Salvo scoring issue

Command: Chains of War is a DLC for Command: Modern Operations. 20 minutes into the future, a spark erupts in the Korean peninsula that will lead to a theaterwide conflagration embroiling the entire Western Pacific and drag all major powers into it.
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Salvo scoring issue

Post by Eggstor »

The latest version of the Salvo scenario has a scoring issue. The trigger for damaging an open structure (Open Structure Damaged) has the Target side set as China instead of United States-Japan-South Korea.

I would upload my end-of-scenario save showing massive damage (beyond 99% in many cases) to numerous open structures at Andersen AFB and the lack of scoring, but I seem to be unable to upload zip files. Currently, I am only able to upload gif/txt/jpg files.

Edit - I can upload the save file in the tech support forum, so I'm reposting there.
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