Some time ago I made myself a tool to help me find the right scenario I want to play under the many many scenarios available.
I found the scenario select screen a bit lacking since I can only sort but not filter or combine some criteria.
Say I want to play a less complex scenario in a definded timeframe - thats difficult to find.
So I made this tool:

The tool parses the available scenario files on your computer and gives you access to them via powerful filter window.
As of now you can enter notes to scenarios, mark them as played and save your finishing scores.
Please note the following:
As command offers no starting parameters (that i know of) it's sadly not possible to start the scenario directly from the tool.
You can find a nice scenario via the tool but in the end you have to start CMANO and choose the desired scenario there.
Depending on Browser and operating system there may be multiple warnings when downloading and starting CMANO Scen View as
this an uncommon download (microsoft smartscreen) & I cant afford a developer certificate to sign the executable :/
You can download CMANO Scen View here:
I'm really looking foreward to feedback, both positive and negative

Best regards
Code: Select all
Version (01.03.21) Changelog:
+Fixed support for Workshop Scenarios in new Command: Modern Operations
Version (04.09.20) Changelog:
+Support for Steam Workshop Scenarios
Version (22.04.20) Changelog:
+Complexity examples on slider, source Mark Gelis
+You can now filter scenarios that you have already played (and added a score)
*You can now enter negative outcome scores
*Made scenariofolder list a little bit higher
*Fixed minor bug with reset filter button
Version (21.06.18) Changelog:
+You can now enter notes & scores for each scenario which will be saved along the scenario file
*Folder filter now shows scenario count for each folder
*Performance improvements
*Improved scenario detail screen
*overall usability improvements
Version (22.03.17) Changelog:
*Further improved choosing of scenario folder
*Scenario name column is now filename instead of scenario title to help sorting campaigns, thx Magi, Gunner98
*Reworked sorting, especially concerning fields with text & numbers mixed, thx Gunner98
*Reworked folder filter: you now have checkboxes too choose which folders to filter, thx Gunner98
+Added grouping by scenario folder in main view (instead of folder column)
+Added new icons
+ESC Key now closes detail window
-Removed start Command.exe menu as it was unreliable for different installations
Version (14.03.17) Changelog:
+Load extra HTML description from Northern Inferno scenarios (Side effect HTML Images should be displayed in all descriptions now, too) thx AlGrant
+Added fulltext filter on description (e.g. try searching description for 'france') thx bitter_cynical_angry from reddit
+Links in HTML description now open in external webbrowser, not description window
+Added option to start command.exe direct from tool (Options Button)
+Added option to show scenario file size (Options menu) thx kevinkin
+Added hint if community scenario pack is not installed
+Added hint if database images are not installed
*Fixed error displaying autosaves as Scenarios
*Fixed bug with filter on scenario name
*Improved scenario choosing, especially on slow disks
*Fixed bug with Autoupdate which could display an error on first start