Vulim Empire Coup

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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

Post by Megrez »

Right :) I think mission 13 is really difficoult (in particular if u choose to trust Vulim). While all the proofs were indicating Vulim as guilty, I was thinking that it was too much easy to accuse him, and that someone was trying to show Vulim as the main reponsible for all the mess, hiding behind the scenes. So I decided to try to trust him, only to find my team ambushed in the centre of a trap-map, under a rocket long-range & heavy cross-fire.
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

Post by Ghstbear »

You are certainly a forgiving person, Megrez. [:D] But we are bordering on spoiler alerts here, so lets just say: Wow! Sorry things did not go as they should have. At least you are still alive, though. Also, I hope your team made it out. Are they okay? This is one of those non-resetting missions, so there was no turning back.

Megrez, am I correct in assuming you have finished the campaign?
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

Post by Megrez »

Yes, I finished it. My team was almost ok after the battle, but not their mechs (one titan totally disabled, but the pilot was ok, plus another two ejected jocks... other titans heavy crippled, and so on...), anyway they made it out.
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

Post by Ghstbear »

Nice job!

Megrez, without spoiling things for everyone, what did you think of the finish? Maybe you can tell me how the last mission went down by Personal Message.
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

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Hello Ghstbear
I've played your scenario and the story is quite interesting and fits like a glove to the TOS history and the thinking of that age. As Hero class only squad (and only 200t assaults at hand) it was damned hard on some missions (the Gen. Rescue mission e.g.) as the opponent ratio is extremly high (4-5x let me guess).
Currently I'm stuck in the last mission (#14), but even with "freeing" the senators (destroying the building at the first 'arena') there's no change in the last arena, so the mountains still stays unreachable. All my opponents were destroyed so I just have to solve the puzzle for the "mountain door". Any hint?

P.S.: I'm not sure if TOS_WS would be with a bigger community if more such complex and variable Missions/campaigns would have existed (at the beginning), but you put a lot of effort into creating the scenario, so I wish a lot would try and honour it.

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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

Post by Ghstbear »

Thanks Sam,
Did you destroy the building, or just enter the hex? Also, there is a difference between heavy damage and destruction. Destroying the building opens up the mountain doors at the end. I have seen a few above think they got the Senators when they only entered the hex. I hope the message doesn't appear until you destroy the building. There is a definite message when it is destroyed. It says:

"&b[ &jock takes his/her &titan and blows a hole through the outer wall.]
&r &jock:&w Okay, get those ambassadors in the transports, and get
them out of here! Quickly, before we're spotted!"

I created the whole campaign to give Larkin some honor. He does well keeping it alive, and he won't share his trade secrets [:D], so what was there left to do but to spin some good lore? I found the whole multiple choice campaign quirk by accident, and it really allows for good twists. When you reach the end you will find that it wasn't really the end, but rather the beginning. I could do another campaign on the actual war. I would need a good tester to work with me.
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

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Hi Ghstbear
I'm sure I received the message destroyed (after the first CLG shot did only damage it heavily), but I'm unsure if I received the "Grab all you can" message. It only takes 4000sec (Assault...) to go back; as no opponents are alive I'll go for it again and report back.
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

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P.S.: There's still a rebel fighter somewhere (never met one as my titan is quite slow) as it is in the AI engine visible. Must I meet with him to get infos?
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

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Hi Ghstbear
I was at the destroyed embassy (+took a screenshot) and back in the arena4 (and took another screenshot) and still everything locked. As I don't know the gear into the end: what do I have to a fulfill to get the mountain door open? Is it really only the destruction of the embassy and open (and a release of another squad of enemies + rebel figthers as alliance).
My first go was tapping all Target areas (and destroying stealthily everything in sight), then throught Arena 2+3 untroubled, then the three Titans in the forth arena. Then trying around, looking into this thread, then going back, destroying the embassy, then at arena two the rebels and the four or five enemy Titans destroyed each other in the far away reach, when I got to the sight the left overs "vanished" with one lucky CT Engine hit (which blew the first 40t), which struck another 70t in the CT engine and blew as well, so the two left overs blew its engine due to high heat (standing in the same field). Maybe that didn't finish the story?!

Arena4_Closed.jpg (176.03 KiB) Viewed 747 times
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

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Here's the second pic of the embassy
House_destroyed1.jpg (29.27 KiB) Viewed 752 times
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

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Hi Ghstbear
I guess it's easier to retrieve my jock/titan instead of figuring out the cause/solution. Can you sent (PM) me the aftermath, so I know the end of the story? I'm glad I came out alive at all (with all my long time jocks) and only a few (own) titans destroyed!

P.S.: If you have another story in work I'm glad to try it. With assault titans nearly impossible to solve due to the overwhelming opponent factor.
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

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Hi Ghstbear
in the second attempt it all was different:
a) I was detected
b) I found the small village of the rebels
c) I destroyed the ambassy at first go
d) I was joined by the renegade Vulim Trooper
e) the mountain path was open
f) the cannon was active

I received much more "information brackets" so in my first go I just did not trigger the right spots to get things going as I see.

I finished, hurray!!!


P.S.: BTW... the Vulim trust operation: what is the own/opponent ratio? 8:1 or above?
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

Post by Ghstbear »


Hurray! You are the second confirmed. That was weird that it didn't work the first time. Trust Vulim had a 2:1 enemy weight to Side A's weight. However, the computer will think your allies have the same weight as you, but your ally is locked away making impossible for him to help you, and it is only one titan. Therefore if you had 100 tons, the enemy would have 400 tons. Effectively, then it is a 4:1. Bear in mind that mission was supposed to be impossible because you were actually taking the wrong turn in this choose your own adventure. It is commendable that you got out alive. I think the campaign would have been easier for you if you had started with a green unit and worked through. In the end they would have been seasoned soldiers.

Your volunteering for the next campaign is encouraging. I lost my tester when I moved. The actual war still hasn't begun. Let's talk.
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RE: Vulim Empire Coup

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Hi Ghstbear
as I'm a bad loser I even worked my way through the "Trust Mission" just to proof Vulim wrong in his ways ;-)
Attached is the picture. It took me 17 tries and a 16 times of "Get my girls back" expensive recoveries, but I worked a way out and they paid dearly (in the end, before I had to pay).
Your complete campaign is worth the retries! Good context, logical explaination, solid missions (near to impossible for me to solve on the first go) and lots of gameplay!
Vulim_Certain_Death.jpg (91.79 KiB) Viewed 759 times
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