About using the GBU-57a/b MOP

Command: Chains of War is a DLC for Command: Modern Operations. 20 minutes into the future, a spark erupts in the Korean peninsula that will lead to a theaterwide conflagration embroiling the entire Western Pacific and drag all major powers into it.
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About using the GBU-57a/b MOP

Post by ColonelMolerat »

I'm playing the scenario 'Nightmares', and there are a number of hardened mountain bunkers (very tough indeed!).

I have a B2 bomber with 2xGBU-57A/B MOPS, which I was trying to use... However, it hardly ever hits the bunkers (normally about 60ft off the mark).

In the editor, I tried placing five B2s, each with 2xGBU-57As, each targeting a bunker. Only one bunker was destroyed. If there's only a 1/5 chance of destroying the bunker, it seems unlikely that my one bomber will succeed in the mission.

Should I ignore these mountain bunkers? Or am I doing something wrong? (I'm using 'F1' attack, cruise speed, 36,000ft - the recommended attack altitude)

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RE: About using the GBU-57a/b MOP

Post by ComDev »

Savegame please?

Developer "Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations" project!
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RE: About using the GBU-57a/b MOP

Post by ColonelMolerat »

Sorry, I didn't include one because I didn't think it was a bug, just me missing something or using the bombs wrong.

I'll include a save anyway, but I've run the mission (and the tests) again think I must have been having a streak of AWFUL luck!

Last night, 5 x bombers in the editor, each with two bombs - only one bunker hit. 4 x runs in the mission (one bomb each time) - no hits.

Today, about 20 tests in the editor (two bombs each) ~50% hit. 7 runs in the mission (one bomb each) - 4 x bunker destroyed, 1 x partially destroyed, only 2 x misses.

Edit - the save won't upload, it says it's not supported (I've tried zipping it).

It was CMANO v1.13, Build 972.14, Nightmares.

But it looks like I was just on a massive streak of bad luck!
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