blurry text

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blurry text

Post by jwebber »

Hi - in the menus the text is very blurry. I tried the suggestion on forums to adjust the DPI scaling. but that didnt seem to work.

Anyone else have this issue?
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Re: blurry text

Post by jwebber »

Fixed the issue - went into nvidia control center and for the CBMN program i disabled most of the settings - including AA, etc... not sure which specific setting resolved it - but it fixed the blurry text.
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Re: blurry text

Post by Schrullenhaft »

This is an issue that comes up frequently. So I'll resurrect this older thread to provide a little more clarity.

The most common reason (usually for users on a laptop) is that the game is running with Intel integrated video. Unfortunately the Intel drivers have always had blurry text issues with the CM family of games and no known driver version has fixed this issue. I'm not aware of any workarounds that can help with the text when running with Intel video. However, if your laptop has a dedicated GPU (usually Nvidia/GeForce, but sometimes AMD/Radeon), then creating a 'profile' for the CM game within the video control panel for the GPU should make CM run on that GPU rather than the Intel video.

For those that are running Nvidia, the issue is usually FXAA, which is the least compute-intensive anti-aliasing method available, but it tends to produce blurry text in game. I'm not aware of the other anti-aliasing methods producing blurry text, but it is a possibility. Simply disabling FXAA is usually enough to get rid of blurry text.

There is also the chance of running some text mods that MIGHT produce blurry text, but I'm not specifically aware of a mod that causes that problem.
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Re: blurry text

Post by GeneralLawson »

I'm having the same problem, but turning off everything in control panel isn't working. None of the other solutions I've found work either. FXAA is off. High DPI settings don't change anything.
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