Carrier Training for Aircraft

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Carrier Training for Aircraft

Post by CaptBeefheart »

OK, so at the dawn of the jet age for several months I had a statement saying something to the effect of "you don't have enough training capacity for your carrier aircraft and thus your training will be slowed." After a few months, luckily between wars, I noticed there was something on the air groups screen that showed the training capacity and the actual numbers, and how there was a shortfall of about 30 aircraft. At that point, I mothballed my oldest carrier and sent its airgroup into reserve. All of a sudden I no longer had a carrier training capacity shortage. So, it's like the carrier is docked somewhere and providing training, sort of like the actual Lake Michigan steamship carriers. I've kept it in mothballs ever since.

My question is: How does this work? Can I do anything to make up for the training capacity shortfall without clearing the decks of one of my carriers? How did the shortfall happen in the first place (one clue might be I started putting LJFs on decks at the time)?

Any elucidation would be helpful. I didn't see anything on this in the manual: apologies if it's in there.

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Re: Carrier Training for Aircraft

Post by WLRoo »

Your 'carrier capable' training capacity is related to the number of carriers you have in service.

Best guess is you have been assigning squadrons to air bases and ticking the 'carrier capable' box and, not being aware of this limit, went over the number of 'carrier trained' aircraft you could support.

Mothballing the Carrier freed up some of your 'carrier training' capacity and fixed your limit.

Building another CV or two should help fix the issue and allow you to return the other Carrier to AF role.
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