Strange Outcome in Call for Arms

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Strange Outcome in Call for Arms

Post by Jazon »

Hi guys,
I wish to share the result we had in my game: Jazon(CP) vs. Petish (Entente). Game finished on July 27th 1918. Entente Major victory, due to morale loss of Germany. It seemed a bit odd, I will ad screenshots. I wonder what do you think about it.
As CP I played Russia first Strategy, which led to Brest-Litovsk and peace in the East in beginning of 1916. At the same time, because I didn't attack Belgium or Netherlands, Petish influenced the Dutch to join Entente, which brought terrible result: I was ready and crushed Netherlands in 2-3 turns. At the same time I was pressing Serbia, but it hold out backed up by French troops. So I attacked Romania, and took it over in 3 turns, which ultimately led to AH and Bulgaria crush Serbia in August 1917. and then Greece. I established connection between all CP powers. In the West using the momentum I attacked and defeted Belgium, and started heading to Paris. However, what I forgot to mention, USA joined the Entente in mid-1916, although I did not send a single U-boot to the atlantic. Fair enough, but then, and you will see on the screens, German NM started to fall rapidly because of the blocakde. Why? I had half of Europe in my hand, and in the East Ukraine friendly towards me. There wouldn't be hunger in GE or deficit of goods if the East was open. Also Italian shoe was already cut in half by AH forces, AH forces also supported Turks and reached Sinai.
Morale at the end of the game: UK: 97%, GE: 0%, FR: 47%, Italy: 28%, Serbia: 0%, Russia: 0%, US 97%, Austro-Hungary 111%(YES!), Turkey 44%.
What did I do wrong? I eliminated Russia, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Netherlands and Belgium, but I still lost.
GE NM .png
GE NM .png (654.81 KiB) Viewed 1317 times
July 27 1918.png
July 27 1918.png (868.37 KiB) Viewed 1317 times
July 1918.png
July 1918.png (1.7 MiB) Viewed 1317 times
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Re: Strange Outcome in Call for Arms

Post by Petisch »

Hello Jazon, briefly my comments on the game and theory as to why the Huns' NM collapsed like this:

- Naval blockade as intense as possible since the start of the game
- The USA went to war faster with diplomacy
- the high losses of the Huns (the most in the game, especially in corps)
- I think you can't go below the number of units that have to stay in the east. Otherwise the idea of ​​revolution from Russia would spread more quickly in Germany and Austria. At least at the end you had only three units according to the end screen.

That was an exciting and tiring game, thank you for that!
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Re: Strange Outcome in Call for Arms

Post by BillRunacre »

Petisch is correct, to benefit from Ukrainian grain there need to be German units in the east, ideally 12.

From the Strategy Guide:

DE 625 - Germany: Grain Supplies From The Ukraine
- Event fires: Automatically when Berlin is in Central Powers hands, Germany is aligned with the Central Powers and fully mobilized, and the Ukraine is aligned with the Central Powers but not fully mobilized.
- Germany receives 50 National Morale points per turn for every 4 German units within 12 hexes of Warsaw, up to a maximum of 150 points. If there are 12 or more German units within 8 hexes of Warsaw then they will also receive 100 MPPs. These benefits represent the economic value of food supplies from the Ukraine.
- Note that these MPPs will automatically cease if the Ukraine joins the Central Powers, because Germany would automatically benefit from the Ukrainian economy anyway, or if the Ukraine swings to the Entente.
- Additionally, the Ukraine will swing by 10% per turn towards the Entente if there aren't 4 German units within 8 hexes of Warsaw.
This is because forces unfriendly to the Central Powers will then take over the country, and these will prevent grain supplies being sent to Germany.
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Re: Strange Outcome in Call for Arms

Post by Jazon »

Thanks! Now it makes sense...I remebered about MPP's, but I resigned from keeping my reserves in Poland in order to push the final blow to Paris. I was ready to sacrifice those MPP's, I was in a rush, before Americans would come. But I forgot about Morale effect of this...damn. Lesson learnt.
Anyways game was fun with plenty of surprises...I just laugh that Austro-Hungary turned to be such a Chad of NM at hte end of the game xD
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