The facilitators AAR

Post descriptions of your brilliant successes or how you had your Titan shot out from under you.

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The facilitators AAR

Post by gabool »

note: I typed this while eating breakfast so I know no puctuation but still readable.

I started the battle with a normal jock named Kyle he had about 68% on laser
he had just gotten his nice and shiny medium mech and had sadly forgotten to
put some exp onto med piloting so it was about 10 ish the battle started pretty easily
I was going across a narrow trac of land it was basically a penensula and there were
2 enemies a recon and a light to see where they were I climbed onto a mountain top
they were both coming at me from the east but about 12 hexes away I had time get off
the mountain right? nope I couldn't walk down it anywhere but to walk back! it was a
sheer drop on all other sides great! well make it down and into the hex just in front of the
mountain when the light pops up and my self nicly eqipped with 2 teslas take a chance and fire at him from 2 hex away both miss so I just crouch down and wait for him to come closer he shoots some mgs at me and an ac7on his way most miss take light damage then my telslas light him up 2 direct hits right leg and lo torso takes him down he manages to get up and fire some more ac/mg at me all miss and then I blast him with another tesla in the same leg, which is ripped off and I fire agan his head is hit ripped clean off 1 down 1 to go this entire time the recon was shooting missles at me from about 10 hexes and missing just about 90% so I start to mosey along to blow this little thing up easy as pie.... accidentally step into a swamp hidden by a forest.... down I go 10% to crouch 2% to stand 5% to stand from a crouch I eventually get into a crouch by the time the recon gets into range of my teslas about 3 hex 9% to hit for me miss everytime it stays about 2 hex away the whole time and eventually gets around behind me and starts to just blast me with missles I can't turn around or stand so I keep falling down over and over and over and.... for about 5 minutes I was turning all kinds of colors red right torso
yellow legs and I was practically screaming because 1 hit on that thing and it was down but I couldn't even stand up :'( eventually after many many tries I finally get that 2% OMG YES!!! I immediatly run into the nearby woods and around a mountain hoping to sneak up on the recon which had disappeared in some woods I end up meeting it halfway around oh yeah lock target and blow out the left arm and rip off a leg with my 2 shots it falls and doesn't get back up while I'm recharging it ejects mission over! VICTORY

on and off note once I had a miner from the first campaign mission remain standing with 1 leg I was amazed but quickly destroyed it :)
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