End of the Japanese Empire, Dmitry (Allies) vs LoneRunner (Axis)

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Panzers Advance

Post by LoneRunner »

December 1942

Russia Center Dec 42 crop.png
Russia Center Dec 42 crop.png (1.7 MiB) Viewed 1223 times

Frozen (attack values halved for all unit types, no AP penalty for rivers) but clear skies. Finally able to use air power.

Placing tanks on the front line worked, I was able to advance a hex all along the Perm front. Bludgeoning with tanks through rough terrain in frozen weather is not optimal . Notice all my tanks took losses. I threw everything I had on Chelyabinsk including air but was only able to knock the corps down to 4.

Dmitry's anti-tank reinforcements should show up pretty quick. I'm glad that one is staying in the north. I expect to lose another couple tanks in this battle, but I've got to end Russia quick.

I plan to swing the tanks east then north. Notice I'm replacing tanks with infantry in the rough terrain south of Perm as the tanks shift east. Hopefully capture Chelyabinsk and attack Sverdlovsk next turn.

I've moved artillery within range of the Perm fortifications. I plan to assault the fortification SW of Perm next turn. If I can destroy the defending unit, the corps in Izhevsk should be able to exploit into the fortification hex. In these conditions you got to prepare exploitations in advance.

My cursor wavered quite a while over the button to land my para unit next to Kurgan. But I finally decided no. The para would not be able to advance into Kurgan and in the Russian turn would be out of supply and subject to an easy counterattack. Besides I need the para to exploit any hexes that open up south of Perm.

Freed from the mud, my two anti-tanks and Italian tank broke through to the east, opening a huge hole in the Russian line. I expect to move toward Petropavl next turn, hopefully cut the east rail. Now I'm wondering if the Chinese and USA can operate on Russian rail lines. That would be bad. I don't think they can but no clues in the manual or strategy guide.

The frozen ground allowed me to finally move Rommel and Manstein to the front. That's where I need them, one hex from the Russian line. I'd have moved the northernmost HQ into Izhevsk but I need that corps in Izhevsk to exploit any open fortification hex.

Lake Aral Front

Russia South Dec 42 crop.png
Russia South Dec 42 crop.png (486.39 KiB) Viewed 1223 times

Surrounded the lone Chinese unit that advanced on the Aral rail. Another front for the German army.

Only destroyed an anti-air and engineer this turn, ouch. Tough to kill a units in frozen conditions. Russian land unit count is at 19. Russian production is down to 420.
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Tokyo Falls

Post by LoneRunner »

December 1942

Japan Empire Dec 42 crop.png
Japan Empire Dec 42 crop.png (1.54 MiB) Viewed 1212 times

Tokyo falls to a combined land and air attack. Ouch. I didn't expect to lose Tokyo that easy. A fully entrenched strength 9 army in a capital. And the Allies didn't have that great of an army attacking. Hmmm...I guess that demonstrates the impact of low unit morale. No way would a Japanese army disappear that easy a year ago. Again, I wish I had clicked on some of these Japanese units to check their morale.

Osaka was strat bombed. I guess they are next. The Allied units in South Japan are struggling for supply so Dmitry may need to grind his way south through Yokohama. I reinforced Osaka with a corps. Saving another replacement corps for Korea. I can't reinforce Korea now but when Seoul becomes the capital I'm ready to add more units to the Korea defense.

Korea holds firm. I replaced the garrison in Pusan with an army. Another army defends North Korea from Allied attacks from Valdivostok.

My sub attacked a multi-national transport convoy off the coast of China, heavily damaging one transport. I think the transports represent UK, Mexico, and Philippines. Truly, everyone gets to participate in Japan's demise.
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1942 Year-End Situation Report

Post by LoneRunner »

December 1942

Units Dec 42 crop.png
Units Dec 42 crop.png (680 KiB) Viewed 1169 times

Down to 19 land units, 45 national morale, and 420 production, the question is not if Russia will fall, it's when. With bad weather and the bad terrain surrounding Perm, Russia may hold until spring. If Allied reinforcements get into the mix, I may be looking at summer. My current objective is to cut the east rail ASAP to isolate Perm from Allied troops.

Land unit count barely budged since January, going from 38 units to 39. Air power hasn't been a focus, falling from 12 units in January to 9. And naval units haven't changed. Where's UK spending their MPP's? Assault transports and research. UK suddenly kicked research into high gear during 1942, making up for lost ground. I think Dmitry is preparing for a long war. Here's UK's research expenditures:

UK Research Dec 42 crop.jpg
UK Research Dec 42 crop.jpg (143.77 KiB) Viewed 1169 times

Focused on producing land units during 1942. Increased from 7 in January to 28 in December. Combined with UK that's 67 land units. A significant threat of a second front in 43.

Air units increased by only one in 1942. That would indicate Dmitry is not planning a serious bombing campaign. I plan to produce more fighters but not with urgency.

China is building a respectable army. 18 land units as of December. Tough for them to get into the European or Russian battle, unless they are able to use Russia's rail net. That's a concern. I wish WaW was more clear on that aspect.

Focused on producing land units during 1942, 109 as of December. The Axis has a lot of coastline to defend. I plan to continue producing land units in 43. New units are expensive. When the Allies turn their attention to Europe, new unit production will be kaput and all Germany's production will go toward replacing losses.

Research continued at a fast pace in 1942. Research in 43 will emphasize advanced tanks, advanced fighters, long-range aircraft, logistics, anti-air, and production technology. I'm planning on a long war.

Here's a summary of monthly MPP production as of December 1942 (includes convoy income):
UK 685
USA 950
USSR 420
China 90
India 145
Total 2,290

Germany 900
Italy 110
Japan 145
Total 1,155

Allied production is double Axis production. Not good. Just like WWII, production is king in WaW. Hopefully, I'll cut USSR out of the equation early in 43. But Japan will be gone too. I expect the production difference to get worse in 43.


Losses Detail Dec 42 crop.png
Losses Detail Dec 42 crop.png (662.12 KiB) Viewed 1166 times

USSR has the dubious honor of highest losses, 47 corps, 16 armies, 4 tanks, whew. Many of the losses in low supply.

Germany has lost 4 tanks. Half in low supply. Ouch.

UK has incurred heavy sea losses: 4 carriers, 5 battleships, 9 destroyers.
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Perm Isolated

Post by LoneRunner »

January 1943

Russia Center Jan 43 crop.png
Russia Center Jan 43 crop.png (1.71 MiB) Viewed 1155 times

Frozen (attack values halved for all unit types) but skies clear over Perm. Slammed fortification southwest of Perm with everything I had and only destroyed 5 points on the defending corps. Ouch. Pulled up reinforcements for a renewed assault next turn. Gotta take that hex.

Infantry replaced tanks in rough terrain south of Perm. I was glad to get my tanks out of that area.

Anti-tank and tank units cut east rail isolating Perm from Allied reinforcements. Sending small units east to hinder any approaching Allied forces.

Notice that I moved both para units closer in preparation to occupy any cleared hexes. I considered landing a para northeast of Perm but I don't think that would accomplish much.

Destroyed only one unit on the entire Russian front. An anti-air. Maybe I'd rather have mud than frozen, heh.
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Japan Holding

Post by LoneRunner »

January 1943

Japan Empire Jan 43 crop.png
Japan Empire Jan 43 crop.png (761.76 KiB) Viewed 1151 times

Not much activity on the Japanese front. Most of island was frozen. UK moved artillery within range of Osaka so I expect that location to be next on the Allied agenda.


Japan Empire Jan 43 2.png
Japan Empire Jan 43 2.png (692.43 KiB) Viewed 1151 times

Japanese units defend in isolated pockets throughout China. Chinese forces assault Chungking and Tianshui while UK units hammer Japanese units in the south.

Poor supply is helping me more than anything else in South China. I'm launching sharp counterattacks on low supply units and inflicting significant losses on both UK and Chinese units, however I don't have the MPPs to replace Japanese casualties.

If Chungking falls, I expect Japan will be driven out of China pretty quick.
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Snow & Ice Seize Perm Front

Post by LoneRunner »

February 1943

Russia Center Feb 43 crop.png
Russia Center Feb 43 crop.png (2.08 MiB) Viewed 1121 times

Frozen and snow mostly shut down the Perm front. That's six straight months of bad weather.

I used February to reinforce units and adjust unit placement. Russia's three anti-tank units have returned but the danger to my tanks is past. My infantry now covers the entire front line. Tank units lie just behind the front line, waiting to hit and run.

Pushed a few units east toward Omsk to deter Allied reinforcement. However, I'm pretty sure that the Allies can't use Russia rail, otherwise Dmitry would have done so.

Only killed one corps on the entire Russian front. Russian land unit count is back up to 22.

South Front

Russia South Feb 43 crop.png
Russia South Feb 43 crop.png (1.64 MiB) Viewed 1121 times

A British tank and two Chinese corps showed up on the Aralsk rail. Not a big concern for Aralsk because Allied supply is terrible and they're not getting past that army. But a huge concern for the Caucasus. My plan was to blast through Baku and into Persia after Russia surrendered. If the British are at Lake Aral, they are definitely sending units to the Caucasus. If they get a large force into the mountains, I'll have a tough fight getting them out.

Up to now I've been conducting a slow maneuver battle in Caucasus, shifting the Russians out of position without incurring too many casualties. Now, I've got to attack the Caucasus with more urgency. Armored reinforcements will be on their way.
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Chungking Abandoned

Post by LoneRunner »

February 1943

Japan Empire Feb 43 2.png
Japan Empire Feb 43 2.png (337.6 KiB) Viewed 1119 times

Pulled my army out of Chungking. City supply was down to 2 and the army was going to be encircled next turn. Might as well continue a fighting withdrawal then stand and die.

UK units in south China repair faster than I can kill them and I can barely replace my own losses. UK's spending a lot of MPPs on casualties but dang, no break in the onslaught from all sides.

Japan Empire Feb 43 crop.png
Japan Empire Feb 43 crop.png (631.35 KiB) Viewed 1119 times

Snow and ice provide temporary protection in Japan. The Allies take the opportunity to reinforce with more artillery and infantry. Wish I had upgraded that army in Osaka when I had the opportunity. Dumb.

During the first wave, Dmitry killed all my HQ units in Japan. Smart move. Now all my units in Japan are out of command and a lot less effective. Hope he ignores that HQ in Korea.
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New Orleans Surrenders

Post by LoneRunner »

February 1943

New Orleans Feb 43 1.png
New Orleans Feb 43 1.png (695.24 KiB) Viewed 1110 times

German troops march into New Orleans just in time for Mardi Gras. Two can play at the long-range invasion game, woohoo.

Entire US east coast panics. Highways are clogged with fleeing civilians. Roosevelt loses re-election. Texas considers secession.

Actually, none of that happened. Just a big, American meh.

According to the game map, New Orleans has a national morale value of 10. The oil well north of New Orleans has a national morale value of 15. A total of 25. The Axis captured both causing national morale to drop 2,500 points. USA starts with 100,000 national morale, so that equals a 2.5% drop in national morale. That's it! Plus home guard is activated so USA gets some extra units. So, USA actually benefits from the invasion.

As a result, WaW does not require USA to defend its coast. USA can build units and ship them all east or west with impunity. With no need to defend, USA's response to the war is accelerated, resulting in ahistorical early bombing campaigns and invasions.

That's just wrong. Axis troops landing on the American coast, capturing a major city, should be a huge deal. I recommend that an Axis landing and capture of an American city result in a one time 15,000 national morale penalty. That's in addition to the morale cost of the city.
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Axis at the Gates of Perm

Post by LoneRunner »

March 1943

The weather turned to mud with clear skies in March. In this case mud is not terribly bad for the Axis.

(Mud: Action point values halved, paratroops range halved, air attack values/ranges halved.)

Half movement is not a big problem because Axis units are already adjacent to the Russian front line. And land units attack at full value. Definitely better than snow or frozen.

Here's the situation at the beginning of my turn:

Russia Center beg Mar 43 1.png
Russia Center beg Mar 43 1.png (1.71 MiB) Viewed 1065 times

Fortress Perm.
Strong points: Three fortifications in rough terrain protect Perm from direct attack. Also, the area is in good supply from a close capital with an HQ or two providing command bonuses.
Weak points: Only two armies available. Most positions are defended by corps. Corps are tough in frozen or snow but will melt in mud.

My objectives are to occupy hexes adjacent to Perm and destroy Russia units. In that order. Russian anti-tank guns are positioned more for counter-attack than defense. I would have moved both guns near Sverdlovsk, because that's where my tanks are. Also, anti-tank guns are much more dangerous in groups than individuals.

Here's the positions at the end of my turn:

Russia Center Mar 43 1.png
Russia Center Mar 43 1.png (2.08 MiB) Viewed 1065 times

I destroyed the entire Russian line, killing one army and 4 corps with minimal losses. More importantly, I was able to move two full strength armies adjacent to Perm.

Beginning players should take note as to how I moved those armies. Both armies started the turn with only two action points but they were used in the attack then moved next to Perm through mud and rough terrain.

The two hexes with small yellow Xs were empty after my attack destroyed the entire Russian line. Even though the hexes were empty, I couldn't move the attacking armies into the empty hexes because the armies only had one remaining movement point.

Instead of moving the armies, I landed a para unit in each of those yellow X marked hexes. Okay, now I had two para units next to Perm. Para units are okay on the attack, but I'd much rather have armies available for next turn's assault. So I shift clicked each para unit with an army and retreated the para units out of danger while moving armies into position for next turn's attack. Cool huh?

The only disappointment was that I couldn't destroy the corps and fortification NW of Perm. Here's an interesting situation that the game manual doesn't seem to cover.

Russia Center Mar 43 2.png
Russia Center Mar 43 2.png (142.8 KiB) Viewed 1065 times

Notice that the defending unit (marked with the X) is in mud. The attacking units (marked with the arrows) are in snow and frozen. In snow and frozen attack values are halved. In mud attack values are not halved. Which weather conditions take precedence in combat? The attacking hex or defending hex?

Anyway, my attacks with an army and two corps failed. So my guess is that the attacking hex takes precedence. Anyone know for sure?

If the weather is clear next turn, I should capture Perm. If it's snow or frozen, I won't make much headway with half attack values. If it's mud, I may not be able to exploit into Perm after destroying the defending unit because of the movement penalty. Plus both my para units are out of position for another landing.

The mech unit south of Sverdlovsk is going to get thumped by the anti-tank, hopefully not killed. However, if the weather is clear, my tanks are ready to blast through Sverdlovsk and perhaps take Perm from the rear.
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Seoul Falls

Post by LoneRunner »

March 1943

Japan Mar 43 1.png
Japan Mar 43 1.png (1.76 MiB) Viewed 1022 times

Disaster Seoul captured

Stunning that an elite 13 strength fully entrenched army could be destroyed so quickly. Dmitry provided an excellent lesson on amphibious warfare. I watched the replay in horror as AT after AT (amphibious transport) fired on the elite army. Taking turns, like on an assembly line.

At first the brave Japanese unit held firm, but on the fourth attack losses began to mount. By the eighth attack the unit was heavily damaged. Then a couple units landed and finished the survivors off. Then another AT landed in Seoul. Two or three more ATs slammed into an adjacent army that I was hoping to use for counterattack.

Dmitry aptly demonstrated that ATs are overpowered in WaW. Disturbing that not one of the ATs incurred losses on the AT attacks. ATs attacking an entrenched army in a major city should incur casualties in AT attacks.

On the main island, Osaka and Kyoto were heavily bombed by air, land, and sea. It's raining now but was clear during the Allied turn. The defending army in Osaka barely held but was heavily damaged. I switched a full strength corps into the city but it don't look good. Praying for rain.
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Re: End of the Japanese Empire, Dmitry (Allies) vs LoneRunner (Axis)

Post by Bavre »

The funny part is that a str 10 AA in Seoul would have done much better than the str 13 army. The problem is currently discussed here:
https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/view ... 6&t=382878
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Re: End of the Japanese Empire, Dmitry (Allies) vs LoneRunner (Axis)

Post by LoneRunner »

Bavre wrote: Wed May 18, 2022 9:10 pm The funny part is that a str 10 AA in Seoul would have done much better than the str 13 army. The problem is currently discussed here:
https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/view ... 6&t=382878
Thanks Bavre. You are right. Logically an army would be perfect for defending a city from land, sea, or air attack. Apparently I should have defended Seoul with an anti-air unit or maybe a bomber or tank or artillery, haha.

I'm not sure why an AT would have a better attack value on a soft or hard target than an anti-air or artillery or tank or bomber. It seems like an error. Hopefully Bill or Hubert will review the issue.
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Japan Surrenders

Post by LoneRunner »

March 26, 1943

Osaka (Capital) captured and Japan surrendered.

UK appropriately was given the honor of the coup de grace and collected about 1,600 MPPs in plunder.

UK Plunder Apr 43 1.png
UK Plunder Apr 43 1.png (547.99 KiB) Viewed 976 times
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Russia Holds

Post by LoneRunner »

April 1943

Here's the situation at the beginning of my turn:
Russia Center Apr 43 1.png
Russia Center Apr 43 1.png (1.53 MiB) Viewed 972 times

Yeah, mud again. That's 8 straight months of bad weather on the Perm front.

Russia launched a sharp counterattack south of Sverdlovsk and destroyed a mech unit. Those two anti-tank guns working together are death to armored units. Dmitry reinforced Perm. Nice defense with excellent placement of his two armies, two anti-air, and two anti-tank. No easy opportunities to take Perm.

With mud, rough terrain, and my two paratroopers having dropped last turn, I quickly figured out that I didn't have the movement points to exploit into Perm even if I destroyed the defending army. So, I decided to kill units, move east, and set up Perm for surrender in May.

Unfortunately I forgot to take a screenshot of the end of my turn. However, not much movement anyway. Xs mark destroyed units.

Russia Center Apr 43 2.png
Russia Center Apr 43 2.png (1.53 MiB) Viewed 972 times

Despite destroying the defending corps in the key fortification NW of Perm, I didn't have the movement points to exploit into the hex. Ouch. So, the fortification stands for another month. The fortified position won't save Perm but just another hurdle to jump.

I shift-clicked the artillery in range of Perm and prepared both para units to jump just in case I get mud next turn.
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Weather Question

Post by LoneRunner »

LoneRunner wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 12:09 am
Notice that the defending unit (marked with the X) is in mud. The attacking units (marked with the arrows) are in snow and frozen. In snow and frozen attack values are halved. In mud attack values are not halved. Which weather conditions take precedence in combat? The attacking hex or defending hex?

Anyway, my attacks with an army and two corps failed. So my guess is that the attacking hex takes precedence. Anyone know for sure?
Russia Center Mar 43 2.png
Russia Center Mar 43 2.png (142.8 KiB) Viewed 967 times

I found the answer to my question.

WaW Manual Section 7.29.7 Combat Losses

Land units have their attack values halved when they are attacking from terrain with a negative defense bonus value.

Yeah, who would think to look there for weather effects, heh. Anyway, the manual indicates that negative effects of weather on combat are based on the attacker's hex not the defender. So, in my example above, the two German units in frozen/snow weather attacked a Russian unit in mud. The frozen/snow affects the combat and attack values are halved.

I couldn't find anything in the manual referring to air units. Logically, the negative effect of weather for air combat would be based on the defending hex (just the opposite of land unit combat). Anyone know for sure?
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Russia Surrenders

Post by LoneRunner »

May 1943

Russia Center May 43 1.png
Russia Center May 43 1.png (1.94 MiB) Viewed 957 times

Weather cleared, Perm fell, Russia surrendered, woohoo.

The Russians put up a good fight. Three armies formed a perimeter around Perm. I took Perm from the south and left two of the armies pretty much untouched. The Perm defending army was destroyed and I exploited with a para unit. The para got a good whacking from anti-air and landing casualties, but I was able to shift click in an army and move the para out of danger. Not taking any chances of Russia surviving the loss of her capital.

Notice I never took that fortress NW of Perm. That's a tough nut to crack when the Axis is forced to attack out of frozen terrain.

I took advantage of the clear weather and moved units as far east as possible. I'm sure the Chinese are waiting out there somewhere.

Russia South

Russia South May 43 1.png
Russia South May 43 1.png (882.56 KiB) Viewed 957 times

I reinforced the Caucasus with two tanks, but held them back out of sight of the Russians. Hoping not to tip my hand. When the Russians surrender and their units disappear, I may be able to race through the empty Caucasus to the Persia border surprising the Allies with a strong armored force.

Notice UK has a unit in Poti. Hopefully UK doesn't have many more units in the Caucasus.

The Chinese and UK retreated south from Lake Aral. I figured the supply problems would stop them from advancing north more than anything else.
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Chinese Cut Off East Russia

Post by LoneRunner »

June 1943

Russia Jun 43 1.png
Russia Jun 43 1.png (1.65 MiB) Viewed 932 times

Chinese units occupied key cities prior to Russia's surrender, effectively cutting the Axis off from East Russia. Notice China has cut the east/west Russian rail and I can't operate units to Irkutsk or Vladivostok. Both of which are empty. As a result, the Allies can capture all East Russia at their leisure.

In addition I can't garrison partisan cities in East Russia. Soviet partisans will generate throughout East Russia. More units for the Allies.

Excellent move Dmitry.

I'll be lucky to reach Novosibirsk and Prokopyevsk before China reinforces the area. But I feel that area is critical to holding China out of the Perm area. Individually China's infantry army units are weak in the open steppe. But let their hordes get into the rough terrain around Perm and the Axis is pretty well done.

I plan to send a pretty strong force, including at least one tank, to take care of the Chinese problem.


Russia South Jun 43 1.png
Russia South Jun 43 1.png (885.2 KiB) Viewed 932 times

OMG, mud again. In June! So much for racing through the Caucasus.

Only one of my tanks was in 5 supply, so I used the opportunity to upgrade that one to level 4. The other moved south as far as possible. Next turn Grozny reaches supply 5, I'll be able to operate units to that point.

Destroyed the UK anti-tank in Tbilisi and moved Axis infantry south but unable to cut the Baku rail.

Dmitry was smart to occupy Tbilisi. I captured the city at 2 supply, but if he had not occupied the city, I would have gotten it at 5 supply and been able to operate units almost to the Persian border next turn.

The Allies captured Tehran and Persia surrendered during the Allied May turn. So, the Allies are in Persia, the key question is; What strength?
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Mid 1943 Situation Report

Post by LoneRunner »

June 1943

Now that Japan and Russia have both fallen, it's time to review Axis strategy.

Here's the unit report for June 1943:
Units Jun 43 1.png
Units Jun 43 1.png (616.76 KiB) Viewed 892 times

121 land units, woohoo. I've been focusing on building land units because I know I'll need a lot of em. Added 12 units since December. I wish WaW provided a report that showed a breakdown of types of units, tanks, armies, corps, etc. Anyway, I've built all the tanks available, including those provided by my minor allies. Tanks are awesome weapons in WaW. The backbone of the German army. Especially at level 4, heh.

Only 13 air units, same as December. Considering the terrible weather, I haven't built more because I just can't depend on air power to be available when I need it. That said, I'm aware of the enormous potential of Allied airpower. My plan is to build every fighter I can and challenge the Allies for air supremacy over Europe. Good luck, huh?

Sea units. I added one sub since December. The Allies rule the seas. Subs don't stand a chance in the North Atlantic because maritime bombers sweep every coast and escort carriers ply the sea lanes. That said, I've moved three Axis subs into the Atlantic south of the convoy lanes for the possibility of intercepting a transport. Actually sunk one in February.

The main objective of the German navy from now until the end of the war is to hold the Baltic. I've got three subs, the Bismarck, a heavy cruiser, two destroyers, and a torpedo boat in the Baltic. Already the Skagerrak Strait (above Denmark) has been renamed Iron Bottom Sound. The Allies insist on bombarding Oslo and the kriegsmarine responds. Since the beginning of 1943 losses in the strait are: Allied: two battleships, 1 escort carrier, 2 cruisers, 1 destroyer Axis: 1 sub, 1 destroyer. I like that attrition rate. Most of the German losses are from maritime bombers based in England. I've adopted a strategy of strike, run, repair. repeat.

UK and USA
Both UK and USA are building strong land forces. UK added 6 land units since December and USA added 8. Combined they have 80 land units. Not even close to Germany's 121 but a potent force.

More importantly, neither UK nor USA have built air units. UK added zero air since December and USA added 3. Interesting, no serious strategic bombing campaign planned. I hope Dmitry is planning to win the old fashioned way, with land power. Germany would win a land war.

With the rich plunder from Japan, I do expect UK to produce more air units in the next few months. Here's UK's MPP report:

UK MPPs Jun 43.jpg
UK MPPs Jun 43.jpg (534.73 KiB) Viewed 892 times

About 2,000 MPPs spent on units in May. That's a lot of planes, or tanks, or infantry. And UK is receiving massive convoy income from the USA. Notice below that UK and USA MPP income is pretty equal. Appears that Dmitry has decided to develop two superpowers, UK and USA.

Allies vs Axis Comparison
Allied land units 114
Axis land units 149

Allied air units 21
Axis air units 16

Allied sea units 42
Axis sea units 17

Axis has more and better upgraded land units. Allies have more and better upgraded air units. Allies have overwhelming force on the sea.

Monthly MPP Production (includes convoys)
UK 880
USA 900
China 270
India 150
Total Allied 2,200

Germany 1,100
Italy 80
Total Axis 1,180

The Allies currently have about a 2 to 1 advantage on MPP production. And that advantage will grow as they chip away at the edges of Germany's empire. In WaW production is king. With 3 and a half years to go, that difference in MPP production is going to be tough for Germany to overcome.

Here's Germany's research tree as of June:
German Research Detail Jun 43 1.png
German Research Detail Jun 43 1.png (550.36 KiB) Viewed 892 times

Notice Germany only reached level 3 fighters this month. That's not for lack of trying. I've been researching fighters continuously almost from the start of the war. Just not lucky with research advancements despite maximizing S&I. Based on recent air combat over Europe, I'm pretty sure I've fallen behind both UK and USA in fighter research.

With the plunder from Russia's capitulation, I've double chitted long range aircraft, anti-air, and logistics. I need long-range air to counter Allied carriers. Dmitry has a ton of em and I got a lot of coastline to defend. With long range air research I might be able to stay out of range of those carriers while giving them a good pasting.

Level 3 anti-air units are critical to the German army's survival from late 43 onward. I'm building every anti-air unit available.

Logistics is necessary to reduce the cost of operating units to hot spots. I expect to be doing a lot of that.

Production tech reduces the cost of replacing and upgrading units. Losses are going to be heavy on both sides. With production tech maximized I might be able to gain an edge in the battle of attrition.

What's the plan?
Germany definitely has the advantage on land. And except for carriers, the Allied air force is not strong. Playing to my strength, my options are:

Option 1) Launch a strong invasion of Persia
Use diplomacy to ally Turkey. Continue through Persia and Turkey into the Middle East possibly cutting the Suez.

Persia and Iraq provide a lot of resources, 4 oil wells. The problem is supply and that long vulnerable rail running from Baku to Basra. With China pushing from the east, I'm concerned about getting my armor isolated in the Middle East. Convincing Turkey to join the Axis is my best option, however I can't compete diplomatically with the Allies.

Interestingly, USA invested 250 MPPs in diplomacy last month. But the other Allies did not join in. Just the USA. Odd. With diplomacy it's either all in or stay out.

Anyway, I figure the USA's target could be: Sweden, Turkey, or Spain.

Not Spain. Too easy for me to isolate. Not Turkey because Turkey already leans heavily toward the Axis. My guess is Sweden because the Allies are pushing hard on Oslo. At least I'm hoping it's Sweden because: 1. As long as I hold the Baltic, I can take Sweden out before the Allies can assist. 2. If the Allies are attempting to influence Sweden, I'll immediately go full bore diplomacy on Turkey. The Allies will either have to abandon their diplomacy on Sweden or hope to beat me in a diplomacy race.

Option 2) Invade Spain. Take Gibraltar and cut off the Mediterranean
I'd love to capture Gibraltar. Might save Italy. However, Spain has too much coastline to defend. And the Allies are sure to reinforce Gibraltar. And in an extended battle, an Allied invasion of South France would isolate Axis forces in Spain.

Option 3) Turtle in Europe
Actually a great option. Plays to my land strength. Make the Allies land and fight on the beaches at a disadvantage in low supply and low command. Only problem is that I transfer all initiative to the Allies. Marcinos once told me, when the Germans start investing in defense they've lost the game.

Tough decision. I'm taking Option 1, invade Persia and continue to the Middle East. I want to retain the initiative and I think I can easily hold the eastern flank of my attack through Persia. The Chinese have to move through some terribly low supply terrain to reach Tehran. And they are not that great on the attack. India and UK are bigger threats with AT attacks in the Persian Gulf. But I'd rather UK landed there than anywhere else, heh.

If I can convince Turkey to ally, I'll have direct access to Iraq and Suez. However, I have to wait to invest in a diplomacy blitz of Turkey until I know who USA attempted to influence. If the USA is going after Turkey I may need to abandon the Persia offensive.

Before I conclude I wanted to mention that the myriad of options and strategies is what I love about WaW. What a fantastic game! What other game can you develop such an in-depth analysis, where every decision you make is a game changer. Excellent work designing and maintaining this masterpiece Hubert and Bill.
Last edited by LoneRunner on Mon May 23, 2022 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: End of the Japanese Empire, Dmitry (Allies) vs LoneRunner (Axis)

Post by Taifun »

Congratulations LoneRunner for this excellent AAR, a real pleasure to follow. It is difficult to imagine how Germany will lose this game. With 120 units and all tanks and no Soviets..!

It is indeed a fantastic Game! Many thanks again Hubert and Bill for your amazing work.
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Re: End of the Japanese Empire, Dmitry (Allies) vs LoneRunner (Axis)

Post by petedalby »

An interesting choice Bill. In our epic game I thought that was what cost me the game.

The Middle East has poor supply, bad terrain and too easy for the Allies to ship in reinforcements. Option 3 for me next time. And build fortifications.

An excellent AAR - well done.
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