Greeks, who haven't seen a dime since Paul started a collection plate on Mars Hill. By not get that conversation, yes, I left the Malta Mission. AH wasn't pleased. You park the British Artillery, and lob rounds into Syracuse. Additionally, I would have had Yugoslavian bum units to take care of Greece and no Partisans.

The Japanese were quite fine, I really don't like wrecking my Rising-Sun Tactical and Medium Bombers into some Chinese rat-hole defense beyond Sian or into Kwejchow, sometimes. You had AA-guns, behind, Armies, entrenchments, because you ran, wouldn't fight and like those Commie Chinese and USA trigger points. I see no problem training the Rising Sun when Chinese run. That's what civilians are for.

Medium Bomber was 3-Star Elite + 1 tech.
Tactical Bomber was 2-Star Elite + 1 tech.
Akagi Carrier was an absolute beast 3-Star/3-Star, with 2/3/3 technology
Kaga Carrier was 2-Star Elite
Zuiho Estimate Carrier 1-Star Elite

The Marshall Islands weren't on the agenda this game, it's a lousy place to visit, can't even buy a postcard. I fought you at Mariana Island, that was a split situation. I even countered strong, battled like real Jap man. I know you sneaky guys, wanna put Yankee Bomber and splash the Hiroshima port. Oh, that's right, I went back and took Iwo Jima too, tore up that American flag. The IJN was right there in your face. You ran, I was all about some Island fighting. You ran to DEI and kept those Carriers peppering my troops. Doing that x2 eat my supply at Soerabaja and Bandoeng. I will give credit for being a man in the Battle of the Java Sea. That was a good result for the Japanese. You didn't lose any good ships though. Tossed out some garbage Destroyers and couple Battleships. I was prepared to fight, but I'm guessing your had at least 2+ Maritimes waiting. I also had to defend Taiwan and Okinawa. I'm sure you had more of those suicide AA-guns transports loaded and hiding South in Banda Sea area.

The Japs did reinforce DEI, heavy. I fought, was passing out gift candy. You caught me a Padang, because I was cleaning out my AA-units for defenses soon to come at Bangkok and Saigon. You got lucky getting that port, no idea how you saw that undefended, because I was evacuating that side of the Island. Lucky, by 1 move. the 1-time I leave, you just happen to get it.

This whole Forum complains about luck, weather, and gamey stuff. You don't like Japanese waxing civilians, then stay and defend the land. Then turn around and do the Tripoli x3 Triple team move. That is a big deal, saves you all kinds of MMP, units, and the Marine water carnival that doesn't require HQ support. That's gamey.

There's no doubt I "just got Fighters level-4". Yeah, I just got them on last turn of game, didn't matter. Also remember, Germany starts with level-1. Yanks start with level 0 Tanks. You had time to ship them also, that's some solid ass luck. You had to get Level-4 Yank tanks in Fall 1942 to do that. That's a 1-chit tech. So don't try to deflect. Level-4 in Fall 1942, 1-chit, wow. Need you to roll the dice at the casino.

The Finnish weather was much better than Southern Russia. Sitting in mud and snow for months is garbage. Why do you think I moved units to Moscow, their weather was better too. I forced march at least 4+ combat ready units through Voronezh and Ryahisk with a plan to blast Moscow and East of it. Even taking Penz. Was tired of the weather in Southern Russia, there was nothing I could do with Rain & Mud. You had AA-3 behind every tree. Luftwaffe was worthless at that point. I cannot slam Stuka's with 3-1 predictors.

The Nazis had to pull back to Kursk in early '43. The Allies had 4-ports Greece, Italy, Brest, and soon Dutch-ville.
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

I've got 2 games up, password = elvis

Post your rules upfront.
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by Taifun »

ElvisJJonesRambo wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 1:10 pm You had to get Level-4 Yank tanks in Fall 1942 to do that. That's a 1-chit tech. So don't try to deflect. Level-4 in Fall 1942, 1-chit, wow. Need you to roll the dice at the casino.
Thanks for the advice Elvis, It`s been at least 20 years since I visited a Casino for the last time! Tanks level 4 February 1943, and as I said before they never entered in combat with German troops as the war was almost over.
USA tanks.png
USA tanks.png (236.04 KiB) Viewed 225 times
All the best in your future games. I will comment for your future opponents:

Elvis announced the game as finished without resigning. When I played the last turn without knowing, he had eliminated many of his land/air units (about 60%) :shock: thus denying me the opportunity to check the final dispositions of the game. In 20+ years of gaming, I never saw this behavior before!!
Elvis deletes all possible units.png
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

Taifun wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:43 pm All the best in your future games. I will comment for your future opponents:

Elvis announced the game as finished without resigning. When I played the last turn without knowing, he had eliminated many of his land/air units (about 60%) :shock: thus denying me the opportunity to check the final dispositions of the game. In 20+ years of gaming, I never saw this behavior before!!
Elvis deletes all possible units.png
I've played a documented 200+ games over 5+ years.
I played SC-1, SC-2 probably same about of games.
Then I didn't play for a decade, Covid scam brought me back.
I've posted every single win or loss.
I've never ghosted an opponent.
I've never misled an opponent or even debated the result of a game.
I'm sure I've pissed a few people off by surrendering early, but they got their win.
My record is average, I'm ranked what #40 in the world.
Not only that, I gotta have the fastest speed of returning turns.
I had 4+ games going during ours, I was flipping turns fast as you sent them.

And now you come after me with some accusations about disbanding units.
I lost.
I posted.

Of course I disbanded my units.
I've done it probably 25+ times within my 100 losses.
Why would I want to give more information about my Japanese defenses in this particular game.

Is there some secret special gamey unposted rule that I cannot disband my units?
I figured we'd play a rematch, I wasn't go show you were my carriers were.
Remember last game, when I sent my IJN North of Midway and got slaughtered, did I cry?
I had a plan for you this game, didn't want you to see the IJN. Lots of elite units too.

Obviously something is bothering you, because this is normal behavior for me.
You're trying to deflect onto me. What am I suppose to do. I lost. I posted.

On the contrary, look at the TIMESTAMPS on this thread.
When did I post the Loss? Repeat, when did I repost the Loss?
I actually posted the Loss, before you even said "I think this game is over".
I never said shit in the message box.
I posted here, 2 turns early, IN THE FORUM THREAD, that I lost.
I even posted in my Elvis Gold Records thread that I lost.
You know why? I got my ass kicked.
So, I posted my loss before the game was over. Before anything was said.
I lost with the Italy swarm, despite clearing out Greece.

Hell (Heaven) I already posted to play again.

What's really bothering you?
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by Taifun »


Everything is fine. Just relax and enjoy this great game!
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

Taifun wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:04 pm
Everything is fine. Just relax and enjoy this great game!
Nice try, slick. Modus operandi, Euro tricks.
Eres silent passive, collective slander.
Conquistadores gall.
Payaso moxie.
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ThunderLizard11 »

Hi Elvis - I had a run in with Taifun a few years back where he made some bogus accusation as well. It was very petty and I wound up deleting a few of my replies but Taifun had to have the last word. It's unfortunate when we have a SC player like this but there you have it. I can say on all the games we've player that you are a good sport and an interesting opponent.
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by HarrySmith »

Hi Elvis,
I would say I have really enjoyed our games we have played together. You are a very good opponent and I believe a better player than your rank indicates. You often play a lot of high ranked players and going on what you say you may have quiet a few games going at once. This if me I would end up rushing turns which leads to mistakes. I believe actually deleting your units at the end is a totally ok move as like you say they then don't see your tactics for any rematch.
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by Taifun »

New ELO game started:

Taifun (Axis) against ELVIS (Allies).

WE just can't get enough of it!
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by ElvisJJonesRambo »

*** BREAKING NEWS, press statement from Graceland ***

My marketing department has met with Taifun's upper level management. We have begun a new game. Couple silly overreactions to implied statements have been ironed out. There never was a problem, just smack talk. I was bitching about my bad Diplo luck, which isn't his fault. I wasted 550+ MMPs, and that cannot happen against a top ranked player. He came on tad strong with the "mining", so I took some extra liberty about his tech luck, manipulating when he actually got it. His MedFront play last game, was beyond efficient, w/ the x3 team. Not sure I can stop it, let along copy it. The execution calibrated him to a #1 ranking in the world.

I'd like to see Taifun battle Ilo4Tu at some point. Ilo4Tu has throttled me.

There a need to review pre-game expectations and rules?
ELO rules, are they obsolete, need reviewed?
Custom rules will always be that, custom.
Definition of mining: (Japs pounding civilian Chinese run away is something many do)
How often you can play turns: (real life, vacations will happen notifications)
How long do you want to play: (I'm guilty of surrendering early, to my own demise)
Disband at end: (not big deal to me, I don't have to do that)
Therefore, you get the "Patton Slap!!!" :lol: :lol: :lol: Served: 1
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Re: The World at War ELO Tournament

Post by petedalby »

I'd like to see Taifun battle Ilo4Tu at some point. Ilo4Tu has throttled me.
I think that already happened? With a similar outcome.

Good to see you both burying the hatchet. Play up, play up and play the game! :)
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