Migrat my population

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Migrat my population

Post by avdpos »

How do I get the passengerships to move mypopulation?

I have the problem that my homeplanet am filled up, and I do have two good colonies in the same system. Even if that is the situation the passengerships choose to go 1,5 sector to the teekan homeplanet instead of getting my humans a short distans.

I do tax my homeplanet so the happines am lower than on the teekan homeplanet.

like my ships to take the short way and fill up my new colonies, not the long. And I do like to have as many humans as possible in my empire, preferable with assimilation policy.

I have thought of the idea to conquer the tekkan planet, and make it happier so people not migrate from the planet.

other than that I do not have any ideas. Do you know any way?
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RE: Migrat my population

Post by avdpos »

To clarify, the Teekans am migration to my human empire, to a level that nealry stagnate there growth.
The humans insie my empire am not migrating even if the happines is lower at the human homeworl then at the teekan homeworld.

The question am also posted on reddit´s distantworld sub. But I´m ain´t allowed to post a link becouse of I hav eposted to little an read to much on Matrixforum..
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RE: Migrat my population

Post by NephilimNexus »

Look under Policies. Do you have Tourism turned on? Is it set to High? Tone that down or turn it off entirely, unless you have Resorts that need business. Otherwise you're only helping the enemy by feeding people to their Resorts and giving them money.

Ah, but here is the catch: If you're an Empire, your private sector won't build passenger ships unless you have at least one Resort. So start with that. If you're a Pirate you can build whatever you want whenever you want, because they manually control their private sector building.

Keep in mind that you never move more than 20K tourists at a time. That will fit into a single Passenger Transport modules, so tourist Passenger Ships can be very, very tiny. Likewise, even your biggest resort base will never need more than 3 or 4 Passenger Transport modules.

If you really want to move large chunks of population, however, you'll have to do it different:

1) Make Passenger Ships with the most Passenger Transport modules possible. At max tech you can get this all the way up to 100 modules, letting you move over 100,000,000 people at a time.

2) Make sure you've got incentive for them to move. Some races naturally migrate faster than others, but all races like high Planet Quality and low Taxes. So if your homeworld has a quality of 85% (which is the average) and, say, 30% taxes then your people will happily emigrate to a place with 90% quality and or 15% taxes. In fact, if you set your Race Control to Assimilate then you may end up stealing people from your rivals - Pirates are especially good for this, since their Passenger Ships flag as neutral and thus can go anywhere, even in wartime.
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RE: Migrat my population

Post by USSAmerica »

Ah, but here is the catch: If you're an Empire, your private sector won't build passenger ships unless you have at least one Resort.

Pardon the thread necromancy, but I'm digging back, looking for nuggets like this. [:D]

Does anyone know if this requirement to have a Resort before an empire's civilians will build passenger ships is still in place with DWU?

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RE: Migrat my population

Post by USSAmerica »

Just before my last save game I completed research for Transport modules. I currently have 3 colonies in addition to my home world, and no resort bases. I'll design a passenger ship tonight and see if any get built before I design and build a resort base. Hopefully I'll have results to post tomorrow.

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RE: Migrat my population

Post by USSAmerica »

Well, I got inconclusive test results. My passenger ships did build but then I noticed a few of them were transporting tourists to an AI empire's resort base. [:D]

Happily, 7 of the initial 12 built immediately headed to a nearby AI homeworld to grab about 8 million civilians for a still small ice planet colony I established with a discovered colony ship. [8D]

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