The Strategic Masterpiece Panzer Corps now has a free IOS Version!

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The Strategic Masterpiece Panzer Corps now has a free IOS Version!

Post by Daniele »

Excellent news for all Panzer Corps fans! You can try this WW2 strategy game from the comfort of an IOS screen for free!

With over 18 DLC's and counting, including DLC that allows you to play as the Soviets, Americans, Germans, British in any number of different conflicts from 1939-1945 makes it certain that you will never run out of action in this gold star game. Each DLC comes action packed with its own set of scenarios, some such as (Afrika Korps) have an incredible 25 scenarios, as well as new unit types and elites to represent the changing tide of WW2.

Perhaps Multiplayer is more to your liking? In Panzer Corps you can face your friends in an overwhelming Multiplayer experience! In Panzer Corps for IOS, the armchair general is finally put in the driver’s seat, towards glory or total annihilation!

What are you waiting for?

Grab the game here!

What actually you have with this version:

- Wehrmacht Tutorial,
- The first Wehrmacht mission “Poland”
- The first few turns of Norway
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