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RE: Liar liar pants on bloody fire.

Post by Luskan »

At my work "vacation" is the word used when we are not allowed to come to work in order to detox. 15 years at my work instead of long service leave they probably send you for a liver transplant . . .

The truth is that Raver is also have an enforced vacation from WITP while on holiday. I can't think of anything worse than being IN pearl harbour but unable to play your WITP while there! I on the other hand, still have other opponents to pummel.

I can also be fairly certain that the last turn before he leaves will be a bloody cliffhanger. Happens everytime.
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RE: Liar liar pants on bloody fire.

Post by Raverdave »

Well I am thinking about taking my laptop with me to Hawaii......but I am worried that I will simply sit in the hotel playing instead of getting out to smell the roses. Luskan is right, the last move will be a always seems to work out that way. But on the upside, I will be where it all began[8D]

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A new Ace !

Post by Raverdave »

The allies today have another new ace in the form of FO Tapner O of the AVG. In one of the largest raids that the embattled British forces of Akyab have seen to date, the Americans flying the P-40 cut the invading nips from the skies as if they were swatting flies.
Three cheers for the yanks!


Day Air attack on Kunming , at 39,33

Japanese aircraft
Ki-21 Sally x 43

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21 Sally: 3 damaged

Resources hits 11

Aircraft Attacking:
17 x Ki-21 Sally bombing at 10000 feet
12 x Ki-21 Sally bombing at 10000 feet
6 x Ki-21 Sally bombing at 10000 feet
8 x Ki-21 Sally bombing at 10000 feet
Day Air attack on Wuchow , at 42,39

Allied aircraft
IL-4c x 4

No Allied losses

Aircraft Attacking:
3 x IL-4c bombing at 6000 feet
1 x IL-4c bombing at 6000 feet
Day Air attack on Lanchow , at 45,25

Allied aircraft
I-16c x 24
SB-2c x 19

No Allied losses

Oil hits 2

Aircraft Attacking:
6 x SB-2c bombing at 6000 feet
7 x SB-2c bombing at 6000 feet
3 x SB-2c bombing at 6000 feet
3 x SB-2c bombing at 6000 feet
Day Air attack on Taung Gyi , at 33,32

Allied aircraft
Hurricane II x 7

No Allied losses

Aircraft Attacking:
7 x Hurricane II strafing at 100 feet
Day Air attack on 6th Tank Regiment, at 30,32

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 15

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
19 casualties reported
Vehicles lost 2

Aircraft Attacking:
9 x Blenheim IV bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 6000 feet
3 x Blenheim IV bombing at 6000 feet
Day Air attack on 14th Tank Regiment, at 33,32

Allied aircraft
Blenheim I x 5

No Allied losses

Aircraft Attacking:
5 x Blenheim I bombing at 6000 feet
Day Air attack on TF, near Akyab at 30,29

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 24
G4M1 Betty x 3
Ki-21 Sally x 8

Allied aircraft
P-40B Tomahawk x 21

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 14 destroyed
G4M1 Betty: 2 destroyed
Ki-21 Sally: 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-40B Tomahawk: 25 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied Ships
AK Fairfield City
AK Empire Hope

Aircraft Attacking:
8 x Ki-21 Sally bombing at 14000 feet
2 x G4M1 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet

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Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Luskan »

Well, I'll just post a quick sumamry of the last few turns for you all:

1. Sumatra
My troops have landed at the northern tip of sumatra, as well being in complete control of the east coast. All that is left are a few piddly west coast bases I can take at my leisure and the southern tip base of Teclabagegong (or something like that). Let's just call it T!. for short. My troops have begun their march on T! - and in the first 60 miles out of Palembang they will encounter the hex where the trail that runs the entire inland length of sumtra meets with the highway. Of course, Raver's defeated units from Palembang are waiting there, and will try to hold, as when I cut off the top of that trail, there are 8-10 allied units, some small inf units and others are base forces on that trail drawing supply all the way from T. They'll be cut off, and will starve and cease to exist. After that, onwards to T! and once there I will have size 4 airbases at either end of java - one at bali and one at T!. This will be a prelude ot the invasion of java and Phase 1 of the DEI operation will be over.

No spotting of allied cvs yet - but I know they're out there. Raver is probably staying just outside dinah or mavis range from Bali, and soon he'll stay at least that far from T! as well.

2. The economy.
The last two turns have seen unprecedented amounts of resources and oil shipped from balikpapan, kendari, Brunei, Miri, Manila, palembang, Tarakan, amboina, sorong and Bulla, boosting supply levels in the home islands to around 150k of oil and resources each, suplpy levels at Hong Kong to above 100k each (hong kong has some nice industry I've expanded, but the real reason to unload here is to get that captured chinese industry working for me at the front - supply is looking very good in china for the first time since the start of the war as a result. Thanks to this I'll be starting a chinese offensive very soon.

3. Burma.
Well, Raver left his base at Tyuan Gi (let's just call it TG! for short since I'm not going to look up the real spelling and I'm not even going to be consistent with how I spell it anyway). So, I rolled an armoured unit up from Rangoon (I now have 6!) and took it without a fight. Taht is a free 2000 supply points and 100 resources or so a turn. There is a trail connecting this base to Rahieng, and so no chance of my unit getting cut off from supply - alhtough Raver has moved a small unit in behind my unit from TG! to cut them off railroad wise. There'll be a little skirmish here as my other armoured units roll forward towards Akyab, and I may divert a second unit up here to recon Pagan.

Raver has got to be unhappy with the amount of force he has shipped into Akyab and now can't supply or get out and thanks to the old spoilage rule he's having to rty to bulid the place as well to prevent supply loss. Rave'rs had some transports in the bay the last few turns, and my betties have had a few goes wihtout success. This is because of the massive number of hurricanes and Tomahawks over Akyab at the moment. 3 turns in a row my zeros went head to head with them (30 zeros, 30 allied fighters, about 3 betties since only 1/3rd of my little 9 plane squadrons launched -will be moving an air hq into rangoon to fix that!). My tally (from the intel screen, if I believed my pilots they've killed every pilot in the AVG 4 times each) is Raver has loast about 36 planes while I have lost 24. A victory, but not a good one, although my aces have enjoyed the battles, adding to their kill tallies. I'll have to do something about this as I'm not ready to settle into attrition warfare just yet.

Raver sent all 4 RN BBs towards Rangoon but they were spotted, and I was ready for him with the same number of BBs, and about 15 CAs, and 30 DDs. Unfortunately Raver hauled ass north and escaped and even managed to avoid the attacking betties. He'll try again later no doubt.

My ASW efforts off the burmese coast are still fruitless, and I'm running out of ideas.

So all in all, lots of burmese action here.

4. China.
Well, after bulding up my base at Hanoi to massive proportions, I based 100 sallies in there and set them to work bombing the crap out of . . . one of those chinese cities in the interior with resources. lets call it K!. K! doesn't have any fighter cap, no real AA to speak of and very few troops (as Raver's troops are all closer to the front). As Raver has tried to do unsuccessfully at palembang and rangoon to bomb my resources and oil (and north at lanchow) I learnt from his mistake. He simply didn't have the numbers of planes over the city to do any real damage and the damage was repaired by the next turn. I've knocked 50 resources off in 3 turns (net) and will continue this bombing campaign until he moves in some fighters or AA. Once that resources centre is wrecked, I'll switch to the HI, and then move my bombing targets on. The idea is that by crippling chinese industry, which I have a fair chance at doing considering the lack of AA and eng units he has, while I've got literally hundreds of sallies and lilies in squadrons with over 400 of each in the replacement pool, and squadrons of exp greater than 80 (thanks to the repeated easy bombings at bataan for 2 months straight) I think this is a worthwhile investment of time.

Especially since I can hurt him directly without taking any losses (and negate the yellow threat of his massive armies, which as Raver will tell you, are so big he literally can't feed them all). Supply in china is the nightmare for the allies and I'm going to add to it.

Hopefully this strategy will give Raver 2 options.
A. Cop the bombings and loose the resources and the supply and therefore the ability to repair the resources, and eventually watch his entire army melt away from starvation., or
B. Move the allied fighters from Burma into China to defend the place. Especially the AVG.

let you know how this turns out.

5. The logistics and construction part.
I've been doing the whole supply troop, base force CD unit buildup thing, and am pleased to announce that many many bases throughout the globe are as alrge as I can build them.

For all you jap players out there, all those eng units you start with, especially at Taan doing nothing etc - get them forme dup into large engineer armies and send them building. In China basically every base is fort size 9, and the ports and airfields are as big as they'll go in most locations. In the pacific, all my primary abses are all finished so i've moved units onto secondary islands to buld them up too. I have enough supply at places like rabaul, truk and kwajalein to last the entire war - even with the large numbers of troops I've been pumping in (all those CD units are for defence, but I'm unsure about whether or not the infantry I've been shoving into these places is for offence or defence yet).

I can pretty much guarantee that it would take 3+ full strength allied divisions to take any of my pacific strongholds at the moment, and I plan to get my secondary bases (places like maloaep(sp) and Guam and Tarawa and Wake) into similar sized servings.

I'll admit I aws surprised when Raver showed restraint at Wake by not sending in a division to retake it immediately. I had cds, troops, CVs, mines, the lot all ready for him and he never showed.

There should be a surprise next turn for Raver in Chinaas my new offensive comes online, but I don't want to talk about it until I've got the turn back and I can see if it all worked.
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Raverdave »

Yeah I am going to have to look at pulling the AVG into China, as his bombing raids have to be answered. The AVG now have a very high exp rating so there is nothing with wings that can scare them. But at the moment a new batch (and most welcomed) of airframes arrived. Those yank mercenaries really chew through planes! So time to bring the AVG back upto strength and a bit of rest, then off to China to build up an even bigger score!

The last month has been one of supply supply supply for the allies..........always making sure that the convoys get to where they are needed and build build build ! Australia is now well stocked with supplies, fuel, oil, aircraft and troops and PNG is not far behind it. Infact just need another week and my defensive plans for PNG will complete.

Same with Java....I have had months and months to build it up to such a point that the whole Island could now be called a size 9 fort.........I am going to bleed Luskan there so bad that he will never recover in time for the knock-out blows that will come in '43. And I have China and Burma to thank for this. My plan to simply withdraw back into the interior of China has forced Luskan to maintain higher levels of troops in China then he has in other games. These troops would have been used in and early strike against Java at least a month even two months ago had I failed in China. The same also applies to Burma....Luskan has failed to break out of Malaya and drive deep into Burma, and so has had to keep more troops on hand than he wanted too.

Mining operations have been going well in the Bay of Bengal and right under Luskans yellow bananana nose. I can't wait till he tries to bombard Akyab again. B00M !

In the above post Luskan has hinted at some type of "Big operation in China. Frankly there is not really much that he can do on a large scale as I have four huge armies sitting snug as a bug in size nine forts.......and I have units posted at least one and in some cases 5 hexes acting as a trip-wire to warn of any attacks. I am also so deep in China that flanking is not possible either, and there is no where to flank from[:D]. My bet is that he has grown tired of the brigade size recon patrols that I have and will look to swat big loss on my part of they are very small units anyway.........and I have millions waiting to replace them.

My CVs have infact been very very busy looking for a hole to poke through and maybe get a few hits in on supply convoys or some ASW tfs.........but can't seem to find a point where I can get past with out being spotted. I am sure that I'll find some thing soon..........bugger it I might even just force a passage !
That will give bananana boy something to think about!

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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Luskan »

Well, maybe not on a large scale in china, but i've scared the piss out of Raver!
I bulit up the airfield at hanoi, starting bombing Kunming's resources (am trying to cripple the chinese economy and therefore their armies etc.). But last turn I sent in two parachute regiment units and this turn have completed the airfift into that empty centre of industry.

Sure - Raver's got 100 divisions surrounding them on all sides, but those divisions are 150 and 180 miles away by road. In that little city it is just my 2 paratrooper units and the base force going head to head. When I take the place, the industry will HALF itself (that is the total - the rest will go damaged) and I won't be repairing it and Raver CAN"T increase the total industry by expanding because he is the allies. This is a way I can hit his industry that he can never repair. And then once I've flown in my own eng units (before his divisions arrive - and evacuated my elite paratroops) he'll take the place, destroy a dozen of my lef tbehind transports on the ground (i have hundred and hundreds in the pool) and kill my eng unit . . . and in doing so HALF the industry AGAIN. Effectively roming 30 heavy industry from China's OOB.

I'm pure evil aren't I?

Of course, while Raver weakens his frontline units to race back to make sure I don't try to fly in a division and march on Yunan (Ledo road anyone??) to cut burma supply to china off, my front lines in china will begin a MASS OFFENSIVE. They're all going to be swearing lots. *sigh*. No, they're going to advance and cut off a few stranded chinese inf units in the countryside, drive the reconning inf units back up the road and maybe put an end to one of Raver's bigger armies.

I was tired and foolishly didn't order my bbs to bombard at akyab - instead they just sailed in and sunk one of the 2 dds in the harbour and sailed away agin. Wasteful.

Also, Raver's RN bbs are spotted heading southwest again. Akyab or rangoon for certain.

My extremely low morale betties at rabaul (exp 83, morale 30) had a go at one of Raver's FT groups at gasmata, removing or delivering troops I'm not sure. Can't figure out why they have such low morale, but they hit the de ruyter before going home. Going to ahve to move in more hq units I guess.

I take Sadang on the northern tip of Sumatra.
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by WiTP_Dude »


Sure - Raver's got 100 divisions surrounding them on all sides, but those divisions are 150 and 180 miles away by road. In that little city it is just my 2 paratrooper units and the base force going head to head. When I take the place, the industry will HALF itself (that is the total - the rest will go damaged) and I won't be repairing it and Raver CAN"T increase the total industry by expanding because he is the allies. This is a way I can hit his industry that he can never repair. And then once I've flown in my own eng units (before his divisions arrive - and evacuated my elite paratroops) he'll take the place, destroy a dozen of my lef tbehind transports on the ground (i have hundred and hundreds in the pool) and kill my eng unit . . . and in doing so HALF the industry AGAIN. Effectively roming 30 heavy industry from China's OOB.

I'm pure evil aren't I?

Of course, while Raver weakens his frontline units to race back to make sure I don't try to fly in a division and march on Yunan (Ledo road anyone??) to cut burma supply to china off, my front lines in china will begin a MASS OFFENSIVE. They're all going to be swearing lots. *sigh*. No, they're going to advance and cut off a few stranded chinese inf units in the countryside, drive the reconning inf units back up the road and maybe put an end to one of Raver's bigger armies.

Great move! I've got a question, can any unit use air transport to go from friendly base to friendly base? I would like to do these kind of tricks as well.
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Grotius »

WITP Dude, are you asking about air transport? If so, yes, you can transport ground units by air from one friendly base to another. But you may already know that, in which case I apologize for misunderstanding your question. :)
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by WiTP_Dude »

Well, what I meant is how can he fly engineering units in if there are no aviation support units already there? Shouldn't it be required to have them on both ends of the air transport route?
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by freeboy »

Aviation support are neccessary to fix and maintain, all your planes don't break every day....+
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Luskan »

You can only use paratroops to send troops to an enemy airfield. Once you've got it, you only need base forces at the end of the trip that the planes are based at. So yes - I'll fly in some base forces, and then move some planes in, and fly them all out.

Haven't taken the base yet - seems that the paratroops can't beat the fort size of 0 . . .
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Luskan »

Well, now that Raver is airborne, and hopefully 3 weeks of drinking in Hawaii away from WITP adnw hen he comes back he'll have forgotten where he was sending everything etc and it will give me a big tactical advantage.

Now ehre are some screenies only about a week old - can't release certain maps to the public of course, and can't release the current ones but these should give you an idea of the general layout in Burma, Sumatra, Interior China and northern China.

To answer some questions before they are asked:
1. Yes, I'll be cutting those foolish chinese units off and eradicating them (especially in northern china). I've beaten a few in the interior back a few steps, but only killed a few hundred of his troops each time. I'm hoping to wipe out a few divisions in the north, and then hoping that my bombing campaign (go you sallies) can prevent the rest of the chinese ever becoming a threat.

2. Yes, those are garrison troops in Sumatra now. Raver doesn't have the strngth to budge them. Unfortunately I don't have the eng to spare just yet to expand those bases.

3. Economy has hit a snag (I turned off auto convoy, millions of resource and oil points sitting around while my industries are lowering my stockpiles. Caught the mistake before it was too late, but almost a disaster.

4. CV at Diamond harbour really means Raver's RN bbs are there. Haven't been able to get them into a fight yet. If I can just win 1 major battle at sea, vs his BBs or his CVs, I'll be able to repair my points lead, hold him off until 44 and win my autovictory. If I loose . . . well the game will continue on a much more even footing. If Raver had fought in china early on I'd be so far ahead that he'd have to go onto the offensive now to stay in the game. Unfortunately he didn't. His base points grow every turn as his bases get bigger and bigger, and my lead gets shorter and shorter. Estimates are by 43 I'll have about 2.5:1 in points. Hopefully if I win a big fight and don't loose too many points by 44 I'll be 3:1 and victorious.

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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Luskan »

I'll re-post them in the message this time. Enjoy.

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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Luskan »

and another

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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Luskan »

last one.

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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Luskan »

Ok, since raver isn't here, if you guys have any brilliant suggestions for future ops, don't hold back!
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Andy Mac »

How about a CV raid on Perth's Oil Industry.

A quick in and out to hurt the ability of Aus to produce supply.

Or a carrier strike to his US - Aus convoy route unless he has covered it fully

Lastly Aukland.... has a lot of VP's although that may be to much of a stretch....

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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by Oliver Heindorf »

Raid on Oz like above w 3 carriers and simultaniously raid on West coast to throw of his aim

maybe you can raid/bombard Oz with the big guns as well, losses will be high for him I think
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RE: Air battle over Rangoon

Post by 52nd Lowland »


How about a CV raid on Perth's Oil Industry.

A quick in and out to hurt the ability of Aus to produce supply.

Or a carrier strike to his US - Aus convoy route unless he has covered it fully

Lastly Aukland.... has a lot of VP's although that may be to much of a stretch....


It might be worth a try on carrier strike on the convoy routes from US - to Oz or see if hes running any convoys from Karachi to the west coast of Oz.
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