Manual correction

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Manual correction

Post by torrone »

There appears to be a mistake in the manual. It states that in the Sicily campaign,
Messina is worth 10 vps per turn after capture. But in the chart it says Messina is
worth 5 and Syracuse is worth 10. It seems since the blurb indicate Messina to be the
most important that it is Messina that is worth 10 vps per turn after capture and
Syracuse 5.

From the manual
"Sicily: In the Sicily scenario there are three cities worth victory points. These
are Syracuse, Palermo and Messina. Messina is by far the most important for
victory purposes. Its capture is worth ten victory points (vps) per turn before
the end of the scenario that its captured. So if its captured 3 turns before the
last turn, its worth 40 vps.
ƒƒ Capture of Messina: 5 vps per turn before the end of the game.
ƒƒ Capture of Syracuse: 10 vps.
ƒƒ Capture of Palermo: 5 vps.
ƒƒ 3 victory points for each Axis casualty.
ƒƒ -2 victory points for each Allied casualty.
If the final total is 50 or more, its an Allied Minor victory. If the Allies also
control Messina then its a Decisive Allied victory."
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